
[Warning: Assault, Violence]

"You want me to sign over my Global Tech shares," I glanced over the round table at the peacock opposite. "The ones my maternal grandparents left to me, for their company..."

"That's daddy's company Fay," Emily interjected, her face remaining pitiful, "daddy has slaved away building that company up with his blood, sweat, and tears."

"That's right," the bitch of a stepmother smiled behind her wine glass, "your father and I have laboured hard to build the company up."

"Yet now the shares are dropping in value," I smirked, knowing full well who had leaked to the press the loss of their most recent project. An easy five hundred dollars.

Mr. Lee's glass hit the table so hard it almost smashed. The servants lingering at the wall shivered. Poor things. Should choose better employers though, nobody was forcing them to stay.

"Since you're 'soiled' now, you'll be lucky if Young Master Zane even wants you," he narrowed his cold eyes at my body like it was filthy, "I will be kind, I will give you fifty percent of their current value and sign your paperwork, you can be a Blaine for all I care."

Some father.

"Fine," I let my knife and fork drop to the plate with a clatter, "let's just get it over with." The chairs scrapped across the floor as I followed him to his office up the stairs.

This house originally belonged to Fay's maternal grandparents, it should belong to Fay. The Lee family may be rich immigrants from China, but the Blaines had been a step up in the world for this greedy bastard. He really did not know what was good for him, trading a diamond for an ugly lump of coal.

Quickly skimming the paperwork, it seemed he was a man of his word, he was offering half of the value I checked whilst skimming the stock market over breakfast. Another six hundred thousand dollars to add to my ever-growing pot.

Only once I watched him sign my paperwork, with the stepmother as a witness, did I sign mine, again with Mrs. Lee as the witness.

"Great, now let's have nothing further to do with each other," I smiled, snatching my papers and putting them into my locked backpack to keep them secure. I'll have to arrange a coffee date and meet this new lawyer of mine tomorrow since it was a free day.

Something felt wrong with how peaceful they were being as they ushered me out of the door. It wasn't until a shadow appeared in the corner of my eye that I realised why. I had been so dumb.

Why didn't I agree to do this in the presence of lawyers, somewhere public? Was Fay's stupidity wearing off on me?

The cloth was over my mouth before I could do anything about it. I really needed to train this body were my last thoughts before I succumbed to the chloroform.


"Sorry Host, I'm working as fast as I can, both drugs will be out of your System soon," System pleaded as if I would scorn it for this body's shitty family.

"It's okay, I'll just murder them," I replied calmly. Not the first, and probably not the last time I'd be drugged. So many lives ahead of me.

"Host, no, I don't want to spend the rest of this life in jail," System sobbed.

"Is she waking up?" I heard the stern voice of Mrs. Lee as somebody laid me on a soft bed. So comfy.

"No madame," the voice of the man carrying me replied, "she's still out cold."

"Good," Mrs. Lee harumphed, "we're lucky Young Master Zane still wants this filthy bitch."

"Nice," I mused in my head, grateful System was faking my unconsciousness for me.

"What if she complains about the share transfer mother?" the white lotus bitch peeped up. I wondered if Ethan was aware of this scheme.

"Once Young Master Zane is done with her, she has no use. We can just get rid of her the same way as her mother," she laughed, resembling a hyena, "they say mental illness runs in the family after all."

Emily shrieked as my finger twitched. So they had murdered the original Mrs. Lee. Why did that not surprise me? To think, I'd been cursing the poor woman out.

"It's okay, it happens sometimes," the gruff bodyguard reassured her.

"Quick, let's go before the young master gets here, no doubt he'll want to be alone," Mrs. Lee ushered them out of the room.

As soon as System reassured me I was alone, I opened my eyes to see myself in the same hotel room as last time.

My core itched with need, but there was no way I would let that filthy pig touch me, even if he was borderline handsome.

On cue, the door opened and I quickly closed my eyes again, clenching my thighs together.

"Young Master, is there anything else you need?" Someone asked him at the door.

"No, just set the wine there," he spoke, his voice sweet and lyrical.

A man like that, why was he so desperate to sleep with a woman who proudly announced she'd slept with a rich, handsome stranger in a classroom full of people?

A few moments of silence passed as water ran in the ensuite, the bastard was even taking time to have a shower.

Shortly after, he returned, and then more silence. Growing bored, I feigned waking up.

"What, where, who are you?" Pretending not to know him, put such an ugly frown on his face.

"Fay," he spoke my name slowly, then took another sip of wine, "I think you know why you're here."

"My father is whoring me out," I sat up, looking down with disgust at the pink babydoll someone had dressed me in. "How much was I worth?"

His eyebrows raised as he slightly choked on his drink, setting the cup aside he strode over to the bed, water dripping down his lithe semi-naked frame.

"Do you truly not remember me?" His eyebrows scrunched as he crawled along the large bed to press me under him. His cock was already semi-hard. Poor dude was going to end up with a concussion and blue balls at this rate.

Closing my eyes I did vaguely recall the original Fay had met him a few times as a small girl, just before her mother's death. He was around five or six years older, she followed him around calling him big brother Zane. Disgusting.

"Nopes," I opened my eyes, smiling widely as he flinched. "Now get off, I have places to be, people to see."

He laughed menacingly, "Zane, remember it, you'll be screaming it soon," his filthy hands touched my thighs, sliding up and lifting the babydoll dress.

My knee instinctively lifted, hitting him right in the now erect dick and balls.

"Fuck," he rolled over, cupping himself, "what the fuck Fay?"

"What did you expect?" I raised a brow, now pinning him under me, "that I'd spread my legs and be a good whore?"

"Wife," he spat back, "you're my fiance."

"How come I don't know this?" I cocked my head innocently, my hands pressing on his chest, my thighs pressing his arms which remained trapped under me as he still held his sore genitals.

"Fay Lee may have been happy to marry a scum like you," I drawled my words, ensuring to emphasize the word scum, "but Fay Blaine would rather marry a stranger."

There was that ugly frown again.

"So I'm not a virgin," he growled, "neither are you."

"Yeah, you're right, I'm not," my hands rested over my womb, "I'm even carrying a stranger's baby, wanna be its step-daddy?"

"What happened to you?" His eyes studied me intently, forgetting our position or his pain.

"I died," I jumped up off the bed, taking a swig of the wine bottle, feeling the sweat gather on my back, making the babydoll dress cling to me.

He quickly followed me, snatching the bottle from my hands.

"My wine," I whined, reaching for it back.

"What do you mean you died?" He asked, lifting the bottle higher out of my reach.

I pointed to the spot I had woken up in, "Fay Lee died right there, ask those bastards about it," then successfully snatched the wine back from him to take another long drink.

He pinned me against the little wooden breakfast table, forcing me to sit on it. I took another drink, yet nothing quenched this fire building in me.

"Fay Lee, Fay Blaine, whatever," he scoffed, "marry me, and I'll help you take back what's yours."

Ah, so he was after Global Tech, would he feel the same way once I ran it into bankruptcy?

"I don't want it, I'm not one to beg for scraps," I lifted my chin haughtily, making him laugh with a weirdly excited gleam in his eyes.

"That's my girl," he smirked, leaning in to kiss me.

"Stop, or you'll regret it," I snapped turning my head away. His lips landed on my cheek, then onto my neck, "I said STOP."

"Abort the baby, I'll give you a new one," he murmured so sweetly, making me wretch. Good job I wasn't pregnant.

His fingers gripped my underwear, which was fastened by ties at the side, undoing them. This guy was insane.

"If you don't stop, then don't blame me," my voice sounded deep with need despite my rejection. To him, it likely sounded coy, but I couldn't help it.

"No, I'll show you what you're missing out on tonight," he lifted to stare into my eyes, freezing me on the spot. He was insane, truly insane. There was no talking to a man this far off the edge.

My hand swung the half-full bottle of wine against his head, forcing him to stumble to the side, then crumple on the floor unconscious.

"Looks like I was stronger than I thought?" I mused out loud, still gripping the neck of the bottle tightly, wine had spilled out, soaking my babydoll and skin red. It had also spilled down the side of his head and body and onto the cream carpet. Poor cleaners.

"Is he still alive?" I asked System, glancing around the room, trying to piece my rapid thoughts together.

"Yes, minor injury, he'll live," System reassured me as I walked to the door, "hallway is clear, only people inside of their rooms."

A wave of lust hit me, making me stagger, only the door handle kept me propped up.

"Is that man still in the room at the end of the hallway?" I asked, taking one last glance behind me before exiting the room.

"Yes, Host."

"Great, time for fun," I smiled, tossing the bottleneck into the bin after wiping my prints off with a dry section of my baby doll.