Will a villager become prime minister?

A spacious courtyard with beautiful trees and green grass.

 The red brick buildings that surround it are more suitable for being called a castle or a palace than a university building, and every time I see it, I breathe out a sigh of admiration.

 Walking through the cobblestone alleys between the buildings, you will feel as if you have traveled back in time to medieval Europe.

 British universities are beautiful.

 That was Kousuke's honest feeling that he still had even after several months of attending.

"Kousuke? What's wrong?"

 Emily, the beautiful girl with blonde side tails walking next to me, tilts her head.

 She is not wearing her trademark white coat, and perhaps because it is cloudy today, she is wearing a checked stole over a white blouse. Underneath her was a long skirt, hiding her beautiful legs wrapped in her usual black stockings.

"No, I was just enjoying looking at the school building."

"I never get tired of it."

 Emily puts her hand to her mouth and smiles.

 Benches are lined up at regular intervals on both sides of the alley. There were several students who were sitting there chatting, and I could see that their eyes were drawn to them involuntarily.

 In addition to being a beautiful girl to begin with, her current charm has become even more refined after going through various experiences.

 I want my beloved to think I'm beautiful. Of course, this is because he never stops making efforts to achieve this, but more than that, it is because he is growing in a positive direction inside.

 However, unlike in the city, where people often approach her, there are very few people on campus who approach her for the purpose of picking up girls.

 Is it because Kousuke is next to you?

 Of course not. Since no one is aware that they are there, there is no deterrent effect.

 Well, in a sense, it is...

"Ah, Dr. Grant! Thank you for your time earlier!"

"Hello, Professor Grant. I'm looking forward to your lecture this afternoon."

"Would you like to have lunch now too? If you'd like, would you like to join us?"

 As soon as the three men and women spotted Emily, they greeted her with smiles.

 In fact, Emily is a student and also teaches several classes.

 Lately, people have been thinking of him as a mad scientist, and Hauria'sCook's behaviorHauriaKousuke is given the impression that he is an indomitable Amazon who fights against the enemy, or because he has an incredible sixth sense when it comes to relationships with women, he is mistaken for an awakened person (?).At that time, he says, ``I'm Emily. Because it makes the story so real, it is sometimes treated like a new urban legend...

 He is a genuine genius. He is the Kirin child of the pharmaceutical world.

 It is a well-known fact that he already has a Ph.D.

 Ever since he was able to receive the backing of the Demon King Family, he has submitted several new drugs and papers to academic societies, which have received high praise.

 As a result, the university requested that he be hired as a lecturer on a limited basis. Therefore, I am now in a situation where I am a student, researcher, and lecturer.

 She has a pretty appearance, a strong demeanor befitting her age, and knowledge that is worthy of the rumor that she is a genius. Often talented people are not good at teaching others, but that is not the case with Emily, and in fact, she is easier to understand than an average professor.

 Since he is younger than the current students, it is probably easier to talk to him.

 In other words, she is quite popular among the students taking Emily's lectures, and there are quite a few of them who approach her in a friendly manner like they do now.


"Thank you for inviting me, but I'm going to refrain. I'm going to lunch with him just this way."


"Oh, hello."

````Hi, Ghost!''''

"It's human."

 This is it. In a way, it's one of the reasons why Emily is protected from her nasty ulterior motives.

--Dr. Emily Grant is haunted by a ghost.

 Emily spends a lot of time with Kousuke at university. In fact, it's less when I'm not there.

 However, people who can sense Kousuke's presence are rare.

 Then... This kind of phenomenon occurs.

--Dr. Emily Grant often speaks to empty space.

 At the same time, this kind of phenomenon is also easy to witness.

--Sometimes a shadow appears and disappears next to Dr. Emily Grant.

--The young man next to Dr. Emily Grant was also in another location at the same time.

 Needless to say, the above is what Kousuke would do if his vague "I'm here" appeal was successful.

 And the latter refers to clones.

 The full-scale lectures will begin in September, so until then, Kousuke has been given the right to attend lectures as he pleases. Long live the connections with national power.

 In that case, since he can use the cheat technique of clones, it is inevitable that he would want to take not only lectures related to medical school, but also several departments that he is interested in, such as Emily's field of pharmacy.

 As a result of these factors, urban legend-like rumors about Emily are spreading, and careless pick-ups are suppressed.

"Ah, ah, I believe he was a scholarship student from Japan?"

"This is Kousuke Endo. Nice to meet you."

"Ghost then-"

"No. It's not like you guys have any spiritual powers or become Emily's Stands. As I've said many times, you're fine human beings!"

"It's kind of suspicious that your human appeal is so blatant..."

 It was probably the first time I had clearly recognized it. Students stare at each other. One of the female students agreed but gave an ambiguous smile, while the other began poking Kousuke in the chest. The male students were staring and observing without hesitation.

"That's right. I'm a special student at the medical school. By the way, please remember this."

 Emily jerked Kousuke's arm. As if pulling away from the female student who was prodding with her fingertips.

 He said with a big smile as he hugged his arms around his chest and snuggled close to him.

"He's Emily Grant's beloved lover."

 I blinked my eyes. The students looked at each other. For some reason, Emily and Kousuke may have seemed out of proportion. She is a truly talented woman with a lovely appearance and a promising future.

 However, looking at Kousuke, who was smiling shyly but accepting the situation, and Emily, who was really happily cuddling with him, it seemed like there were no need for many words.

"Ah, ah, sorry for bothering you."

"Mr. Grant, you're so cute..."

"Can I call you Kosuke? It was my fault, I was so rude. If you don't mind, let's talk next time. I like Japanese anime."

 In the end, he left feeling satisfied.

"Okay. Today, I succeeded in expanding the relationship between me and Kousuke a little again."

"Don't give me a hard time."

"You promise not to say that, Abby-san."

 The two of them exchanged pleasantries and giggled as they left the campus and headed for a cafe located a short walk away.

 Although he chooses a road with fewer people as much as possible, he still attracts a lot of attention until he graduates from university.

"As expected, he's a genius in pharmaceutical sciences. I don't think there's anyone in his teens who would be hired as a lecturer."

"No, I heard that in the past there were people who were treated like professors. This Percival College has a deep history, so it's not like I'm special. Well, I'm sure it's unusual."

 Besides, a wry smile appeared on Emily's face as she continued.

"Because I'm a survivor of the Down Classroom."

 That was definitely one of the reasons why Emily was being followed by his gaze.

 The ghost rumor from earlier. It's not just Kousuke's strong presence that causes this. It is well known that he is a survivor of that tragedy, which is why such rumors arose.

 Some people saw Emily talking to the void and thought that her emotional wounds had not healed, while others saw shadows appearing around her and associated it with the incident and felt fear. The more distant her relationship with Emily becomes, the more rumors will spread.

 It's true that you can't talk to someone for the purpose of picking them up.

"...I see. Time hasn't passed long enough for me to forget."

"Yeah. We still haven't come to a conclusion on whether or not to demolish that research building. Thanks to the Demon King's response, the media isn't overheated, but... university officials request interviews. It seems like there's still no end to it."

 The first event where Kousuke and Emily met - the Berserk incident.

 In official announcements and in the media, Gamma Pharmaceutical's Casey Wentworks has been reported as the mastermind behind the whole incident.

 The fake story is as follows.

 A pharmaceutical company created the Berserk drug, distributed it, and plotted to make huge profits and control the suppressant drug.

 A terrifying plan that had been carried out in secret became public due to a mistake. The experimental subject that was being transported ended up in the city.

 For this reason, Kaysis hurriedly ordered his subordinates to bring the medicine to Percival College.

 They placed evidence at the university in an attempt to mislead the investigative authorities and buy time until they could efficiently disperse the evidence.

 However, during the process of bringing it in, a security guard spotted it, and after a scuffle, the chemicals spilled out.

 University personnel who were in the research building at the time, as well as investigators who were unaware of the danger, were harmed...

 It's not a complete lie. Most of the time it's true.

 This is a story about protecting Emily.

 The disclosure of the creator of the Berserk drug is as good as ruining Emily's life. He continues to be targeted by his family as a genius pharmacist in the underground world, and there is no doubt that he will become a target in the public world as well.

 More than that, preventing ``Dr. Grant'' from being kidnapped and the threat of Berserk being repeated was a necessary measure from the perspective of national defense.

 To begin with, the Berserk drug was a product of chance. It wasn't what Emily intended.

 Despite this, the situation was too harsh for a 16-year-old girl to be betrayed by Professor Down, who she trusted as her mentor and second father, to stop the destruction, and then to have her stolen and misused. Ta.

 In that case, the devil who betrayed even the underground organization he belonged to, trampled on the lives of many people, and plotted to become the only dictator, and the upper echelons of the pharmaceutical company who went along with him bear all the blame. There was not a single person who objected to the opinion that it should be done.

 The leak at the research building was the result of the security bureau's greed, and by extension, the country's greed, so it was probably concealed. That side is the dark side that is inherent in a nation.

"I also feel sorry for the people who worked normally at Gamma Pharmaceuticals without knowing anything about it..."

"You're worrying too much. There was nothing wrong with Emily."

"But I hear that the public eye is harsh on them. They wonder if they're employees of that pharmaceutical company. It seems like quite a few people have quit."

"That has nothing to do with Emily. She intervened in the media to manipulate the impression of the people in order to improve the treatment of all employees...I followed up as much as I could. --Gana Nagumo!"

 If the salary were to double, the employees would think, ``Well, well, I guess I'll think about whether or not I should quit.''

 Even the harsh eyes of the world are lighter compared to what they should have been. The method is the same as the one used for dealing with the media during the repatriation riots. It is a subliminal magic circle.

 The source of the funds...you can guess it from the collapse of several drug cartels and human trafficking organizations around the world. The people involved are desperately trying to find the huge amount of money that disappeared.

"The groundwork has been laid enough for me to regain my reputation.In fact, I'm already seeing results—Emily!…I'm sorry I haven't been able to do anything."

"Well, if you're like this. That's not true. Hehe."

 In fact, there is no longer a pharmaceutical company called Gamma Pharmaceuticals.

 The arrested management and upper management have been completely replaced by those under the influence of the Security Bureau, and Hajime has become the largest shareholder, supporting the stock price crash.

 Therefore, we have changed our company name with the aim of refreshing our image. Now it's [Alpha Pharmaceuticals]. Alpha… At first, that is, it was Hajime.

 By the way, he is officially known as a British wealthy man. This is to prevent the Nagumo family from attracting attention. The scapegoat was provided by the Security Bureau.

 This is the birth of Alphard Southcloud, an officially recognized British fictional character.

 I had no choice. Because...

"I had my own laboratory set up for me...and I was even provided with equipment that was completely over-the-top technology. It's only natural that I produce results, right?"

 There are devices that can freely separate and combine materials, whether inorganic or organic, and there are also devices that can penetrate minute details of materials in an instant.

 Furthermore, there are experimental instruments in the laboratory that can speed up or slow down time. On the contrary, there is even a device that can be ``regenerated'' back to its original state if it fails.

 In experiments that require a huge amount of time and verification, direct interference with materials, information detection, and time manipulation are truly unprecedented methods.

"But...I really want to be able to create something that will help someone, but it feels like I'm cheating somehow...I honestly can't be happy even if I'm told it's an accomplishment.''

"Cheating... it's not like we mass-produced the magic potion and released it as is, so Emily was credited with making it possible to have the same effect using only earth materials, right?"

``There is a completely different level of difficulty between recreating a completed model using a different material and creating it from scratch with the goal of achieving the final model you have in mind.''

 Creating something new in any field is the result of numerous experiments and verifications.

 It's like groping for a needle in the dark, where you can't even see what's ahead. It is a world that requires effort and perseverance that is tantamount to madness.

 However, Emily, who has the backing of the Demon King family, is able to take a completely opposite approach.

 All you have to do is analyze the completed form, understand the effects of each material, and then search for substitutes for the otherworldly materials among earth materials.

 I am able to achieve the results that my predecessors achieved with their painstaking efforts using a much simpler method. What can you call this other than cheating?

 That seems to be Emily's feeling.

"No, you know, Emily. Normally I think it would be extremely difficult just to find a replacement. At least, it's something none of us can do, right?"

 Kousuke said, looking half taken aback. That's right. After all, the original material is fantasy. Even if you have a complete model, wouldn't it be more difficult to recreate it using only earth materials? I even think so.

"That's not true. In fact, the hair growth medicine was made in a week."

"Ah, yeah, that's right..."

 Innovative hair growth medicine. For gentlemen with shining heads, it is like a legendary elixir.

 It seems that some of the leaders of the Pharmaceutical Society originally did not think well of Emily's existence due to unnecessary pride...

 It's been a month since I distributed the hair thickening drug I created based on Hajime's advice as a sample.

 They laughed and tried it, thinking of giving it up, but they sat in their bathrooms at home holding their heads in their hands.

"...What is this? What on earth is this?" As I watched my head slowly but surely lose its luster day by day.

 The fact that Emily is now being properly evaluated by the upper echelons of the university and even in academic societies, and even more carefully watched over...

 No, it's better than this. There is no need to dare to touch the darkness. Yes, even if the heavyweights of all fields who wore brilliance over their heads had formed a secret organization called ``The Society of Saints in White Robes Who Dispel the Brilliance'' and were expanding their power, there was no need to know about that.

 Quiet talk.

"Nagumo...he said earlier that you can enrich your pockets by laundering drugs instead of laundering money."

"It's a word that smells like a crime! I wish it would at least be medicine..."

"Well, anyway, aside from ``sales of accessories that have a little effect'', he was also happy that thanks to Emily, he was able to earn money in the field of magic potions.It's true that there are people who are being helped... …So, I think you can do it without feeling too reserved or inferior, okay?"

"Is that so?...No, that's right. Even if I cheat, if I can save someone, I might not hesitate if I can save even a little more people."

 That was actually the reason for taking over the pharmaceutical company.

 If Emily were able to analyze magic potions and recreate them for use on Earth, many groundbreaking drugs would be released into the world. In addition, a big advantage is that there is no need to build a mass production system or sales channel from scratch.

 Of course, there are problems with trust from the public and business partners. Even though the company has changed its name and management team, its credibility has fallen to the bottom.

 However, if innovative and effective drugs are released one after another, that reputation should eventually change. What's more, he has taken other steps to regain trust, so it won't take long for him to make a comeback.

 That's what Hajime and Magdanes were thinking.

 Most of the pharmaceutical company's profits go to the Security Bureau's operating funds, and as the largest shareholder, Hajime naturally receives dividends. Needless to say, Kousuke and Emily, who were present, were nervous as the two shook hands with dark smiles on their faces.

"No matter how good the drug is, it also helps if the company receives public attention."

"I think it's usually an honor."

 That was also one of the purposes for Hajime to take over the company.

 Rather than ascribing the origin of the breakthrough drug to the pharmaceutical genius Dr. Emily Grant, they obscure it by grouping it in the broad category of ``development by Alpha Pharmaceuticals.''

 This was something that Emily also strongly desired.

"I don't need public fame. If someone can be saved by the results of my research, that's enough."

"I see"

"Yes, that's right. Besides, I've decided to follow Kousuke, so there's no point in worrying about honor on Earth, right?"

"Well, my dream is to eventually use Tortoise as a base and spread medicine without magic...but now, thanks to Nagumo, I can travel between different worlds fairly easily."

"My commute to work is Tortoise. Is it like coming home to Earth?"

"Oh yeah. Lately, I've been wondering if something like that even exists."

"Because I met Hinata! It's something I can't leave behind!"

"...I-Is that true?"

 Oops, that's crazy. It's a bush snake...Kousuke looks away. Emily's staring eyes pierced the side of his face. Since it's true, I somehow can't make eye contact with him.

"Well, well, it's still a long way off!"

 It was five to six years after I graduated from medical school that I started working with Tortoise.

 At that time, Hiharu was a junior high school student, or maybe just a high school girl. In any case, he is probably in the middle of his adolescence or youth.

 In the future, if they still have feelings for Kousuke even after they become adults, the two of them have agreed that they will think about it again, or maybe Hiroharu will be able to find someone his age...

 Kousuke is the only one who thinks this.

 Emily knows.

 I learned that Hiharu's family is incredibly wealthy. It may also be from a famous family with an ancient lineage. And that the feelings of that young, strongest onmyoji are real, and that's why her mother, who holds the helm of the family, is working to fill in the blanks!

 She's on a different level from other saints! "I'm a doctor too!" is not the type of person you can relate to!

 Yoharu Fujiwara is a princess of the highest level in every aspect of the world, both inside and out! 

"Okay? Kosuke."

"...what do you want?"

"Even if you make a mistake! Don't mess with me before you're an adult!"

"There's no way I'm going to let you out, right?"

"No matter how much you fill the hole! No matter how dubious techniques are used on you! It's a crime to touch a minor!"

"I know, but!? Or rather, what are you saying to me in the street?"

"If you're going to give it to me, do it to me!"

"Let's just chuck it in your mouth!!"

 I want to end my wonderful university life before it even begins! ? Kousuke instinctively covers Emily's mouth.

 Looking around, I guess he was originally paying attention to Emily. The students who seemed to have heard the words were shocked.

 I can't help but feel like I can see the emotion of seeing a criminal in my gaze, so noticing Kousuke's presence is probably not the only reason for my surprise.

 Or rather, it is.

 If you look at it objectively, it looks like Emily-sensei yelled at the suspicious man, but then the suspicious man covers Emily-sensei's mouth.

 Pause for a beat, then pause.

"Hello, police..."

"Please stop reporting!!"

 Bounce the pebble under your feet and hit it directly with your finger without even trying to catch it! With exquisite control and power, you can flip your smartphone as if it had slipped out of your hand and prevent a quick and decisive report!

"Ah, it's not a problem for me! I'm sorry for disturbing you!"

 Emily panicked and raised her voice, and the people around her calmed down for the time being.

 However, the suspicious looks in his eyes, such as, ``Is it true?'', ``That man looks suspicious, right?'', and ``Why can't I see his face clearly from this distance?'' have not disappeared at all.

"Kousuke, let's leave now. Before we get into trouble."

"No, you know, Emily. If I leave in this situation, won't I still have suspicions and be perceived as a suspicious person? Won't the rumors start tailing me again?"

"I-I guess that's true. Ghosts and other things are already starting to be treated like urban legends..."

 By the way, the urban legend is about the ``ubiquitous man.'' It's his own fault because he took out his alter ego and took other classes at the same time. He wanted people to notice him, but it was the fault of a man who was too used to not being noticed.

"I'd like to clear up any misunderstandings..."

"Y-yeah, that's right. It's because I shouted carelessly...I'm sorry, Kosuke."

"No, that's...Yeah, it's Emily's fault. She treated me like a pervert."


 Kousuke-san is surprisingly quick to hold him accountable. It's not just that he cares about her; in a sense, his relationship with Emily has also developed into a better one.

 Kousuke glared at her, and Emily groaned a little and focused her thoughts on how to resolve the situation. And with a flash, she lights up a miniature light bulb above her head.

 My cheeks turned red and I fidgeted. I put the edge of her stole close to her mouth and looked up shyly.

"Then, how about we clear up the misunderstanding in one go?"

"Oh, is there a way to do that?"

 Even though they were already close, Emily took another step closer to the distance.

"If I kiss you, it will be solved, right?"


"W-why? You had so much in the morning!"

"It's because there's going to be new rumors! Or rather, I'm just feeling embarrassed! Think about the location!"

"Women have courage! Kaori-san also said that if you attack, most things will be resolved!"

"Have you ever thought about how it feels to be attacked?"

 I've never seen Nagumo's eyes like a dead fish before, so I can say something like that...I thought to myself, but Emily-chan, who seemed to be in the mood for a kiss, pushed herself closer to me. come.

 The people on campus somehow sensed the atmosphere and, as expected, became agitated.

 Then, there was an unexpected savior.

"Oh! There's aenlightenmentKeimouIsn't this my noble ally, Lord Abyss? "

"No, it's the wrong person."

 Perhaps because he was called Lord of the Abyss in public, Kousuke reflexively denies it.

 That being said, if you face the person who knows your secret side,

"Eh, why are you here..."

"Of course, it's for enlightenment. As a villager, I want to share the noble thoughts and beliefs given by the Lord to young people with promising prospects!"

 This time, the atmosphere was buzzing in a different way.

 A man with a few companions who gives the impression that he is far from a ``villager''. Few people in Britain are familiar with this man, with his finely combed blond hair and strong mustache, his well-built body wrapped in a well-tailored suit, and a cane in one hand.

"It's Congressman Jefferson Algrey!"

"If I remember correctly, I heard that there will be a special lecture in the afternoon...I didn't expect it..."

"Seriously!? Was it a speech by a member of Congress? Why is the identity of the speaker hidden?"

"Isn't it because non-students will be inundated?"

"Besides, maybe we can participate too?"

 As you can hear, he was actually Jefferson Algray, a real estate tycoon and member of the British Parliament, but behind the scenes he was the leader of the secret society Hydra.

 Through Abyss Lord's ``Betting on the Pride of the Villagers,'' they became pious ``villagers,'' and the organization has been reborn as a worldwide charity organization, ``Betting on the Pride of the Villagers,'' with each member still continuing to this day.

 Perhaps because of this, he seems to be so popular as a member of parliament that some people now treat him as a saint, and the students are as excited as if they had just met a celebrity.

 Also, Congressman Algray waves with a refreshing smile that belies his once ugly face smeared with greed.

 Probably one of the secretaries. A young man in a suit who looked like he was still in his twenties warned me in his ear, ``Don't stand out too much...''

"I'm sorry. I saw my benefactor and couldn't help but call out to him."

"Your benefactor? This student?"

"Huh. I can't go into details, but...that's right. It's all thanks to him that I am who I am today!"

 Zawa, zawa wa, zawa? Zawazazawa! !

 Congressman Algray's voice is a very strong baritone voice. Partly because of that, it resonates.

 In addition to his many philanthropic activities, as a member of parliament he continues to work tirelessly for the people, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is now the most popular and well-known member of the British Parliament. Existence.

 He ends up clasping his arms around one student's shoulders in a friendly manner, calling him his benefactor.

 Maybe Emily-sensei's stalker or something? The color of the students' eyes changed as they looked at the suspicious person! You were such an amazing person! ? and expressed surprise and respect.

``Well, I have some things to talk about, but I have to talk about a lot of other things besides the lecture.It also serves as a luncheon, sir.How about you too?Of course, that pretty young lady over there. together."

"Ah, ah, no, we'll refrain from doing so, yes. The other party would also be in trouble if there was someone who wasn't in their plans."

"Really? No, that was a very uncool thing to do with me. Was it a hindrance to your date?"

"No, hmm, well, it's like that."

 You were the one who made this man like this, so why are you being so pressured about it...?Emily looked stunned.

"See you next time. Mao――I would like you to convey my regards to Southcloud-dono and Magdanes-dono."

"Ah, I'm getting a lot of help, and I'll be back soon."

"Hmm. Well then, I'm looking forward to that day, my ally, Lord Abyss Gate!"

"That name is-"

 Before I could say no, Senator Algrey stormed off. I guess walking sticks are just a gentleman's hobby. His energetic walking style is sharp and fast.

 The students' eyes are shining as they see the lively members full of energy and enthusiasm. It's more than what you see on TV.

 At the same time, all eyes are on Kousuke, who was even referred to as a benefactor by the councilman.

"Once again, I think the Demon King's artifacts are disgusting."

"That's right. Considering the crimes that Magdanes-san told me about, I can't help but feel sympathy for them."

 The day when he will be released from being a villager will probably never come.

 He was originally the head of a dangerous occult organization, and has committed a number of crimes. And he is a man who has erased this with his organizational, power, and financial strength. The inside of his stomach was beyond pitch black. He's an outcast who doesn't care about other people's lives or lives if it's for his own profit and greed.

 Those who know his secret side, seeing his current appearance and state, do not seem to have any doubts, believing that there is some kind of big trick up his sleeve, but eventually they wonder, ``When will he show his true nature?'' I'm sure you'll start shaking your head.

 Furthermore, if the British side requested it, Kousuke and his friends were prepared to return him to normal and hand him over as a criminal.

 However, the country's decision, as informed by Chief Magdanes, was ``as it was because it was convenient.''

 Considering the public profile of the former Hydra members, it may have been too much social chaos to arrest them all, but in reality, it was probably some kind of punishment. Because you're ignoring his original personality and making him do the exact opposite of what he originally wanted.

"Is that okay? Judging by the current public opinion, I think he's going to go as far as he can."

 By destination, I mean the position of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. That's why it's becoming so popular.

"It's 'convenient' that includes that."

"Hello. The back of your country is pitch black."

"It's really sad to hear this from someone who has suffered so much because of this dark side. But you see, charity work is good for the children of the world, and it has benefits for us as well."

 By the way, Merit refers to Alpha Pharmaceuticals. Rep. Algray is the one to take steps to restore trust. The plan is to have former Hydra members and celebrities from all walks of life publicize their good reviews under the influence of the popular lawmaker and under his direction.

"Well, I'd rather have lunch than that. It would be troublesome if I stayed here."

"? Ah, that's right. Hehe, it was a surprise attack, but maybe meeting Algrey here wasn't a bad thing? I feel like Kousuke's recognition has increased again."

 The surrounding students looked like they were about to approach me with curious eyes. Some of them have slightly glaring eyes.

 Their connections with charismatic congressmen who are currently exciting are likely stimulating them in many ways.

"Even if you ask me the meaning of being a benefactor, it's hard to answer. Should I come up with a fake story?"

"Isn't that a fitting conclusion for the Demon King's gang?"

 We looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

 Just like that, the two of them hurriedly walked towards their target cafe outside the campus, hoping to avoid being surrounded by a crowd of people.

 Ten minutes later.

"Isn't Algrey's schedule leaking out too much?"

"It looks like things will be tough on campus this afternoon...I have a lecture, but please be careful, Kousuke. I think there are rumors going around about the 'benefactor'."

 Kousuke and Emily were nowhere to be found at the cafe near the university.

 In front of the two of them is another coffee shop. The arched wooden signboard reads "ILS". Below that is written in small letters, ``I Love Salmon.''

 Yes, it's a cafe specializing in salmon sandwiches run by Woody, a former illegal Hydra agent who was enlightened by the Abyss Lord to the salmon sandwich path and became a salmon sandwich evangelist.

 Of course, it's far from university.

 The reason why I went to the trouble of going through the ``gate'' set up inside the relatively nearby Security Bureau was because the coffee shop I was going to was packed.

 Most of the stores in the neighborhood are the same. Needless to say, the cause was that Congressman Algrey's visit was missed.

 I didn't know when he would appear at the university, but word spread that he was going to give a lecture at the university, and there were a lot of people killing time at shops near the university until then.

 So, I decided to have ILS for lunch. After all, this store is usually quiet except for the regular visitors (mainly security personnel).

"Well, it's been a while since I've had a salmon sandwich. I haven't been here lately because I've been so busy."

"I really like it. Well, the manager's sandwich is certainly delicious."

 Kousuke looks like he's excited. Seeing this, a smile appeared on Emily's face.

 Kousuke opened the store door. There's no problem since Emily is there, but she's like a doorbell and she doesn't have high hopes that he'll notice her presence, so she calls out to Manager Woody just in case - before that.

"Yes, darling ♡ Ahh♪"

"Darling, you keep telling me to stop—"

 Even though it was noon, the birds were still chirping.

 The inside of the store, which should have been so lonely, was strangely hot.

 On the other side of the counter, Samantha, a pretty woman whose brunette hair has grown a little longer than before and is tied back, brings a fork with fried salmon stuck to Manager Woody's strong-faced mouth.

 One arm was tightly wrapped around Manager Woody's thick arm, and their bodies were pressed close together.



 Manager Woody and Kousuke's eyes met, or more accurately, Emily's. Next, Manager Woody noticed Kousuke's presence, and a voice leaked out from his mouth.

 Freezing air.

 It would be so. Samantha is a 19-year-old female college student. Manager Woody is a 41-year-old man who also has the secret side of being an informant.

"No, that's not true, Head! No, it's not, but there are circumstances behind this."

"Huh? Oh, no, I'm embarrassed. Instead, you two should come!"

 For some reason, the store manager, Woody, clearly looks like he's seen something wrong, but Samantha doesn't show any emotion other than shame. On the contrary, the atmosphere is like that of a young wife running the store with the support of her husband.

 What exactly happened in the two months that I didn't show my face?

 For now, Kousuke and Emily looked at each other. We nod at each other and look at Manager Woody again.




"Hello, are you at the Sheriff's Office? This is Emily Grant. Mr. Bernard, please."

"Please stop reporting!? And the captain of the assault division? Please give me a break!!"

 While looking at the old man, a former illegal agent, who had so clearly molested (?) a current female college student living a healthy life in the public world, she reported it as her duty as a citizen.