Aim For It, A Rose Colored University Life!

"Hey, Tamai. You wouldn't say no, right? I'd like you to lend me your side for a moment."

 About four men were surrounding Atsushi Tamai at the end of the aisle.

 All these guys are in good shape. His well-trained body clearly shows that he enjoys some kind of martial arts.

 One of them, a man with a particularly good physique, put pressure on the hand he placed on Atsushi's shoulder. That's a tough hand. You can see the hardness that comes from being used to hitting people. He was also about 190 centimeters tall, about a head taller than Atsushi.

 His gaze was sharp as if he was looking down from above, and the grin on his mouth was truly sinister.

 If you look at it from the outside, it's a picture of a very serious first-year student in the Faculty of Education getting mixed up with upperclassmen who are dishonest and have bad behavior.

 Even though most of the people were gone during the lunch break, there were still many students left, some of whom were concerned about the dangerous atmosphere and glanced at them, while most of the students said, ``I don't want any trouble.'' I'm sorry," he said as he quickly left, avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, say something, Tamai."

"Ah, I wonder what it is..."

 Faced with a hand clenching his shoulder and the man from the boxing club's smile disappearing, Atsushi scratched his head in disgust.

"Oh? What's with that attitude? I'm trying to be kind and tell you to change places, right?"

"I guess"

"No, I see. I understand. If that's what you want, that's fine. If you do this, you'll understand too, right?"

 The man from the boxing club grins again. The people around me also grinned, wondering what was wrong.

 My hand left my shoulder. A fist is clenched.

 Atsushi narrows his eyes at that.

 I could hear the faint sound of gasps coming from the students around me, especially the girls.

 It was the next moment.

", Tamai-kun! Please introduce me to Nagumo-kun! You're the only one I can rely on."

``I beg you, Tamai! Konotoori!!''

 The eyes of the surrounding students widened.

 No wonder. No matter how you look at it, the atmosphere was such that they shouldn't have gotten involved, and the men, who looked like they were used to violence, bowed their heads all at once.

 Spread your legs slightly apart, place your clenched fists on your knees, and make a beautiful bow at a 45-degree angle. If I had to compare it to something like that, it would be like when free-spirited people bow their heads to Oyabin...

 Furthermore, some of the students looked at me as if they were used to seeing me, as if to say, ``Here we go again.''

"Well, let's leave that topic here for now."

 Atsushi gave a wry smile to those around him as he gestured with his hands to move things aside. Tell them there's no problem. The students, who had been in a tense atmosphere, left looking a little relieved, even if they didn't understand why.

``I think Ikeda and his friends should be a little more aware of their appearance, or perhaps their atmosphere.''

"I know everything about it. That's why you're asking me this."

"The way you asked it, it smells like a crime."

"It smells like crime!"

"That's right! We're just chatting normally!"

``I wonder why someone would get fired for just talking on the side of the road.''

"I don't care if you look scary or something. Should I get plastic surgery?"

 From top to bottom: Ikeda from the boxing club, Aoki from the judo club.GotandaIt's a mess, Kendo clubKousakaBeyond.

 All four of them are first year students like Atsushi. He is not an upperclassman. He has dignity, though.

 They are not bad people at all. Or rather, they're just a normal bunch of serious people. A friend of Atsushi's from university.

 However, he looks like a role model thug, and gives off the air of being used to violence and intimidation on a daily basis.

 In fact, his words and actions reek of criminality.

 Furthermore, this characteristic may have been the reason why the five people who met for the first time became friends.

 As he was on his way to the entrance exam, he saw a male examinee near the exam venue who seemed to be having some trouble, so Ikeda rushed over to see if he could help.

 However, he is strong. The other boys are in a panic because of the atmosphere, and Aoki, who happened to witness this, joins in the fight by saying, ``A delinquent is involved with the examinees!? We need to help them!''

 After that, Gotanda and Kousaka also rushed in due to the same circumstances, and from the outside, it became a composition of four delinquents surrounding the examinee.

 A police officer, who had increased his patrols as it was exam season, saw the scene and rushed to do what he expected.

 However, no matter what I say, it just seems like I'm misleading...

 At that time, Atsushi, who passed through the general public, appeared.

 Atsushi has a wealth of life experience that others his age don't have. He has a well-developed eye for seeing people and detecting danger.

 In fact, there are people around him who look brutal but are actually good people who take care of their friends and relatives (Atsushi thinks), so he can kind of guess whether or not someone is truly troublesome.

 So Ikeda and his friends, who from the outside look like they're rebelling against the police, just look like they're in trouble.

 Even though he knew he was being an intruder, he intervened by saying, ``We're the same test takers...'' and as a result, they somehow became friends.

 In other words, when they talked to Atsushi in the hallway, they were just talking to Atsushi in a normal way, and it wasn't like they were planning anything bad, much less trying to intimidate them.

"Well, there are some people who are easily misunderstood."

"You're still trying to smile, aren't you?"

"It just looks like you're being sneaky."

"If you had a serious face, you would have scared me even more!"

"I guess so."

 What should I do? The four strong-looking people were holding their heads. In a sense, it is fate that people who were born under the same star choose the same university and become friends.

 However, personally, they want a slightly different fate.

"It's more than that! No, it's not like that, but for now, let's put aside the story of us being attracted to it."

 Ikeda-kun gave a friendly smile while making the gesture of putting something aside like Atsushi had done earlier. He lowered his hips while massaging his hands.

 Personally, I'm probably trying to maintain a peaceful atmosphere as much as possible, trying to get Atsushi to be in a good mood so that he will listen to my request...

 After all, he just looks like a hoodlum trying to get some sweet juice by participating in a criminal group's plans.

 Two female students who had just come out of the lecture room looked like they were planning something bad and quickly returned to the classroom.

 They were quite cute kids.

 Ikeda-kun stops rubbing his hands with teary eyes. He wipes her eyes with his hand. Aoki-kun and his friends were patting his shoulders and back as if sharing the pain.

 They are really good-natured martial arts young men with a sense of justice, a strong sense of duty, and good manners...

"So, are you saying you should introduce Nagumo?"

 Seeing his pitiful appearance, Tamai couldn't help but feel sympathy for him, and while sighing, he ended up returning to the topic himself.

 He looks like he really hates it because he can somehow predict the flow of the story.

"That's right! Tamai, no, Tamai-kun! Rather, Tamai-sama!"

"Stop it, you idiot. If word gets out that Ikeda and the others are calling me Samaduke, I'm sure they'll label me as a bastard as well. Kochitora is aiming to become a teacher."

"That's why I told you to be considerate and change places! You were the one who was reluctant!"

"It can't be helped. There's been a lot of people asking me to introduce Nagumo to them lately. Most of them are people I've never talked to before, and on top of that, I get tired of having my friends ask me too."

 It's so troublesome! Atsushi frowns.

"Oh, that's too bad. But, but! Please understand! We are, we are..."

"I want to live a fun campus life with girls."

 It was the cry of my soul. If it were a manga, everyone would surely be crying tears of blood.

 Is it okay now? The female students peeked out from the classroom and retreated back into the classroom, saying, "Hey, you beast! There's a beast hungry for women!"

 Misunderstandings towards those around you are accelerating!

 Atsushi silently led Ikeda and the others to an inconspicuous place at the end of the hallway. If this continues, it will affect my honor. He should have stopped being such a hassle and moved to another place...he felt some regret.

"Recently, there's been a lot of talk about an engineering student - Hajime Nagumo. I can't believe it. He's serving four beautiful women, right?"

"Oh, I saw three incredibly beautiful women getting out of that guy's car in the morning! And the car was really nice too! What, is this a movie? It's unreal. That's too accurate!"

"This is an unequal society!! Don't you know the word "redistribution of wealth"?"

"I understand. I understand that you're jealous to death, so calm down."

 Ikeda-kun puts his hand on Atsushi's shoulder again. With a bang. With slightly bloodshot eyes. scary.

"However, we have found some information. This is also hard to believe, but it seems that Nagumo is married. He is married to a blond-haired girl. Go bald."

"The grudge is leaking."

"That means! That means the other kids are free!"

 Ikeda looked like a detective who had discovered the truth--no, that was a little too nice. He says it with the expression of a mafia underling who has found a lucrative underground job.

 Aoki and Gotanda followed with expressions that seemed to say, ``We have a delicious story. Let's make some money, shall we?''

"Ah, I know! We're not a match for such a high level kid, right? I know!"

"But hey, it's okay to have a dream, right?"

"I won't say it's extravagant. But, but... I'd like to chat with such beautiful girls at least once in my life! If things go well, I'll feel a little better and the atmosphere will be sweet and sour!"

 Atsushi's expression became indescribable as Aoki's last line conveyed how much they had lived without having anything to do with girls.

 And I can kind of guess why I had such a dream. Ikeda brings his face closer. It's big and scary.

"The news has come up. There's no news that Tamai was eating with Nagumo!"

 Yes, that's what led to the current situation. Originally, I would have given up and said, ``We live in a different world...'' but I saw an unexpected connection and couldn't help but reach out.

"Well, we were classmates in high school."

 Ikeda and his friends cheered, "Wow!" as the connection was stronger than they expected. His expression was like that of a sinner who saw a string hanging down in hell.

"Well, I guess this is well-intentioned advice, but I think it's better not to worry too much about Nagumo..."

"Tamai, please understand! Up until now, we have lived a life without having anything to do with girls!"

"It can't be helped that my face and atmosphere are scary. So, I wanted to at least be seen as a reliable guy, so I trained my muscles and even did judo!"

 I thought that's why they were even more scared of him, but Atsushi swallowed hard.

"Kousaka... it was an all-boys school! And what's more, it was a boarding school."

 An all-boys boarding school,famous prison islandalcatrazAtsushi thought he didn't have to say it like that, but he still swallowed hard.

"...I don't want to live a life where I'm just surrounded by sweat and muscles. Even though I've finally left Alcatraz, I've come to the glamorous world of university!"

 It seems that Kousaka-kun really thought it was Alcatraz. He is a disgusting synchronicity.

"Tamai...I'm talking to a girl. My dream is to drink sweet cafe au lait together at a cute cafe..."

 He looked like a Shura who lives the way of the sword, and I wondered what cute things he was saying... but the rest is omitted.

 Anyway, anyway. The urgency was felt. In that case, it is a friend's duty to end the dream as soon as possible. Kaishiro Tsukamatsuru!

"...Do you get it"

"Oh, did you understand!?"

"Ah, I thought it would be better to tell you now than to find out the truth after the introduction."

"What does it mean?"

 Be strong in your heart. The truth is always cruel, reality is harsh, and the world is full of sadness.

 Atsushi put his hand on Ikeda's shoulder, creating an atmosphere like that.

"The four beauties you're talking about...all of them are Nagumo's wives."


 This is the perfect example of a ``space cat-like face''.

 that? I don't really understand what it is, do you? I think I hear a language I'm unfamiliar with. I'm sorry, could you say it again?

 Ikeda and his friends appealed with their gazes. So let me explain it more clearly.

"The only one who has officially registered their marriage is the blonde woman――Yue-san, but she is the only one.But the other three are also married."

"Haha, that's a strange thing to say, Mr. Tamai. Don't you know that bigamy is prohibited in Japan?"

"It's just that we can't have a legal marriage. It's a common-law marriage. Also, what's strange about Ikeda's tone?"

"Tamai, aren't you cruel? Even if you make fun of us, there's a way to do it, isn't there?"

"I'm not kidding. Didn't you see? The other three are also wearing rings on their left ring fingers. I mean, it was in the rumors that Aoki and the others heard. They're all married. Also, the worst part is... It's your tone."

 Ikeda and his friends are so upset that their personalities change.

 There is a moment of silence. It seems like everyone is desperately trying to face reality. They looked at each other many times and stared at Atsushi, but from their expressions it was clear that they were not joking or lying...

 It was about that time when the silence began to be filled with a feeling of sadness.

"Hey, I want to go to lunch soon."

"Hey, hehe, I'll do it. I'll do it! I'm going to destroy all the bastards in that shitty reality. You should realize how scary the online society is."

 Gotanda-kun went crazy. She takes out her smartphone and deftly moves her blunt fingers in an attempt to expose the unpopular boy's nemesis on SNS.

"By the way, Nagumo is strong in information matters. He doesn't care about information disclosure requests. He identifies himself right away. He knows everything about his personal information, from his name to his family composition to the amount of his savings. What will happen to the enemy... I can't say it from my mouth."

"Internet society is here!!"

 Gotanda throws away his smartphone. He's wearing a shock-absorbing cover, but it's so strong that it's likely to break.

 Atsushi, who often gets vegetable sticks stuck in his smartphone and has to buy a new one, caught it out of reflex.

 Ikeda's eyes widened as his movements were clearly out of line with normal people. Thanks to that, I regained some sanity.

"...Tamai is definitely strong, right? It's a lie that he didn't do any club activities."

"No, no, it's true, isn't it? Seriously, it's the homecoming club."

"Did you go to some kind of dojo?"

"I haven't gone! I haven't gone!"

 These four people have dedicated their youth to martial arts. Atsushi may look like an average person with a medium build, but he must feel something about it.

 In fact, he was a powerful avant-garde job with the vocation of ``swordsmith,'' and although he was in a state of buffing himself and debuffing his opponents, in the final battle, he was able to cut down on the ``God's Apostle'' opponent. He's one of the fiercest.

 That strength that can be felt somehow is definitely one of the reasons why we became friends.

"Well, anyway! What I'm trying to say is that even if you introduce Nagumo, don't have any strange ulterior motives. As friends, Yue-san and the others will at least have a normal conversation with you."

"Oh, oh, I see... No, I still can't accept the reality, but I understand for now."

"Well, just being able to talk to such a beautiful person is like a dream."

"Oh, and they probably have a lot of girl friends! There might be at least one girl who wouldn't mind chatting with us!"

"It's been two months since I entered university... I haven't talked to any girls yet. We have no choice but to rely on Tamai. At this time, I will fully follow your instructions!"

 Please guide us! To make your dream of chatting with girls come true! Ikeda-kun and his friends complain.

 I don't want to rely solely on the office worker's office conversations anymore... It's a nuisance for me to visit so often...Aoki-kun even gives me extra information that I didn't even ask.

 You did that...' Atsushi looked a little like he was about to cry.

"Well, I understand that you want to get close to girls. I'm also old enough to have never had a girlfriend. I'm sure Yaegashi and Shirasaki have a lot of girl friends... I hope we can have a group date with them soon!"


 The five people form a tight scrum. Empathy and a spirit of cooperation strengthen their friendship.

 It was at that time.

"Ah, I finally found it! What are you doing in a place like that! Tamai-cchi!"


 A girl's friendly voice echoes. Atsushi trembles. picture? Ikeda-kun and his friends looked up in confusion.

 Running very lightly from the back of the hallway was a gal-like female student who looked very active with her side tails.

"Eh, cute..."

 Kousaka-kun can't help but whisper.



 Ikeda-kun and the others turned to Atsushi with serious faces. I don't feel any emotion. He looks like a mafia trying to figure out how to deal with a traitor to his organization.

"Oh? Oh? What's going on, all the guys are having a secret meeting? Why are you giving off such a suspicious smell! Crime is no good, Tamai-cchi!"

"Itte-te-te, don't pat yourself on the back!"

 It was Nana Miyazaki, who, like Atsushi, aspires to become a teacher at the Faculty of Education, is laughing and clapping Atsushi on the back without a trace of hesitation.

 It's a surprising story, but Nana, Ikeda and the others were actually meeting for the first time even though it had been two months since they entered the school.

 This is not the result of Atsushi and Nana avoiding each other. When Atsushi is with one of them, he doesn't meet the other, and even when he tries to meet, it's strangely inconvenient, just a strange misunderstanding between them.

 I wonder if Ikeda and his friends are in other departments...

 It makes more sense to think that he might be currying the grudge of the god of matchmaking.

"Nice to meet you! Nana Miyazaki, Tamai's friend! Hello!"

 After saying that, Nana held out her hand with a big smile and no trace of hesitation.

"Huh? Ah, yo, okay?"

 Ikeda-kun's eyes turn into migratory fish. I've never had a girl treat me this friendly before!

 The empty feeling I had towards the traitor was blown away in an instant.

 A stiff hand held out reflexively. Compared to him, Nana's tiny hands didn't hesitate, like those of a toddler, and she gripped them even tighter and waved them up and down.

"Wow, those big hands! Your body is huge too! Do you do some kind of martial arts?"

"Ah, uh, uh, a little bit of boxing…"

"Oh! It's a boxer! Isn't it like this? Whoosh, whoosh!"

 Nana let go of her hands and imitated shadow boxing, which made Ikeda and Aoki and the others all laugh.

"I mean, what's your name?"

"Ah, hi, Ikeda."

 Ikeda answers even though he is upset. Nana's gaze also turned to Aoki and the others. As expected, her gaze was straight and showed no signs of fear.

 In fact, during her high school days, Nana was already quite popular by the time she returned to Earth half a year ago. They talk to each other in a casual manner regardless of gender, they call her by a quick nickname, ``○○-cchi'', and they touch her body frequently, which makes her very friendly.

 I'd say she's the type of girl who misleads you...

 The less immune a girl is to a guy, the more likely he is to make her think, ``Maybe he likes me?'' For example, it's like a gyaru who is kind to otaku.

 Nana is such a friendly person, but despite her frivolous words and actions, you can sense a strange amount of strength at her core. This doubles Nana's charm, and she becomes even more popular after entering university...

 notice・White・to・teeth・To・and others・height・Na・stomach・It seems like I've gotten better at maintaining a perfect sense of distance.

(That's why I didn't want to actively introduce it.)

 Atsushi thinks that Nana is a ``misunderstood girl who mass-produces men'' and a ``natural evil woman.''

 As soon as I introduced myself, Ikeda and the others were immediately given nicknames and were already in awe.I felt pity and thought, ``Ah, another victim...'' and at the same time, I thought, ``What are you doing to my innocent friend?'' You gave it to me..." he said, staring at Nana. I won't say it out loud though. Whatever it is, Ikeda and his friends' dreams are coming true right away.

"Um, by the way, what does Mr. Miyazaki have to say about Tamai..."

 Ikeda asked timidly. Before Nana can answer, Atsushi opens his mouth to avoid any misunderstandings that may cause a rift in their friendship.

"Miyazaki is also my classmate in high school. That's it. Seriously."

"I-I see! That's right! Huh, then Nagumo and that guy..."

"Oh, we're all classmates. Including Yue-san and the others."

"I see...Ah, uh, Mr. Miyazaki, I don't think so, but Nagumo..."

 Ikeda asked incoherently, but with a sense of nervousness. Aoki and his friends also looked like they were praying, ``God! Please have mercy!''

 Nana somehow guessed what they were talking about.

"Ahaha, I think you heard the rumors? About a real harem guy."

"Well, well..."

"I see. By the way, I'm different, aren't I? I'm good friends with Shizuku-cchi and the others, right?"

"Oh, that's right!"

 As Nana waved her hands with a wry smile, Ikeda and the others' faces lit up at once.

 Gods and Buddhas exist in this world! For the first time, the girl who not only didn't give up on me, but also called me by her nickname, was so glad that she wasn't a resident of a mysterious world called Real Harem! It's a look like that.

 Seeing this, Nana seemed to have further guessed what type of people Ikeda and his friends were. Naturally, I somehow understand where I stand.

 If you do that.

 In my opinion, she is just acting naturally, and she is the kind of person who misunderstands, not the kind of person who wants to be misunderstood.

 So, now that I've noticed it, it's only natural that I try to adjust my sense of distance.

 However, unlike usual, he said something a little ridiculous earlier.

"I mean, come on, Tamai-cchi."

"what is it"

"Isn't "that's all" terrible?"


 Similarly, Ikeda and his friends look like, "Huh?" Leaving the confused boys behind, Nana took a step closer to Atsushi.

 And then drop the bomb.

"It's like we're just classmates. Even though we've stayed at the same hotel many times!"

"Bat, what, what to say-"

 Nana's expression became somber, and Atsushi's expression looked as if he had encountered the devil.

"Tamai, let's confirm our friendship."

 Ikeda's strangely calm voice rang out. However, the pressure of the hand gripping my shoulder didn't calm down at all. I'm shaking violently. It was like he was desperately trying to control the overflowing power.

 And Aoki and the others are also in shock. Tamai-kun is indeed a traitor or not, and he is staring at him, trying not to miss it.

"Are you lying, Tweet?"

"Stop talking like crazy, it's serious!"

 A group of four giant men tilting their heads in unison. It's also four times more creepy.

"I'm seriously not lying! I've never had a girlfriend in my life! Believe me! I'm seriously not popular!!"

 Why do I have to insist on such a sad thing?

 Nana looks down, holding back her laughter and trembling subtly, and it looks like murderous intent is brewing inside her.

"I-I see...that's right! So Miyazaki-san was just teasing me?"

"Yes, that's right, Ikeda! I knew you would believe me!"

"Well, I'm usually jealous of girls teasing me."

"Aoki is right. I admire a casual relationship."

"Hehe, this Kousaka, I've never doubted my friends. I heard that Tamai was staying with a girl...Haha, you're teasing me too much, Miyazaki-san."

 Nana looked up and tilted her head with an ambiguous expression, "Hmm?" A figure that neither confirms nor denies. "Huh?" Ikeda and his friends turned to Atsushi again.

"Hey, Tamai. Staying over is a joke of Miyazaki-san, right?"

"...Shh, it's about a school trip! If that's what you mean, then you guys must be the same!"

""Ah, ah!""

"...No, I go to an all-boys school though."

 Leave aside Kousaka-kun, who calls himself a member of Alcatraz.

"Huh? It's not a school trip, is it? Have you forgotten about the time we stayed at a guesthouse by ourselves?"

"Miyazaki is good!!"

"A lot of things happened. I was so nervous and so intense..."

"OK, that's the end of our friendship with you. I'll physically shut your mouth..."

 By the way, Nana is mostly talking about things in the town of Ur. "We" -- members of Ai-chan's escort team, staying at the same inn, and being nervous when we met Hajime again, and watching the intense battle between the brainwashed Tio and Hajime and the horde of 60,000 monsters. It was.

 Yeah, I'm not lying. It's as if he's imitating some demon lord.

 Whatever it is, it is.

"Tama-kun, listen to me again, okay?"

"Your intonation is worse than before."

"Did you have a private sleepover with a girl?"


 How much better would it have been if these words had come out of jealousy of a girl who liked him?

 However, the truth is always cruel, reality is harsh, and the world is full of sadness.

 In front of me were four giant, strong-looking men who unconsciously pumped up their bodies so much that their veins were visible all over their bodies.

 The pictures are so amazing that I remember seeing a lot of Buddha statues lined up like this when I was touring a temple on a school trip, feeling like I was escaping reality.

 I'm sweating. But facts are facts. I don't want to lie to her friend. that's why,

"Let me just say this."


"There was absolutely nothing wrong with me!! It's so sad that nothing happened."

 It was the cry of the soul again. It was an appeal with all my heart to please believe me. You can't help but feel his sincerity and sadness, and even Ikeda and his friends, who were on the verge of going crazy, can't help but look at each other.

 At that moment, Nana finally couldn't hold back anymore and started gushing. She holds her stomach and her laughter echoes through her teary eyes.

"Miyazaki, oh..."

 Atsushi looked at Ikeda and the others who were confused as to what was going on, and a rather serious expression appeared on his face. Nana whispered as she wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with her fingertips.

"Sorry! But, isn't Tamai-cchi bad?"

"Huh? What is it?"

"We've been through a lot together, relying on each other, haven't we? It's really not just 'that'...I understand that you want to get along with your new friends, but it's a bit weird for you to treat us like we're just acquaintances. Come on."


 Ikeda and the others were busy taking turns looking at Nana, who was staring at Atsushi, and Atsushi, who looked as if he had been hit in the wrong place. Huh, what is this atmosphere...?

"As a Nana-san, I felt a little uncomfortable."

"...Ah, I see. Warii. That's right. They're important friends."

"That's right! I'll be in trouble if you don't do it properly, Tamai-cchii?"

"Oh no, it was really bad! So stop grumbling!"

 Atsushi grimaces in frustration as his cheek is crushed by a fist. But he never tries to avoid it. He also noticed that Nana's expression was refreshing and seemed to be having fun.

 Certainly, it doesn't have the feeling of being in love with it. However, it was clearly conveyed that there was a bond and trust between the two that was so strong that no one else could easily enter into it.

 Ikeda and the others just look at each other without saying anything.

 And then there's a new person.

"Wait a minute, what are Nana and Tamai doing? Lunch is almost over—oh, hello."

"""!? H-hello"""

 It's a girl again. And once again, they are not afraid of themselves at all! While they were calling out to Nana and Atsushi, as soon as they noticed us, they started calling out to us normally! Ikeda and his friends were upset.

 On the contrary, the long-slit eyes and the lack of a friendly smile made me panic, thinking, ``What, a scary-looking beautiful woman has arrived!?'' ``What, are they staring at us? That's scary.''

"Huh? Isn't today's gathering canceled? Nagumo's guy received a summons, right? I heard from him earlier."

"Haven't you seen it? Yue-san and her friends will be gathering after that, so if you'd like, I'll introduce you to them, right? To the group."

"Seriously? I didn't see it. I mean, isn't it just a girls-only gathering? I don't like it, like I'm the only boy."

"I thought Tamai-chan would say that, so I forgot that I came to look for her because I thought I'd take her with me while trying to mislead her!"

"Miyazaki, I think it would be a good idea to have a proper talk with you once."

"What are you guys doing..."

 Apparently, that's what happened.

 There, Yuka turned her attention back to Ikeda and the others, who had been completely left behind. Even though she looks like a delinquent, she is a caring Yuka. There's no way she's going to ignore it.

"Um, you're Tamai's friend, right? Nice to meet you, I'm Yuka Sonobe. We're classmates at the same high school."


"Ah, Aoki."



 Ikeda and the others are in awe for some reason, perhaps sensing an older sister-like atmosphere. It seems like it came out of reflex, probably because I was immersed in martial arts with a strict hierarchy.

 Yuka's eyes widened for a moment at that, but she immediately let out a small laugh.

"What, is that trending? I have so-and-so. Hehe."

((((ka, cute...))))

 Our hearts were one. And it was chorochoro.

 Although Atsushi is worried that he will be easily deceived by the bad woman, he fulfills his duty as a friend.

"Too bad. That person is Nagumo's mistress."

``````Reality is shit!!!''''''

 Needless to say, the voices of Ikeda and his friends echoed with their sadness and resentment towards the unequal society.

 Then, the girls who had fled into the lecture hall earlier heard the roaring screams and shouted, ``Conflict! A battle between beasts has begun!'' ``I can't stay here anymore! I'm going home.'' !" I could see her running away desperately while panicking...

 Ikeda and his friends' knees finally gave way.

 By the way,

"Damn it, damn it! What the hell did this guy do?"

"Y-you deserve it! Stupid Tamai!"

 Atsushi was also on his knees.

 In his hand was the cruel sight of a smartphone skewered to death by a mechanical pencil.

 By the way, Tamai's smartphone has been equipped with a self-repair function since the 13th generation. For some reason, even if it was caused by something other than Yuuka, she would die immediately, so she begged and had Hajime put her on him.

"Tamai-cchi, you won't learn. Ah ha ha."

 Nana's happy laughter echoes.

 If you look from the corner of your eye, you can see five men kneeling down in front of a woman who is angry for some reason - and four of them look like giant, strong-looking men - and what's more, they're laughing stupidly at the sight. The composition is that there is a girl.

 ...Actually, there were several students secretly watching the situation from a distance, but Yuka and the others weren't particularly aware of it at the time.

 As a result, rumors about Nana and Yuuka being some amazing girls are being circulated, and even upperclassmen are approached for advice, and various clubs are scouting them...but that's another story.

"Ah, that's right. Also, it seems like they're talking about having a social gathering with their respective friends. Tonight, it looks like everyone who can get together right away will go out for dinner...but if you're Tamai's friends, you guys. Would you like to come if you like?"

 Ikeda and his friends looked up.

 A ray of hope for those who were devastated by reality.

"But, if we were here, we'd probably scare you..."

 I suddenly feel like I'm in the mood for an unexpected invitation that seems to come out of nowhere.

 Yuka tilted her head to Ikeda and the others.

"Are you scared? Where?"

"Are you an angel?"

 However, she is a mistress (another name).

 Ikeda's expressions were deathly complicated, but when Yuuka urged them, ``So, what should we do? It looks like we have reservations for the restaurant, so I'd like to tell you the number of people...'', and there was only one answer.

"""Thank you very much for your help!!!"""

 A loud chant of joy echoed through the Faculty of Education building.

"Good for you guys..."

"Tamai-cchi too. Tamai-cchi was sad because she wasn't with us during the trip! I hope you have a cute girl, Tamai-cchi!"

"What, you can't get enough of me unless you stab me several times a day? Just show up."

"I need to get a girlfriend while I'm in college..."

"W-what is it..."

"Probability of becoming a teacher who messes with students – 100%!!"

"Ai-chan, you're talking about me!! Stop it! Stop bringing it up!"

"I'll pick up the bones for you, Tamai-cchi!"

"Stop talking with the assumption that it's a joke."

 In a sense, are we experiencing youth here?

 In any case, tonight's social gathering was going to be lively.

 Meanwhile, at that time, Hajime met up with Hattori and headed for an important meeting.


"!?ReinaReina...Why are you here?"

 For some reason, before I met the important person, by some coincidence I had run into Hattori's daughter (?).

 Hattori, who was upset but looked as if he had bitten the bug, and his daughter, who was about to be a high school student, looked at her father suspiciously.

 Maybe the relationship between parent and child isn't very good? There's an uneasy, unsettling atmosphere in the air.

 Why is it that even though I left university to come here to help, I'm about to get caught up in a parent-child fight?

 Therefore, Hajime, who was caught between them, made an instant decision.

 Okay, let's run away.