
"I should have taken some of his money," I grumbled, rubbing my aching legs as I approached the door to my room. It had taken me over an hour to walk back, only getting lost once.

How on Earth had I managed to evade being captured for all those years, I'd never know.

"Maybe it's because you kept getting lost or sidetracked, so it confused your chasers," System teased.

"Shut up," I snapped, opening the door.

"Fay, you're back, look at all this!" Sam waved her hands exaggeratedly at the pile of parcels almost as tall as her.

"Oh good, I need to change my clothes," I tore open the parcels, placing all the new clothes on the bed. Sam examined each of them, murmuring comments excitedly.

Poor girl loved to shop, but was now poor relying on a shitty part-time job at an internet cafe.

Grabbing some sports undies from the drawers, I selected a long sleeve black top and sports leggings and dressed up unashamedly in front of Sam.

"Fuck, when did you get so bold," Sam chuckled, sipping her tea.

"I'm going out, don't wait up for me," I pulled on a thin black hoody, then glanced around the chaotic mess. "If you keep the room clean I'll buy in food."

At the mention of food, the little glutton nodded her head enthusiastically, then waved me goodbye.

In the uber on my way over, I hacked into the estate's cameras through my new mobile and took pleasure in noticing only Ethan was home.

The security walked around in a steady pattern, there was a five-minute window to get in and out. Luckily, I still had the keys. Fay had kept them in her bedside drawer, hopeful one day she'd reconnect with her father again.

Getting out, I generously tipped the uber to wait for me, whilst I faffed on with my phone. Then I walked the next street along to scale the fence and waited patiently in the tree for the next pair of guards to pass.

Double-checking that Ethan was still in his room, I unlocked the door and made my way silently to the study. My bag was tossed aside on the small sofa.

Slinging it on my back, I looked at my phone. Ethan had moved. Shit.

Scanning camera to camera in a panic, it was not until the door opened that I knew where he was.

"What are you doing here?" He spat at me, blocking the exit with folded arms.

"This is my house," I emphasized the my. After all, the original deeds left behind were mine as soon as I turned twenty-one. Just over one more year to go.

"Then why have you come home, after severing ties with us?" He growled. Why was he so mad?

With me out of the picture, he would inherit the family's wealth as his father's heir.

"Left something," I gripped the strap of the backpack. "I'll be out of your hair," I tried to shove past him, but he pushed me up against the wall, his face dangerously close to mine.

I blew a loose strand of hair off my face, "what's your problem now?"

"Did you have fun, whoring yourself out for wealth?"

Speechless, I blinked at him, what bullshit? What wealth? I whored myself out for the most handsome face.

"Is that what they told you?" I smirked, enjoying the confused look on his face.

"I smashed the wine bottle over that bastard's head, check it for yourself."

His grip on my shoulders tightened, then released as he stepped back.

"What happened?" It seemed he did not need more persuasion to believe something was amiss.

"Your dear mother and sister drugged me, dressed me up in a pretty pink babydoll, then placed me on his bed like a present," I grumbled, rolling my shoulders. Damn, he was strong when he wanted to be.

He scoffed, glancing over my body scornfully, "so then what did you do?"

"Well, I let my pretty rich boy take care of me," I shrugged, then headed towards the door.

"Who is he?" He shouted angrily.

That was a good question.

Ignoring him I made my way down the stairs, no longer bothering to walk quietly. "Fay, answer me," he called after me, taking loud heavy strides to catch up. I quickened my steps.

As I opened the door, a startled Mr. and Mrs. Lee stood at the other side.

Trust my luck.

"Don't mind me," I slid past them to head down to the main gates.

"Why are you trespassing?" Mrs. Lee's shrill voice ran right through me.

"I just paid my brother a visit," I shrugged, trying to continue walking, noticing three security guards making their way up from the gate.

"Why did you baffoons let this bitch in?" Mrs. Lee scolded them the second they were within earshot.

Before the guards could defend themselves, Ethan arrived at the door, "I let her in."

"Son," Mrs. Lee turned to him, a menacing look in her eyes.

"Enough," Mr. Lee shouted, then strode towards me glaring. "What the fuck happened with Young Master Zane?"

"Ask your wife," I sneered. I hated this man more than I did the shrew and her bitch daughter.

"What does she mean?" He expressed genuine confusion, which surprised me. So was he in on it or not?

Taking the opportunity that he was distracted, I ran for the gate, entered the digits I'd hacked earlier, and took down the street towards the uber which still remained a few streets along.

When I returned to the, now spotless, room, I tossed the backpack onto the bed and took a long, hot shower.

"Hungry?" Sam asked as I came out in my towel.

"Yeah, starved, takeout?" I couldn't stop myself from smiling at the glow in her eyes.

"Please, can we have an Indians?" She begged, fluttering her fake lashes.

"Sure," I fumbled in the backpack for my purse and tossed it at her, "just get me whatever."

Pleased to be alone, I double-checked the paperwork was still inside. Reassured they had not broken through the lock, I then opened the laptop to find the email from Lucifer with my potential job details.

"What the fuck," I cursed, skimming through the profile of the person he wanted me to find. It was Fay's mother, Hayley Blaine.

As if on cue, the chat app pinged.

[Lucifer: You decrypt the email?]

[Eve: Your target is dead]

[Lucifer: are you sure? Then who is this?]

He sent over a surveillance video of a car running a red light two weeks ago. However, it was not the driver he intended me to look at. In the background, a woman was walking a pair of large german shepherds.

Though she was older and her hair short and blonde and her eyes blue, it was Fay's mother alright. Just to be sure, I ran her face through facial recognition to one Fay had saved on her laptop, getting a match.

"Well fuck me," I leaned back against the headboard, trying to digest the fact that this poor girl's mother had been alive all this time.

[Eve: Okay, colour me intrigued. Now, what's the pay?]

[Lucifer: A million, if you're successful in locating her]

[Eve: Hmm...]

[Lucifer: five grand bonus per incriminating evidence you find]

[Eve: Evidence?]

[Lucifer: You'll see ;) Also, dry your hair don't catch a cold]

[Lucifer has left the chat]

My eyes widened in rage. Had the weird pervert hacked the camera? But the light wasn't even on. I closed the laptop lid, a bit too hard.