King’s Understanding, First Part

Sea of lightning flame in the sky. Sea of clouds of death whirling below.

It could be seen as the sight of the end of the world, or perhaps as the sight of the

creation of the world. Surely the impression would differ depending on the person.

But, in any case, there wasn't anyone who doubted that this was a scene of legend that

would be engraved into the history of this world.

――Where art thou going?

The solemn soul of language came from the sky. All the people who heard it would be

made to hold awe whether they wanted it or not by that voice.

That voice was directed toward the flagship that was trying to escape first by making

the whole fleet into sacrificial pawn. No, more accurately, it was toward the master of

flagship Durgrant that gave the order――the god king of pillage Gregor.

Even that person himself must understand that the question was directed to him.

Inside the bridge of flagship Durgrant that was already turning around and moved to

escape, Gregor who was watching dumbfounded at the absurd sight behind the ship

through the display twitched and trembled.

[Don't listen-. Full speed――]

Gregor yelled in panic toward the helmsman with shaken eyes. However, he was

unable to speak his order until the end.

――O false king, know shame

[Yo, your majesty-]

[-, dodge!]

A scream came from the helmsman. Because suddenly a gianttornado descended from

the sea of lightning flame. The tornado of scorching heat that burn the air with hell

fire and heat wave spiraled and dyed the inside of the bridge with brilliant light.

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The helmsman reflexively tilted the ship faster than Gregor's command to dodge. The

flagship Durgrant veered right away to the right with a motion that didn't suit that

giant frame.

――Thou couldst not escape

Along with those words, the second blazing tornado descended. It didn't stop there,

as though to invite despair toward the flagship Durgrant that was tyring to slip

through somehow, the third, fourth, fifth tornado descended.

[-, impossible to dodge! It's coming!]

[Barrier full strength! Breakthrough-]

The loud yells of the helmsman and Gregor echoed.

Flagship Durgrant tried to slip through the countless flame pillars that were

connecting heaven and earth, but it finally couldn't evade and came into contact.

Instantly, the giant body of flagship Durgrant was attacked by fierce vibration. The

posture control system didn't work and the ship's bow was lifted up as though it got

hoisted, the ship was rotating uncontrollably. In addition, there were even consecutive

impacts that followed. The thunderbolts that were generated inside the tornado were

assaulting the ship.

The crew who was in charge of the silver barrier control saw how the ship's energy

was consumed with frightening speed and he raised his voice with pale expression.

[The barrier output-, it decreased by fifty percent! Your majesty-, at this rate-]

[Chih, start replenish...shit-]

Gregor unconsciously cursed when he was about to give instruction. In order to

maintain the barrier's output, they needed to exchange the pod of dragon core fuel,

but he remembered that there were no more dragon for that.

[Turn around...turn the ship around! At the same time, fire at full power toward that

black dragon!]

They couldn't retreat.

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Gregor who made that judgment then ordered to turn the ship around while feeling

indescribable rage and unease.

At the same time, the weapons loaded on board the flagship Durgrant fired

simultaneously. Missiles in the amount that was absurd to be counted, storm of bullets

that should be called as a wall already, and naturally the silver bombardment too.

Of course――all those were shot down. Anything and everything, without a single

exception. By several hundred, several thousand lightning showering from the sky.

While flagship Durgrant was retreating, the other fleets were naturally joining in

offense using their full power to push back Tio. Yet regardless of that, Gregor was

unable to even retreat.

The reason of that was this.

From all directions. In the range diameter of several dozen kilometer. Sniping of

roaring lightning was shooting out every target under the heaven simultaneously and


The world that was covered with the sea of lightning flame was literally the absolute

territory of the black god dragon.

[Charge the Henkhaborg-. All fleets, buy us time!]

The fact that their attack didn't reach caused Gregor's voice to turn increasingly

disarrayed. Even so, all the fleets reflexively obeyed the words of the king who

symbolized terror and violence.

The barrier fleet form multi-layered formation to protect the flagship Durgrant, the

other fleets aimed their maximum firepower without pause from all directions, sky

battlecraft squads were unleashing attacks suicidally.

At the same time, flagship Durgrant's multi-column 3-turret cannon was focusing

silver light with terrific momentum. However, that light was something mixed with

black color like what mother ship Ostinato showed in the end, so it was obviously

different in aspect with the normal bombardment.

――Main cannon Henkhaborg

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It was a silver bombardment that took in the property of the black rain to become an

abominable energy wave. The bombardment that focused and mixed the impure

energy that filled this world, when it hit the target, even if the ship's frame itself was

protected by the barrier, the energy that caused necrosis to the cells would encroach

inside the ship and annihilated the crews.

Of course, after it was fired, highly polluted energy would get scattered at the

surrounding area, so one's own army also would not escape the effect. It was a

forbidden weapon that was hard to use, it bared its fang not just to enemy and ally, but

even to the world.

And now, it was fired.

A flash shined and filled up the burning world completely.

It didn't matter even if it was against existence that had veered really far from the

beaten track, as long as it was still a living thing, it should be possible for it to

experience cell necrosis. And then, as long as they could just succeed in eroding its

body, the would be able to kill it for sure!

A twitching smile emerged on Gregor's lips.


It was fired in no time.

The black god dragon's――breath!

The flash that was fired from the jaw that was opened wide was pure black. It was an

absolute color that wasn't polluted by anyone, painting over everything.

The bombardment of silver and black that exemplified taboo was certainly mighty, it

could pulverize even a mother ship in a single shot. But, the breath that was fired from

the black god dragon far surpassed it. The difference in power was overwhelming, like

a needle that was thrust to intercept a log.

*GOU-* When the atmosphere growled, this world's strongest bombardment was

easily swallowed by the black breath after a moment of resistance.


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Gregor's yell echoed.

But, the scene before his eyes was a definite fact. The strongest attack of flagship

Durgrant was swallowed right from the front, and it didn't stop there, it was getting

annihilated along with the negative energy by the aberrantly scorching heat.

The first layer of the multi-layered barrier that was deployed by the barrier fleet was

smashed open like a paper waste. The second layer was also breached like scattering

glass after a moment of resistance. The third layer, the fourth layer...


[Ro, roger!]

At the same time with the barrier's pulverization, several ships of the barrier fleet

were hit by the breath and they exploded everywhere. Gregor recovered his sanity

seeing the figure of the defensive ships going up in flame and he gave his command,

and then the helmsman who similarly managed to go back to reality steered the ship

with miraculous reflex.

When flagship Durgrant rotated, the last barrier was broken through at the same time.

[All hands-, brace for impa――]

The yell that was raised by someone couldn't be finished until the end.

Right after that, a terrific impact attacked flagship Durgrant. Thunderous sound and

fierce alert sound rang.

The breath Tio released didn't stop and opened up a large hole in the whirling sea of

clouds and vanished toward the ground. No one had the leisure to observe where it

landed, but if they could actually do that, surely they would experience the feeling of

a block of ice thrown on their spine without doubt.

After all, the place that was impacted by the breath that descended from the sky――a

mountain with elevation around two kilometer was hit directly and it got blasted away


It was the breath of a god dragon that changed the geography.

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Flagship Durgrant got hit by that, however, it still wasn't sinking. Its mobility that

didn't suit its large built and the great reaction of the helmsman saved them, that they

got away with only its main cannon part wholly gouged out.

Although, the figure of the flagship tilting diagonally while on fire and smoking was

giving a shock to the whole fleets as though it had been sunken down.

The captains of the fleet were staring dumbfounded without giving any order at the

symbol of despair the flagship getting cornered, as though time had stopped. The

attack of the fleet also stopped and naturally the sky battlecraft squadrons were also

staring at the flagship with their eyes opened wide.

There was no way Tio would overlook that opening.

――O proud warriors. Flap thy wings. Raise thy howl. Drive into the heart of these

invaders who acted as though they owned the sky, just whose territory this place art

Those who answered was naturally the black dragons who were protected from the

all-directions fleet attack. The dragon howls that shook the soul resounded through

the blazing sky.

It was too late even when the enemy returned to their senses in shock.

The pilots of sky battlecrafts that were staring at the flagship Durgrant while circling

saw the opened large mouth and fangs of dragon through their cockpit at the next

moment――right after that, they were swallowed by scorching heat breath and


The other sky battlecraft squadrons also got their back taken instantly and they

exploded due to the black dragons' breath, others got hit by the tackle of the falling

black dragon and they got crushed along with their cockpit.

The airships and mother ships resumed their attack.

However, the current black dragons didn't let go of the opening of the paused barrage.

The last sight that a male captain who was sitting on the command seat inside the

bridge saw, was the scene of a black dragon swooping down while flapping its wings

in a big way, its large mouth opened across the windbreak. Right after that, his

consciousness was expulsed into the perpetual darkness along with the black flash

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that blanketed his field of vision.

Black dragons were clinging on a mother ship. They were outside the firing range

because they were too close. The sky battlecrafts who originally should be playing

active role so this kind of situation didn't occur were unable to protect their ship due

to another dragons attacking them with clever cooperation and suicidal resolve.

Like that, with deadly attack toward the bridge, the black dragons were sinking the

fleets one after another.

Even in that battlefield that presented a chaotic situation, there were also tough ships

that were defeating the black dragons using skilled maneuver, but the black dragons

that should be shot down already were revived as though nothing happened at the

next moment and attacked again.

Of course, there were black dragons who got hit by main cannon class attack and they

were exterminated without reviving back. There were also those that were falling in

tailspin and vanish into the sea of clouds without the revival making it in time.

But, however...

[These guys...don't they have any fear?]

A captain of a certain mother ship whispered.

Immediately after that, a black dragon on the verge of death whose wings were turned

into tatters and its dragons scales smashed, even so its fighting spirit wasn't dulled

even by a fragment, it was howling as though to burn its life into ash and charged

toward the bridge. And then, it destroyed the bridge with its breath!

They didn't have anything like fear. If they had fear, then it would be fear toward death

without even fighting, living with their soul rotting.

[Shit-. Why, are they not stopping-]

The captain of a certain airship screamed.

A black dragon received all attacks with its body while protecting a comrade behind

it, even so it advanced forward without stopping. Even when half its body was blown

away from a missile's direct hit, the strength dwelling inside those dragon eyes didn't

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waver in the slightest.

It definitely, delivered its comrade toward the enemy's location! Of course, the breath

of the protected black dragon blew away the bridge.

They wouldn't stand still anymore for the second time. Because this was the sky. This

was their territory.

Therefore, they were outdoing their opposition.

They were outdoing their greatest enemy. And above all else――their past self!

"Aa...really, what a sight this is..."

The voice that was blurred with the overflowing feeling came from the descendant of

the country that loved dragon, and swore to live together with dragon――Roze Phiris


Their greatest friends who were oppressed, their dignity trampled down, even their

right to live stolen, now they were reborn once more. She had no words. Roze didn't

understand any way to express this emotion inside her.

However, the one thing that she understood was――

"Piih, piiiiiih"

And the last monarch dragon――Kuwaibel also felt the same like that. The heroic and

grand battle of his brethrens, with their existence staked on the line caused a roar to

leak out naturally. He dreamed it, longed for it. They floundered, to make it reality. And

then, the sight of the future that they ought to struggle to arrive at, was right here right


He didn't know his father and also his mother. He also had no sibling. When he was

born, there was only the human girl who was his partner before his eyes. He didn't

think that he was lonely. However, actually he was wishing from his heart from

brethrens that would fight together with him.

That was why, their awakened figures made Kuwaibel's young soul trembled. He

wondered what should he do to express that overflowing feeling...

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But, there was only one thing that he understood...

[Do you want to fight?]



A question suddenly resounded.

Roze and Kuwaibel turned their face together at that voice's owner.

The silhouette standing above the coiling black god dragon. There was no need to ask,

it was Hajime. There was a lot of distance between them, but they understood that

Hajime was turning his face toward Roze and Kuwaibel.

The reply of the two was concise.



Yes, they wanted to fight.

With dignity, betting their right to live. In order to proof, that the flag they hoisted up

was indeed right.

They wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder with their brethrens that were

demonstrating a fierce battle. So that they could call themselves their "friend", their

"king" with their head held high.

Roze and Kuwaibel looked behind. Over there, they saw the figure of Avenst's people

clenching their fist staring hard at the battlefield. Everyone saw the figure of their

fighting friend, their will to fight 'We cannot just remain a spectator in this kind of

place!' seething inside.

Hajime who made a small smile toward such them was,

[Queen-san. I'll ask one thing, for fleets that big to depart for here, doesn't that mean

that the battle strength in their country right now is relatively few?]

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[Eh? That's, certainly...most likely, there is only a defense fleet that excelled in

defensive battle remaining there I think.]

Even though the sudden question caused Roze to be taken aback, she answered like

that after pondering for a bit. Hajime's expression distorted fearlessly.

[This battlefield is the battlefield of this world's dragons. Perhaps it's also fine for you

to join the battle as friend, and as king this battlefield there is Tio, the black

god dragon. And then, there are the "awakened" dragons who obtained the divine

protection of the god dragon. Then, defeat is impossible even in one in a million


[But-, while that may be true, to remain a spectator in this battle that be our


[That's why, I'm saying to use this chance to overthrow the divine country.]

[I don't really understand what are you saying.]

Roze reflexively returned a reply that sounded joking to those words that sounded like

a joke. Kuwaibel and other people were also making a bemused expression thinking

"Just what is this person saying?" toward the content of the telepathy that they hear.

Hajime's expression suddenly turned serious toward them all.

[Roze Phiris Avenst. Right here is surely the turning point. Even after they lost their

king and their battle strength plummet rock bottom, if the divine country hardened

their defense when they grasped that information, will you be able to defeat them

then? Just with those two airships and few sky battlecraft pilots?]


[In a battlefield, to be separated from those important to you, to leave them to face

formidable enemy...such things will be accompanied by terrible pain. But, did such

brittle relationship that couldn't do that exist between the human and dragon of the

dragon kingdom of the past?]

Even if their body was separated, but their heart was always beside each other.

Sometimes they were separated by heaven and earth and advanced for the sake of

their purpose. That was the bond between human and dragon in the dragon kingdom

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of the past.

[Right now they have Tio's divine protection, they are able to display the greatest

strength as black dragon. But, later after we leave, the infinite regeneration and also

the enormous magic power will be gone. Even if the black dragons cooperate with you

all to retake the kingdom, the obstacle you have to overcome will be great.]


Hajime asked the wordless Roze.

[Don't you all, have your own battlefield?]

Once in the battle in Holy Precincts, Hajime left behind his comrades in the battlefield

and advanced forward. It was done under a definite bond. That was why his words

now was conveyed to Roze with a definite weight.

[...But, the distance from here until Qwailent――]

[If you wish, then I'll open the door. It's a little bit of present from the instigator.

――Now, what will you do, queen of a ruined country?]

In a sense, this battlefield was ideal. There were the awakened dragons, there was the

supreme ruler of the sky, and there was the divine protection from such being. If they

fought together, Roze and others would be able to clear up the pent-up resentment of

the many years almost unharmed.

But, indeed it was just like Hajime said, even with only the black dragons there

wouldn't be any problem here. What's more, there wasn't any reason for Roze and

others that they had to join the fight no matter what. It was nothing but the problem

of emotion.

They didn't understand how Hajime would send them until the divine country, but if

he said that he could then surely he was really able to do it. Roze was convinced of


And then, a surprise attack toward the divine country was certainly also their biggest

effective chance to retake the kingdom.

However, there was no doubt that the danger would be far above this battlefield. Most

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likely, many of the soldiers gathered in this place right now would lose their life.

Roze shut her eyes.

The enemy's battle strength. This move to recover from their hopeless situation. The

degree of damage. The chance of victory. The merit and demerit after they took a step

forth. In case they didn't depart for battle here, the state of things in a world with

cleared sky. The action prediction of the divine country that lost its main fleets...

"Your majesty."


Roze came back to herself suddenly and she looked back. There, she saw the figures

of Bovid and Sabas staring at her with a strong gaze. No, it wasn't just the two. The

Crow siblings, the other top brasses, and then, all the people regardless of gender and

age, they all were staring at Roze with a gaze that contained a flame that was even

hotter than the sea of flame spreading in the sky.

(Aa, that's right. If it's resolve, then we already have it.)

Didn't they decide to fight already? Didn't they wish, that they want to fight?

Wasn't the will of dragon kingdom Avenst, displayed already?

Roze made a bitter smile at herself who was flinching back now when the time came

for that. And then, right after that she declared loudly with definite dignity and resolve

as the king of a country.

"People of dragon country Avenst. My beloved people. It looks like the time has come."

The explosive sound of battlefield struck the eardrums. However, no matter how much

noise resounded, their ears didn't fail to hear their queen's words.

"If we leave all the fight to our awakened friend and run away because we treasure

our own life――our heart will die. Even if we plunge into this battlefield following our

emotion――there won't be any significant meaning. To consider escape as battle, that

escape is fighting just like what we have done until now in the cleared up

world――that's something that our pride won't allow anymore. I'll say it one more

time. ――The time has come."

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Breaths were held. Everyone corrected their posture and they stared straight at Roze.

"Resolve yourself. From here on, we will challenge a next to impossible battle."

Let's rescue the friends of the dragon kingdom that are born merely to be exploited

and killed. Let's liberate the people of the dragon kingdom that are captured and

treated like slave. And then...

"We will make over the world. As the first step of that――let's take back our kingdom!"

The answer was naturally a soul-stirring war cry that wasn't outdone by the dragon


At the same time with that war cry that sounded like it would blow away the

thunderbolts and explosions, the top brasses were giving instructions one after

another. Everyone was starting to move swiftly. In the middle of that, Roze turned her

gaze toward Hajime.

[Hajime-sama. Please guide us. To the land of our longstanding desire.]

[Welcome to the battlefield. Queen-sama.]

Hajime who made a wide and villainous grin made his fingertip shined and took out

an artifact. It was a sparkling key colored with mystical blue. A key that opened even

a door that crossed over worlds――the Crystal Key.

Hajime threw it with just a movement of his finger tip. The crystal key flew while

leaving behind trail of azure light and it pierced the space between Hajime and mother

ship Avenst.

The crystal key that had been given improvement with gravity stone inserted in it

rotated at the same time when Hajime twisted his wrist, as though it was unlocking



The sound of opened lock rang in the world.

Of course, it was an optional extra. The sound was meaningless, but Hajime was struck

with the idea so it couldn't be helped. This too was also Hajime Quality!

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Incidentally, previously the opened gate looked like shining membrane, but right now

the gate looked like an impressive two-leaf door that appeared from thin air that was

opening while making solemnly heavy sound *gogogo-*.

Of course, that was an optional extra! It was meaningless, but Hajime got carried up

from excitement so it couldn't be helped! This too was also Hajime Quality!

By the way, the door was merely three-dimensional projection, so the size and also the

design could be changed based on Hajime's current mood! It was his prided item that

he made from a month of hard work combining the film technology of earth and magic

of Tortus!

[...Hajime-sama. By any chance, are you someone that is affiliated with god?]

No, he was just an obsessive inventor desu. To the level that he would even forget

eating and sleeping once he got absorbed into something, and he wouldn't stop until

he got drained dry by the legal wife, or eating the suplex of the rabbit-eared wife.

[Go. May the luck of war be with you.]

[-. Thank you very much. ――I'll pray that someday, we will be able to meet once again

in a world where the world, the people's heart, and also the dragons' soul are all

cleared up.]

Roze bowed, and then she turned on her heel toward airship Rozeria in order to take

command over the whole force.

[I feel a bit uneasy with only those children. ...Oho? Fumu, is that so. Very well, leave

thy brethrens to me.]

Tio who was staying still above the sky to watch over the battle of the black dragons

sent a sidelong glance at Roze and others. And then, several black dragons came back

from the battlefield and soared toward airship Rozeria while sending their gaze at Tio.

It seemed they were conveying to Tio that they would follow them, so they asked her

to take care of their brethrens.

[What an overprotective god dragon-sama.]

[What art thou saying? If Goshujin-sama say that, even thou were lending thy hand

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that thou open the gate.]

[Something like that doesn't count as lending hand. I was only sending those guys to


[The act just now art something necessary for them to be able to live proudly holding

their head high in the future ahead. The act of instigating also count as lending hand.


While they were talking telepathically just between the two of them, airships Rozeria

and Averia vanished inside the gate followed by the nation on ship Avenst.

...They passed through the impressive shining door that was created by the throwing

tantrum Hajime "Just a bit more-. Just a bit more until it's finished-. That's why, I'll eat

properly when it's finished okay!" even while having his cheeks stretched *munii*

widely by Yue and his body locked by Shia's Cobra Twist.

[You bastard-, where are they going-? Just what the hell are you two!?]

An angry yell rose from the battlefield that had reached the one-way intensification.

Gregor's voice that was filled with unease and confusion didn't have even a speck of

its former dignity anymore.

[This kind of incomprehensible power-, suddenly appearing out of nowhere-. Don't

screw with me-. How can something like this is allowed! Damn it-, damn ittt-. I am, the

king of the divine country you know!?]

Gregor's yell complained to Hajime and Tio――or rather, it was closer to a soliloquy.

The number of the ships was already decreased until half. They were unable to even

replenish their dragon core energy. The energy output of the fleets that was declining

didn't even have the spare energy to fire their main cannon anymore.

There was already no trace left from their majesty when they first appeared from the


That must be cornering Gregor's mind even further. He was continuously yelling

things like [This kind of reality, this kind of absurdity, how can this be allowed-] .

Toward such him, Hajime said...

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[You are weaker. That's all there is to it right?]

Gregor's clamor that was like a child throwing tantrum stopped still.

――Gregor Cluzet Qwailent was weaker.

Certainly, that was all there was to it.

The foundation of the king of pillage, was a conviction toward strength.

Whether it was violence or ingenuity, anything was fine. Anyone that could surpass

their opponent would be able to make the other submit, trampled on them, or

destroyed them. A person who could that was right, the words of the weak was

nothing but nonsense.

The strong was right, the weak was wrong.

That was the thing that Gregor exactly believed in.

[...Is that so. So I'm the weaker one even after becoming the supreme ruler huh.

Hahah, that's really a harsh joke yeah.]

Gregor raised a dry laugh that sounded somewhat comprehending.

There was no more defensive ship nearby, flagship Durgrant was also raising white

smoke everywhere while tilting. There was no energy replenishment and the ship was

in a state where maintaining its floating power was the best it could do. The great

number of weapons the ship was equipped with were laying out barrage using

physical attack like bullet and missile, because of that it still wasn't sunk down yet


[Yoo, tell me. Just what the hell you two are?]

That was likely Gregor's last question of his life.

Hajime showed a thinking gesture for a bit before he answered with a grin.

[Just a passing by monster.]

A black dragon finally slipped through the barrage even with wounds all over its body

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and arrived in front of the bridge's windbreak. It opened its jaw widely. Light of death

converged inside there. The crews screamed and ran away.

Amidst that, Gregor threw his body on the commander seat and sat down heavily. He

then rested his chin on one hand while, with a small voice,

"So I pull the utter failure at the very end huh. Good grief, what a joke."

He whispered such thing.

The bridge of flagship Durgrant was destroyed. The sight of it falling down

powerlessly was enough to dishearten the surviving ships.

The black dragons raised their howl toward they who couldn't even took satisfactory

battle maneuver and got reduced into a disordered mob.

And then, the dragons threw their body into the last decisive battle.

It didn't take that much time until the whole of this world's greatest battle strength

became a squall of wreckage showering down on the ground below.