Father Take is here.



 The owner of the laughter, which caused an uneasy feeling, took a step into the room.

 Aziz unconsciously retreats. However, he was originally in front of the desk. It can't go lower than that.

 I can't help but swallow my saliva as she approaches me one step at a time.

 To put it simply, Ozoma--it's terrifying.

 However, even so, the woman who approaches Aziz while scattering an unknown power――rotten oath (provisional name) in front of his eyes is the precious sister of the person to whom Aziz owes a great debt.

 Oh God! Please give me strength!

 Grasping the cross that he always hangs around his neck, he thrusts it at him and declares it with an explosive spirit.

"In the name of the Lord I command you! Demon! Show me your name!"

"Eh, demons are terrible. I mean, why did you give me a name now? truthManamiBecause you know it! ? "

 The rotten voice disappeared and the plain tsukkomi erupted.

 yes,truthManamiIt is.

 She is Kousuke's younger sister, and is a second-year middle school student who is both a Soul Sisters staff member and a true fujoshi, and has a deep sexuality at a young age.

 Aziz has a strange look on his face.

 Gently taking out a small bottle from his pocket, he deftly opened the lid with one hand and lightly covered the opening with his index finger.

"Devil, go away!"

"Ah, it's cold!? What are you doing!?"

 While making the sign of a cross in the air, I splashed the contents of the small bottle――drops of holy water onto the truth.

 He deftly avoids the glasses and hits them on his forehead and cheeks, which is an amazing skill...

 His face becomes even more strange when he doesn't get sizzling. I couldn't even hear the sounds of agony that echoed directly into her head.

 If you poured holy water on demonic possession, it would probably happen...



 Puff out your cheeks and glare at metruthManamiAziz opened his eyes wide.

 Glasses that used to reflect light without a light source are now commonplace. I can see your eyes clearly. She was wearing her usual cute pale pink pajamas, and her pigtails were still the same. She doesn't seem out of the ordinary.

"By any chance… Mami-san?"

"What else did it look like!?"

 Although they are the same age, Aziz is taller, sotruthManamiHis gaze was more than a head lower than Aziz.

 So, Aziz took a step forward with a lot of caution, and bent down a little to match the height of Mami who was glaring at him.

 Look closely at close range. The eyes of truth.

 I couldn't see the disturbing shadows characteristic of demonic possession, much less the turbidity. It doesn't even have a red glow. Her eyes are the same as usual.


"So what!?"

 Aziz is confused as to what that presence was like just now...

 for himtruthManamiShe is a kind and caring girl, except for the fact that she sometimes looks at me strangely.

 She loves stories, and apart from the occasional strange flash of her glasses, she has the air of a literary girl.

 At first glance, she appears to be the quiet and unassertive type, or at worst, a plain and inconspicuous child, but apart from occasionally observing her surroundings (especially boys?), she is actually very cheerful. She was also a girl with a strong heart.

 That's terrifying - there's nothing wrong with a child who gives off such a frightening aura...

"Definitely more than that!"


 Was it my own misunderstanding? Yes, this is also some kind of mistake...

 Aziz wakes up, half telling himself that there's no way such a thin book is in Kousuke's room that was lent to him.

 But it's an escape from reality.

"...You saw it, didn't you?"


 Rotten again! !

 The mood changes in an instant. That is exactly the characteristic of demonic possession. People who usually go about their daily lives suddenly start acting as if they have agreed to do something together. With a horrible feeling.

"Give it to me?"

"H-what on earth is this... Mami-san? The one who put this in Kousuke-san's room!"

 I don't want to believe it. I don't want to believe it, but reality is always cruel.

"...I was careless. Aziz-kun uses Koni's room... Aziz-kun sleeps in Koni's bed every day... Isn't that kind of situation arousing?"


``I've been holding back ever since it was decided that Aziz-kun would come to our homestay.But when I saw you actually sleeping in Koni's bed, I couldn't hold back anymore! I forgot all about it and got absorbed in it. Not to mention, I even tried to show my love for Kouni every day! This happened one after another.A flash of rot flying through the skyInspirationcame downTwo people's extremeswild ideasbutCorrosion/Zero typebig bangThere's no point in doing it! ? "

 I didn't understand what you were saying. All I knew was that she was experiencing a glimpse of something terrible. Also, he spoke very fast.

 Without realizing it, Aziz's legs recede. Even though he could stand up against the named demon, he is overwhelmed by the strangely powerful truth and is driven to a corner both mentally and physically.

 However, the youngest exorcist, who had been taught that calmness and firm belief are the greatest weapons, still read the situation from fragments of words.

 Unbelievable, unexpected circumstances.

"I can't believe it… Did you really draw this… Mr. Mami?"

 The truth that stops suddenly. My glasses are shining again. He can't see her eyes, which fuels his anxiety, and there is an eerie silence.

"...Reading the work that I created once again in the field. This is truly a ritual of pilgrimage to a sacred place."

 I still don't know what you're talking about.

 However, I can't help but think that I was probably so engrossed in everything that I accidentally left an important thin book in my room.

 That being said, how frightening is the truth that is slowly reaching out.

"...You didn't see anything. You don't know anything. Do you understand?"

"Well, Mami-san…"

 Normally, Aziz would be able to blow away a suspicious person like this at any time, but the other person...truthManamiIt is. There's no way I can do anything about it, so I close my eyes, determined to accept whatever fate comes my way...

"What are you doing, you idiot?"

"It's here!?"

 When I opened my eyes,


 In front of him was the hero Aziz trusted the most in this world.

 He holds Makoto in a headlock with one arm, and his head is pounded with his fist.

"I got a request for help from Aziz, so I thought something was going on and rushed over..."

"What, I'm the one requesting help?"

 Aziz looks at his smartphone again with a startled look. Judging from the situation, it seems that that "tasteke" was unconscious.

"Hoho? Unconsciously seeking Kouni..."

"That's the first thing that comes out in this situation... you're the one."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

 Aziz checked his smartphone again as he saw Makoto tearing up as GriGuri grew stronger. Kousuke's name is listed in his call history.

 Apparently, because it was night and I was in silent mode, I was so distracted by the truth that I didn't notice.

 In fact, after not being able to connect with Aziz, Kousuke called his home phonetruthManamiHe was also making calls to his smartphone and his parents' smartphones.

 However, Makoto and his parents' smartphones are also in silent mode, and Makoto leaves them in his room.

 And the phone at home...Actually, just recently, I've been receiving silent calls several times, and that's why I kept the ring tone low. Apparently, that's why they couldn't hear it until the second floor.

 Whatever it is.

"I-I'm sorry, Kousuke-san. I'm sorry for the inconvenience..."

"No, I guessed what was going on when I looked at that thin book. In fact, I'm really sorry about my foolish sister. You were scared, weren't you?"

"N-No, I can't believe I'm afraid of Kousuke-san's sister..."

"I'm usually scared, though? This guy in creator mode?"


 Aziz looks away. Apparently, it was a little scary.

 Kousuke stopped grinding and smiled bitterly.

"Well, when this guy starts behaving in a way that I don't understand, it's usually when he's excited because of shame, so he's probably just desperate because Aziz will find out."


 Looks like a star. She is still in a headlock, but that's probably why it looks like she's burying her face in Kousuke's chest.

 Apparently he didn't want Aziz to know. I guess he wanted to pretend that he wasn't so excited.

 Hearing this, Aziz's shoulders feel relaxed.

"W-what's going on? What time do you think it is-"

"Huh? Kousuke? You came back?"

 If they were making such a fuss, it would be obvious that my parents――my father'sEnglish and JapaneseHidekazuAlso my mother'sMinoriMisatowill also wake up.

 Aziz is in a headlock with a troubled look on his face next to his desk.truthManami, and the two are confused by Kousuke, who is supposed to be in England.

 However, when his gaze caught the thin book Aziz was holding.

"I'm really sorry for my daughter! Nothing was done!?"

"You think it's about me!?"

 Normally, if a man and his daughter who came to the homestay were together in the middle of the night and there was a commotion, it would be natural to have suspicions about the man. Especially if they are his daughter's parents.

 However, without any hesitation, the parents apologize as their daughter did something...

 The truth is that you can see the evaluation within your family.

 However, if every time you see a talent who looks like Shizuku on TV, you mutter, "Ah, I'm married to a woman like this," or if you let out a strange laugh, "dufufufufu," every time you see male talent interacting with each other, That being said, there is no point in giving such an evaluation.

"Damn, maybe I should have asked Sousuke to come from home after all."

"Since Kousuke left home, I don't think he'll go crazy with jealousy."

 A regretful father and a troubled foster mother.

 In fact, Sousuke, the eldest brother, started living alone this spring.

``How can I stay in a house like this where I don't know when my younger brother will flirt with the harems!? I'm leaving the house! Let me make you a girlfriend! "

 And throw it away.

 Sousuke, who channeled his jealousy and frustration towards his younger brother into his studies, is extremely talented. It is almost certain that he will graduate at the top of his class at the Faculty of Law, and he has already obtained his judicial scrivener qualification.

 He has also decided to go to law school, and I'm sure he will be certified as a lawyer in a few years.

 Her face isn't bad either, and she's very friendly. Unless his younger brother gets involved, he is a flawless young man.

 Only she can't do it.

 Even if you start to feel a little better, something always happens, someone takes you, or you already have a boyfriend...

 I have absolutely no connection with the opposite sex.

 Just like that. If Kousuke's lack of presence was due to his older brother and sister taking away his presence, then all his relationships with the opposite sex were taken away, even his older brother's...

 That's what he seems to think, and he doesn't feel his brother's shadow in any way - no, he doesn't really feel it to begin with, but it seems like he wanted to leave him and regain his luck with women.

 It's probably a wasted effort. No one said that. Because he looked so desperate.

 Quiet talk.

"Souni and Aziz-kun? rottencentreUgh, that's no good. It doesn't swell at all. It's a misinterpretation."

"You shut up."

 Before I knew it, Mami was sitting up straight.

 I sit voluntarily. He seems to regret that he caused too much trouble. Judging from the lines, it doesn't seem like that at all, but this is just a fujoshi.sexSagaSo I can't help it.

 Please, I feel like you should accept me as I am. ...Maybe I haven't reflected on it after all.

"I mean, I don't think you sell it, do you?"

 It's not a manuscript. It has a proper cover and spine. It's bound.

 The biggest doujinshi festival is still a long way off, but the sale is not just about that. Kousuke Onii-chan's eyes turned grim with a bad feeling.

 If my and Aziz's BL books were being circulated without permission... I wouldn't hesitate to burn them no matter what anyone said.

"Don't insult me! I won't risk my pride and distribute it without the model's permission! It's just for my own use! I even made the binding myself!"

 It was a great success. If I were to read it again, I would definitely want to read it in person.

 It was so well written that I felt so good after reading it that I almost went on a trip.

 ...Well, that's why I didn't realize that I had accidentally left only one book behind, one for reading, one for safekeeping, and one for sharing with a very small number of my comrades.

"Well, if you say so, I guess so..."

 The trouble with this little sister is that she has to maintain good manners in these areas.

 Even if it's with my family, I can't deny my personal enjoyment, and I don't want to.

 However, it is.

"But this time Aziz is involved, right?"

 Eiwa's father and Minori's mother agree with Kousuke's older brother's bitter words.

"I can't afford to make the child in the care of a stranger feel uncomfortable."

"So, it will be confiscated. From now on, you are prohibited from doing anything using Aziz as a model!"

"Is that so…fish can't breathe without water!?"

 Is it at that level? The entire Endo family is worried about Aziz's fantasy and the desire to make it a reality. It would be considerate just not to destroy it.

 Aziz, who was watching the Endo family in a state of shock, lowered his gaze to the thin book he still held in his hand.

 One beat. He let out a sigh and looked troubled. However, her gaze was directed straight to the truth.

"Um, I... don't mind."


 Kousuke, Hidekazu, and Minori's eyes widen. Makoto also looked surprised, and then immediately turned into a knowing expression and said, ``Haha~,'' and a grin appeared on his face, as if wondering what he was thinking.

 Of course, I will receive a severe punishment from my brother. Ahhh.

"No, of course I'm not accepting the content. Honestly, I'm not accepting it."

"Of course"

 If this thin book were to open a new door for him to think, ``This might be a possible relationship with Kousuke-san...'' Kousuke would be in trouble. he is very troubled.

"However, I understand that there are many different forms of love in the world. Especially in Japan...it's amazing."

 With a wry smile, the Endo family somehow realizes that the word "amazing" has many different meanings.

 Although Aziz has only been living in Japan for a short time, he seems to have come to understand the depths of this country's subculture.

 I guess it's redundant because what he's teaching you is the truth that no one else has.

"in addition..."

 Seiza sittingtruthManamiAziz walks up to him and gets down on one knee.

 I said as I carefully straightened out the thin book that was slightly wrinkled from my nervousness.

"The painting itself was very beautiful."


 The truth makes the eyes behind the glasses become round.

"I don't think it's an easy thing to draw. I could feel a lot of effort went into it. It's a field that's difficult for me to understand, but for Mami, I think it's something that she loves and is passionate about."


 Oh? Mami-san's gaze was darting around for some reason. I guess it's because I've never had my hobbies and their results acknowledged so openly, let alone by the opposite sex.

 She looks like she doesn't know what kind of face to make at a time like this...

``In the first place, it's amazing that someone who is the same age as me can produce works that people are willing to pay a price for. My specialty is destroying things, so I'm a little jealous.''

 Apart from the content,truthManamiAziz has already heard that he is putting out his own works at sales events and online, and that they are selling well.

 Aziz seemed genuinely impressed by the truth that he spoke with a bit of pride. When I looked into her eyes, it was obvious that she meant it.

 Before they knew it, not only Mami, but also Hidekazu, Minori, and even Kousuke were listening intently to Aziz's story, as if absorbed by the calm and gentle atmosphere.

 I wonder what. Even though it's late at night with no light sources other than the electricity in the hallway, it feels strangely bright...

"As expected, I respect you as Kousuke-san's younger sister. It's a bit troublesome to release a work based on me and Kousuke-san to the world, though..."

 Aziz gently holds out the thin book as if he were handling a treasure.

 Aziz looked straight into the eyes of Truth, who was half dumbfounded, and spoke from the heart.

"At least I won't deny your 'like'."

 Aziz concludes with a smile, asking Kousuke and the others not to scold Mami too much.

 I now know the true nature of the phenomenon that makes me feel strangely bright.

 It's a halo! A halo is shining from Aziz-kun! !

"Oh, it's so bright, it's so cleansing!"

 Mami-chan slumped down, shielding her face with her arms. For some reason, he has a vision of his parents and older brother crumbling into smooth sand.

"Well, as expected, he's the saint's younger brother. This is a real priest!!"

 Even Kousuke retreated in front of Aziz.

"Aziz-kun…please, please stay home forever.In fact, I would rather you call me father-in-law."

"I'm such a girl, but please continue to support me."

"Huh? Ah, yes. Thank you!"

 Hidekazu's father and Minori's mother took Aziz's hand with emotion and urgency.

 The two of them were always worried about the future of the fujoshi girl in the Soul Sisters. I'm not particularly biased, sotruthManamiAnything is fine as long as it makes you happy...

 Still, this was a big opportunity that came unexpectedly. Had there ever been a person of the opposite sex who was so accepting of my daughter's hobbies? Even when you use yourself as a subject! No, absolutely no!

 I can't let Aziz get away from here! It must feel like that. perhaps.

 Aziz has no idea that his parents have locked him in as their daughter's future partner.

 If Claudia-nee-san and Kousuke get married, they will become a family, so I'm honestly happy that I feel accepted in that sense.

 What will happen to Aziz's future...

 It has been decided that he will become Kousuke's brother-in-law, but is that because he is Claudia's younger brother?

 Or whether it will happen in some other way remains to be seen.

"I'm sorry about that. It's my little sister."

 Kousuke's apologetic voice echoed in the long, old hidden passageway that ran from the city of Rome to the interior of Vatican City--the underground base of Omnibus.

 Claudia is next to her. I'm back from a mission that lasted several days.

 There is actually a hidden passage that you can go directly by car, but it was Claudia who purposely chose an old passage that required walking hundreds of meters.

 It's made of stone, with only the pale orange light of the lamps illuminating the passageway.

 There was a certain mood. It's a quiet place where no one will disturb you.

 In fact, after returning to Rome from an overseas mission, the two of them had a nice meal and went for a walk around town.

 I'm in the middle of a busy time. Director Dime, who has eyes that could kill anyone, had given me permission to eat and take a short detour to return home, so I went on a date in my spare time.

 Walking down this old hidden passage like this was Claudia's girlish heart, wishing that this time could last even just a little.


 With Claudia's next statement, the somewhat sweet atmosphere between the two of them suddenly changed.

"I see. I heard about the forbidden world,truthManamiSo you've finally completed it."

"wait a minute"

 An unexpected reaction from Claudia.

 Kousuke looks as if he's been betrayed unexpectedly as he walks through an old stone passageway that is filled with space for two adults to line up.

 Kousuke stopped involuntarily, and the light from the old lamp in the passageway illuminated his face.

"Last time, when I was staying at my parents' house, Mami-san told me various things…"

"That guy is busy with missionary work."

"By the way, Lana-san and the others know too."

"It's already an invasion of values."

"I need you to lend it to me next time."


 Was it already stained? Seeing Kousuke's desperate expression, Claudia, who had been keeping a straight face, suddenly burst into laughter.

"K-Kousuke-sama. What kind of face are you making? It's a joke, a joke! Hehehe."

"Ah, ah, what a joke. That was good. I was panicking because I thought Claire had opened a new door..."

 A saint who fantasizes about the relationship between her lover and her younger brother...and certainly doesn't like that.

``When I came to my parents' house, was it a girls' night out? Pajama party?truthManamiWe were gathered in the room, but maybe it was at that time? "

"Yes. It was fun. As expected, Kousuke-sama's younger sister. Mami-san is also a unique person."

"Uh, hmmm. Should I be happy about that?"

"It's okay. At least, I thought you were a nice person, and I was happy that you called me Claire-sister-in-law. Very much."

 Apparently the truth is the truth, and they seem to be doing well with Lana and the others as a future family.

"Well, I was a little disappointed because the person I hit it off with the most was Vanessa. I couldn't even follow half of what was being said."

"Ah, yeah, well, that's because he's a friend of mine. I'd rather Claire stay as she is."

 Vanessa, even though you're so busy working at the Sheriff's Office.truthManamiIt seems like they are in regular contact with each other. SOUSAKAN is such an otaku that he declares that his Bible is Japanese manga, so he must really get along well with him.

 In truth, Vanessa seems to be the only one who treats her more like her own friend than her brother's wife.

"Anyway, if Aziz accepts it, there is nothing to apologize for, Kousuke-sama."

 Claudia smiled and linked arms with Kousuke. I hugged her tightly, hugging her tightly, and resumed her steps.

"Aziz often contacts me. He did this, he did this, he learned this, he was surprised by that... It's like he never runs out of stories. You can feel how much he's having fun."

"I see..."

"Especially when we talk a lot at school..."

 In fact, Aziz was not only staying with the Endo family, but also studying abroad at the school that Mami attended.

 On the surface, he is an exchange student from Italy, but behind the scenes he is an escort for the Endo family who are away from home, and a temporary staff member for the returnee response department in the event of an emergency.

 However, the real circumstances of studying abroad were different, and they were Claudia's personal circumstances.

"Come to think of it, this was Aziz's first time studying abroad, or even attending a regular school in the first place, right?"

"Yeah. Most of the time I went to Omnibus specialized institutions or private tutoring. That's probably why everything is so new to me. I often talk about Mami-san, too. I wonder if she's treated me well, or if I've caused trouble again. I don't know. Hehe."

"Hey, the truthful guy is paying close attention to me."

"Is that so? That's why I'm really grateful to Mami-san. As that child's older sister."

 Claudia casts her gaze into space with an expression of compassion.

"...Actually, I wanted that child to live a normal life."

 Aziz was born as a sacrifice to the devil. Claudia, who had no human emotions, accepted him as her family, so she probably didn't really want him to become an exorcist.

"I didn't want you to live the same way I did..."

 Abandoning everything in his normal life, he spent his days in training that made him vomit blood, and in battles that destroyed his life and soul.

 However, it was a path I chose because I had a clear motive.

 A personal motive of revenge.

 But Aziz is having none of that. Of course there was a sense of mission. But most of all, I'm sure he just wanted to repay his debt to Claudia and his friends.

"Life is unpredictable. I never expected that the devil, humanity's enemy, is now our ally... However, thanks to that, the activities of the organization have changed a little. A good opportunity has come for that child."

 What matters most is Aziz's will.

 If Omnibus had still made fighting the devil its top priority, Aziz would not have left the organization no matter what was said.

 However, Omnibus' main activities now have changed. Needless to say, the threat of demons has disappeared.

 Therefore, Omnibus is currently focusing on responding to awakened individuals, responding to consultations regarding paranormal phenomena from various countries, and carrying out its traditional role of investigating, monitoring, and managing artifacts and companies that may increase the threat level. This is considered an important matter.

 In the first place, the appearance of demons is rare. Ninety percent of the disasters are caused by devil worshipers.

 So, although the number of jobs is increasing dramatically, the current situation is that the threat is decreasing.

 There was no problem for Aziz to leave the organization and experience a normal life.

``Aziz himself has been unable to hide his interest in life in Japan ever since he met Kosuke-sama, so I'm relieved to see that he seems to be enjoying his time here.''

"That would be great. I would also feel safe if Aziz was at home."

"That seems like something that makes her happy, doesn't it?"

 He must be really happy that his younger brother is enjoying his student life in Japan.

 Claudia's expression was happy and relaxed, and the atmosphere was warm.

 While we were having a nice conversation, I actually tripped and almost fell in the middle of nowhere about four times, but I didn't really care.

 As for Kousuke, I have a bit of trouble concentrating on the story...

"Ah, it's already here..."

 Claudia looks at the back of the aisle with regret. On the wall in front of her was a metal door decorated with a cross.

"The fun times end in the blink of an eye."

"If I have time, I can make it again. After all, I can create a double."

 Needless to say, the device itself will cut down on your sleep time. So, although Claudia looked troubled, she still couldn't hide her happiness.

 I press my body even harder.

 It's a narrow passage. Kousuke was forced to lean against the wall, and Claudia's wet eyes were reflected in his eyes.



 We remained silent, but our hearts definitely became one, and our faces naturally approached each other――

 The ground trembled.

 Dust fell to pieces, covering the two of them as if they were covered in ash.

"W-what is that?"

 Claudia couldn't help but scream in anger at being interrupted, but that was only for a moment.

 The ground trembles continue to echo.

 Beyond this is Omnibus' underground base, and above ground is Vatican City. If there was construction going on, there was no way Claudia wouldn't know.

 Kousuke and Claudia look at each other. The expressions on both of their faces were already wartime.

"Let's go, Claire."

"Yes, Kousuke-sama."

 Open the door and jump into Omnibus' underground facility. Claire activates the special ``treasure vault'' she inherited and takes out the ``Holy Cross.''

 It is a sacred weapon that is a special weapon against demons, but now that Hajime has demonized it after the Battle of the Sea of ​​Trees and given it various abilities, it can fully demonstrate Claudia's power whether it is against humans or demons.

 Carrying what seemed to be a heavy bag on his back, he ran towards the epicenter of the tremor, following Kousuke.

"What's next...a training facility?"

 A large hall for training and experiments. Kousuke and Claudia looked at each other again.

 While I was doing this, I heard shouts like ``Nuuuuuun'' and ``Zaaaaaaaaa'', and I looked like ``Ah, I figured it out...''.

 For the time being, I entered the large hall without slowing down, and the expected scene spread out.



 A two meter tall metal gargoyle with a ferocious face was being beaten by a ferocious looking priest. With metal books.

 A gargoyle whose head rotates 360 degrees and falls down while spinning like a dance. Crawling, desperately scratching the ground, trying to move forward――No, is this trying to escape?

"Where are you going?"


 It can't be helped that the black priest's clothes now look like the clothes of a Shinigami.

 The god of death, Director Patrick Dime, the original leader of Omnibus, dropped his sacred treasure, the metal book ``Book of Holy Annihilation''.

 A heavy-sounding sound resounds. Cracks appear in the cobblestone floor. No matter how you look at it, it's not as heavy as it looks. Actually, it's not that heavy to begin with.

 It was proof that it had undergone Hajime's magical transformation.

 As if to say, ``I have no intention of reading a book at all,'' the chains around me became taut, and the book, which had cracked the ground just by dropping it, began to be twirled around like a lasso.

 The wind immediately started howling.

"Stand up, devil."

"Ge, gee..."

"If you pull back, I'll kill you. If you cower, I'll kill you. Even if you turn your back on me or whine, I'll kill you!! If you want to live, stand up and fight!!"


 An angry voice that sounded like an earthquake echoed through the earth, and Mr. Gargoyle let out a roar in a half-desperate manner.

 Immediately after, a metal book loaded with centrifugal force is swung down by the gargoyle. Gargoyle succeeds in evading just in the nick of time.

 In an instant, an unbelievable impact exploded and a light crater was created on the ground.

 If you look closely, you can see that many parts of the hard stone pavement look like they've been hit directly by a meteor shower.

"What on earth... why is the Director fighting a demon?"

 Claudia's eyes widened, showing confusion.

 At that moment, Kousuke's consciousness finally turned to his surroundings.

 A fierce roar and a half-desperate roar. A tremendous rumbling and cheers from both sides.

 Yes, there were many people in this space.

"Over a dozen metal gargoyles and Omnibus people? And what?! Is that what you mean? No, what do you mean!?"

 Needless to say, the exorcists are the ones supporting Director Dime. Beside them, gargoyles also made of metal were swinging their fists in support of their friends (?).

 If you look closely, there is a semi-dome-shaped barrier around the center where the two are fighting, which also prevents damage from reaching the outside.

 From the outside, it looks like an illegal underground arena. The cheering was enthusiastic, as if their pride was at stake.

 So, as for why the devil, who is supposed to be an ally, and the chief of the exorcists are in a deadly battle (?), well, it goes without saying.


 Hajime, who was a little far away, looked back over his shoulder and waved lightly.

 Nearby were Mr. Hattori and a few other people who looked like bureaucrats. On the contrary, Director Magdanes, Vanessa, and the rest are people on the Vatican side---it seems that there is also one cardinal who knows Omnibus.

 For some reason, he was talking with several people in suits while watching the battle between Director Dime and the gargoyles. Does it look like you're from the US?

"Ah, now that I think about it, I received a message via email saying they were suddenly inviting someone from outside."

"Huh? Is that so?"

"Yes, but I don't know the details."

"Do you mean something important that can't be conveyed via email?"

"No, no…my smartphone is in this condition."

 Claire looks like an elementary school student whose red dot has been discovered, and takes out her smartphone with an embarrassed look on her face.

 It was in two.


"Heh, heh. I'm sorry your butt is so big..."

 He must have fallen while Kousuke wasn't looking. I must have just started reading the message. So, Sumaho-kun somehow managed to slip under the saint's fine ass, and probably used a pebble or something as a fulcrum for his loss (his second loss).

"It was after the mission was over, and there was no emergency contact information, so I thought I'd just ask after I got back...hehe."

 A saint with a twitching laugh like that of a thug. Rather than being stunned, Kousuke had the heart of a Buddha. Her eyes become warm.

 And then, Hajime stopped talking and came over.

 Vanessa was casually trying to come over, but Secretary Magdanes grabbed her by the back of her collar, making her squirm. Since his eyes were asking for help, Kousuke decided to abandon him.

 He's a hero, but it can't be helped because his body rejected it on its own.

"Yo, Endo, it's been a while. Did you get a haircut?"

"Huh? You noticed well. I only cut my bangs by two millimeters."

"Are you a girl?"

 Hajime said it as a joke, but he turned out to be surprised at the correct answer.

"More importantly, Nagumo. What's the situation? Why are you there? I mean, that gargoyle is metal, so it's your artifact, right?"

"Oh, actually. I had a meeting with the United States the other day..."

 At that time, Hajime tried to explain the situation.

"Oh, oh, uh! Both of you! That! That!"

 Claudia was desperately pointing her finger while looking at something unbelievable.

 The two of them look at each other, wondering what on earth is going on.


"As expected from a high-ranking devil who resides in a metal body. He's truly tenacious. In that case, let me try it!! A new technique that has yet to be perfected!!"

 There was the figure of Director Dime, leaning forward as if stepping on all fours, with his right hand sticking out to the side.

 For some reason, two colors of light, gray and pure white, are swirling around him! !

"Magic power in the right hand"

 A gray glow converges on my right hand.

"Power in your left hand"

 When I held my left hand out to the side, a pure white glow appeared.

 Two different colors of gray and white shine brilliantly on Director Dime's left and right hands!

 Blood vessels appeared on my forehead, nosebleed gushing out, and my eyes were bloodshot! ! scary! ! It's the devil! !


 The left and right fists clapped together. Suddenly, for some reason, the priest's uniform bursts open. His muscular armor is revealed as he is so bulky that you can't believe he is old!


 Director Dime's entire body was covered in a thin black aura. At the same time, I felt that the power he was emitting increased to the level of ``limit breaking''.

 It's full of tsukkomi.

 Why did my clothes burst? Why does sweat evaporate and steam rises from the whole body? No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like something a priest should do. How can you handle energy? Or rather, if you mix gray and white, wouldn't you get a lighter gray? Why is it getting darker? And.

 But more than that.

 Something like merging the energies of two worlds that should originally be incompatible...

 Even the demon lord and his right-hand man were all able to remove their jaws.

"'Oh no...'"

 All I could do was murmur in shock.