Black God Dragon Manifestation

A fleet that was formed from easily more than a hundred ships appeared from inside

the dawn. The number of the airships was countless, and there were 30 ships at the

same level with the mother ship Ostinato that was sunk before this, and then there

were ten mother ships of Avenst's level that surpassed Ostinato's level, the number of

the sky battlecrafts was very much like the stars in the sky, and then there was one

super gigantic battleship that seemed to be the flagship, advancing forward leisurely.

Their majestic appearance showed with certainty that it wasn't an overestimation to

call them as the country that ruled the sky.

"...Why, how, are they here?"

They thought that their location wasn't known. Because if that was the case, then they

would have been annihilated already since a long time ago. The fact that they were

fighting even if it was with guerilla method was the proof that the nation on ship

Avenst wasn't discovered, that was what they thought.

That was why, Roze could only stand dumbfounded in front of the embodiment of

death that suddenly showed their figure. She could only let out meaningless question

of "Why" "How" .

Crow siblings and the other top brasses were also in similar state. The combatant

Bovid and then Sabas were showing a resolved face that said "Aah, so they finally

come". These two might be the only one who vaguely noticed this possibility. But, even

though they noticed there was still nothing that they could do.

Silver color flashed.

"Chih. Oi, queen-san! How long you are going to stay dazed like that-. If you don't have

any motivation, then I won't defend the next one anymore!"


Right after Hajime's yell shook the air, the second wave of attack from the fleet

assaulted mother ship Avenst. It was an attack like previously, a silver bombardment

that thrust toward the flank. Twelve came in one wave.

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In respond, several variable chakrams "Orestes" were floating around before anyone

knew it.

The Orestes instantly cut into the line of fire and they unfolded with *kashun* sound.

They opened a gate that crossed space in their inner area.

Each of the silver bombardment that was approaching while making the air screamed

got seized into the internal of Orestes, and instantly they were returned back toward

the fleet by another Orestes that were floating above Avenst.

The fleet got the main cannon attack they launched themselves returned back as it

was toward them, however, they didn't show unsightly appearance like getting sank

from direct hit of that. Several airship class ships that were deployed at the front

shined silver, at the same time a barrier was deployed at their front line.

The barrier that was also shining silver completely blocked the returned main cannon

bombardment. And it didn't stop there, the bombardment's might was shaved off as

though it was getting sucked and then the attack was erased in just a few seconds.

"Hee. As expected, they are also making countermeasure against their own weapon."

"Something of this scale, it seems that the country itself art moving out. It's unknown

whether this art only a part or their whole force though.... Goshujin-sama, it seemed

that there was survivor wasn't it?"

Tio guessed that there was survivor from the mother ship Ostinato who reported back

to their country and she hummed in admiration. To think that there was a survivor

from that attack of Hajime that should even be called as a savage deed, and that

survivor even managed to struggle until he reached back home...surely that survivor

was a possessor of a powerful fortune, she thought.

In reality, that possessor of powerful fortune was returning home in half crazy state,

and after that, as the result of receiving an inquiry that was like a pseudo torture, his

personality then became calm as though his nature was reversed or perhaps he had

even reached enlightenment, and now he had become a character that was like a saint

who loved dragon and nature and the sun above all else...

"Whoops, so it's physical attack this time. For now it looks like they are evading us."

Several hundred missiles flew out from the fleet. All of them looked as though they

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were avoiding the vicinity of the front deck at the warship's bow where Hajime and

others were at. They were flying toward the rear half of mother ship Avenst and the

two airships at the side.

It seemed that they had noticed the existence of Hajime and Tio. On top of that, they

weren't aiming at direct hit course toward the two of them surely because they were

thinking to capture the two of them if possible.

"Well, it's easier to deal with when they art bunched up. Goshujin-sama, please take

care of the straggler."


Tio thrust both her hands forward. The stance looked like she was going to hold

something from left and right. And then focused jet black magic power came into being

instantly. It was sparking and compressed――and it was fired.

*GOU*, a bombardment in a scale that didn't lose to the enemy ship's main cannon

before this surged.

Tio was launching the prided breath attack of dragon race. It easily erased a part of

the approaching missile swarm. In addition, when Tio swung her arm, like a giantlaser

blade that was made from jet black light, the missile swarm was mowed down


Several dozen missiles that got away were shot down by Hajime's sniping.

At the same time,

"Now then, to conform to manners, we have to return the favor properly."

What Hajime took out while saying that was of course the sky *chu...the sunlight

convergence laser "Burst Hyperion".

"First Compression Reactor――"Release""

The sunlight energy that was already focused was launched directionally. The fiercely

extreme light burned the retina as though it was further overwriting the sky's

morning glow.

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Naturally, the barrier fleet formed the silver barrier. The light of Burst Hyperion

mercilessly pierced through that barrier. The impact sound that made the air

screamed resounded, a part of the barrier fleet was pushed back by the might.

"Second Compression Reactor――"Release""

The laser bombardment mercilessly increased its might. Different from the silver

bombardment, the barrier was making unpleasant sound "bikiri-, paki paki-* without

even being able to absorb the attack. The battle line was disarrayed and the silver light

that was enveloping the barrier ship that was nearby the place where the laser

impacted was flickering weakly.

"Third Compression Reactor――"Release""

Of course, Hajime-san further pushed hard. The maximized sunlight laser was finally

going to pierce through the fleet's barrier.

But, perhaps it should be said as expected from the fleet of a country. It didn't look like

it would go that easily.

The warship with the biggest size shined brilliantly. That ship which seemed to be the

flagship was enveloped by similar silver light like the barrier ship and then it radiated

the light toward the barrier ship.

"Hmph? It looks like monarch dragon granting power to other dragon huh."

Hajime whispered while releasing the fourth compressed reactor. Just like how

monarch dragon granted power to other dragons, it seemed the flagship was also able

to grant power to other airship.

"...That's, the ability of the exclusive ship of Qwailent's king――Durgrant. As long as

that flagship exist, there won't be any way to defend against the fleet's bombardment

and there won't be any hope to slip through the barrier."

The one who answered Hajime's whisper was Roze's spiritless words. Shadow of

despair peeked through her eyes. She must know it really well. The reason they

couldn't win even ifthey fought from the front. Until now they must have been brought

to grief many times by this enemy.

As though to make doubly sure, there were also another fleets separated from the fleet

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in front, floating from three directions with the mother ship Avenst at the center. It

seemed they were advancing while hiding on the outer layer of the sea of clouds and

finished the encirclement.

"I see. That's certainly a tough barrier. ...Though it seems it's taking considerable

compensation for it."

A scream suddenly resounded. It was the yell of death agony that came from a beast.

A clear ill will could be felt from their action that was purposefully broadcasting that

voice using speaker to the outside.

"...The fleet is all linked up with equipment that magnified the dragon core energy.

Naturally that means that their driving force is using dragon core. They are using the

land of Avenst for breeding dragons, so they are literally consuming dragon core as

disposable item."

To shed more detail, dragon core would become bigger along with the dragon's

growth. Dragon that was grown up through the years would possess fine quality

dragon core inside their body. Because of that, with the objective of harvesting usable

dragon core immediately after the birth, they were also using drugs to quicken the

dragons' growth.

The scream of the dragons who were continuously killed having their source of life

exploited one after another even right now in this moment caused Roze and others to

make a pained expression as though it was themselves who were being cut apart.

Hajime saw them looking like that and he let out a sigh and he stopped the firing of

Burst Hyperion.

Actually he was thinking to take out all his Burst Hyperion and launched his maximum

bombardment that was concentrated in one spot + sublimation magic but...he saw

Tio beside him who were obviously boiling with emotion of rage and grief despite her

expressionless face, so he refrained from doing that.

The attack of Burst Hyperion ended and the unharmed fleet was resuming its march

leisurely. It seemed that the fleet was vaguely enveloped with the atmosphere that was

convinced they had endured through Hajime's attack.

But, at that time, a man's voice resounded in the airspace that was rampant with

despair and scream. It was a voice that was heavily coated with ridicule, ill will, and

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[So the bombardment just now is your doing, the black hair there.]

There wasn't any self-introduction. There wasn't even any preface. If he asked, than

the one asked would surely answer. They could do nothing else but answering, they

wouldn't even be allowed to stay silent. It was a question that couldn't even hide such


And so, for the time being Hajime shot Acht Acht.

A life-sized gun barrel. Zero time sniping without even focusing to aim.

Surely it looked like a peashooter after seeing the extremely big bombardment of

Burst Hyperion.

But, that was a mistake. After all that sniper cannon was specialized in penetration.

The speed that was beyond the pale of the knowledge of electromagnetic acceleration

was equal with destructive force. Under the condition of one point penetration, it was

far above Burst Hyperion that was a weapon of extermination.

"Well, the main unit is also considerably tough huh. It would be quick if the boss is

blown away by just now."

"That place looks like the bridge, but it didst not meant that place art really one. Look,

somehow his anger art transmitted to here. I didst not know who art this person, but

it looks like he is still alive."

A dangerous atmosphere was conveyed through the speaker of flagship Durgrant.

That was only natural. Because his question was replied by a shelling, what's more

that shelling easily pierced through the barrier and then blew up a part of the place

that seemed to be the bridge of the flagship Durgrant.

Seen from the whole, it was really just a damage to a minor part but...

It was really easy to see how shaken the fleet was. And it was even easier to

understand the anger of the man who asked the question just now.

And then, that feeling of shaken also came from Roze and others behind. Lines like

"Lies, Durgrant that had never even been scratched until now is..." , or "The legend,

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is easily broken like this...", or "That mercilessness that is just like usual...I'm going

numb here y'know, Hajime-san" could be heard from them.

The radiance that was enveloping Durgrant increased. At the same time the screams

of the dragons were also reverberating once more.

[You black hair, can you hear this? I'm not taking out fuel from them or anything you

know? I'm only simply torturing them. They are crying with a nice voice right? This

crying voice of these animals you bastards are treasuring. ――If you want me to let you

all die painlessly, then don't you dare making light of me aga――]

[What the hell you are talking about since some time ago? Speaking sluggishly like this

after I've been waiting patiently like this. What a slow guy. Stop wasting time and

speak your business. I'll listen so talk quickly.]

Against the haughtiness, even more haughtiness attacked back. Hajime answered

using telepathy while still acting arrogantly with his arms folded. That attitude looked

like he felt all of these were troublesome, it was unthinkable that he was doing

bombardment contest like a space battle that would come out in an SF just now. He

didn't even ask the identity of the one talking to him.

Hajime had no interest about the identity of the one talking to him from the bottom of

his heart. This was an opponent of little importance.

That implicit thinking was conveyed vividly to all the people in that airspace.

[...You doesn't even know who I am? Looks like the collaborator of Avenst is a dumb

guy huh.]

[There is no way I'll know that when you don't even introduce yourselves. Well, from

your way of talking there is not even a fragment of refinement in it, are you an upstart

punk or something? It's better to not trying too hard to make yourself look threatening

y'know. You might feel like a big shot after bringing a lot of your friends along like this

but...the smell of a barking dog is intense even from here.]

Bursting out sound from Roze and others who knew about the true identity of the

voice's owner could be heard from behind. "Bufuh" It seemed that they reflexively

leaked out a laugh.

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Or rather, there was now Hajime didn't understand just who was it riding the flagship

in this situation. In other words, everything except when he said he didn't know the

speaker's identity was merely his true feelings.

[What a cheap provocation. You said that, but you are desperately thinking about a

plan to breakthrough this even now aren't you? That's a laugh. In deference of your

comical figure I'll introduce myself. ――Gregor Cluzet Kwailent. The king of sky divine

country Qwailent. Now you understand? The one in front of you is the god king of this


In a sense that claim wasn't a mistake. He possessed the greatest military force and

also monopolized most of the limited resource in this world. Whether to give or steal,

to let live or kill, it all depended on him. There wasn't anyone who could object even if

he introduced himself as a god.

But, Hajime who heard that claim was,

[I see. Well, say, that. Do your best okay, God-sama. I think you must have it hard in

various things though.]

For some reason, Hajime gave him words of encouragement with a very gentle


What crossed at the back of Hajime's mind was a god of a certain another world. The

existence who when he was insisting "Because I'm a god. I don't have friend, my

country was also ruined, and I'm an attention seeker who liked to create doll, but I'm

seriously a god! That's why, everyone, listen to what I'm saying okay!" instead got a

wind hole opened on his body and went *pop*.

Thinking back, that guy was someone really pitiful. Good grief, just who it was, who

was the guy that beat up that kind of unfortunate and pitifully hopeless god to death

leaving not even a dust behind. What a terrible guy.

[Goshujin-sama. Art you waiting for a retort for that? I wouldst say this, just in case, it

was Goshujin-sama who obliterated that self-proclaimed god in rage. Also, I wouldst

say this because it seems thou hath forgotten but, it was also Goshujin-sama who

shaved the retainer god to death. That deed of chopping off his four limbs to instigate

his pain and fear, and then shaving him to death slowly from the edge of his body, it

was something that was really hard to forget.]

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It seemed from the middle the event of Ehito going *pop* was leaked through the

telepathy. An exasperated straight-man retort came in from Tio.

Roze and others were taking a step back with a creeped out expression. It was really

not a method of killing that human could do! They were taking distance with their

shudders laid bare. The top brasses could be heard whispering things like "I vaguely

thought it expected he is a demon" , or "A brute, there is a brute hereee" , or

"What lack of mercy...I admire that yeah" and so on.

Naturally, it was a telepathy that was broadcasted externally, so the words of selfproclaimed god and the words of unfortunate and pitifully hopeless god were also

overheard by all the people in the area. And the king of the divine country who was

talked to be at the same rank with that kind of god and in the end even got a gentle

expression directed to him was,

[Roze. Choose. Will you all fall into ruin altogether, or will you come under me along

with the monarch dragon and abandon your country?]

He changed his target. It wasn't like he was feeling awkward or anything. His

emotionless voice was displaying really clearly the rage that was boiling like magma

inside him.

Those were the words of the sworn enemy who usurped the throne and took over the

country, however Roze was unable to answer immediately. Gregor's objective was

clear. He was aiming for the power of monarch dragon from Kuwaible, the blood of

royalty from Roze, and the enjoyment of seeing Avenst struggle after it lost these two.

In such case, then the people of Avenst would surely going through annihilation

exactly as though they were shaved to death. And then, Kuwaibel would be forced to

go through experiment and mating to mass produce monarch dragon, while Roze

would also become a plaything.

But, if they didn't obey, then Avenst would perish immediately. The only difference

between the two choices was whether it would be a slow or fast death.

Originally even if they were going to challenge Qwailent in the cleared up world, but

they wanted to leave behind those who couldn't fight in a safe place. But it seemed

even that choice was already gone.

After closing her eyes for a bit, Roze made her decision.

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"Hajime-sama, Tio-sama. Please head toward Helmut's subjugation without reserve.

Surely it will be easy for you two to breakthrough the encirclement with your


Hajime turned only his gaze toward her across his shoulder.

"You are going to have a decisive battle here?"

"No. Only I and Kuwaibel will go under Gregor."

Screams were suddenly raised. The Crow siblings, Sabas, Bovid and the others

combatant, and all the other top brasses unanimously called at her to stop. They didn't

wish to have a long life so much that they would sacrifice the queen and the monarch

dragon. They insisted that such way of living that knew no shame wouldn't save


"I'm not giving up. Even if it's only a faint hope, even if it's a thorny path, as long as we

are still alive then there is still hope. Furthermore, if Hajime-sama and Tio-sama are

going to kindly subjugate Helmut for us, there might be a chance for us to make a

comeback by making use of the resulting chaos. Right now, right now we have to live!"

Roze dignifiedly ordered to the top brasses, and also toward the people of Avenst who

were starting to show up on the deck because they were awoken by the first cannon

attack. Seeing the piercing light in those eyes even in this edge of despair made them

comprehended, that indeed, there was definitely no color of resignation there. What

was there was merely an earnestly firm resolve and nothing else.

This time everyone but Roze was at loss for words. They instinctively knew that the

decision of the queen couldn't be overturned just by their words. Her command to

them to live for now pierced their chest.

The lips of Hajime who was watching at them like that across his shoulder, it warped

slightly. That was the form of a small smile.

When he looked beside him, Tio was making a really gentle expression that was filled

with affection. That figure who wouldn't give up until the last moment even when she

understood that it was a hellish path――was really beautiful.

Hajime shrugged his shoulders. And then, he asked about something that he had

already understood since the time the fleet appeared from inside the dawn.

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[Oi, Grugor. To say the truth, I'm actually unrelated with this woman and Avenst. Do

you feel like overlooking us two?]


It seemed that he didn't have any intention to answer. He must had washed his hands

already from Hajime. He didn't care what would happen to Hajime after this even if

Hajime ended up all but dead, as long as he was still alive in the end and he could be

experimented on through something like torture to search for the secret of his

strength. His intention against Tio should also be the same.

...Surely, he wasn't sulking or anything because his name was mistaken so naturally

just now, yes, there was no way it was so.

Hajime who took the silence to meant no felt Tio making an expression that looked

itchy as though she was holding down the emotion welling up inside her while he took

a deep breath――

[Cough-. Aa~, informing the criminals who are abducting and confining the innocent

dragon hostage~. Release all ofthem right no~~~~w! Your mother in the countryside

is crying you knowww!]

At once Hajime felt gazes piercing him from behind that were asking "This guy, just

what is he saying?" . At the same time, that kind of atmosphere was also transmitted

toward him from the fleet somehow.

But, Hajime-san didn't pay any attention to everyone's bewilderment and began to

dash leaving everyone behind. Because, that was Hajime Quality after all!

[All of you, don't have the right to request a lawyer! You also don't have any ground to

plead for any extenuating circumstance! But, I'll allow your right to keep silent! If you

let go of the dragon hostage, and then stay sil~lent and return home, I'll be merciful

and won't shoot from behind! Now, this is a chance of a lifetime for you to avoid death

penalty you know! Who cares about Beroder! Kidnapper gentlemen! Just scurry back

home with all your strength without fea~~r!]

What he was saying was already absurd. Also, even the name of the king-sama that he

said was absurdly mangled.

[Are you listening, this is a warning! If you don't release the dragons right now, I'm

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telling you it will be re~~ally terrible for you all okay! Just ignore what Hageter is

telling you to do! I'm not lying y'know? It will be a cold day in hell before I'm lyi――]

A bombardment from the flagship Durgrant! Surely it was the payback for the name

calling that was totally wrong already except the letter "r" .

Roze called in panic at Hajime who blocked that with his barrier.

"Hajime-sama!? Just what in the world are you planning!? Why are you provoking

them like that-"

"Either way, it was already too late by the time we hadn't departed from here when

that fleet arrived. Surely they won't overlook us anymore now. Of course, it's possible

for us to escape right away but..."

It was impossible for Hajime to show his back toward people who were attacking him

hostilely. Of course it didn't change even now that should be Roze and others should

be the one fighting. That was why, at present Hajime had no intention to make a move


Then, why...Roze who was asking that was replied by Hajime with a grin.

"In this world, there are fellows who should also fight other than queen-san and co

right? The fellows who ought to burn their soul betting their survival and dignity on

the line."


Hajime averted his gaze from the bewildered Roze and gazed at Tio.

"Tio. Won't you show to your junior this rug rat dragon, the real king of dragon?"

"Kufufuh. Actually the screams of the dragons hath been clinging into mine ear and it

wouldst not go away since some time ago. Even if Goshujin-sama decide to leave this

place, I'm planning to do it. But, I believe with mine all that Goshujin-sama wouldst

surely meet mine expectation in this kind of time."

Tio's lips warped happily yet ferociously. Her pupils split vertically and they had

already turned into dragon eyes. It seemed the meaningless torture to the dragons

made her stomach boiled up much.

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Hajime showed a similarly ferocious smile and then he sent telepathy to Gregor with

a tone that sounded a bit serious.

[Mensor. You know that we possess unknown power, you know that we already sink a

mother ship of your country without it being able to do anything, and yet even

knowing all that, you don't feel like stopping huh?]

[...Indeed, the power of you bastard is of unknown quantity. But, exactly because of

that there is worth in stealing it. I'm someone who steal. There is a first rate treasure

before my eyes while I'm able to wield my maximum strength, no way I'm gonna stop

don't you think? As long as there is even a percent chance of victory, I'll always go to

steal what I want. This time is the same.]

[I see. So you also have something unshakeable inside you in your own way. ...But,

hey self-proclaimed god, you are mistaking one thing yeah.]


The bombardment from the flagship Durgrant ceased. Right after that, Hajime and Tio

leaped up from the deck.

Hajime and Tio who jumped to the sky nestled close to each other midair and hovered


And then, both of them stared at each other from really close range it looked like they

would kiss anytime, and like that...



Hajime's spanking burst on Tio's butt. Seeing how there was a crimson ripple

spreading from that, it seemed that the spanking was accompanied with "Magic

Shockwave". Even though there was almost no damage from that, but the masterful

slap that sent numbing pleasure(pain) running through the whole body until the

deepest core caused hopeless dragon-san to reflexively got on all fours. Even though

she was midair but it was done skillfully.

"Come on, do your best, hopeless dragon. Even though you are the princess of the

dragon race, but you pervert is gasping in front of this large army."

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"I, I'm gasping, because of Goshujin-sama's fault..."


"Ahiih. Just now, it reached amazing place-"

"Even though you are the pervert, what are you doing blaming other huh?"

After saying thatit was one more spanking. Tio's large butt undulated from the impact.

It was accompanied with a bewitching voice that resounded once more, through the

whole airspace.

Of course, everyone of Avenst, and everyone of the divine country's large fleet, and

also that Gregor-san, everyone of them without exception was shocked "Just what the

hell these people are starting so suddenlyyy!?" so much their eyes almost popped out

from their socket.

Hajime was building a world of only the two of them that was different from the one

with Yue while he mercilessly kept spanking Tio's butt. And then he took out a test

tube vial from his pocket and took off the cap using his mouth. Next, he plunged it into

Tio's mouth that was opened gaspingly.


Tio who suddenly got something plunged into her mouth, and furthermore liquid was

flowing in from that, coupled with the butt spanking it caused her expression to

change into a terribly joyous one! What a pervert! As expected from the hopeless


Gregor who finally returned to reality around that point gave out his order. He didn't

understand what was going on, but for the time being he was going to shower them

with bombardment. The main cannon of several mother ships were aimed toward

Hajime and Tio.

"Nnmuu!? It came-! It came, Goshujin-samaaa-! As expected, the conversion rate from

personal reward of Goshujin-sama art in different level! Just like Yue's blood pledge

contract, this art truly the master and servant contract that art build on love!"

"No way. If this thing is going to get a skill name, then it will absolutely be something

like pervert contract, or SM contract, something like that."

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Tio who were breathing 'haa haa' roughly on all fours with expression of ecstasy yelled

with a voice that was oozing with excitement. And then, she was standing up

unsteadily while fidgeting before she received a necklace with red jewel attached from


"Is it okay without transforming into dragon?"

"Fufun, haa haa, don't look down on me. Haa haa, nnnh. This art different from the

battle in Holy Precincts where I hath to do it without any rehearsal. Afuuu...I hath

trained diligently and mine skill was further polished then before. Haa say

nothing, of how I hath received reward personally from Goshujin-sama now. For the

current me, nothing art impossible!"

"Hm, is that so."

Hajime's indifferent reply cause Tio to tremble from feeling shivers.

And then, now, just when the main cannons were in the verge of firing, she bent greatly

backward while taking a deep breath...

GURYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAShe let out a dragon howl with human body. Still with an extremely disgusting smile

as though she was going to throw out all the pleasure in one go.

The howl radiated, however, it wasn't a mere yell. The howl turned into black colored

ripples with Tio as the center and it rushed through the airspace. The black ripples

that undulated repeatedly, over and over again, they ignored the barrier and passed

through the fleet.

Was it an unknown attack.... But look there, that woman's smile. It wasn't normal!

The fleet's main cannons cautiously stopped in the stage of firing preparation


Right after that, pulsation resounded in the world.



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It wasn't just one or two. There were innumerable pulses that couldn't be counted. It

was as though the world itself was going to wake up, and then there was bizarre yet

overwhelming presence, presence, presence-!!

――Now, awaken. O mine brethrens. O proud, powerful existences.

A voice that resembled telepathy, and yet was vaguely different somehow was coming


――The eyes of dragon, art not something for the sake of expressing grief. They art

there for the flame of conviction to dwell inside

[Your majesty-. The full, no, the dragons-]

[This is, the second mother ship Ambition! Strangeness is occurring in the fuel bunker!

Those guys, just what in the world is going on!?]

A solemn and dignified voice resounded in Gregor's ears, at the same time there were

also screamed reports coming one after another. Every one of those reports were

conveying about the strangeness of the fuel in each ship.

――The claws of dragon, art not something for hugging tight the trembling self. They

art there in order to tear apart malice, and protect what ought to be protected.

[Eighth mother ship Granada! The dragons, they are getting dyed! Something is


[This is the tenth mother ship Fudelta-. The dragons are enlarging here! At this rate

the cages will be broken! Your majesty, your order please-]

[Reporting-. The dragons that are dyed black are spewing out heat energy from their

mouth! Shit-, the fuel bunker is destroyed-]

The report didn't come only from the fleet. A screaming report and panicked yell

asking for instruction were also coming from the fuel bunker of flagship Durgrant.

Furthermore, there was a thunderous sound booming and the tremor from that was

transmitted until the flagship where Gregor was at.

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"What is happening!?"

"-. The restrain of the dragon that is let out from the cage for torture is destroyed! It's

rampaging and killing the crews!"

"Impossible. That restriction is for anti-dragon use that is equipped with Synthesizer!

Why didn't it activate!?"

"It's activating! Other than the one in the restriction tool, the crews are also activating

theirs! But it's not working against the black dragon!"

"What the hell happened-. Aargh, broadcast this to all ships too! Kill all the dragons

that are turning strange. Kill them right away!"

The moment the order was given, killing weapon was aimed toward the dragons who

were continuously pulsating inside the fuel bunkers. The dragons who were still

bewildered at the change that was happening to them saw those gun muzzles and the

menacing crews. They were shrinking back in fear.

――The fangs of dragon, art not something to be gritted in front of death. They art there

in order to crunch thy own weakness into pieces, and display the soul of struggle

tempered with reasoning.

The dragons who were going to huddle into themselves suddenly stopped still. That

change caused the crews who were readying their weapon to stop moving for a

moment in suspicion. They stopped completely.


Countless low growls were echoing. The dragons who were dyed jet black and grew

up to adulthood regardless of their former size slowly raised their head that was

lowered as though begging for forgiveness before this.


"U, a"

Several crews raised a short scream. Those were undoubtedly voices of terror. Their

eyes met. With the dragons who raised their face. They were pierced by those dragon

eyes that were filled with fighting spirit and soul of conviction.

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――Raise the howl! The dragon's howl! Demonstrate to the world, of thy existence! Lift

up highly, thy proud soul! All of thee――art the dragons!

Instantly, countless howls shook the world and spread through the sky.

It caused a hallucination that perhaps the whole fleet might rupture from the inside,

from these furiously grand dragon howls!

Just from that, the eardrums of the nearby crews were damaged, and among them

there were even people who lost consciousness with the white of their eyes exposed.

――Soul – Metamorphosis – Sublimation Composite magic [Black God Dragon's


Once in the Holy Precincts Tio used [Dragon King's Authority] . It was an age of god

magic that transformed other creature into black dragon. Before, she could only

change the target one by one by using black slavery whip in conjunction.

But right now, although there was the requirements that she needed to be in a state

that had stocked up power from using Pain Conversion, and also the targets needed to

be creature that was close to dragon, but she was able to transform all the dragons

within range into black dragons that possessed tough black scale with one roar.

Furthermore, by using an arrangement of [Divine Statement] ―― [God Dragon's Word

Soul] , it could also awaken the dragon instinct.

Yes, by Tio's power, all the dragons who were confined by the fleet in great amount as

fuel――were transformed into gallant black dragons!

As the result,


Countless explosive sounds reverberated. The cause was one. The "breath attack" that

became usable after the black dragon transformation exploded inside all the airships.

[It's no good-. We cannot hold them ba-gyaah]

[Shit-. What's with that scale!? The bullet cannot go throuugh-]

The reports were gradually turning into mere screams. And then, the fired breaths

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smashed the internal walls, the black dragons that were surging out from the cage

were trampling down the ship's inside, and they finally flew outside.

Like ashes that were whirling up from the stirring winds, the dragons went home to

the sky one after another from the external walls that were melted by the flashes of

the breath attack.

Even just a single mother ship would confine dragons in number that easily surpassed

a hundred. The number of the black dragons that were flying out was uncommon.

[Fire-! It's convenient if they are going out by themselves! They are coming out so

shoot them down!]

Gregor's instruction was transmitted. The heavy weapons on board the ships

immediately spewed fire.

The bullets were approaching like falling stars toward the crowd of black dragons that

flew out to the sky. But, another dragon that flew out first cut into that firing line. It

spread out its wings and used its body as shield to cover its comrades!

The black scales it inherited from its parent weren't something that could easily get

pierced by the heavy weapon. But, even so if it was asked whether it could come out

unscathed, then the answer was no. Its black scales were smashed and scattered each

time bullets hit it, and finally the bullets gouged its body and blood and flesh were


But, the black dragon who turned its body into shield for its comrades' sake didn't

waver even with death before its eyes. Its merely, with the will of fighting till the end,

the will to protect its comrades, it even fired its last breath attack just from those wills.

It was a small breath that was already powerless, however it splendidly destroyed one

of the ship's weapons. At the same time, the hole-riddled black dragon vomited blood

while losing strength.

But, thanks to that sacrifice, several dozen black dragons were able to fly out to the

sky from the hole without getting sniped.

――Flap thy wings, o noble child. Blessing to that soul

A grand howl reverberated. The ripples that were spreading once more in the sky

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enveloped the black dragons that were falling powerlessly.

At the next moment, the black dragons that were definitely wounded all over their

body flapped their dragon wings strongly. They rearranged their posture midair and

then looked down at their own body with puzzled feeling. There they witnessed the

sight of their wound gone already with their black scales regenerating swiftly.

The cause of that? That was obvious. It was their mother that awakened them as


The gaze of the black dragons caught sight of the great existence that was standing in

air with human form. That figure was going 'haa haa' somehow though.




There was only one meaning of the howls echoing through the sky.

――Gather. Toward the great dragon who was going 'haa haa'.

The black dragons simultaneously started flying toward the center of the battlefield.

Naturally, bullets and missiles were coming at them from behind, but several black

dragons were constantly covering their comrades at the rear, in that chance they

would roll and fired their breath to intercept. And then, the wounded black dragons

would have their body healed when a soul-stirring howl echoed and they would return

to battle.


That was Roze's whisper. Kuwaibel who was within her embrace was unmoving with

his gaze fixed forward unblinking as though to burn everything into his eyes. And then,

the people of Avenst were also looking still at the sky in a daze without moving. But,

just from looking at their expression it could be understood that their emotions were

completely the same like Roze.

――A tornado made from great number of black dragons.

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With Tio at the center, the black dragons circling around her were creating a sight that

had never been seen before in this world.

The light of the sun that was showing out its face completely was reflected glitteringly

on the scales of the black dragons. It was as though black diamonds that were perfectly

cut by artisan's hand were dancing while reflecting the light at random.

What a truly grandeur, sublime, and beautiful sight.

Amidst the rising up emotions that jolted the soul of the humans of the fleet, Tio's

words were directed toward the king of pillage.

[Thou the so called god king that rule the sky. No more tedios talk art necessary.

――Open wide thy eyes. Witness, what kind of existence dragon art. The true meaning

of ruling the sky!]

[-. Who cares-. Fire-. Don't get absent-minded! I permit lethal attack! Aim all weapons

at them! Flagship, turn around-. Whole fleet, cover for Durgrant's retreat! I'll kill the

whole family of anyone who disobey!]

A command to kill resounded. There was also a resolute retreat command at the same

time. However, it was only for himself who was the king. The long rule of terror didn't

allow anyone to disobey his words even when they understood that they were

obviously in an ugly situation.

The flagship Durgrant turned around, at the same time the whole fleet launched

simultaneous attack. There were silver bombardments and also missiles attack. All

those that were fired from all direction were like a cage that was made from firing


"Thinking again, this is the first time I'm going to see it live huh. I'm looking forward

to it."

"Fufu, I'll answer that expectation. ――"Limit Break""

The necklace that was handed to her before this――"Last Zell".

With the combined effects of the artifact that brought about Limit Break, and the

Cheatmate II (Uma○bo walleye pollock roe flavor, drink version) she drank just now,

the finishing move of Tio Claus that originally couldn't be activated without getting

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damages all over her body was now activated!

*GOU-* The wind roared. Storm of magic power where crimson and jet black mixed. It

spiraled up and pierced the sky, with size so big that it enveloped the tornado of the

black dragons from further outside. The sea of clouds twisted and whirled like a


The flooding silver bombardments and also the swarm of missiles got rolled up and

jumbled together where not even a single one went through the storm. The

overwhelming torrent of power turned anything and everything powerless!

The light of sun was vanishing.

The sky above the sea of clouds was getting covered further.

"Aa, as I thought, your great self is..."

A true dragon manipulated even the heaven and earth. It was the legend that was

taught to her. And now, it was occurring right before her eyes. Roze was trickling tears

naturally. Was she deeply moved? Was she scared? Roze, and also the people of Avenst

who were similarly shedding tears didn't really understand. However, there was

something pressing on their chest.

Thunderbolts and bursting sounds overran the world.

What was generated at the sky further above the sea of clouds, was a sea of lightning

and flame. Lightning was flickering like prominence in the flame sea of sky that was

spreading as though to burn the world to ash.

The tornado of crimson and jet black dispersed. The black dragons that were left

behind were merely looking up to the sky. It was as though they were worshipping the

existence there.

*slither* Something was protruding out from the sea of lightning and flame. It was a

part of a long torso. Jet black scales that seemed to suck in the light could be seen. It

was undulating, emerging out from the sea of lightning flame with top and bottom

reversed, it vanished, and then emerged out once more.

On the whole, it wasn't a body of dragon, whether in size or shape. But, all existences

in this airspace understood.

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――That thing which was beyond human understanding was...a dragon

*zuzuzu-*, It made a sound that was like a rumble in the ground and the existence that

was swimming in the sea of lightning flame showed its appearance.

It appeared with skin of flame while clad in tremendous sparks. The golden dragon

eyes that were split vertically in the middle were glaring at everything in the lower


The giant body that easily surpassed three hundred meter long was coiling and the

surrounding was colored by flashes of lightning and prominences.

A beat.


For a moment, everyone hallucinated whether the world was burst open. Because of

the howl that was like an explosive sound...wasn't the cause.

[The god...that control...the sky...]

Yes, it was truly the heaven's might. Just a single howl caused everyone to feel the will

of judgment that seemed to break the world.

Without any distinction of ally or enemy, this was an existence that would make all

existence to feel awe.

――Black god dragon Tio Claus

Manifested here.

Something like the chance of victory for the fleet, there was no way they even had a

percent of it.