
[Warning: Smut]

The door opened as I nervously noticed the lift nearby reaching this floor, without even bothering to see who it was I pushed them back and slammed the door shut behind me just in time.

"Hello?" A man, not the one I'd slept with, stood there. He was handsome too, but miles off from the man before. Wearing a black suit and deep red tie, with a Rolex on his thick wrist, he was definitely rich.

"Not you," I pushed him aside. Seeing the man I wanted sitting on the sofa, I turned to face the new guy, "get out."

The new guy jerked in confusion, and possibly fear, then looked at his companion leaning back on the sofa. Who then gestured his hand for the new guy to follow my orders.

"Next time then," he nodded his head and left the room.

"Again?" He looked me up and down, clearly amused at my bedraggled state.

"Shut up," I snapped, desperate to feel him deep inside of me already.

"Shower," I looked around the room at the two doors, one of which should be the ensuite.

He pointed to the door on the left I hurried in, wanting to wash away that filthy pig's touch.

The cool water felt like bliss against my skin, I fumbled with the babydoll, throwing it aside and leaning against the shower wall, letting the water freely hit my bent back.

"Need assistance?" He asked, leaning against the door and taking his fill in watching me squirm. I'd bitten my lip so hard I was beginning to taste blood. Surely System could purge it already.

"It's twice as strong as last time Host," System whined in annoyance at my blaming it.

"Just get in here already," I grumbled, pushing the wet black hair behind my shoulders and letting the water hit my face.

"I'll ring my doctor," he pulled out his mobile phone and began typing.

"No," the last thing I needed was another stranger seeing me in this state. I had some pride. Some.

"You've already done it once, do it again," I muttered, making him smirk with curiosity.

"Are you sure?" He asked, though he put his phone on the sink counter and began unbuttoning his black silk shirt.

"Just fuck me," I felt another wave of pleasure hit me, turning my original growl into a breathless moan.

"If you insist," he chuckled, then gripped my hips to turn me around. He lifted me up so quickly, my drenched self gripped onto his neck, scared of falling.

"Relax, I got you," he murmured into my ear, pushing my back against the cool tile wall.

Instead of putting it straight into me as I wanted, his tip teased at my entrance. My nails dug into his back in grievance.

"Are you sure, I could always get the-"

I pushed myself down, groaning in satisfaction as he filled me.

"Or not," he spoke through a clenched jaw.

His hands dug into my ass, pulling my cheeks apart tightly as he thrust into me. His smug grin bugged the fuck out of me, but at least it felt good and soothed that itch.

In and out he slid whilst I gripped tighter and tighter. Then the pleasure ripped through me like a tidal wave. Eventually, I climaxed, almost biting my tongue off trying to silence myself.

"Better?" He asked, still hard and slightly twitching in my oversensitive core. Only I had finished, so why had he stopped?

I nodded, too lost in the orgasmic high to speak.

Despite still being hard, he pulled out of me, carefully setting me onto my feet. I stumbled my legs like jelly.

In a haze, he turned off the water and pulled me out of the shower. Then he wrapped me in a towel, before himself. His cock was still hard and peeking through the small white towel at his waist.

"Concentrate," he flicked my forehead, making me blush. Why was I staring so hard? The drugs were purged now, thank fuck.

He ushered me through to his room, where I let myself collapse on the small armchair beside the table. He brought out a hair dryer to dry my hair.

Eyes narrowed, I watched him tend to me like a doll, until I was completely dry.

"Clothes are in there," he pointed to the other door, then went back into the shower, closing the door behind him. Was he seeing to himself now?

I heard a faint groan mixed in with the running water as I passed the door, confirming that thought. What a strange man...

Dressed in a plain grey sweater and joggers, I came out of the closet to see him standing waiting, then he entered it himself.

Unsure where to place myself as well as being conscious of the fact there were men in the hallway and room, tending to that sicko, I sat at the edge of the bed, fiddling with my thumbs.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, walking out of the closet with his phone at hand, typing into it. It was a miracle he managed to avoid the furniture as he made his way to the bed, with the way his eyes remained glued to the screen.

"Hungry," I replied honestly, my stomach grumbling as if to emphasize it.

He picked up the phone to the main desk, ordering food, then after placing it down he turned to me, "anything else you'd like to share with me?"

"I may have knocked a man unconscious just before," I replied truthfully. System warned me that the men from the room were now going door to door.

He nodded in understanding, "was he the one to drug you?"

"No, that was..." My jaw clenched in anger, "my family. If anybody knocks, please feign ignorance."

If he was surprised, he did not show it on his face.

"So..." He leaned close to stroke my face tenderly, "why should I?"

I scoffed, pulling my head back from his touch. He'd had this glorious body twice, why else should he?

"What if I'm carrying your child, would you want them to forcefully abort it?" I crossed my arms in annoyance.

His eyes lingered lower to my squished-up breasts, then down to my abdomen. "A child?"

"As you know, I was a virgin the other night, I've slept with no other man, these things happen..." Not for me, but he did not need to know System was ensuring I did not ovulate.

"Makes sense," he hummed, then was interrupted by the door knocking.

Pushing his still damp, dark silver hair out of his face, he walked towards the door. He opened it slightly, just enough for the other person to see him. I quietly lay under the duvet, hiding my head.

"We're very sorry to disturb you Sir; however, our young master's fiance has been hurt and we're trying to locate her. Have you seen a young woman perhaps?" A man's voice asked.

"No, the only young woman I've seen, is my own wife, who is currently trying to take a nap," he replied leaning against the door frame.

The other party mumbled in apologies and left.

"Fiance?" He asked approaching me, looking somewhat hungrily at my body.

"It's a one-sided infatuation," I spat back.

"Which young master?" He asked, slight annoyance breaking through his cold demeanor.

"Hester Holdings," I replied, thinking hard on Fay's original memory, "their second child."

He turned back to his phone, typing away at the screen.

"May I use a laptop or something please?" Desperate to know where they had stashed my bag. I needed my own laptop and that paperwork before they destroyed it.

His head nudged towards the bedside table. I crawled over and pulled it up.

My belongings were still inside the family home, good, I should pay them a visit.

I hadn't realised there was food until the smell assaulted my nose. Putting the laptop aside, I eagerly sat at the table and tucked into the noodles.

"Eat plenty," he smirked, pushing another bowl towards me, "since you may be eating for two."

I scoffed, yet agreed. I was really hungry after the evening I'd had.

After I had finished eating, I lounged back, my hands patting my overly stuffed stomach.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," he told me before going out to see someone in the hallway.

Seeing my chance to escape, I went out to the balcony to see how far we were up. Five stories.

There was a conveniently placed drainpipe next to the balcony edge. I hurried back into the room, grabbed a backpack and some trainers to go in it from the closet, then began my descent.

"Host be careful," System nagged as I almost reached the bottom, it's a sudden intrusion in my thoughts made me almost miss a step.

"Shut up," I gritted my teeth.