Oh, God! Save me!


 Table set on a wooden counter. A warm lamp on a leather sofa. ``ILS'' is a cafe specializing in salmon sandwiches that has a calm atmosphere and is wonderful.

 At the table in the center was a man who was truly restless.

 I am the manager of this store.

 My gaze swims and swims. Although it looks like it has a large and well-trained body, it doesn't look bulky at all. It sways like a willow branch.

"Hello, I'm Emily. Analyst Allen--"

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you, so don't give up on anyone with a license to kill."

 Prompt reporting is a citizen's duty. That's what Kousuke and Emily, who were sitting across from each other, were staring at.

 Actually, I haven't reported it. It was also the phone call I made at the entrance earlier. It's just pretending.

 Since we don't know each other, I will at least listen to his excuses.

"That's not true! Kousuke-kun and Emily-chan both have a misunderstanding!"

 Samantha-chan, sitting next to Darling, leans forward in place of Darling (?), who looks pale, perhaps sensing that his life is about to end.

 By the way, in the past, Samantha used to call Kousuke "Mr." because he was the salmon sandwich master and the person the store manager called "Head," but now she calls him "Mr." which makes her feel more at ease with her friend.

 That's because while they were regulars, the women, led by Emily, became close and they became friends.

 Partly because of this, Samantha is suspected of being kept in a cage by an evil old man, and his gaze towards Samantha naturally becomes kind.

 Like a counselor who cares about victims.

"Samantha, are you okay? Don't push yourself too hard."

"I didn't!"

"Samantha, do you know about Stockholm Syndrome?"

"I know, but that's not true!! Or rather, isn't the two people's lack of trust in the store manager a little too bad?"

 Having said that, Kousuke and Emily looked at each other.

 After all, he was an illegal agent of an underground organization worse than the mafia. Even though he has left the organization, he is still a gray area man with connections to the underworld as an informant.

 In the first place, a healthy and serious college student like Samantha should not be involved.

"Hey, listen carefully! It's a misunderstanding!"

"Okay, okay. I'll listen carefully. So, what about the misunderstanding?"

"I was the one who attacked you!"


 Of course, it was Manager Woody. The disdainful eyes from Kousuke and Emily once again pierce Manager Woody.

 There's no way a man from the underworld who is used to fighting can lose to a female college student who has never even fought properly, let alone martial arts.

 If so, did it happen that way, or was it originally supposed to be that way?IsahIsaIt's natural to assume that they enjoyed the set meal with a feeling of ``It's a good deal!''

 Either way, he's an outcast man.

"Last week, it was my birthday."

"Oh, really? Congratulations, Samantha! If you had told me, I would have prepared a present for you!"

"Hehe, thank you, Emily-chan. But since everyone seemed busy, I thought it would be a good idea to tell you."

"Well, I haven't actually been here for about two months. Anyway, congratulations."

"Thank you, Kousuke-kun! So, look, the manager knows my birthday, right?"

"It's my employer."

"Yeah, so I jokingly asked the store manager to congratulate me. He wanted me to take him to an amazing restaurant that I had never been to and that I would never have been able to go to with my friends from college." !"

"ah I see"

 Samantha also knows that Woody is Uncle Grezon. So, I guess she had a bit of admiration for her, or perhaps her curiosity ached. It's a hideaway shop with a slightly dangerous and mature atmosphere.

 So, since it was his birthday and he was working hard, Manager Woody took him out as a reward.

``It was a really hidden store, and I was totally excited. I felt like the heroine in a spy movie.''

"I kind of get it. I admire that kind of thing."

 Apparently Emily understands too. Although she has experienced the dark underworld of spy movies, Kousuke doesn't know about such stores either, so he has never been to one.

 Kousuke probably understands too. ``It's certainly nice. It's a store where only the people behind the scenes are allowed to go, and we exchange things using signs and such. It's romantic, isn't it?'' he said nodding.

 I want to stay in a hotel with a no-war policy, and interact in style with firearms sommeliers and bulletproof suit tailors. You can even have your own special cocktail! After all, he's a boy! 

 Manager Woody laughed a little at the exchange between Kousuke and his friends. However, his expression soon changed. Because we got to the core of the story.

"Then I ended up drinking too much. I'm the type of person who doesn't show it on my face, so by the time I realized it..."

"...I sent him home because he was too drunk to let me go home alone. If only I hadn't misunderstood that he was tolerant of alcohol at that time."

 Manager Woody hangs his head. Samantha continues with a shy look on her face.

"Ehehe, I'm sorry. I'm just having fun. And I guess I have a bit of a drinking problem."

"It's nothing special. It's a lot of alcohol."

 Samantha-chan seems to be a drunkard. It's not just verbal, it's the type that involves physical interaction.

 I could have sent him home, but it seems like he remained entangled with Manager Woody and wouldn't let go. Like a spoiled child.

"As expected, I couldn't just tie him up and leave him alone, so I took care of him by giving him water to drink until he sobered up."

"He said he couldn't take it anymore and attacked him."

"That's not true, Head! Please believe me! I'm not so depressed that I'm going to let a girl who is twenty years younger than me know!"

"Huh? Oh, really? What, then it was an attempt..."

 In the end, Kousuke and Emily almost came to the conclusion that Samantha was the one who fell in love with Samantha because she was a gentleman until the end and didn't attack her, but Manager Woody quickly averted his gaze.

 It seems like it wasn't an attempt.

"Hey, Woody."

"Kousuke-kun, it's my fault! I think I was lonely because the store manager put me to bed and tried to get home somehow, but maybe it was because I was angry at him for treating me like a child? I was drunk at that point. I don't really remember much, but I did it anyway!"


"I used the, um, artifact? that Emily-chan gave me for self-defense before…"

"Huh? The one that can put up a barrier and release shockwaves?"


 So, Manager Woody apparently passed out.

 I see, this is a really bad drinking habit. Emily also has her head in her hands. That's not what she asked the Demon King for, but...

 In my defense, it seems like I didn't intend to release a shockwave, but instead intended to create a barrier to prevent anyone from leaving the room. He seems to have remembered the explanation that it can be used not only for self-defense, but also to block the opponent.

 By the way, the reason I asked was because Manager Woody used to be a resident of the underworld, and because he has been involved with us who tend to get into trouble, so if we were to become friends, I'd like to ask Samantha as well. I thought I needed something to protect myself.

 Even if you make a mistake, it's not something you'd do to keep the opposite sex from leaving while you're drunk.

"So, I got so upset when the store manager saw the whites of his eyes and fainted that I thought I might have killed him!"

"No, didn't you explain that it's not powerful enough to kill you?"

"Kousuke, look, Samantha has a habit of blind faith..."

 On top of that, I was drunk. Once she believed that Manager Woody was in danger, she would no longer be able to remain calm. Basically, this child is in trouble.

"So, I was planning to use the recovery medicine that Kousuke-kun gave me? I gave it to the store manager, but I got flustered and made a mistake."

"What do you mean you made a mistake?"

"With the special energy drink that Emily gave me."


 There was a time when Samantha started crying while studying for an exam, so I definitely gave it to her to help her focus better.

 At that time, it was not a steel can or syringe type that I would give to Hajime, but it was in a test tube type container because it was for myself to concentrate on research for a long time, so it was definitely a container for recovery medicine. The appearance is similar.

 If he was panicking, he might have made a mistake...but even so, what a waste of time he was.

``I gave him about half a drink, but he didn't wake up at all, so I thought, ``Huh?'' I should have looked at it properly, but at that time, I drank it myself and found out.And then it tasted like enamel, right? Pine. It tastes delicious, so just drink the rest.''

"I don't think I can catch up with Tsukkomi anymore."

"It's like a skit from overseas."

 Kousuke and Emily are worried about Samantha's reckless behavior.

"And then, before I knew it, it was morning and I had crossed the line with the store manager! Hehe!"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. How did that happen!?"

 The ending came too soon! Time flew by like King Kuri*son! ? Kousuke and Emily exchanged tsukkomi.

"...Maybe, but the young lady's Enadori was too effective. I think it became like a stimulant when combined with alcohol."


 Manager Woody has shrunk his huge body to its minimum size and is covering his face with both hands. She looked like a maiden attacked by a thug.

"I vaguely remember. When I woke up, Samantha was attacking me, and even though I was unconscious, I was strangely excited."

 It seems that nothing could be done to stop it. Looks like I've made it to the end.

 It was morning when I regained my senses. When Manager Woody saw Samantha sleeping next to her in her newborn state, his blood must have turned cold. It's done! and.

"I remember some things too. Hehe."

 Samantha scratches her head in embarrassment. From the looks of it, she doesn't seem shocked by her unintentional relationship with Manager Woody. In fact, she seems happy.

 I guess it's mostly because of the tools and medicines we gave them. Kousuke and Emily, with faces as pale as Manager Woody, are shrinking to their limits.

 In the UK, you can drink alcohol from the age of 18, and in some restaurants it's OK to drink from 16, but Emily doesn't drink alcohol.

 Therefore, the effect of pairing with alcohol must have been a blind spot. Especially Emily's gaze is so agitated that she swims around like a migrating fish.

 The atmosphere inside the store is hard to describe.

 It's awkward...it's nothing. I feel so guilty...

 The only sounds echoing were Samantha's voice, smiling shyly as if remembering those days, and the ticking of the clock.

 Seeing Samantha's state, Emily asked, looking confused and concerned.

"Um, Samantha... are you okay? Or rather, judging from the way you looked just now, are you okay with the fact that the two of you are dating?"

"Yeah. Darling said he would take responsibility!"

"But there are things like the age difference, the secret family business…"

"It's nice to have an older man. He was originally a bit of an evil old man and a really bad type, and what's going on in the underground world? Kousuke and Emily are the same, aren't they?"

"Oh, that's true, but..."

"Also, even though Darling is blunt, he is kind and reliable, he teaches me things about the world that I don't know about, his salmon sandwiches are delicious, and he has connections with amazing people like Kousuke and the head of the Security Bureau. He's an amazing person...and he's amazing as well♡"

"I don't want to hear that..."

"Please shut up, Samantha."

 Darling's words don't reach Samantha, who has entered her own world.

``You mean? You had a connection at the previous store, you got fired, and the store you happened to be in had Darling, and he was super type, and they hired you, and you bonded over that... ...It's fate!"


 Even Manager Woody's voice is leaking out.

 Samantha's eyes sparkle as she speaks extremely fast and speaks passionately. Her words are full of conviction. It seems that her blind faith is fully activated. In her mind, Manager Woody is definitely the person of destiny.

 Afterwards, Samantha continued to speak passionately, causing Manager Woody to reach his mental limit, and Kousuke and Emily also became emotionally injured and mentally depressed.

 He originally came to have lunch, and he succeeded in interrupting the conversation by asking Samantha to see how well he made a salmon sandwich for the first time in a while.

 Make a sandwich suitable for the girlfriend of the owner of a salmon sandwich shop and show it to her! Kousuke and his friends secretly exchanged words while seeing off Samantha as she headed towards the kitchen.

"Well, if Samantha is good, then it's good…I guess?"

"Y-yeah, that's right. He seemed like your type from the beginning...I guess it's an old man's hobby, right?"

"Miss, at least it's just an older hobby...no, it's nothing."

"And what about Woody himself?"

"...I don't really have a choice, Head."

"But it almost feels like we're the victims, isn't it? In fact, it seems like it's our fault too…"

"Well, there's no point in saying that. It's already happened. Besides, this is an old man with a dirty past."

 Manager Woody shrugs his shoulders while laughing at himself. In terms of his worth as a person, he says that he and Samantha can't even be compared.

"The priority should be his feelings. I've tried to persuade him to stop, but he doesn't seem to change his feelings, so I guess I can't help it. I'm prepared to accept everything."

"Hmm, isn't that a special victory? But what does it mean to be in a relationship out of necessity?"

"That's not what I mean, my lady. It just means that I'm no match for you at all."

 I could see what he was trying to say when I saw the gentleness that oozed out from his bitter smile.

 At first, they hired Samantha to make amends for Samantha, who was fired from her previous part-time job due to their own faults, but the time spent with the bright and energetic Samantha in a quiet shop with a lot of quiet birds chirping was a bad thing for Manager Woody. Probably not.

 From the perspective of Woody, the person behind the scenes, Samantha may have been shining like the sun.

 Even if it's not a romantic feeling, there is certainly affection. Manager Woody, in his own way, seems to care about Samantha more than Emily and Kousuke think.

 As long as Samantha wants it, I want to do what she wants.

"Well, I'm sure you'll run out of love eventually. You're still young. I'm sure one or two nice guys will approach you."

"Samantha, it seems like you have a lot of friends."

"Yes, actually, the number of young customers has increased somewhat due to Samantha's connections. There are also quite a few young people who are looking for her."

"It seems like the store is pretty lonely today, isn't it?"

"It just happened."

 By the way, it was a coincidence that there were no customers when Kousuke and his friends came to the store, but the reason why no one was there when they were talking like this was because a barrier was being deployed for the purpose of discussion.

 Artifacts made by the Demon King were also sent to this store, which was a fairly useful source of information, at Kousuke's request. Currently, there is a barrier that blocks recognition, and the general public other than those involved can no longer approach.

"If you take that stance, you'll really get caught, right?"

"There's something wrong with choosing me. If you can focus on something else, then that's a relief."

 Manager Woody shrugs his shoulders. He must be sincere. He wants Samantha's happiness more than his own.

 I guess it is...

"Yes, I feel really relieved..."

 Apparently he has other intentions? Manager Woody begins to look into the distance. It's fleeting...the expressions are becoming more and more fleeting! Like an old man who realizes he is about to die!

"W-what happened?"

"No, it's nothing special...However, Samantha has a habit of moving forward with blind faith."

"Rushin? What do you mean?"

"It seems like she wants to introduce him to her parents as soon as possible.In fact, she seems to be keeping the details a secret, but it seems like she has already informed her parents that she has found a boyfriend..."

 Kousuke and Emily look at each other.

"By the way, Samantha's parents and I are the same age..."


 Kousuke's expression also became tense.

 How did the father feel when his daughter introduced him to an old man who was the same age as her?

 When I think about it, I can only imagine a horrifying outcome.

 I see. That's probably what he meant when he said he was determined.

"...I can't complain that I was killed. Please pick up the bones."


 Kousuke gently handed over the recovery medicine. It's the highest-ranking drug I own. Even if it's a fatal injury, it should heal somehow.

"Well, that's how it is, but do you understand?"

 Kousuke and Emily couldn't help but smile and nod as Manager Woody carefully took the recovery medicine and put it in his pocket.

 For the time being, I have no choice but to adopt a policy of not reporting.


"It's done! Come try our new salmon pine sandwich!"

"Huh? Pine? What are you doing for my salmon sandwich?"

 This happened right after Kosuke, an extremist who denies the use of pineapple in cooking, took a hard look.

 I heard the sound of the store door opening.

"Oh, you two were there after all!"

 Beyond the barrier of recognition inhibition, the members of the Assault Division led by Bernard came to the store one by one.

 Woody's eyes widen. He looks at Kousuke and Emily with a tragic look that befits their betrayal!

 Both Kousuke and Emily desperately shake their heads...

"Hey, Woody. Why are you putting up a barrier that inhibits recognition? You must be hiding something, right?"

 around the storePopularityHitokeThe words were probably uttered because the tool that was limited to this store's barrier and was able to escape recognition inhibition was reacting, but the timing of those words was bad in many ways.

 A critical hit on the spirit of store manager Woody.

 Even though Bernard was laughing and it was obvious he was joking.

 Manager Woody stood up with a determined look on his face.

"Hmm? Samantha's girl. Is that a new one? That's nice, I love pineapple. I'd like one of those too..."

 Store manager Woody approaches Bernard, whose tastes conflict with Kousuke's.

 Then, along with his subordinates, he knelt down in front of Bernard, who had only come to have lunch with him after hearing that Kousuke and Emily were heading to the store, and held out his hands.

"I fucked you."

"Eh!? What!?"

 Captain Bernard jerks back.

 Just then, Samantha, who has changed her appearance, runs up to Manager Woody and hugs him tightly.

"That's not true! It's my fault! I did it!!"

"So what!?"

 By the way, despite the age difference, Samantha is an adult, so if both parties are satisfied, there is no illegality.

 However, when I see a police officer, I wonder if there is also a psychology at work that makes me worry that he might be doing something wrong even if he hasn't done anything particularly wrong. Bernard and the others were all confused as the two men made up their minds and were about to join the rope.

"Abby! What on earth is going on!?"

 A request for help came from Bernard.

 Take a deep breath. Kousuke slowly stands up.

"Haa, I just came to eat lunch, so why are all these things happening...?"

"Lord of the AbyssHeroIsn't that why? "


 Kousuke smiled bitterly at Emily's words, which seemed strangely persuasive even though they didn't make any sense, and went to mediate.

 Then, the sky was illuminated by a fiery sunset.

"Ugh, I'm kind of tired today..."

"It was a tough afternoon too."

 After lunch, Kousuke and Emily returned to the university and headed home after the afternoon lecture, walking tiredly down the orange-tinted streets.

 Even after leaving the chaotic ILS and returning to university, I guess you could say it was as expected. A very noisy time awaited them.

 Kosuke was summoned to the upper echelons of the university regarding his relationship with Councilman Algray, Emily was bombarded with questions from students regarding her relationship with Councilman Algray, and Emily wonders if Kousuke's level of recognition has increased due to her relationship with Councilor Algrey. The realization that he has a boyfriend spreads a little, and many people start to feel depressed, and people start asking questions about it, and he manages to turn down the persistent dinner invitation from Councilman Algrey...

 Is this the man who calls the storm?

 In any case, I'm more tired mentally than physically.

 For that reason, Kousuke and Emily decide to go home earlier than usual, and they walk close to each other, arm in arm, as if to comfort each other.

"Anyway, even in such an atmosphere, if you eat Woody's salmon sandwich, everyone will smile, so I'm proud of it."

"It was so delicious that I was a little disappointed."

 My wry smile deepens as I remember what happened at ILS.

 After that, Manager Woody confessed the situation to Bernard and the others, and of course he was treated with great scorn.

 I was aware of Samantha's idle spin (?) and combo of blind faith and rush forward (?), so some of the station staff looked at me sympathetically and said, "I thought something like this would happen someday," but...

 It's not an arrest case, and Samantha seems happy, so I don't have anything to say about it, but it is what it is. It is inevitable that store manager Woody will be viewed more harshly.

 The atmosphere was amazing as the strong men sitting at the counter and tables kept locking on Manager Woody with their sharp eyes as he began to demonstrate his skills after taking orders.

 It's like the atmosphere sometimes seen in movies where police officers are not allowed in a gang hangout, or what happens in a certain unscrupulous town when an outsider enters.A bar that will soon be destroyedYellow rugI guess you could call it a similar atmosphere. It was so hard to tell which one was a former outlaw and which one was in charge of security.

 Manager Woody's cold sweat was like a waterfall.

 At that point, the barrier of recognition inhibition had been lifted, so a few groups of ordinary customers came to the store...

 All of them, without exception, screamed, "Hi!"

 Either roll out the door or close the door quietly.heelKibisuDo you want to return it? Although there were differences in how they turned back, the response was enough to convince me that they would never visit this store again.

 Kankotori-chan, who prefers quiet, secluded places, seems to like this restaurant even more.

 Still, when Bernard and his friends finally eat Manager Woody's salmon sandwich, their expressions instantly soften, so it can be said that the self-proclaimed salmon sandwich evangelist is proud of his accomplishments.

"Salmon Sandwich is amazing after all. It's all thanks to Mr. Salmon Sandwich that I passed the entrance exam, that I was always able to heal my emotional wounds, and that the person behind the scenes was able to change his mind!"

"W-what happened, Kousuke? All of a sudden..."

"Ah, sorry. I just fell in love with salmon sandwiches."

"I really don't like it. Or rather, it's already dinner time so maybe you're hungry?"

 Emily giggles. Kousuke also gets his head blown away by Kousuke. He smiles shyly.

 Seeing how friendly they were, even the adults who were watching the people who were also returning home and the children playing in front of the house were smiling.

 It's been a common sight for the past few months, and there are a few people here and there who kindly greet me.

 The current residence, which has been the subject of a lot of bad rumors, seems to be gradually changing.

 Many of the original residents have passed away, and the place has become a permanent residence.

"Okay, I'm home now."

"I wonder if everyone else is home?"

 It's twice as big as the surrounding houses, and it's a magnificent house that could almost be called a mansion - the former Down House.

 Yes, Kousuke and his friends live in England at the mansion of Professor Reginald Down, where Emily was originally lodged.

 Emily had bought this mansion, which had been put up for sale with the owner dead and no heirs, even though she had to borrow money from Hajime.

 The reason is simple.

 This is because I wanted to carry on Professor Down's will, even if just a little. Even if I was betrayed, it's not a lie that I was given something important. Because I didn't want to forget that.

 In other words, Emily also opened up the Down House as a boarding house in the hope that she could help students who were struggling with their finances, position, or relationships.

 It seems that she was prepared to become the owner and manager on her own depending on the situation, but there was no way Kousuke, Lana, and the others would accept such a thing, and they agreed that it was more like Emily. Together, they decided to help students who were in dire straits.

 As a result, there are currently no struggling students in this Down residence! !

"Wow, someone is entering the cursed mansion!"

"Someone's going to die again!"

 Just as I was about to open the front door, two kids on bicycles yelled at me with the feeling of being evil kids.

"! Korraaa! You guys! What are you saying!!"

 Emily turned around with great force and shouted angrily. He didn't notice that the side tail that had turned into a whip hit Kousuke hard in the face, and when he raised his fist with the appearance of a demon, the bad boys let out an amused sound and ran away. Ta.

 This is one of the reasons why none of the struggling students wanted to live there.

 This is also the reason why the neighbors' view of the Down residence was mixed.

 That's right. Most of the residents, especially young students, died brutally. It can't be helped that there is a feeling of revulsion.

"Hmm, the house has nothing to do with it. Why did all the people who came to see the property leave with disgusted faces on their faces? Even though the conditions were supposed to be really good."

"Uh, yeah, that's right...I'm sorry, aren't you?"

"? Why is Kosuke apologizing?"

 It's not like there were no applications. But it seems they couldn't stand it.

 Yes, Emily unconsciously gave off an aura of happiness while giving a tour of the house and explaining the conditions.

(For current students, Emily is a younger girl, and a beautiful girl. I'm sure there's pride, but there are also people with ulterior motives...I thought, just in case, I made sure to be with her, also serving as her bodyguard.) But...I wonder if I did something wrong)

 From Emily's point of view, that's it. They must have felt like a nice old couple taking a young child to board. Rather, it should feel like home and make you feel safe.

 However, this is an atmosphere that can be created because they are a seasoned couple. From the outside, it just looks like a normal young couple making out.

 Boarding house in such a house? Do I have to watch my real life being real every day? And younger? This one looks like it's going to drown in reality? Do not be silly! I will not accept alms! No matter how difficult it is, I'll make myself happy.

 That's why.

 Furthermore, from what Kousuke saw, he thought that about half of the people who came to the preview were looking for Emily, so he didn't regret it.

"Well, well, for now,Small・death・Difference・cormorant・shape・in・teeth・a・Ru・hair・degree・Isn't that what's needed? "

"Mm, that's true. Yeah."

 Emily seemed to understand, and her displeased expression softened.

 The glow of the setting sun fades little by little, and the outside lights turn on instead. As if that was a cue, I hung it on the door handle again.

 If you open the door and say, ``I'm home,'' a wooden spirit will immediately respond.

 A hallway leading from the wide entrance to the back. Halfway to the left, peeking out from where the kitchen is, is a slender woman with short red hair.

"Welcome back, Emily. Kousuke too."

 Lissie Ashton. She is another survivor of the Down Classroom and is a kind of older sister to Emily.

 Emily's side tails, one of her trademarks, were originally created out of admiration for her, but she cut them off immediately after being discharged from the hospital.

 No one knows whether this is just a matter of his mood or a way to recover from the sadness of losing a friend or loved one, as he does not speak about it.

 Sometimes I spend quiet time alone at night looking at albums, so it's clear that my emotional wounds haven't completely healed yet...

"I'm home, Lissy-nee!"

"Oh, come on! You're not jumping in! What's a university lecturer supposed to do with such a spoiled brat?"

"Right now, I'm not a doctor or a lecturer, I'm just a younger sister, so that's okay."

"Wow, you're such a helpless child."

 Emily jumped into his chest, and while he scolded her, he hugged her back with a look of compassion, and it didn't seem like there was much of a problem.

 Furthermore, living together with Lissie is Emily's wish. At least while she was a student.

 This was done out of consideration for Lissie. But more than that, it was just Emily's selfish desire to still be with him.

 This, in turn, must have made Lissie, who had initially been hesitant, decide to participate in the communal life. This older sister is her older sister, and as a younger sister, she is very lenient.

(I'm sure Emily's honest feelings will heal your heart...)

 Kousuke enters the dining room on the left side of the entrance, in front of the kitchen, and places his bag on the large long table as he watches the sisters' physical relationship with a smile.

"Lissie-san, I'm sorry for making you prepare the food all the time these days."

"Don't worry about it. Unlike you guys, I'm just a student, and on top of that, I have a secure future thanks to my connections."

 In Emily's place, Lissie is the manager of the former Down House, now known as the Grant House.

 Although she returned to school and became a student, she is no longer a lecturer like Emily. She has no worries as she is guaranteed a job at Alpha Pharmaceuticals in the future.

"You're properly evaluating Lissy-nee's abilities as a researcher, right?"

 Emily looks up from Lissie's chest and corrects her in protest. It's not just because she's Emily's older sister.

"Well, I'm the type to accept any kindness offered to me without hesitation, so I don't mind it at all even if I have all my connections."

 As expected, he is a former struggling student that Professor Down felt compelled to help. Although he is still young, he seems to be well aware of the harshness of reality. If you can eat with pride, no one will have to suffer! That's the expression on his face.

"Besides, I just need to produce results commensurate with the kindness I received."

"Oh, that's cool, Lissie-nee!"

"Hehe, thank you. That said, I feel like that demon king did something for me even if he couldn't expect any results from me."

"Umm...do you mean it's because I have a connection with my family?"

 Kousuke asks as he enters the kitchen, "If you can see right through it, that's a big deal."

"That may be true, but I think he's the type of person who is intent on increasing his number of pawns, regardless of whether he can use them or not. You could call it a means, though."


 Kousuke and Emily thought.

 You see through more than you can imagine! I've only met him once to say hello! and.

 It seems certain that he is a good person. You can see that Emily's admiration meter is rising rapidly again.

 While washing his hands in the kitchen, Kousuke glanced at the second floor.

"Just the three of us? Chi・Beauty・Wow・Child・reach・Isn't there someone there? "

 Kousuke says so while searching for people's signs. Of course, he's not Kousuke, Lana's child.

 To tell you the truth, it's different from the original plan, and they're no longer recruiting for ordinary students to move in, but the house is currently open to the public as a boarding house.

"I'm sure you'll be back soon, aren't you? I'm just visiting the neighborhood. Vanny informed me that she's going to be late today. Claire..."

"Ah, I know through my clone. A lot has changed and I'm very busy with my work as a saint. It looks like I'll be quite late today. Lana will be leaving the Sanctuary--"

"I'm home now!"

 Even though Lana says she's home, she opens the door to the basement, which is on the opposite side of the hallway from the kitchen instead of through the front door, and reveals her face.

 I returned home through the ``gate'' from the sanctuary where the royal tree was located, that is, Hauria's earth base.

 There are multiple "gate halls" in the basement, so you can go directly to the Vatican and the Security Bureau from here.

 Vanessa and Claudia will probably come back at the "gate" once they finish their duties.

 Lissy smiles and says welcome back to Lana, and pulls Emily away, who seems to be enjoying her sister's scent for some reason.

"Hey, Emily. Can you help me prepare the food?"

"Of course. Just wait a minute. I'll go get changed now!"

 Emily runs up to the second floor where each person's private room is located, acting like a dog that has been given a toy. It is unmistakably a Cisco system.

"Can we help you with something?"

"Um, no, it's okay. There's still a little time until dinner, so hey, why don't you let Kousuke sleep on your lap? He's working this evening, so he's not sleeping, right?"

"Your consideration touches my heart..."

 Although we have only been living together for a few months, Lissie's attitude is quite easygoing.

 At first, I felt a little uncomfortable, like I was an outsider thrown into a harem, but I soon got used to it.

 Partly because Lana and the others are so friendly...

 probably,child・of・House・of・Special・Special・sex・is probably the biggest cause.

 That is the reason for ``being needed in a different way,'' and the reason why Lissie is taking on the role of ``caretaker'' and why there are signs of residents other than those related to her.

"I'll take your word for it♪ Yes, Kou-kun. Come?"


 Kousuke and Lana entered the living room on the opposite side of the dining room and to the right across the entrance.

 Lana plops down onto the large U-shaped sofa and pats her own thighs. She wears hot pants so her smooth, plump skin is completely exposed.

 Kousuke begins to enjoy the moment of relaxation, looking as fluffy as a summer bug charmed by fire.

 The soft feel of the back of his head and the feel of his hand caressing his head are soothing. The sisters' happy voices coming from the kitchen are also good background music.

 Since my clone body is working hard with Claudia, I don't lose consciousness completely, but I can still somehow feel that my mind and body are resting and becoming more fulfilled.

 How long have you been doing that?

 It was about time that I started to lose consciousness in earnest,

````````I'm home''''''

 A very loud voice echoed.

 When I woke up, I saw five children of elementary school age coming in from the front door, as well as a man and a woman in their seventies.

"Welcome home, everyone. Father and Sister too."

"Ah, I'm back, Kousuke-kun."

"Oh, did I disturb your relaxing time? But it's in front of the kids, so please do it in moderation, okay?"

 Sister's gaze turned to Lana. He is a sister with an elegant aura, but the proof that he has gone through a lot is certainly etched in his eyes, giving him a dignified appearance. To this, Lana had no choice but to honestly reply, "Yes."

 An avalanche of children rushed into the dining room, saying, ``I'm hungry!''

 Lissie's voice, "Go wash your hands!" echoed, and three boys and girls who looked like middle school and high school students came down from the second floor, probably hearing that.

 While telling Kousuke and Lana that they are leaving, Emily asks them to "let the children wash their hands~" and they enter the dining room.

 Now, who are they?

 Why is he living with Kousuke and his friends?

 The answer is

"Oh, here! Don't let the water come out of your hands! Wash them properly under tap water! I mean, I was taught that you shouldn't use your abilities recklessly--don't try to pick them up with telekinesis while I'm saying that!"

 You can guess that from Lissy's scolding voice.

 Yes, they are all "awakened".

 It's not like I was unhappy and couldn't stay with my parents. However, their parents were confused about their child's awakening to special powers, and they didn't know what to do, so they came to the church for advice.

 Currently, the Vatican is taking the lead in consulting and responding to such issues around the world. This is one of the reasons why Claudia is so busy that she can't come home often.

"They're really talented kids, aren't they? As a Hauria who can't use magic, I'm a little jealous."

"Indeed. He's a talent that ranks in the top 10% of awakened people."

 Furthermore, there are ranks among "Awakened Ones".

 Except for special cases such as onmyoji where techniques have been passed down through the family lineage...

 In most cases, their five senses have become sharper, their sixth sense has become more active, or their physical abilities have improved, such as being able to heal from injuries and fatigue a little more easily than humans.

 Once you get a little older, you can intentionally increase your senses, healing power, and physical abilities.

 If you reach a higher level, you will be able to produce phenomena such as so-called supernatural powers, but most of these are trivial.

 Still, it would be dangerous for children to handle. Some people are bothered by unwanted scouts.

 Places to protect such children are currently being created by the Vatican through churches in various countries, and this ``Grant House'' is one of them.

 After all, in a sense, it is one of the safest areas in the world. If the struggling students did not come, I received a request from the Vatican and accepted it.

 Basically, we take care of children who are close enough to see their parents on weekends and other occasions.

``At first, I thought the little kids would be homesick and have a hard time, not just the junior high and high school students, but...I'm glad they seemed to be having fun.''

"Hehe, having friends is one thing, but isn't it fun to learn special powers?"

"I understand that. I was also excited when Tortoise summoned me."

"Thanks to the retired exorcist taking on the role of teacher, I don't have a bad reputation. After all, world religions are different. Priests and sisters have different levels of trust."

"A tortoise was a symbol of vice. Especially for beastmen."

"Yeah, it's like the Grim Reaper. If another fanatic shows up, I'll cut off his head."

"Which one is the god of death..."

 Of course, there are no evil gods now, and the good-natured old man Funky is the pope, so I don't think he would feel that way...

 For a moment, Kousuke felt a shiver run down his spine as he saw the dangerous light of a ``decapitated rabbit'' in Lana's eyes.

"Kousuke! Lana! Please help me a little! It seems like the kids can't hold back, so I'm going to have dinner even if it's a little early!"

 Kousuke and Lana looked at each other and chuckled as they headed towards the lively dining room as Lissy's voice resonated well.

 Then it was time to eat.

"Now, everyone, let's pray."

 Children repeating the pre-meal prayer according to the priest's words. But he talks too fast. Did you have a lot of fun playing today, or did you get absorbed in practicing your abilities? Anyway, it looks like I'm hungry.

 The priest realized this and finished his prayer with a wry smile, and the children quickly reached for their food as if to say they had been waiting for them.

 Sister warns them to eat carefully, but the hungry children are in a sense a gang. The junior high and high school students were looking after their children while smiling bitterly.

 It's a very lively dining table.

 Living alone with Lana, Emily, and the others probably wouldn't have been so bad, but that's something she can do as much as she wants after graduation.

 Kosuke was happy to be able to spend time in such a lively house while he was a student. Naturally, her expression falls apart.

 I'll put it away...

 That being said, there was one thing that Kousuke really wanted to comment on.

(Nagumo, I think you're doing too much demon modification just because protection is necessary...)

 In fact, this mansion has been incomparably upgraded from the Down mansion.

 Of course, the barrier function and the interception function using various weapons are actually amazing due to the space expansion technology that is used underground.

 Not only does it serve as a shelter that won't budge even in the face of a nuclear attack, but it can also be used for regular training, and various artifacts are also stored there.

 Of course, it is possible to escape by teleportation, and communication is possible anywhere in the world. In any case, by using a special artifact, it is possible to grasp the awakened person's position to some extent without using a compass, via the divine spirit Lyra, who is the incarnation of the King Tree.

(I understand that it can serve as a shelter for us in case of an emergency, but...what do you think about preparing a new type of airship?)

 In an emergency, a glowing gate will appear in the sky above the mansion, from which you can take off using the airship stored underground.

(It's like this, it's like this...)

 By the way, as a side note, the priest is slender and bald. His name is Charles Xavier. When they met for the first time, Kousuke couldn't help but say, ``It's a shame.''

 He plays the role of a teacher in the house where children who have discovered their abilities live...

 I see. It's true that I can't help but tsukkomi.

"Really, where is this?Blessed children ○ schoolXevi○ School? "

"Huh? Kousuke, did you say something?"

"...No, it's nothing."

 Kousuke smiled back at Emily, who seemed to be having fun with the youngest girl, and shook his head gently.

 Nagumo, you were definitely conscious of this! After all, there was no need to make the artifact that communicates with Lyra a huge spherical space! While thinking that.

 Then, Kousuke prayed silently to a god he didn't even believe in, praying that he would do anything he could to help the children of his family live a peaceful life.

 Then, suddenly, Kousuke's smartphone rang.

 Kousuke stops eating and looks at his smartphone.

"Who? Vanessa? Or Claire?"

 Lana tilts her head and asks. Because the ringtone was from a relative.

"No...Aziz? And a message? That's unusual."

 Aziz Stein. Claudia's brother-in-law and a young exorcist aged 15.

 In fact, I am currently staying with the Endo family due to Claudia's wishes and Aziz's own wishes...

 It's already past midnight in Japan. It would happened to? Kousuke wondered as he opened the message.

--Tas Teke...


 There was only one word. It was a request for help that seemed to have been written in a hurry.

 Time goes back a little.

 It's already past midnightUshizoUshimiAt the Endo family.

 In his room on the second floor, Aziz was stiff, holding a thin book in his hand.

 Questions swirl around in my head. I have never been so confused before.

 What did I just see? Why is there something like this in that person's room? 

 My instincts are screaming at me to run away now. You shouldn't be here. He is desperately trying to pretend he didn't see anything.

 However, in the face of something so unknown, his thoughts went idly and his body did not move.

 So, it came. It has come.

"--You saw it, didn't you?"


 I look back. Cold sweat breaks out.

 There was someone with only half of his face sticking out from behind the door.

 The light from the hallway was backlit, making it difficult to make out his expression. Even though there is no light source, the glasses are reflecting the light, so it's redundant.

 However, that mouth...

"W-why did you do something like this..."

"...Why? Don't you understand? It's not your fault, is it?"

 It's distorted...

 Aziz became aware. Right now, my dignity and sense of worth are at stake.

 I thought it would be far better to face a named demon.

 It was a presence that evoked an overwhelming shiver down my spine, different from magical power or energy.

 If I had to compare it to a movie I saw recently, it would be this one: Fuuuuuuusu! !

 The dark side is reaching out! !


"Oh, God. Save me..."

 While desperately sending out a request for help behind his back, Aziz unconsciously made the sign of the cross with his other hand.