Short Stories: A Case of What if

There exist an infinite amount of possibilities and timelines in this world. If we were

to imagine some of those what if scenarios in Arifureta, they might go something like,

Case 1: What if, when Kouki was fighting Emperor Gahard, he did things a little


"Prepare yourself, Hero. If you hold back again…"

Goosebumps coated Kouki's arms. The bodyguard's tone of voice clearly conveyed

what awaited him if he held back.


"What the hell!?"

Were Hoelscher's emperor a bit more like a certain other ruler, then surely all the

demons would surrender and begin calling him "bro."

Case 2: What if, when Kouki was fighting Emperor Gahard, he did things a little

differently? v2

"What on earth are you doing, Gahard?"

King Eliheid yelled out as he leaped in between the two fighters and blocked Gahard's

blow. Gahard was thrown off balance by the fact that Eliheid had discovered his

identity, but he nevertheless smiled fearlessly and prepared to charge again. Sighing,

Eliheid realized Gahard had no intention of backing down.

"All thing of this world, turn to ashes, Ryujin Jakka!"

"Wai— stop— no—"

If king Eliheid was actually the captain of the 13 Court Guard Companies, then all the

demons would most likely be crying in fear.

Case 3: What if the second fight with the Behemoth went a little differently?

The Behemoth, enraged that a pair of mere humans had stopped its assault, stamped

impatiently on the ground. Seeing this, the other students took advantage of its

momentary distraction.

"Peerless swordsmanship that rends even the heavens— Hiten Mitsurugi style,

Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki!"


If Shizuku Yaegashi was a master of the Hiten Mitsurugi style, she would probably be

the hero, not Kouki.

Case 4: What if Kouki's sacred sword was a little different?

"Let's go! Sacred sword, lend me your power!"

"Moron, this is why I can't handle country hicks. I told you not to bother me during my

afternoon tea."


If Kouki's sword was as annoying as a certain other world's Excalibur, then Kouki

probably wouldn't be so nice.

Case 5: What if things were a little different when Hajime first found the Divinity


"This… is…"

The source of the liquid was a basketball-sized crystal that emitted a pale red light…

A few days later after conquering his loneliness, starvation, and pain, Hajime took

down his first enemy, the Twin-tailed Wolf.

"What a niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice sound that was. Truly, wonderful! Is it not wonderful, o

philosopher's stone?"

Had the stone Hajime discovered really been the philosopher's stone, he might have

ended up like Kimblee.

Case 6: What if the scorpion fight had gone a little differently?

"…Thanks for the meal."

Suddenly, Yue got to her feet and brandished a hand at the scorpion thing. As she did

so, a tremendous amount of mana, golden in color, poured out of her tiny body, chasing

away the darkness. Then, clad in a wondrous golden light, with her golden hair

fluttering around her, she muttered a single phrase.

"Forbidden Barrage 'Catadioptric.'"

If Yue was actually the little sister to the master of the scarlet devil mansion, then she'd

surely be this story's last boss.

There a countless amount of possible timelines for every world… so why not try and

think of a few yourself?