Surprise workplace visit

 About an hour had passed since Hajime met up with Hattori using the compass and gate.

"It's completely...even though it couldn't be helped, you found it very useful, Hattori-san."

"Well, I'm sorry."

 The two were walking side by side in the middle of a city filled with skyscrapers.

 Furthermore, the purpose of this summons is that we have not yet held a meeting with a key figure in a certain country. to do it smoothlyoh・Cleaning・Exclusion・has just finished.

"I really wanted this meeting to be a success, and I wanted to ensure safety."

"Well, it doesn't matter because I, or rather, we have a big advantage…"

 Since it's a business district, most of the people walking around are people wearing suits. It was crowded with people who had just finished eating lunch and were heading back to the office, or who were about to head out for a late lunch.

 It seems like more and more companies are encouraging casual attire these days, so it doesn't feel particularly strange to see Hajime walking around wearing jeans, sneakers, and a thin cardigan over a shirt.

 However, the person walking shoulder-to-shoulder with a young man who looks like a college student is actually Hattori, who has the appearance and atmosphere of a person who takes the concept of a "tired middle-aged man" and puts it into human form. If so, it would probably stand out...

"That being said, if you always made decisions like that, you would feel like an elite civil servant."

"I don't like it. It's so formal. My job is already suffocating, but if I pay too much attention to my appearance, I'll really feel suffocated."

 Hattori-san was really determined today just as Hajime said.

 The usual shabby suit appearance has been replaced with a freshly worn, beautiful suit. Even the loose collar stood firm and firm, and there were no yellow stains on the nape of his neck.

 It doesn't smell like cigarettes, but more like soap. Even though her hair is unkempt, she's keeping it cool today. Of course, no stubble. Even the default hunched back is straight as if it were a lie.

"Well, my eyes look dead, as usual."

"When the time comes, it will get sharp so please take it seriously."

 I guess it will be. Perhaps this person really.

 No matter how pathetic he usually seems, this man is one of those responsible for protecting the country behind the scenes. He can be as ruthless as he needs to be, and even though he appears absent-minded, he is constantly observing, analyzing, and thinking ahead.

 She is the same type as Sharon Magdanes, the head of the British Security Bureau. He is essentially a Sangvis agent.

"Ah, my stomach hurts... Hmm. Meeting with a country's important figures is not a police officer's job. They say it's a politician's job."

"Yeah, well. It can't be helped since you're with me there and the other party is asking for it...but besides that, Hattori-san, it's been about an hour since we met up."

"Yes? Is that so?"

"Aren't you already on the sixth pill of the stomach medicine you just drank?"

"? Oh really?"

"I don't think it's something you should drink every tenth time..."

"I don't even have to ask you that."

"How much do you drink every day?"

"Haha, that's strange. Even Mr. Nagumo can't remember the number of rice grains he's eaten so far, right?"

" least give me the number of breads."

 I can't help but feel sorry for Hajime. What a sad thing to say with such a fleeting smile.

 Hajime gently put his hand in his pocket.

 At that point, it's probably an occupational disease. When Hattori casually looks at me and asks me what I'm going to bring out, I think to myself, ``This person doesn't seem to have any boundaries between private life and work anymore,'' and take out a special magic potion from the treasure trove without anyone knowing. .

 It's not Enadori, which is a medicine that postpones various types of damage. It's a proper recovery medicine. It contains a few drops of divine water extracted with infinite magical power, so it has an outstanding recovery effect.

"Nagumo-san... Wow, I can't believe you're so kind to me when you called me out of the blue and caused me trouble by eliminating agents from each country before the meeting."

"Can you stop crying in the street? People are staring at me so much."

 Mr. Hattori receives a small bottle disguised as a commercially available energy drink and drinks it down in one gulp while crying.

 Her expression lights up. With her arms outstretched, she poses as if her whole body is bathed in sunlight. It's embarrassing. It was even more so as the two office ladies quickly walked past with shocked expressions on their faces.

 If you see a middle-aged man drinking an energy drink in a business district in the middle of the day, looking like he's about to be taken by heaven, you're bound to avoid him.

 Moreover, since I'm standing still, it looks like it's going to get in the way.

"I've been holding back because it seems like my dependence will increase, but should I prepare some stronger stomach medicine next time?"

"That's helpful. No, really."

 Hattori smiles and says his thanks while nonchalantly looking around.

 Smiling bitterly at that appearance, Hajime took out his compass and waved it lightly as if to appeal.

"Don't worry, Hattori-san. I'm always searching for enemies using my compass. There's been no reaction so far, and I'm being careful myself."

"Oops, sorry. It's already gotten into my habit."

"He looks like the third son of some assassin family, and you won't even hear any footsteps."

"Oops, that's embarrassing. I was still in a bit of an alert mode. I'll make sure to get the footsteps back as well."

 He really looks like any middle-aged office worker you can find anywhere, but this is what's inside. Hajime also couldn't help but smile bitterly.

 However, it is also true that Hattori is feeling particularly tingly today.

"Until the meeting...there's about 30 minutes left."

"Yes, there is a hidden restaurant up ahead."

"There were quite a few spies outside of Britain and China. I'm shocked to hear about your secret contacts. Are you okay?"

"Rather than being incompetent on the other side, I think this is due to the current situation where intelligence activities in each country are desperately trying."

"Even in the United States, huh?"

"In the United States, too."

 They looked at each other and with indescribable expressions said the affiliation of the person they were about to meet.

 Yes, this time, it was his powerhouse that secretly requested a meeting. You could say he was the head of a faction belonging to that intelligence agency. After all, he is a key figure in the government.

 However, today's meeting, which was scheduled just a few days ago on an emergency basis, seems to have been grabbed by many countries.

 Interdiction or intelligence? In any case, behind the scenes of this busy but peaceful office district, a tremendous intelligence and counter-intelligence battle was taking place.

 That's why Hattori and the others are unable to do it alone to eliminate everything or ensure their safety before the meeting.

 This was the reason why Hajime was suddenly called.

 When the meeting was first decided, there were no plans for Hajime to participate. The plan was to bring back the contents of the meeting, discuss it with Hajime, and go through several negotiations...the plan was as per the theory.

 However, more information was leaked than expected. It was almost impossible for the talks to take place, and the situation was such that it was unlikely that they would be able to hold repeated discussions...

 Hattori sighs and lets out a wry smile.

"It's a country with the highest ranking in both intelligence and counterintelligence, but this is in a situation where that may become a thing of the past. It seems like they're quite anxious. It seems like there's a lot of pressure on the top."

"I guess so. Besides, even though it's just a matter of course, we've also started to have connections with China."

"Yes, some unexplained occultism has materialized and could actually threaten the national interest. There are rumors that the directors of the CIA and NSA are on the verge of going insane."

"It would be irresistible to make him the head of an intelligence agency."

 Therefore, impatience is accumulating and hard-liners are becoming more vocal every day.

 In other words, if we can't get information from diplomatic sources, we can't do it! If you don't understand something, bring someone who understands with you! Give me information from beginning to end! The means no longer matter! It is.

 Naturally, the targets of this fall first are Japan and the returnees.

 Conservatives want to appease these hard-liners and obtain information from Japan in a friendly manner, and more specifically, they want to build a solid cooperative system that includes the transfer of know-how in the field of paranormal phenomena. The top person was my meeting partner today.

"I don't think you want more agents to become volunteers."

"Have you already forgotten about the damage caused by the returnee riots and whatnot?"

"Even if you remember, the hard-liners must be so urgent that they can't help but do it.As I said, this meeting also includes negotiations for their return."

"It's a souvenir to appease the hardliners."

"That's a wise decision. They're going out of their way to tell us that this is the card that can give them an advantage in negotiations. For them, they're making a lot of concessions. How serious are they? You can even see it."

"It's likely that other countries will take tough measures if they are dragged along. In fact, they are taking strong measures at this point."

"We would like to make some connections to reduce the hassle.Even if there are no paranormal phenomena, if someone over there gets serious, what's the point?"

 After all, it is no exaggeration to say that what is at stake is the fate of the nation.

 The existing counter-intelligence systems may be completely ignored, and information about paranormal phenomena may be taken as they please. There is even hesitation in sending agents to other countries.

 In fact, many of the excellent agents sent to Japan have discovered their volunteer spirit and resigned without permission.

 Of course, Japan does not want to give up its absolute advantage easily, and has no intention of doing so. So I haven't given in to the pressure yet. But it will only be a matter of time.

 In addition to the fact that the United States is lagging behind in information warfare, there is also a more immediate and pressing reason.

"It seems like you are also urgently looking for the ability to deal with Awakened people."

"…Occult group?"

"Yes, it seems to be increasing gradually. It's the same in other countries, but the larger the land, the larger the population."

 However, there are only a limited number of experts on paranormal phenomena---the members of Onmyo Dormitory. Even if they can be seconded, there are limits. said Hattori, who deliberately glanced at me with wistful eyes.

 Apparently, it was a chat that also served as a pre-meeting meeting.

"For the time being, we are still releasing demons all over the world to monitor them. We are regularly searching for organizations that seem dangerous using the compass, and we are also setting up surveillance based on the level of danger...if necessary. , let's show our strength in a visible way. As long as it's a devil's doll inside."

 I can't just push my friends out. Especially for a while now. They are each walking their own path. I can't bear to travel around the world until I get used to my new environment and life.

 Besides, demons who hate boredom would be happy to work. You will also receive a temporary body to carry out your activities in this world.

 Hajime said something like that,

"Ah, doesn't that look bad?"

"Right now, I'm researching an upgraded version of the golem. I want it to look like a human. I've got 90% of it done. All that's left to do is make the demon learn the common sense of the human world. I'm working on the details... I'll finish it in a bit of a hurry.''

"That's a scary story, but..."

 Hattori's cheeks twitched a little.

 A group of demons that are indistinguishable from humans...and they have even learned the common sense of the human world.

 I see, it's just plain scary. It was enough to make me reconsider whether it was a good idea to ask for help.

"A devil worshiper gets arrested after his intentions are crushed by a devil doll… Isn't it nice to be ironic?"

 Hajime grinned, and Hattori couldn't help but smile bitterly. This is the Demon King, no, I think I should call him the Demon God now.

"Please don't control things incorrectly, okay? I don't think it's something for someone like me to say."

"No, I'll keep it in mind."

"Then don't worry. You can use it as one of your negotiation cards. Oh, by the way."


"It seems that the occult groups that have been increasing recently are not just ordinary devil worshipers."

"Is it so?"

 Hajime was stunned. In fact, as it was, the information processing capacity was likely to be exceeded as it was, so even the demons in charge of monitoring were not allowed to report on the thoughts of each occult group.

"Yes. It seems like there are more and more groups that are advocating an apocalypse or calling for people to leave for paradise."

"Hmm? Well, that's a commonplace, but..."

"There have been reports here and there at the response department. Awakened people...people who suddenly awakened to their powers one day, well, I guess they want to find out the reason."

``There is meaning in my awakening to power! ``I have something to do! "Like?"

"I see."

"That being said, I'm worried about them turning into terrorists. Wouldn't it be better to be a sneaky devil worshiper?"

"Nagumo-san is in control of his energy, so there's not much he can do with his own power.It would be faster to just get up close and punch him."

"You say things like Shia."

 By the way, the person who said that was Mr. Justice of the Tsuchimikado family. Justice Punch seems to be more effective than using Onmyojutsu or formulas. Lately, he seems to be more focused on honing his muscles than on techniques.

"Well, whatever."

 The United States is in a dire situation. If you keep rambling around forever, your impression will only get worse. Even our position as a friendly country, which we have built on the public political stage, is in jeopardy.

 No one wants to go down a path where the number of victims increases at an accelerating rate.

 Therefore, both sides want to make this meeting a success no matter what. Mr. Hattori reminds me once again.

 Of course, diplomatic professionals will be present at the meeting, as well as big-name politicians. Basically, they will lead the talk, but it will be almost like a moderator.

 No matter what happens, Hattori will have to come forward to discuss the content, and Hajime will need to make a judgment regarding the specific content of the negotiations.

 Hajime was in control of everything, including the dispatch of personnel, the return of agents, and the supply of energy.

"I know. You're supposed to do it hard so you don't get licked, right?"

"I'm not!? No, I'm sure I shouldn't be licked!"

 Hattori immediately started stroking Hajime's stomach area as he laughed.

"That's a cruel joke. Oh, my stomach is going to be destroyed again...If this happens, I'll have to help you interrogate the captured agents."

"Please give me a break. I'm a student too. There's a clone of Endo in the response department, so you can just ask him. He's already a great village creator."

"He's currently on another mission."

 Hattori-san didn't seem to really want to ask from the beginning, and simply backed down, saying, ``I guess it can't be helped.''

 And that's where the communication comes in.

"This is Unicorn 1. We'll be arriving soon.''

 He is the leader of the escort team that picked up American VIPs at the airport.

 By the way, why is the team name Unicorn?

"Maybe Unicorn Ganda○?"

"Oh, I understand."

"During the Jukai, the team name was also the name of the Ganda○ series aircraft, right? I asked Endo."

"Isn't that a good idea? It's exciting. The Ganda○ series is the best."

"Hattori-san is surprisingly knowledgeable about subculture."

 Perhaps the key to being able to continue working for a long time without giving in to the hard work is to mix in some hobbies to enjoy your official duties.

 By the way, the captured agents from each country are currently being detained and monitored by a team with a different aircraft name.

 Incidentally, some of the captured agents overheard their exchange and their cheeks twitched, thinking, "Hey, these guys!"

 In fact, the personal codenames of Hattori's subordinates are also the names of characters in the Ganda○ series.

 What's more, when he was being taken away, he often said familiar lines like, ``Then I'm going to the detention vehicle, Am*!'' and ``Stop it, right? There's no way you guys can beat the Demon King if you fight seriously, right?'' It is coming.

 The fact that there are agents from other countries who understand this may be proof that the series is the best, as Hattori says...

 In any case, I guess you could call him Hattori's subordinate. Like his boss, they also seem to never forget the small pleasures even during work.

 Furthermore, the codename changes depending on the operation, but if the codename you want to use (usually the main character of each series) is used, it seems that they compete for it in a mock fight. by Kosuke.

 Quiet talk.

"On a different topic, I wonder if there's a restaurant in a business district like this."

"I don't think the general public knows about it. It's not even on the internet."

 In other words, it's probably a place to talk about secrets like that.

 I left the main street and passed through some back streets. There were fewer people and the atmosphere became quieter.

"I mean, wouldn't it be better to hold such an important meeting at a government facility?"

"That was the original plan. We suddenly changed it to this."

"Why again... no, I see. The second or third meeting will be tough."

"Yes, I want to decide as much as possible during this meeting. It's going to be a bit of a long discussion."

 What's more, when you're feeling nervous at the negotiation table, exceptionally delicious food can calm your nerves.

 This is a seat that will likely be the place for serious and hard negotiations. It seems that the more ways there are to soothe a dangerous mood, the better.

"Nagumo-san, you've had enough for lunch, haven't you? It's a small reward, but I'll treat you to something. Well, it's just an expense!"

"I don't think it's possible to go home before today's lectures are all over."

 However, this is also to maintain a somewhat peaceful daily life.

 While Hajime was convinced, he couldn't help but smile...



 Suddenly, a voice called out from behind.

 Hattori turns around with a frightening reaction, as if he were a soldier who had been warned that he was a sniper!

 My eyes widened quickly as I saw a person who seemed to have just come out of a nearby building. He was so upset that even Hajime had never seen him before.

"Re,ReinaReina...Why are you here?"

 No, Hattori-san, no matter how you look at it, he's probably working part-time… Hajime mentally scolded.

 A high school girl called Reina was wearing a uniform with a fashionable logo on it. If Hajime remembered correctly, it should have been the logo of a cafe that had delicious sandwiches all over the country.

 If you look, you'll see a moped with a box with the same logo engraved parked in the parking space along the sidewalk. He must have come to deliver lunch.

 Hattori should have understood instantly, but the reason he asked such a stupid question was because he was really upset.

 As expected,

"Are you an idiot? You'll know it when you see it. I have a part-time job."

 His words sounded like he was throwing them out.

 I would say she looks like a blonde gal with a slender figure. Her hair has mesh in several colors, her make-up is on point, she has plenty of piercing holes, and her nails are sparkling.

 Why does it look so flashy? He has sharp eyes and seems to have a bad mouth.

 However, it seems common sense to remove accessories while working part-time, and the uniform is not worn out at all.

(Sonobe type? I guess...)

 Hattori's eyes are harsh. Well, if I were to describe it as an oblate, I would rather call it the kind of eyes you get when you suddenly find a winged insect stuck to the wall of your room.

 It's not like he's going through a bit of a rebellious period or in the middle of a parent-child fight.

 There was no warmth in his gaze, and his voice was filled with disgust.

(It's so awkward. The air is freezing...)

 Hattori's expression began to look as if he had bitten a million bitter insects, and looking at Hattori's expression and his whole body, the young lady's expression also became as if she was looking at a suspicious person. Even more so.

 That's what Hajime thought.

(Okay, let's run away)

"Hattori-san, I'll go first-"

"I see, you have a part-time job… If that's the case, go quickly."

"Huh? I don't want you to tell me what to do?"

 I couldn't escape. I don't feel like I can hold my tongue. In that case, it can't be helped. Immediately leave this scene that embodies the Cold War while using Presence Interdiction.

"I mean, what's with the way you're dressed? Even though you're always so sloppy..."

"No, this is..."

"And you brought someone who looked like a college student with you… don't you think it's suspicious?"

 The spearhead is aimed at us! The young lady's eyes pierce Hajime!

"He's... it's nothing. Just go."

"You're telling me not to give orders. ...That person doesn't look like a new police officer. He's not giving you instructions, right? The guidance is different. There's no atmosphere of running away or not letting him run away. To begin with, you're sitting at the window, right? There's no way a 2012 document organizer would go out of his way to dress like that and do that kind of work.''

 This young lady is definitely Hattori-san's daughter! I have no insight! Hajime was surprised inwardly. I couldn't help but look at Hattori and Reina in turn.

 Ah, if you look closely, you can see that his eyes are exactly like Hattori-san's when he's in serious mode... and while I'm thinking that, the story continues to progress.

"I have a lot of work to do. Dad, I'm busy so I'll go now."

 If my daughter doesn't leave me, I'll do it myself.heelKibisuHattori tries to return it. At that time, he glanced at Hajime...

(Wow, he's in serious mode. He looks like he'll kill you if you don't obey him...)

 For example, he has the eyes of Director Patrick Dime, aka Omnibus' Demon Killer Man.

 Lately, they have been having more and more opportunities to discuss things, but every time they do, they look at Hajime, who has a demon at his side, as if to say, ``If you betray humanity, I'll definitely kill you, even if I follow you to the depths of the abyss!!'' According to Kousuke, that seems to be the default look in his eyes, as he doesn't think anything of it.

 In any case, it seems like he really doesn't want his daughter involved. To begin with, Hattori, who works for public security, has a lot of work that he cannot even talk about with his family. In fact, that's pretty much it.

 For the time being, it seems that he has a dummy status and affiliation, and although he has an unremarkable position, he is extremely busy, but when Reina sees his usual shabby appearance, he thinks that he is a ``no-good cop who can't stand up.'' It seems there is.

 By the way,

"Oh, that's right. I don't really care what kind of work you do, but just don't cause trouble for me or your mother."

"...Your father is a police officer. That can't happen, right?"

"Ha, aren't you stupid to believe the words of someone who seems to be abandoning his family?"

"Just do it. It's true that your father is busy and doesn't come home often, but..."

"Ah, okay, excuse me. Anyway, we don't care what you do. You can do whatever you want as if it doesn't matter to you."

 Apparently, the relationship between parent and child is the worst. Reina seems to think of her father as ``someone who abandoned her family and lived for work.''

 In fact, if you look at it from the side, it probably looks like that. Hattori's busy schedule is unusual. And the importance of that work.

 It's a job where you can't just take a day off because you want to, take a day off in accordance with legal standards, or flatly refuse a call because it's a day off.

 This is a job where the lives and property of many people and the security of the country are at stake.

 Reina looks away as if she has given up and heads towards the moped.

(I still had the impression that he was disgusted with me. He was now in the realm of indifference...)

 I look sideways at Hattori. Hattori silently watched her daughter leave.

 Hajime couldn't express the emotion contained in those eyes well. Even if her vocabulary was at a perfect level, she probably wouldn't have been able to express it.

 Still, if I had to express it, I would say it was a complex expression, one that was a mixture of feeling sorry for her daughter and a cold-hearted feeling that she had no choice but to do so.

"...I'm sorry, I took up your time. Let's go, Nagumo-san."

"Ah, ah"

 Hajime is an outsider. He is a stranger. He shouldn't get involved in other families' affairs.

 Reina must have gotten to where she is today through a lot of accumulation. It's not like she hated her father from the beginning.

 Even so, he was somehow held back by it, or rather, he felt uneasy about whether it was okay as it was, perhaps because Hajime was also a father with a daughter.

 If you replace Reina and Hattori with Myuu and yourself...

(...Ah, I can't, I'm going to die...)

 The genie passes away safely due to the indifference from his daughter - he suddenly comes to his senses and quickly shakes his head to rid himself of the horrifying imagination.

 I tried to follow Hattori, who turned his back on me, even though he did something stupid...

 It was at that time.

"From Shambro 1 to Garda 1. Possibility of being followed. I ask for instructions.''

"! This is Garda 1. Tell us your current location and situation."

 Hattori gave a resounding command.

 Although it wasn't a loud voice, it was a sharp voice that pierced directly into my brain.

 Reina, who was about to put on the helmet, suddenly trembled and stopped. She couldn't help but look at her father.

"W-what? What's going on..."

 A small whisper leaks out.

 Hattori's face changes. The lethargic atmosphere disappeared as if it were a lie, and in its place was full of ambition. His gaze was also so sharp that it would make a weak-minded creature faint just by looking at him.

"Reina, what are you doing? Hurry up and go."


"Nagumo-san, I'm sorry, but please send your daughter away. Garda 1 to each squad. Shamblo will change the route. Move to deployment pattern B6. Banshee will provide support. Block the back of the suspicious vehicle."

 For a moment, her father's face peeks out, but it quickly returns to the agent's face. Although it's probably something she doesn't want her daughter to see, her quickness in making decisions is as amazing as ever. She gives instructions in quick succession.

 Apparently, an escort team for a vehicle carrying diplomats and politicians participating in today's talks reported the presence of a suspicious vehicle.

 Reina was perplexed by the tense atmosphere and the sudden change in her father's behavior, but when she saw Hattori, who was already paying no attention to her as if he didn't exist, her expression gradually turned grim.

"Is this the first time you've seen your father like that?"

 Reina, who had been glaring at her father, suddenly looked to the side. Without making a sound, she opened her eyes as if surprised to see Hajime standing next to her. She did, but then she glared back at her face.

"Huh? What are you doing? All of a sudden."

 It's quite spicy. He expresses his wariness towards the unknown person who is standing next to his suspicious father, who does not look like a rookie police officer or a criminal.

 Hajime didn't seem to be particularly concerned and continued to look at Hattori. Several of his subordinates, who had been scattered to keep an eye on the surrounding area, had just rushed in.

"Your father does a job that he can't tell his family about. It's not that he doesn't tell his family. It's a job that he can't tell."

"I-I don't understand what that means."

"It doesn't mean I'm doing something bad. There are some incidents in this world that can't be made public."

 Even if Hattori blurts out what he's been hiding, it doesn't mean he doesn't feel guilty about talking so freely.

 I have no intention of persuading this girl to understand her father.

 What I am saying now is unnecessary care. In fact, from Hattori's point of view, it would be an act that would be met with resentment.

 I am very aware of this.

 But I think it's too much. A man who continues to risk his life at work to protect his country, and by extension, his family, is not even treated as family by his daughter.

"I'm more scared of your father alone than being attacked by a hundred murderers. Do you know why?"

"There's no way you know. What did you say earlier?"

"It's because they have different determinations. Kotaro Hattori will do anything to protect the country and the people who live there. He will bow to anyone, corner him to the hilt if necessary, and even risk his life."

"I-life is such an exaggeration."

 Hattori is giving instructions to his subordinates around him. I can't really make out what they're saying because it's a little far away, but I can feel the tense atmosphere.

 Even from Reina's eyes, she could somehow see that these people who seemed to be good at their jobs were following her father with complete trust.

 i don't know. I don't know any father like that.

 He is a pathetic guy who is always shabby and slovenly, and no matter what anyone says, he laughs out loud. Even when her daughter, herself, insults me, she only responds with words of admonishment in a calm voice. I have no recollection of ever hearing her yell.

"It's not a job that anyone can understand. It's not a job that just anyone can do. Your father is undoubtedly the only person in this country who cannot be replaced."

 For some reason, I was so angry.

 I couldn't help but want to slap the young man in front of me as he said with a knowing look on his face.

"...I can't believe it. In the first place, what is that? Are you trying to preach? So, there's no point in abandoning your family? Who are you?"

 Words flow out. His father should have given up on him a long time ago and has no interest in him at all.

 I can't stop hearing the words of hatred and bitterness.

 Birthdays, school events, and other important events were often missed. Even during her precious family vacations, she always goes back to work. To begin with, I have almost no recollection of anything happening with her family.

 Even when I was sick and in bed, I didn't come home. When her mother was injured and hospitalized, she didn't rush to help until days later.

 I don't like it when people give me gifts. How far do you have to make fun of someone, thinking that if you give them something, they'll be in a better mood?

 I don't care about school, my dreams for the future, or anything my daughter does anyway.

"Understood? That guy is disqualified as a father. Will a stranger who doesn't know anything about it stop interfering with me? It's annoying."

 Reina looked at him as if she were a caterpillar, but Hajime didn't seem particularly put off by it. She obediently listened to the end and even agreed with him with a wry smile, saying, ``That's right, he's my father.''

 Reina narrowed her eyes as if she had missed a beat.

"I don't mean to interfere. This is just a monologue. You can just ignore it. Or rather, just pretend you didn't listen. I'm prepared to be beaten by that person, but I don't like to be beaten. I don't want to be beaten."

"what is that..."

"I don't want my family to know about it. It's about keeping them away from danger, and it's about not wanting them to see the dirty world."

 Beyond his duty of confidentiality, I'm sure Hattori simply doesn't want his daughter to know about such a world. I would like him to live in the outside world without knowing about the underworld.

"In other words, it's just my selfishness. I just wish that the person that I and my friends were indebted to could at least be called a shitty father by my daughter."

 There's nothing wrong with Reina. She doesn't understand why her father isn't by her side. It would be unusual for a child to still love his parents.

 It was Hattori's fault for not taking proper measures to understand his own absence, even if he could not accept it.

 However, indifference is the worst. Especially if it's your precious daughter.

(Just thinking about it makes me cry. I have to be careful too...)

 That thought was probably the reason why Hajime made such an unnecessary move.

 Reina's eyes pierce. She says whatever she wants, does she really think that's what she wants?

 At the same time, Hattori also looked at me. Why are you still there? The look in his eyes looked like he was about to strike out.

 They have powerful eyes that look just like each other.

(I guess I did something unnecessary)

 A report came from the radio that Hajime also shared. It seems that she finished checking while she was talking. It appears that the suspicious vehicle was a regular vehicle that just happened to be driving behind us.

 Hattori walks towards me while giving instructions to rearrange his subordinates. However, there didn't seem to be enough time to exchange words.

 A car just slid by. This is a vehicle carrying important people from the Japanese side.

 Perhaps because it was a clandestine move, it looked like a one-box light vehicle that looked like it would be used by a businessman. Of course, it's probably a different bulletproof specification considering the displacement as well as the contents.

 A disguised vehicle stopped a little ahead of where Hajime and Reina were.

 Hattori looked at Reina and furrowed his brow, but changed his course. I ran to the vehicle, straightening his back and straightening his collar.

 The window opens and I exchange a few words with the person inside. With that, Hattori's gaze turned towards Hajime.

"Nagumo-san, come here."


 He was waving his hands in a position that could not be seen from inside the car. Reina, go home quickly! Is that a sign? It must be a sign. Yeah, definitely. Her eyes say so.

 Let's go quickly... Reina's eyes shot up when she saw this, as she was about to put on her helmet this time.

 Because of Hajime, I felt like I was feeling a bit horny. Half-heartedly, I placed my helmet on the seat and slowly approached him.

 Hattori's father's cheeks are twitching! She glared at Hajime!

 Hajime-san approaches you with an unfamiliar look on his face. Reina-chan follows from behind. Her father's expression changes all the time, and she twists her mouth, as if thinking that he's being nice... until she sees a man peeking out of the car window. .

"…Eh, Foreign Minister Yokotani…?"

 Reina's voice leaks out in front of a famous big-name politician who she sees on TV. Her eyes widen and she stiffens.

"Hmm? That young lady... ah, okay. She's Nagumo-kun's friend anyway."

"Y-no, well, yes."

 Hattori-san, you're breaking out in a cold sweat. I can't believe she's my daughter, and I can't even say that she's an ordinary person.

 Foreign Minister Kiyomori Yokotani. Currently, he is probably the politician most closely associated with Hattori. Although there are many dark rumors about him, he is a capable politician, and his diplomatic skills are well known.

 He is also a man whose hair roots are severely damaged due to the recent changes in the world. Her graying hair, which was thick even in her sixties, would wither away in an instant without Hajime's specially made hair growth medicine (actually Emily's formula).

"More than that, Nagumo-kun. I would like to thank you for answering despite the sudden call."

"No, because it's beneficial for us as well."

"I asked you to do it today. Most of the cards that are effective in negotiations are in your hands. I want you to make an adult decision and not get too selfish."

"Of course. Yes, protecting the national interest means protecting your family and friends. No matter what happens, I will never forget the fundamentals of that."

"...That's a reliable story."

 Implicitly, Foreign Minister Yokotani also smiled back at Hajime, who told Hajime with a smile that he would do whatever it took if it meant putting his family and friends at a disadvantage. The inside of his belly is pitch black.

 After all, he is a man who has been bitten by the controversy surrounding returnees. His ability to pretend to be an ``understanding politician'' with a calm face even after suffering a harsh blowback is a first-rate quality.

 Without that, it would be impossible to compete with other countries.

 While Reina was looking down at Hajime and Yokoya, who had a nice smile on her face, or rather, while she was giving Hajime a look like ``Who the hell is this guy...?'', she apparently wanted to stab her nails in the face before the meeting. Apparently, Yokotani's attention turned to Hattori.

"I asked you too, Hattori-kun. Think of this meeting as a turning point. The relationship between our country and that country will be decided. No one in the field will be able to determine how many negotiation cards you can draw out of the other side and turn them into trash." It's up to you to know."

"...Please don't bully me too much. I'm just a police officer."

"Ha, that's a funny joke. Now even the Commissioner of the National Police Agency is considerate of you. On top of that, now even heavyweights in various countries turn pale when they hear the name 'Japan's Hattori'."

"Please tell me a joke."

 Reina was busy looking at Yokotani and her father. His expression was as if he was seeing something hard to believe.

"Huh, well, that's fine. Stop, I'm going to play a supporting role in the diplomatic negotiations. I'll get you the appropriate benefits."

 Perhaps satisfied after seeing that Hattori unconsciously held his stomach, Foreign Minister Yokotani simply applied pressure, but without listening to the driver's response, he signaled to the driver.

 At the end, he grinned and added, "My progress is at stake! Don't let me tell you that I don't understand what that means!"

"Aww...that's a fucking old man!"

"Don't worry, Hattori-san."

"Nagumo-san. One, just one more."

 Hajime silently handed over the recovery medicine while smiling bitterly. Mr. Hattori drinks it all in one gulp.

"From Unicorn 1 to Garda 1. Expected to arrive in ten minutes.''

"Garda 1, understood. There is no problem for us. Just proceed."

"Unicorn 1, understand."

 It looks like the other party will arrive safely soon.

"Reina, really-"

"...I'm working part-time, so I'm going to go now."

 Without hearing Hattori's words to the end, Reina turned on her heel.

 Hattori stares at her back again. Hajime looked sideways at Hattori.

"...What? Is there something you want to say?"

"No, not really?"

 Avert your gaze. She deliberately looked up at the sky and muttered something like, ``Ah, I kind of want to meet Myuu.''

 Hattori scratched his hair, not caring that it messed up his carefully styled hair. Then, she returned her empty bottle by pressing it firmly against Hajime's chest,



 I stepped forward a little and called out to my daughter.

 For a moment, Reina's shoulders trembled, but she didn't turn around and put on her helmet as if she hadn't heard.

"That... what is it..."

 Mr. Hattori is at a loss for words. Reina straddles the bike. she starts the engine.

 In the end, after thinking about it, the words that came out were commonplace words that a parent would say, completely unrelated to today's events.

"Work part-time in moderation. You don't have to worry about money. If you want to study abroad, your father will pay for it anytime and in any way."


 Reina instinctively looks over her shoulder.

"...Did you know?"

"Are you talking about studying abroad? Are you interested in a design job? It seems like you want to study abroad someday and are already saving money..."

 Reina's expression becomes distorted. The expression on his face, which seemed to be regretful and made him want to throw it all away now, was exactly like Hattori's expression, which revealed complicated feelings, just like Hattori's face when he saw Reina off.

"Why...I've never heard of it."

"You don't usually talk much, do you? That's why I asked your mother."

"…Why bother?"

"It's about my daughter's future. I'm sure she wants to know, and I'm rooting for her. So..."

"Oh, it's so annoying! I don't care."

 Interrupting Hattori's words, Reina started her motorcycle.

 However, after a few meters, it stopped, and then, in an irritated manner, it stamped its feet vigorously. He looked back again.

 He glared at his father with a sharp glare. and,

"...Don't try too hard at damn dad!!"

 He shouted and ran away this time.

 Hajime looked sideways at Hattori again. Her eyes widen and she stiffens.

 That's probably because the word ``damn father'' resonated with me more than the first word ``dad.'' It must be because her daughter's emotions have been stuck in her for a long time.

 More than anything, I received a message from my daughter telling me to do my best.



"I don't know what you said, but…"


"I won't thank you. In return, I'll stop hitting you."

"Phew, I'm relieved."

 The father's fists must have resonated when he was angry about his daughter. Hajime deliberately stroked her chest.

 Hattori snorted and brushed up his disheveled hair.

"Now, it's time for work. Let's do our best."


 With the most enthusiastic look on his face that I had ever seen, he started walking to pick up the vehicle that had just come into view. While doing her best to ignore Hajime, whose mouth was hanging open.

*Bonus sequel story

 One night, a few days after the meeting had achieved the outcome that both sides had hoped for.

 Hattori, who was working overtime in the response department as usual, was surprised by the sudden phone call, but left his seat with a happy expression on his face.

 The staff of the response department were suspicious of him speaking in a low voice in the corner of the hallway, and watched him from behind the door like a totem pole.

"I see. Yeah, yeah. I understand. Please say hello to my mom."

``Say it yourself. Well, that's fine, but...''

 The conversation suddenly stops.

 It must have been ten years since Reina called her father. By the time she entered the upper grades of elementary school, I think she stopped calling her.

 Therefore, I can only have awkward conversations.

 Still, it was unexpected for Hattori that he started contacting her like this. Or maybe he will come if I contact him. Maybe you can reply? I hope so.

 Although he was still annoyed at Hajime for revealing only a small part of his work, he was far too self-inflicted to call it unnecessary interference...

 If the result is okay, I can't help but be grateful...I was thinking,

``Um, yeah. It's an unrelated matter.''

"Yeah? It doesn't matter. Just tell me anything."

『Hmm...then...what kind of relationship did you have with your brother back then? "

"…Your brother back then?"

``He looked like a college student who was relied on a lot. He was called Nagumo-kun.''

 The employees who had become a totem pole looked at it. Hattori's faltering smile gradually darkens as he continues to smile. Even though she's smiling, she's scary...

"Ah, it's okay if we can't talk about work-related things."

"Oh, I can't talk."

 It was an immediate answer. It feels like there is no island to attach to. But Reina-chan doesn't notice. Normally, she would have guessed it with the insight she inherited from her father.

 Instead, the father's sixth sense is clear. Her insight into her daughter's future crisis has doubled. I could sense that there was some fidgeting on the other end of the phone.

"But private life is different, right? I've said a lot of rude things to you, and I'd like to apologize, or rather, thank you for teaching me a lot of things...''

"No need. Forget about him."

"What happened just now! ? It's okay! Tell me! Contact information! "

 Hattori's expression suddenly disappeared from his face.

 Certainly, I can rely on him more than any other being, and in fact, I trust him. I also understand that he is not inherently a bad person.

 But, but. That's it, this is it.

 My daughter is interested in a real harem man... As a father, there is no way I can tolerate such a thing! !


"Oh! ? "

"I'm sorry! Dad, I will never approve of that man!"

"Haa! ? I don't understand what that means though! ? "

 Apparently, the two of them, who had stood at the starting line of bridging the gap between parent and child due to Hajime, were now in danger of deepening the gap once again due to Hajime's presence.

 Will he be able to successfully destroy his daughter's interest while keeping Hajime's personal information a secret...

 This is where a talented agent shows off his skills.

 Meanwhile, in the evening of the day Hajime and Hattori had a meeting. In a back alley in a certain local city.

"Damn, kill me!!"

"Oh, yes, yes. I won't kill you. I won't kill you."

 A woman's sad voice echoed.

"It's too bad, I'm so humiliated like this."

"Stop calling me humiliation."

"How much do you have to trample on my dignity to get satisfied, you demon! You devil!!"

 If you only listen to the contents, it is completely an incident. But actually...

"It's an exaggeration to say it's like a princess."

"At least carry me on your back."

"It's dangerous because it gets violent, so they went out of their way to carry it. No matter how many times I carry it, it just falls backwards and ends up dragging me by the legs. The picture is just a crime..."

 Kousuke was returning from his mission, and due to his intense rivalry with Kousuke, he made a mistake and was temporarily unable to walk due to some kind of magic. He is the former leader of the "Shadow Master" and is currently a member of the Onmyo Dormitory from China. I am a seconded employee.VermilionSiu"was.

"If you go to a deserted place, you can go home at the gate. Please be patient until then."

"So you want me to receive Tsuchimikado's curse?"

"If you refuse my treatment, that's what will happen."

"Damn, kill me now!"

 Mr. Akane has a habit of killing people. A beautiful woman with long, slit eyes, her beautiful black hair tied back carelessly, her face distorted by her humiliation, and her tears were about to fall.

 It's a typical pants-type women's suit, but it's also dirty and partially torn due to the mission, giving it an even more tragic feel.

 I guess that's partly because of that.

"Could you please do something?"


 Oh, that's amazingdéjà vudeja vu. When I turned around, I saw several smiling police officers who weren't smiling at all.

 Even though I was distracted by Mr. Shu's despair, I didn't notice their approach...Even if I cursed myself for letting my guard down, it was already too late.

"No, that's not true. There's a deep reason for this..."

"I see, is there a deeper reason?"

"Oh, that's right! It's not like there's anything wrong with that!"

"Yeah, yeah, that's right."

 The police officer nods in a calm manner.

"by the way"


"Actually, there was a report. The woman who was being held was screaming that she wanted him to kill her and that she had been humiliated, right?"

 In fact, Mr. Shu is very serious at heart, so even though he grieves, he does exactly what is necessary. Because I studied hard, I can now speak Japanese normally.

 In addition, perhaps due to the chanting of the technique, her vocalization is wonderful, and her beautiful voice resonates well.

 I mean, well, that's what it was.

"For now, sweetheart."


"Let go of that woman."

"Mr. Akane! Please say something-"

"Gosh, I want to go home now..."

"What happened to the usual Guts!? Why is he acting like such a kidnapped girl now..."

"Did you just say kidnapping?"

"No, no..."

 The policemen casually surround me with tense expressions! !

 Apparently, it will be a little while before Kousuke can go home. It seems that a different battle is waiting for him compared to Hajime and Hattori.