The charm of flour is terrifying

"Wow, thank you, thank you so much. I didn't want to be in the interrogation room anymore..."

"N-no. I just revealed my identity..."

 Although their words and demeanor were polite, the police officers surrounded Kosuke with an unyielding spirit.

 There's no comparison based on simple ability, and there are plenty of ways to escape, so why is it so powerful that it's hard to resist?

 Or rather, why is it that my presence, which is usually dead, is sometimes not felt by the police officers?

 Is it because of Kousuke's timidity that he can't get rid of his small-town feeling no matter how much he goes through the chaos? Or is it because of their willpower to carry out their duties?

 In any case, Kousuke was starting to feel like escaping reality, but before he could agree to accompany him, which he had no intention of letting go of, a rescue ship arrived.

 Actually, there was another person accompanying me on this mission.

 VermilionSiuHe was so depressed (?), so depressed (?), so violent (?), so emotionally unstable that he would dash to a convenience store just to get something delicious to drink.

 Just as the policeman was about to use the radio to call for backup, they returned, revealed their identities in return, used their small abilities to induce consciousness, and somehow managed to avoid Kousuke's second visit to the interrogation room. It is.

"I'm sorry...I caused you trouble.willowrieu"

"No, sister. I don't think it's a hassle, but..."

 yes,VermilionSiuA former "shadow master" and "word spirit user" who adores her as "sister"――willowrieuis.

 She is an adorable girl with bob-cut black hair and round eyes. She is petite, so suits don't suit her very well.

 In fact, her actual age is 16 years old. She is about one year younger than Akira.

 Even so, the reason why she was in the position of shadow master and Akane's adjutant was because she was an outstandingly talented woman who had an excellent talent for languages ​​in addition to her ``word spirit'', as well as strong administrative and strategy planning abilities.

 Even if you don't have the cheat ability to "understand language" like Kosuke and his friends, you already speak six languages ​​natively at this age, and are familiar with the differences between American and British English, the languages ​​of each region in China, and even small daily conversations. Including , it is amazing that it can handle 12 languages.

 Under normal circumstances, the police officers from earlier would have had a lot of doubts based on Yanagi's appearance, but the moment they heard the strangely pleasant sound of her voice, they were immediately taken in by the suggestion and pulled up.

``Do you say that?abyss shen yuan Both you and your sister have ID cards, so why didn't you show them? "

 Kousuke too Vermilion Siu He also has an identification card from the response department. Omoto's affiliation is the same as the police officers, and Kousuke is something like an outside collaborator, but as for Akane, even though he is a seconded employee, he is officially affiliated with the agency, so his position is actually higher.

 So, all the doubts should have been cleared up just by showing my ID and telling them the appropriate circumstances, but...

"Well, I got it after the Inyo Dormitory was built, and it's customary to show your ID."

"My head was full as I endured the humiliation this man had given me."

 That seems to be the case. Kousuke was also shocked at this.

 Ms. Akane, who was still in a princess-like state, glared back. He looked like, ``What the heck is going on with this bastard?'' She is so beautiful that she is very impressive. Kousuke quickly averted his gaze. Yowai...

 won! Akane had a fearless smile on her face, but then she suddenly changed her mind. As soon as I noticed Yanagi's gaze, I looked down awkwardly.

"Please don't look at me like this, Yanagi..."

"Sister... you don't have to look like someone who has had everything taken away and is in despair... Isn't that really disrespectful to Abyss-dono?"

 Akane is at a loss for words when her younger sister gives her a reprimand with a bitter smile.

"B-b-b-b-you should have just left me alone! It may take some time, but I can break the spell on my own!"

"Even though it will take three or four hours, there's no way we can leave an ally who can't move…"

 Kousuke looks shocked and thinks he's really being stubborn. Is he aware? I let out a sigh as Akane turned away, but since I also had something I wanted to say to Yanagi, I looked at her with a blank stare.

"You know, I want you to stop calling me Abyssal-dono. Even though I've told you so many times, you still won't change my name? Hey, why?"

"? Didn't you call yourself that?"

"Uh, yeah, that's right, isn't it? But that wasn't a normal situation, was it?"

"Strange movements, bizarre speech and behavior, and a number of abilities that can only be thought of as joking.However, being forced into a state of destruction without knowing why is still a mild trauma..."

"I'm so sorry!"

"I still dream about the black shadows that overflow from the abyss..."

"I'm really sorry!"

"However, if you are on my side, you are reliable. That is why I call you this with my own respect."

"Uh, ummm…"

 Somehow, I don't feel like I'm being manipulated.

 Perhaps because she is a master of words and a genius at languages, Yanagi is also excellent at speaking. In her past joint missions, she has been able to induce consciousness and conduct interrogations simply by talking, and her skills have left Kousuke speechless. How many people have been saved from becoming villagers thanks to her...

"Well then, I guess it can't be helped."

 That said, I feel like it's bad to be suspicious of someone who looks straight at you and shows you respect. So, as usual, Kousuke eventually relents.

"...As expected, you should have stayed in the country. You shouldn't have followed me..."

 Akane, who was watching the exchange while alternately looking at Kousuke and his younger sister, suddenly became depressed.

 It is true that Yanagi is not even close to Shu in terms of fighting ability and ability as a Taoist. On the contrary, it would have been faster to count from the bottom among the ``Shadow Priests''.

 However, Yanagi has the amazing ability to cancel that out. She's still in her mid-teens, so there's a huge amount of time left.

 Akane knows this better than anyone, so she can't help but think it's ``my fault.'' She may have ruined the future of her precious little sister.

"Sister, as you say, your current role is also important."

"I understand. With the world situation rapidly changing, it is important to be in a position where we can contact returnees and the core of the Onmyo Dormitory. It will also have a deep impact on the future relationship between our two countries."

"Then you don't have to be so condescending."

"I'm not looking down on the work itself."

 The reason why they are depressed is because they want to get back at Kousuke, who destroyed them with his playful words and actions after being made to wear maid costumes by the Demon King, but that doesn't come true.

 The same goes for the mistake I made on this mission.

 I can't help but feel empty. Unlike in the days of ``Shadow Priest'', things often don't go as planned in my head.

"To be saved by someone like this who keeps turning over and over again for no reason... Ugh, it's so pathetic."

"I'm sorry for making a pointless turn...I can't stop..."

"Ah, that sister? The environment, the local knowledge, and the nature of the people you're dealing with are different, so I guess it's inevitable that there are still many things that don't go well. You're gradually getting used to it, so you won't make mistakes anymore. It's only a matter of time...I don't really understand the meaning of Abyss-dono spinning around so much..."

"That's right. I don't know either..."

 Kousuke, who muttered with dead eyes, was left alone and the sisters continued talking.

"Even that little girl keeps getting licked by me..."

"I don't think Fujiwara Hime despises her sister."

"No, I'm just kidding! I'll certainly admit that I have talent. I don't know of anyone else who can bring down gods besides me. The energy within me is also monstrous. However, when it comes to actual combat, I'm still immature! That's why, Even though I'm offering to give you direct guidance or even help with missions, you always refuse with a straight face!! You're so cocky!"

"Oh, calm down, Akane-san."

 It didn't seem like it would stop if I left it alone, so Kousuke stopped him with words and gently shook his arm up and down.

 It must have felt like a gesture similar to cradling a baby. A high-speed slap came from Mr. Shu who snapped! Emergency avoidance! success! It was dangerous!

"...This is the way it is. You're making fun of me..."



 Kousuke looks embarrassed and Yanagi lets out a bitter smile.

 I see, Akane had always had a high level of pride. Add in the fact that she's in front of her younger sister, who respects and respects her, and it's no wonder she becomes subservient.

 Akane cleared her throat and collected herself, then turned to look at Yanagi with a serious expression.

"I am grateful to my homeland for still using me even though I deserved to die. However, I will never be able to return to my homeland's shadow."

 I was proud. Even if he does not appear on stage in his lifetime, even if his achievements at the risk of his life are buried in the darkness, regardless of the form of the country or the changes in the people in power, he will always be a shadow who has always protected the country from foreign enemies throughout eternity. Being a member of the Dharma priests.

 In today's world where paranormal phenomena are becoming less special, the importance of ``Shadow Master'' will increase significantly.

 If that were the case, Yanagi, who was young and full of talent, would surely have been much more useful than she is now.

 At the very least, I'm sure I could have lived a life with more pride and done a more useful job than playing the role of support for myself in this situation.

"I don't think it matters whether it's a shadow or not."

 There are things you can do even if you are not a shadow master. No matter who you are or where you are, you can live a life you are proud of.

 Akane shook her head slightly as Yanagi silently asked, "Wasn't it your sister who told you that?"

"I know. I know... Still, I wanted you to stay. I wanted you to live a life of pride as a Shadow Priest..."

 I'm sure Akane was the one who was looking forward to Yanagi's future as a shadow master more than anyone else.

 thought Kousuke. I was upset because I had to listen to a serious exchange that suddenly started, while one of the girls was cradled like a princess. Eh, what should I I in the way? and.

 Yanagi glanced at Kousuke, who was looking at him like that, and then looked back at Akane. Her gaze was as if she were looking at someone in some trouble, but she was filled with extraordinary kindness.

 He pretended to think about it for a moment, then paused. Yanagi began to speak, putting emphasis on her words.

"No, sister. As you said, it was the right thing to follow."

"...I know you love me, but your eyes are clouded by love...I should have left my sister. I should have done more to make that happen..."

"Because I've never seen my sister be so kind to someone."


 After a long silence, Akane finally spoke. Should I say it spilled?

 He looked back and forth between Yanagi, who was narrowing his eyes meekly, and Kousuke, who was holding him, and tilted his head again, "Huh?"

"Do you think I'm being spoiled by this weirdo? What are those horrible words?"

"Can you please stop stabbing me in the heart with a surprise attack?"

"He's the guy who goes out of his way to moonwalk during battle, right? And at a disgustingly high speed!"

"I-I want you to stop making me realize how disgusting I am with a surprise attack, okay?"

 I'm going to cry, I'm not going to laugh at the memory, I'm going to cry at the memory. Did you still have the tranquilizer that Emily prescribed?

"But, Sister. How many times did Sister show this much emotion when she was a 'true image'?"

"it is..."

``As a true shadow of my sister, she tried her best to suppress her emotions.Even though I lived with her, I only saw her smile a few times.''

"It's only natural that we are a shadow of our homeland."

"Yes. I tried my best to look like that. That's why I never disliked my sister's face, which looked like a Noh mask. To put it in layman's terms, I thought she was ``cool.'' "

"I-I see..."

"But that doesn't mean I've never been disappointed in my sister."


"I definitely like your smiling face the most. I like all of your angry faces, depressed faces, and happy faces."

 A vermilion color appears on his face. Her cheeks become slightly stained.

 Kousuke thought. Huh? I feel like I'm really out of place, don't I? and. Should I make the most of my lack of presence here? Shouldn't we just leave Vermilion behind and leave? I hesitated.

"I was able to see many of your facial expressions... That alone made it worth following you."


 Oh no, Yanagi-chan is so handsome! Sister, it may seem complicated, but I can't hide my happiness! Her mouth is so swollen! If you just listen to the words, it's a confession of love! Kousuke said, trying his best to disguise his lack of interest by saying tsukkomi in his heart. I'm a telephone pole. It's just a telephone pole that Mr. Shu is leaning against! While making a self-suggestion.

``So...I might get scolded for saying this and think I'm ignorant, but I like the current situation better than when I was a shadow master. I like my sister the most when she's here."


 Originally, it was a sermon. I'm sure he's going to get angry at me for not knowing what he's doing. However, Akane could only hold his tongue. When I think about my situation in front of Kousuke and Hiroharu, I can't speak clearly.

"I understand that you like the current situation. No, I still have something to say... but since you've already lost your face, there's no point in saying it now..."

 In fact, this is something that has already been hotly debated many times.

 Immediately after hearing that Yanagi had talked to the higher-ups without his permission and resigned from the position of ``Shadow Priest'', the sisters had a huge quarrel, and without telling Yanagi herself, they talked to the higher-ups about Yanagi's return. There was even a time when Yanagi found out about it and made her cry for an entire day.

 The current situation tells us everything about what happened as a result.

 Akane's wish is for him to contribute to the country as a shadow priest and to grow into an exceptional person, even if he is in the underground world. If her younger sister made the decision herself and her superiors approved it, then it can certainly be called a mischievous rehash.

 So, I put aside my feelings towards Yanagi, which I still cannot understand.

"But! Please retract your statement that you are spoiled!"

 I can't give up on this. My persuasive powers are lacking from the beginning because I'm in the arms of a princess, but I have to make a firm case!

 "Hmm," Yanagi put her index finger to her lips and seemed to be thinking about it a little.

"How should I express the relationship between my sister, Abyss-dono, and Princess Fujiwara? I still haven't figured it out..."

 On the surface, the correct expression would be to say that they were related parties who simply had the same interests, but if that was all there was to it, then Akane would have been the same iron mask as before.

 I think the people I love are also different. No one knows what the future holds, but at least right now it's not like I'm in love with you.

 I feel like it's not enough to call them friends or companions.

 Just a colleague is too far away. More than anything, I feel a little lonely.

"If I had to honestly describe our close relationship, I would say ``someone you want to acknowledge'' or ``rival.''


 At the very least, Hiharu always treats everyone with a polite demeanor, but Akane is strangely harsh or dry, so it makes sense that they both understand each other that way.

 Akane can't seem to object right away either, so she just groans. Kousuke looks at him with surprise.

"At least, I can see that your sister recognizes your abilities and trusts you as people."

"Trust, then...?"

"Yes. I trust that the two of you will forgive me for this level of selfishness, unreasonableness, and arrogance."

"No, that's not true! I just don't like these guys! Yoharu Fujiwara is such an impertinent little girl..."

"I don't think that's possible..."

"Impossible!? On what basis?"

"Because, sister. I'm here because it's my homeland's orders, right?"

 He is a contact point for Japan, which has established a system of cooperation, and, without being considered an oblate, he is an official agent whose purpose is to collect information on the response division and returnees. That is the current position of Shu and Yanagi.

 In that case, there is no way that Akane, who has an unwavering patriotism, would repeat such a foolish act that could lead to a deterioration of relations.

 This is because they are confident that their relationship will not worsen, or in other words, they have trust.

"Ugh, ugh."

 I could barely make a gruff sound. It seems like he can't think of a counterargument to Yanagi's logic. Yanagi narrows her eyes gently again.

"That's why I want to be recognized by both Abyssal Lord and Princess Fujiwara. I believe that I am also worthy of their trust."

 He was manipulated into harming not only the innocent people of this country, but even his homeland. I am eternally grateful to you for stopping this.

 Moreover, I don't even know how to repay you for giving me the option to fight alongside you in the final battle.

 I recognize his ability. He was faced with an opponent whose talent was equal to or better than his own, and an opponent who, even though he had been brainwashed and was in a state of rushing forward, he was still unable to reach him despite all his might. Of course.

 However, more than that, Akane has a hopeless liking for the personalities of the two. Pride and complicated feelings get in the way and make things complicated.

 In fact, I feel like if I hadn't been made to wear a maid costume when I first arrived, I would have been able to interact with her normally. Since that day, my emotions have become strange due to shame.

 I don't think I could have expressed my gratitude a little more honestly if I had stayed like the cool and cool person that Yanagi had said.

 In other words, the root of all evil is the Demon King.

"Ah, what should I say, thank you for trusting me?"

 Kousuke looks a little embarrassed and smiles.

 Akane let her gaze wander. Just then, she suddenly looked up at Kousuke and turned red as soon as their eyes met. Of course, she didn't mean it in a romantic sense, but simply because of the shame that her inner feelings were exposed, ``Actually, I trusted her as a person.''

"Invitation--FelicityFeijianOh! "


 A spell that was suddenly taken out. The vermilion shikigami that is summoned is...FelicityHikyou. He is a high-ranking Jiangshi who is also an ancestor of Zhu who excels in martial arts.

 In pure martial arts, a man who surpasses Kousuke steals away the youngest daughter of his family with the vigor of a swordless opponent.

"Don't get me wrong."


"I certainly trust you. But that's only in the strength of you and your little girl! I only respect the power that defeated us! Nothing more, nothing less! That's great!"

"Oh, oh."

 I wonder what. The expression on Hiei's face as he cradles Akane like a princess is expressionless, but it doesn't help that he looks like a grandfather looking at his granddaughter who is in some way troubled...

"And Yanagi! We'll talk about it later! Be prepared!"

"Yes, sister!"

 Even though it was obvious that he was waiting for a sermon, Yanagi's expression looked happy.

 So, it seems that Akane had no choice but to curse and leave, saying, "Totally!" He orders Hiei to quickly enter the back alley where he plans to open the gate.

"I've already acknowledged it a long time ago, and I'm relying on you."

 Kousuke muttered to himself while scratching his head.

 In fact, I don't despise it. Akane's ability is real, and even though it has only been a while since her lifestyle, let alone her living environment, has drastically changed, she has even learned Japanese and is able to manage a number of jobs.

 The same goes for Hiharu. In fact, he and Akane regularly compete against each other in terms of techniques, and even though both sides choose their methods because it's a mock battle, Hiroharu has the better record.

 Hiharu has the upper hand in terms of physical strength, but I guess you could call that an experience point. Akane dominates the selection of techniques and how to assemble tactics, and he is often not allowed to demonstrate his power.

 That's why Hiroharu keeps a calm face and says things like, ``It was a good training session,'' but deep down he feels very regretful, and only Akane seems to have a sense of rivalry.

 However, like that time when we miraculously fought back to back in the sea of ​​trees, I am certain that I trust him as a person worthy of entrusting my back to.

"You're such a good-natured person. We're in a position where we have to stab you in the back if our homeland orders us to, right?"

"On the other hand, as long as there is no order from the homeland, this is someone you can rely on, right?"

"I think the reason you can say that is because you are strong."

"Well, I don't know. I guess it's because I'm the same way. I'll fight anyone if it's necessary for my friends and family."

"...I see"

 Kousuke and his friends will even bare their fangs against their homeland, Japan, if necessary. They are not cooperating with the response department out of loyalty.

 Kousuke says with a wry smile, "I guess it's hard for a ``Shadow Priest'' whose standard is a strong sense of patriotism to understand...

 However, what came back was a surprising response.

"Then,I・and・It's the same thing."


"I will fight anyone for my sister too."

"I see...huh? Huh?"

 For a moment, I'm almost convinced that we're just good friends, but then I'm taken aback. If he means the same thing as himself, Yanagi, if necessary, could even be his homeland...

 If you think about it carefully, isn't it strange that he has "resigned from being a shadow practitioner"?

 Suddenly, a question arose in Kousuke's mind.

 In the first place, could someone from a state's underground organization quit so easily and move to another country?

 Considering the agent who disguised as Hiroharu's mother, wouldn't she have been able to play a supporting role for Akane even though she was wearing the shadow mask? Since she is in a cooperative system, she would have accepted the matter without hesitation.

 If that's the case, what is the point of Yanagi quitting her role as a "shadow master"?

"That's it."


"Did you go through a lot of trouble when you quit being a shadow teacher?"

"Well...I negotiated tenaciously as to which would be better: to lose the human resources pointlessly, or to make sure that my sister's new job would be as effective as possible."

"Oh, okay. That's right..."

"Yes. I carved myself into pieces to make them understand that I was serious, but it was worth it and they recognized me. If I hadn't used the healing technique, I would have been in the other world normally."

 Kousuke thought.

 Heavy! This child's feelings towards Mr. Shu are extremely serious! ? I mean, it's a little scary! and.

 Yanagi herself probably didn't think she could seriously challenge the upper echelons and win. That's why she risked her life to be natural.

 I don't know what the actual exchange was, but if I were to put it in an oblate way, I'd die if I couldn't be by your sister's side! Is that what it feels like?

 Zhu herself is a young talented woman with a promising future.

 Indeed, it is just a loss to die meaninglessly. On the contrary, his language skills and speaking skills shine when he gathers information overseas. There was probably no problem in placing it next to Akane.

"But then, even if you don't quit, you can stay by my side as part of your mission."

"I was sold by my parents when I was little."

 Kousuke thought.

 Heavy! ? This girl's early life is just as intense as her feelings for her sister! ? and.

 Leaving Kousuke alone without saying the second word, Yanagi continued speaking matter-of-factly as if it was nothing.

``Most of the Taoists who work as Shadow Priests come from such venerable bloodlines.However, sometimes people with such talent are born from ordinary families due to a relapse.In my case, I unconsciously use my Kotodama, and I am able to help others. It seems like you were causing trouble..."

"I-I see?"

"So, it seems like my parents were scared of me. They treated me like a demon."

"G-specifically...I won't ask."

``Thank you for your wise decision.So, the shadow priest who heard the rumors came and scouted me.So, my parents were growing bitter and resentful, thinking that they wouldn't have had to suffer so much if I hadn't been born.'' It seems like they thought it wasn't worth it unless they could at least get some money.''

"...damn it."

"Hehe, thank you."

 Kousuke seems to be genuinely angry with him, but Yanagi doesn't feel bad about him, thinking that he's a good-natured person after all. While smiling a little,

"So, what awaited me after being scouted was continued confinement and being kept from speaking to anyone except during training. I was forced to do the training until I vomited blood, and in order to acquire resistance to the curse, I underwent repeated torture-like resistance training. --"

 Kousuke thought.

 No good, kid! Even though I'm only 16 years old, my life is in too much of a hard mode! ! and. Everything is too heavy to listen to without being mentally prepared!

 Yanagi seems to have guessed Kousuke's state of mind from his pale expression, and immediately ends his tale of his life. she says with a wry smile.

"It's an organization that has inherited a continuous curse, so it's not a clean and just organization.However, there are of course those who can judge that this is ``unacceptable'' as an act against a child who was not born into a Taoist family. So there you are."

"Well, in an organization that lasts for a long time, there are bound to be differences of opinion. Differences breed factions. Are you saying that the people who adopted Yanagi were members of a radical faction?"

"That's right"

 ``Kotodama'' itself is a technique that can be reproduced to a certain extent, but it is a different story if you are a genius specializing in kotodama who is born with it. The future is full of promise.

 In that case, it would not be surprising if there were people who wanted to secretly raise it as a trump card to make it easier for their faction to get their opinions across.

 In other words, Yanagi was extremely unlucky.

"What I want to say is that my sister was the one who saved me from that situation."

"Based on the flow of the story, does that mean that Zhu was from the opposing faction?"

"As you can see. Moreover, he is from a prestigious family with several executives at the top. He comes from the highest lineage among Taoists, and he is a prodigy with a promising future."

"Well, it seems like he has some power to speak."


 The results are obvious. Yanagi regained her human life. On the contrary, she was even adopted as Akane's younger sister, and was cherished as if she were her own sister.

"It may come as a surprise, but Nee-sama was originally planning on letting me leave the Shadow Priest. She said there was still time so I could live in the public world."

"I was Yanagi's will to become a shadow master. Was it because she wanted to help her sister?"

 What is it like to want to belong to an organization that forces you to undergo training and a life that tramples on your dignity? There is no need to imagine what the reason is.

"It's true that she looked cool. It's a value system that I still don't fully understand, but I saw her shining brightly even though she was living in the shadows, risking her life for the country and the people living there."

 What is important to the person you love is also important to you. This is the source of Yanagi's patriotism.

 But it's only indirect.

"My homeland is my sister. She is the person at the center of my world."

 It was unbearable to be in an organization without the most important person in the world.

 How will Sister be treated, having to live in a foreign land and among people who were hostile to her even though she was being manipulated?

 In the end, my fears were unfounded, but I couldn't help but worry.

"That's why I quit being a shadow teacher."

"I see."

 For some reason, Kousuke was reminded of Aziz from The Exorcist. He also had a terrible childhood, but was saved by Claudia and accepted as her younger brother.

 Both are relatively severe systems. I'm currently staying in Japan, so maybe if I introduce myself again based on the circumstances, we might become friends? ...No, shall we fight over which sister is better? I've been thinking about this for a while.

"In any case, Abyss-dono, thank you for accepting my sister. The way you, Fujiwara Hime, and the people in the response section have treated my sister is truly beyond my expectations. I hope that the current life is in the best interest of peace between the two countries. If it is, then I, Yanagi, swear that I will risk my life to preserve it.''

"Yeah, well, it's better if the relations between countries are good. After hearing things like that, I don't want to become even more hostile to the two of you. I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't get worse."

"Thank you, Abyss-dono!"

 Yanagi has a really happy smile on her face.

 It must be true that you value your current life. It was a serious story, but I'm glad I heard it. The fact that she told me this probably means that Yanagi herself has that much trust in Kousuke and the others.

 I also have a younger sister, so I felt a sense of kinship with her.

 That's why I end up saying things that sound like preaching.

"But you can't push yourself too hard, Yanagi, right? Self-sacrifice usually only makes people unhappy."

 I mean, no matter what the reason is, you can't cut yourself into pieces anymore, okay? I'd like to point out that.

 Yanagi looked embarrassed, but quickly changed her expression.

"I'll keep this in mind. It's true that I'm enjoying my current life with my sister, so I won't hurt myself any more. Please don't worry."

"I see. That would be fine."

"Yes. I'm looking forward to some fun after this."

"Is it so?"

"I have already ordered delivery to the response department! This Tendon is said to be delicious! By the way, today is the 10th day in a row!"

"I'll make a tempura bowl with a tempura bowl!"

"I made it extra large. Also, on my day off tomorrow, I'm planning to take my sister to visit some popular restaurants! I'm ready to eat all I can!"

"I'm really enjoying it."

"I'm glad I stopped being a shadow master!!"

"That's not what you really mean, is it?"

"By the way, my sister got addicted to Konamon on a recent business trip to Osaka. She has been eating okonomiyaki and takoyaki for twenty days in a row."

"A terrible leak has arrived!"

``I'm planning on going to the next store, but next time I'll definitely go to an okonomiyaki restaurant. I want to try it and compare it to Hiroshima-style!'' My sister desperately told me, and she was the cutest thing ever!!''

"My sister is my older sister and she is thoroughly enjoying her current life."

 Apparently, we don't need to worry too much about these sisters.

``However, that's what Konamon is.The taste is addictive, and the ease with which you end up overeating makes women cry.''

"Make a woman cry? What do you mean?"

"Recently, my sister's stomach has become a little swollen."


 A terrifying scream rang out from the back alley.

 There was a sister crawling on the ground with her bangs hanging down like Tei○ in a certain cursed video. From behind her, Hiei comes running towards her, looking panicked.

 If you think about it, Kousuke is the only one who can open the gate even if he leaves quickly. No matter how long you wait, if they don't catch up, it's only natural that they'll turn back and say, "Why aren't you coming?"

 Just then, he heard that his younger sister had made an unexpected revelation, and he seemed to have jumped out of the way without thinking.

"I'm sorry, sister!"

"Preaching! Preaching! Tonight is all about preaching!!"

"Yes, I'd be happy!"

"Don't be happy!!"

 Hiei hugs Akane again. That red gaze caught Kousuke. His eyes turned slightly red,

"It's not squishy!"

"Oh, yes"

"If you spread false rumors, I will curse you!"

"Of course."

 Akane snorts and disappears into the back alley again.

 As Kousuke caught up with them, he suddenly noticed something. Come to think of it, while I was talking to Yanagi, I completely Popularity HitokeI feel like I've lost that.

(Or rather, there's not a single person...oh, maybe)

 When I glanced at Yanagi next to me, Yanagi gave me a quick wink. Sweet. But cute. Putting that aside, it seems like he was using a technique to get rid of people.

 If you go back to the response department, there's always someone there. If you want to have an honest conversation, you'll probably choose a better place, and it'll probably catch people's interest. Interests of people who don't understand people's payment.

(After all, this kid is generally excellent. I mean, he's really attentive, or he's good at supporting people...)

 As Zhu said, the future is certainly promising.

"Now, let's go, Abyssal-dono. Tendon is waiting for us."

"Yes, yes. I mean, in terms of delivery time, you have to specify the time, right? There's still time for delivery after work hours."

"No? I'm going to eat while I write my report. I'm hungry."

"Freedom!? I don't know because I haven't been to the response department much lately, but maybe you do this all the time?"

"Everyone in the response department is so kind. They tell me to eat a lot, and sometimes they give me delicious food at their own expense."

"Neighbors spoiling their children"

 it seems like. as if. Apparently, Yanagi-chan is loved by the staff at the response division, probably because of her real age.

 Then, I suddenly think.

 She is a Kotodama user. She is a young agent with a natural talent for languages, and her speaking skills are extremely good.

 Also, she is a serious system controller, and her older sister's duties include building good relationships and gathering information.

(Huh, wait... I didn't expect it to happen... but I'm not saying he's trying to gain favor with me...)

 Could it be that the fact that she openly talked about her personal life and feelings was a way to entangle Kousuke?

 Kousuke's doubts suddenly crossed his mind and he couldn't help but glance at Yanagi from the side.


"Ahaha. Was that really too harsh?"

"Hmm, I didn't want you to hit the mark."

"But it's true that I want to get even closer. In order to maintain our current lifestyle and for the sake of the relationship between our two countries. So please open your heart more and more and give me as much information as possible!"

"That's too blunt!"

"If I become a villager, I'll be washed up and vomited either way, so I've decided to be obedient to Abyss-dono. Of course, if you don't notice me, that's fine."

"The way he opened up was crazy. He was a scarier kid than I expected."

 Sometimes he does silly things out of selfishness, and sometimes he acts out and even makes the other person dance. Therefore 〝shadow playIncy〟.

 Yanagi smiled mischievously, thinking that he was the agent who had been given that name.

"It's terrifying."

"I'm afraid!"

 All the people in the response department are veterans. There are probably some people, including Hattori, who are aware of this and are still spoiling Yanagi.

 But when I think about how it will grow and become even more attractive, I see. The future is promising.

(Well, if you don't give them some attention, some young people will probably get taken advantage of. No, I'm talking about Mr. Hattori, so are you paying attention to him...)

 I was thinking this with a wry smile, when Akane, who seemed a bit sad about being left out, yelled out, ``Just do it! Just leave me alone and talk to me forever!'' Go to the back alley.

 Connect to the gate installed in a room on the floor of the response department.

 Transfer completed without any problems.

 Then, I open the door to the response department's room and enter while saying, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"Mr. Liu! Welcome back! What a coincidence! I just finished my part-time job too!"

 Noboru Aikawa, who occasionally works part-time in the response department because of his hopes for future employment, greeted me with a smile that was as big as it was.

 Kousuke covered his face with both hands.

(I'm already trapped!!)

 Vermilion eyes glaze over. Also, Yanagi-chan, are your eyes a little twitching?

 In any case, it seemed like an interview was necessary.