Short Stories: The Holy Goddess's Descent unto Paradise

The abundance of goods lining every shelf and bookcase made the interior of the store

feel rather cramped, despite the rather large amount of floor space. In the background,

a popular anime song was playing, loud enough to be heard but not enough to be

obtrusive. This store was famous nationwide for its selection of anime, manga, and

other such products.

Naturally, the inside of the store was filled with pilgrims making the trek to this holy

land. Most of them could be classified either as "warriors" or as "gentlemen." A few of

them had brought their friends along as well, and the store was filled to the brim with

heated arguments about who was best girl or what the anime of the season was.

Within that eternal battlefield there existed a single haven of peace and quiet. At the

very back of the store was a special section roped off behind a pair of curtains. A big

"No minors" allowed sign was printed on each curtain. As one may have guessed, it

was the adult section of the store.

No matter how hardened a veteran one was, their voices naturally grew hushed as

they entered, and they instantly began worrying about the gazes of others around

them. Even the anime song playing in the background seemed stifled in such hallowed


However, today, that tranquil atmosphere was abruptly shattered.

"W-Wait, Kaori. You can't just go in there!"

"B-But Shizuku-chan…"

Two girls' voices interrupted the silence. Their clear, high-pitched tone sounded just

like the ringing of a bell. The warriors within all dropped what they were doing and

timidly peeked out from behind their shelves. There was a single slender, feminine

finger poking in from behind the curtains.

The men present all simultaneously thought Wait, don't tell me she's coming in here!?

Damn, that means there's no way out!

"No buts. The all-ages version is sold out, so just give it a rest already."

"But… Nagumo-kun's father's company made this game. What if Nagumo-kun also

played the… e-eighteen plus version of the game?"

"L-Look here. You wanted to get this game so you'd have something to talk about with

Nagumo-kun, right? Are you planning on talking about the s-sex scenes with him in

class or something? I think he's more likely to run in the opposite direction if you try.

Though maybe not for the reasons you think."

In order to have something to talk about with her crush, Hajime Nagumo, Kaori had

come here today to buy the game Hajime's father had produced. However, because of

its overwhelming popularity, the all-ages version was already sold out everywhere,

and there were only a few copies of the 18+ version left. And even that was only

because a few of the stores had accidentally ordered more stock than they had


Considering her age, Kaori wouldn't be able to buy the 18+ version anyway, but

straightforward and fearless as she was, she was still determined to try.

"I-I know. But still… don't try and stop me, Shizuku-chan! Sometimes a girl's gotta do

what a girl's gotta do!"

"Yes, but this isn't that time. Hey, no, wait, stop!"

There was a collective intake of breath as the warriors witnessed a girl burst through

the curtains. For a moment everyone was at a loss for words, but then the muttered

whispering began.

"Holy shit, she's hot…" and the like.

The first sight that greeted Kaori as she barged into the 18+ section was a full size

poster of a scantily-clad girl. She blushed to the tips of her ears, and then hurriedly

looked down when she saw the dumbfounded gaze of every man in the section focused

on her. Shizuku, who was standing behind her, grabbed her arm and tried to pull her

out. However, Kaori wouldn't be deterred, and with her misguided resolution she said

"I-I won't lose here!" before taking another step into the forbidden sanctuary.

Shizuku kept desperately trying to pull Kaori back, but she was too embarrassed to be

able to utilize much of her strength. And so, she was unwillingly dragged along behind

Kaori, like a little girl lost in another world.

"Ah. S-Shizuku-chan, I found it!"

"W-What? Can you please stop dragging me further in?"

Heedless of her pleas, Kaori continued dragging Shizuku, who had tears in her eyes,

deeper into the holy land until she reached the game she sought. As she picked it up

and looked at the cover, Shizuku suddenly let out an embarrassed squeal. The reason,

of course, being that there were a lot of girls in suggestive poses plastered on the front.

Shizuku quickly averted her gaze, but Kaori nonchalantly flipped the box over to see

what was on the backside. As she examined the illustrations, she said something

terribly tactless without much thought.

"H-Huh? Shizuku-chan, don't you think this girl looks a lot like you?"

"What!? D-Don't be ridiculous! I would never get on all fours with my butt sticking out

like that!"

Shizuku, diligent as always, made sure to actually look before retorting, even though

it made her blush bright red. However, her voice had been slightly louder than

intended, and there was suddenly a spray of red as someone collapsed behind a shelf.

That was soon followed by a shrill scream of "Don't die on me, man! Damn, the

bleeding just won't stop!" It appeared someone had a bit too overactive an


"B-Besides, don't you think this girl looks a lot like you, Kaori?"

"No way! I-I'd never do something so embarrassing as get on top of a man looking like


There was another fountain of red as a second man collapsed from behind a different

shelf. A second later someone screamed out, "Medic! I need a medic!"

It was then that a savior descended among the gathering of hardened warriors.

"Excuse me, miss. I'm sorry, but you need to at least be eighteen to purchase these

goods. Can I kindly ask you to leave?"

It was the advent of the manager. The thirty-something manager had decided it would

be bad for business if a part of his store got turned into a mountain of corpses, and

had wisely chosen to interfere. The remaining warriors were all certain his authority

would be enough to deter the two interlopers.

However, their opponent was stronger than any of them had realized. Shizuku was

bowing her head furiously in apology, her words choked with tears, as she tried to

drag Kaori out of the section. However, Kaori was not so easily turned away. Even with

tears streaking down her face, she still thrust the game box out at the manager and

made her request.

"I-I'd like to buy this, preashe!"

The manager's expression faltered and he tried to insist that you needed to be

eighteen to purchase this product, but Kaori came back with a most unexpected


"I-It's for my dad!"

What kind of dad would make their daughter buy their porn! Everyone present thought

the same thing. Kaori herself must have realized how flimsy an excuse it was, as she

then continued, saying things like "It's his birthday present!" and "We were going to

play it together!" Her excuses only made things worse, though. At this point Shizuku

was so embarrassed that she buried her face in her hands, wishing she were dead.

Finally, Kaori ended things with a "Please, won't you let me buy it?" Her puppy dog

eyes and pleading drove the manager to his limits.

"Excuse me for a moment." That was all the manager said before running behind a

shelf and spurting out a torrential nosebleed. He was just as much of an otaku as

anyone else there, and thus just as susceptible to Kaori's charms. Wails of

"Bossssssssss!" could be heard coming from the few warriors who were still left


On that day, in her quest to purchase a single game, Kaori piled up a mountain of

corpses of both customers and store clerks alike.