Common holiday short story Liliana's case

It's late July, with about a week left until my planned trip to another world.

 Even though it was Thursday morning on a weekday, Hajime was in the living room of the Nagumo family.

 Of course, Myuu and Aiko are going to school, and Yue and the others are also going to university. Remia, Tio, and sadness Week It's work.

"The weather is nice. The forecast these days is really unreliable."

 The only family member who said this other than Hajime was――his mother. Violet was. It was the day after I had met the deadline, so I was feeling very lazy.

 He was sitting so deep on the sofa that he looked like he was about to slide off, his arms and legs thrown out carelessly, basking in the sun.

 Nearby are snacks and cola for breakfast. Scattered around were weekly girls' manga magazines that included her own works, as well as magazines introducing manga.

 If anyone else saw her, she would frown at the sight of her mother enjoying her day off, but Hajime was used to seeing her, and while sitting on a chair at the dining table, sipping tea, he said, ``I see.'' I just nod.

"As expected, aren't you the cause of this? If you're going to confess, why don't you do it now? As a mother, I'll slap you back."

"That's not true. I was a little worried and checked several times, but they said it had nothing to do with it."

 This year, the temperature has fluctuated wildly compared to previous years, and while we saw temperatures at the level of a heat wave in the early stages, there were also cool days like today, even though it was supposed to be the height of summer.

 Forecasters across the country are worried about the strange and unpredictable weather patterns. Forecasts are so unreliable that weather casters have been looking a little nervous lately.

 The commentators are cheerfully posting their comments, so the atmosphere has not turned sour, but behind the scenes there seem to be quite a few complaints. Of course, social media is as rough as the sky.

 The natural disaster that occurred during the ``Dragon Incident'' is still fresh in my memory even though more than half a year has passed.

 So, it's no wonder Sumire is suspicious. The reason why it was quelled was also due to the power of natural interference that Hajime had ordered the divine spirits to do.

 However, it really has nothing to do with Hajime or the series of incidents. At least, from what Hajime had investigated using the means he had.

"Mom, it's about time. Why don't you make it a little crispier?"

"I don't like it. I've decided to laze around today."

"You don't know if you're disillusioned, do you?"

"I want you to accept my mother-in-law as she is. She's my family. I mean, there's no way she'll get disillusioned with me, right? My sweet Lily-chan."

 Well, certainly. While smiling bitterly, Hajime glanced at his watch.

 Yes, even though he was supposed to have a lecture, the reason Hajime was at home was to greet him.

 Liliana, the princess of Tortoise, took an early vacation to travel to another world. Until her departure, she plans to stay with the Nagumo family.

 Just then, a powerful magical reaction was felt from underground.

 The exclusive artifact ``World Door'', which is a direct gate to the Royal Palace of Heirich Kingdom, has probably been opened.

 The needlessly elaborately designed gate now allows unlimited travel between Tortoise and Earth only to those who are registered as users using soul magic.

 Dragon veins, dragon holes, spiritual lands... Hajime, who had analyzed, elucidated, and mastered the important things related to the earth's energy, had actually turned the land where the Nagumo family was located into a spiritual land.

 Therefore, the grounds of the Nagumo family are now a place so full of energy that it would be no exaggeration to call it a sacred place.

 It directly draws up that energy, converts it into magical power, and continues to fill the "World Door".

 Furthermore, if there are no problems with this gate for direct access between different worlds, I plan to install one in each different world.

 Quiet talk.

 The sound of light footsteps echoed. One beat.

"Everyone! It's been a while! It's me!"

 The door opened with a bang, and as expected, it was Liliana who appeared with a big smile on her face.

 It must have been a lot of fun. Although she wears it on a daily basis, she still wears a fine light pink dress that is typical of a princess. Even the tiara rests on top of my head.

 Since this is about Helena, the chamberlain, she probably put away the things she needed for the trip in Liliana's private ``Treasure Room'' a long time ago, so she probably wouldn't be empty-handed, but even so, she came to visit so early that she didn't have time to change her clothes. When I think about it, it makes me smile.

 Well, the dark circles under my eyes are ruining a lot of things.

 How harsh is it to take a long vacation?battlefieldworkHe must have thrown himself into it.

"Lily-chan, welcome! Would you like some potato chips?"

"Ah, mother-in-law, it's been a while. Um...what about everyone else?"

 It is justice to decide on a beautiful courtesy and spend your holidays full of it! Greetings to my mother-in-law, Sumire.

 Although she doesn't frown at Sumire, who looks like a useless adult, she gracefully ignores the half-eaten potato chips held up in her mother-in-law's hand and looks around the living room in confusion.

"It's just me and my mom. Everyone has school and work to do."

"Oh, I see..."

 Apparently, they were expecting a grand reception. ``Even though I'm a princess - no, in this case, she has nothing to do with being a princess...'' she said, feeling a little depressed.

 A while ago, there was no limit to Tortoise's travel to Earth, but it goes without saying that Hajime and Liliana are busy.

 It was the first time in about four months since the graduation party. I was told that if there were fewer people to greet people, it would feel lonely.

"That's why I told you over the wire that it would be at least three days later, right?"

 Since it's Sunday, we can easily welcome everyone together.

"Uh, that's right. I guess I was a little excited. Also... there was a lot of pressure from my mother, Helena and the others to 'quickly take a vacation'..."

"I guess."

 After all, the dark circles under her eyes tell it all. Not only did he pack in all the work he needed for today, but he was definitely a hard worker who was constantly asking himself questions like, ``Holiday? What's delicious?''

 In fact, Liliana initially tried to work until the very last minute. It was none other than her retainers who reprimanded her and advised her to take at least an additional week off before and after her trip, but Liliana, who was reluctant, eventually convinced her. What I noticed was Queen Luluria's unsmiling smile.

 And once you're satisfied with it, you're already enjoying it so much that you reach the current situation.

"It can't be helped. When do you all plan to go home?"

"What, am I the only one dissatisfied?"

 Seeing Hajime get up from his chair with a slightly teasing atmosphere, Liliana was stunned for a moment, then shook her head in a panic.

"Huh? No, that's not true! Hajime-san must have been studying too, but you were waiting for me, right? I'm happy..."

 Liliana realizes this fact and becomes shy. She ran towards Hajime with bouncy steps.

 But he stopped just before he hugged her. It's so close that you can almost see it from directly below. Her eyes sparkle with anticipation as she stares up at me.

 The princess seemed to want something without saying a word.

 Realizing this, a smile appeared on Hajime's face. The look in his eyes is like looking at a cute creature, but it also oozes love.

"Nice to see you, Lily. I couldn't wait."

 He said that in a gentle voice and hugged me tightly. Liliana's petite body fit perfectly into Hajime's chest.

 A pleasant voice leaks out from Liliana's mouth, "Nnn, fua~".

 Her slender arms wrapped around Hajime's back and she hugged him tightly, looking up at Hajime with a soft expression. Then, he replied in a voice filled with passion.

"Yes... Your Liliana has arrived."

 He put his hands back on Hajime's chest. Spitting up her heels, Liliana closed her eyes.

 After all, it's clear what you're looking for.

 Naturally, Hajime responded. I hugged her tighter and brought my face closer to her, making sure to confine myself to her chest.

 Their lips met.



 In fact, this may also be the reason why Yue and the others were not present to greet them today.

 Of course, it's true that you shouldn't take time off from your studies or work, but that doesn't mean you can't deal with it. It's been a while since I last saw her, so naturally I wanted to greet her.

 However, there's no need to rush, we'll be together for the long holidays anyway. In that case, she thought that when they met again for the first time in several months, she would prioritize Liliana's girlish feelings.

 With such consideration...

--Crisp, crunchy, crunchy!

 There was a strange noise.

 Hajime and Liliana open their eyes while kissing. We blinked at each other.

-- Gulp gulp, puhah!

 Gently parting his lips, Hajime made a face that looked like he was saying "I'm done with it", and Liliana turned bright red while trembling.

 They both turned their heads toward the sofa at the same time.

 There was someone looking at me from behind the backrest with a <●><●> look in their eyes. It was Sumire-san.

 He has one hand in a bag of potato chips and a coke in the other.

 Both Liliana and Hajime seemed to have forgotten because they were so excited about meeting each other for the first time in a while, but Sumire's mother was also present in the Nagumo family today.

 Now, Sumire's mother and Hajime and Liliana's gazes met.

"I don't mind at all. Now, can you continue?"

 Enjoy watching the friendly relationship between the son and his wife, accompanied by potato chips and cola. It's the best holiday, isn't it? That's what I'm saying.

 Of course you can reply.

"Please forget it!!"

 It was Liliana's cumming and shameful plea to the max.

"Uh, to your mother-in-law. Shin Tsutsushi Don't you think that you are an innocent child? "

"It's okay, there's no problem. There's always a pervert, an erotic, and a moody person in my house."

"Nothing is okay with that."

 Needless to say, it was Tio, Yue, and Kaori. By the way, all of these are my impressions when I divided the characters into Sumire Sensei characters. They themselves don't know.

 Hajime looked at Liliana with a smile as she looked up with her hand as if to cool down her still red cheeks.

 At the same time, I was thoroughly enjoying Liliana's outfit today.

 It goes without saying that Liliana is a princess. Maybe that's why she doesn't show her legs. She only wears long skirts or long pants. It seems that she herself is not used to exposing her legs and avoids such fashions.

 However, today's fashion was very unusual, as Liliana's beautiful legs were generously exposed.

 They are short pants. On top is a cute white blouse with fluffy short sleeves, and her shoes are stylish white sneakers. It's an active yet cute fashion.

 Her long, slender legs really stand out.

 Since he doesn't train on a daily basis, he's not particularly toned like Shia, but he doesn't give the impression of being sloppy or muscular either.

 Perhaps because they eat food made with carefully selected ingredients and with proper nutrition in mind, their elasticity and firmness are clearly visible.

 What's more, no matter how little time there is, multiple maids polish her skills almost every day - because Liliana tries to prioritize work, the maids, who have turned into demons, take her to the bathroom every time. It's forced - it's just her skin, and at first glance, the texture is exquisite. Not only stains and scars, but also pores cannot be seen.

 Of course, the dark circles under her eyes had already been healed by Hajime's artifact.

 Even people of the same sex who pass each other can see how attractive Liliana is, as their eyes are drawn to Liliana's bare legs and pretty appearance.

"Ah, umm, is it weird after all?"

 Perhaps noticing the gaze of Hajime and the people around her, Liliana lowered her face in a different sense of embarrassment than before.

 In front of the station closest to the Nagumo family.

 That is where Hajime and Liliana are walking now. Although it's a weekday, it's a fairly large station so there are a lot of people passing by.

 Therefore, although she still looks like a junior high school student, this pretty girl who looks like she could be a model for a reader is attracting a lot of attention.

 The impression would have been different if they were having fun, but she was embarrassed because her mother-in-law saw her kissing her, and she naturally exuded elegance - she really had the "princess" vibe. However, it seems to be attracting more attention.

"No, not at all? I thought it was refreshing to see him dressed like that. I was a little fascinated by it. The people around me were probably the same way."

"I'm fascinated...hehe, I see."

 Her cheeks remain red and her expression shines brightly. Personally, I think today's fashion was an adventure. I can't help but feel happy that people liked it.

 Of course, it goes without saying that the people around her reacted when they saw the real princess's innocent smile.

 Maybe it's because you can still see a glimpse of his youth. The women seemed to be more excited than the men, thinking, ``It's cute.''

"Thank you Remia-san. At first, I thought it was a reflection of her hobby of overexposing herself, since she is a sea race, but..."

"Remia was the first to give me some examples of coordination, but Yue and the others were also having fun discussing Lily's fashion today. Since it's a date, I thought they'd like to dress her in something like this. "

 The reason I'm going out isn't because I can't stand being with Sumire's mother-in-law, no, it's a little, a lot, a lot of that.

 It was because from the beginning, Hajime had planned a date with Liliana alone. Yue and the others had heard about this in advance and took care of me in various ways.

``...I see, I'm so happy that everyone...I was the only one who was forgotten about the marriage registration issue, so I was a little doubtful about my presence, but I hope you all think about me properly.'' You're giving it to me!"

"Oh, oh..."

 A bright smile again. ...Maybe there is no other intention. I don't think you still have it in your roots. Therefore, it must be my imagination that the ``forgotten'' part sounded a little emphasized.

"Besides, is today's date really that good?"

 Naturally, Hajime had prepared various date plans. However, none of these things worked out for Liliana.

 In fact, Liliana herself had picked out places she wanted to go to a week before and after the trip.

 In a sense, the destination was as expected, or should I say it was typical of Liliana.

"Yes. Please let me inspect Earth's 'railroads'!"

"I don't want to call it an inspection."

 Hajime's tone became distorted and he started to tsukkomi.

 It seems that while this princess is planning a new royal capital where multiple races can coexist, she is also working on a grand project such as a railway project to connect cities and countries.

 It seems that it is still in the draft stage, but after visiting Earth several times, I realized the tremendous effect that mass transportation of goods and people can bring, and now that borders have become thinner, I have come to the conclusion that this is what Tortoise will need in the future. "Yes!" and finally got on board.

 From Hajime's point of view, he was thinking of various ways to let people enjoy entertainment that they couldn't enjoy at Tortoise.

``I would like to propose a viable plan at the summit meeting, so I would like you to collect the materials.''

 I can't help but smile bitterly when I think back to the time when he emphasized things to me with his eyes shining brightly.

 Inside Liliana, it seems that inspection = date has been established without contradiction, so if the person in question is excited, there shouldn't be a problem.

"Well, I checked on the phone and it seems like I can go to the steam locomotive ride experience and the exhibition hall without any problems...Is it okay to go by train?"

"I know it's not very helpful from a technical level, but I've been interested in it for a while."

 Technically speaking, Tortoise would certainly be impossible to create a train all of a sudden, and technically it would be counterproductive and inefficient.

 The main energy on the other side is magic, not electricity.

 It is essential to develop a magic power drive that can be fully operated even without direct magic manipulation skills like Hajime and his friends, but there are fantasy fuel minerals, including combustion stones, so if you keep them in mind, a steam engine is definitely the way to go. It will be the most helpful.

 However, that being said, since Liliana was unable to get a chance to ride public transportation because she was only able to travel by teleportation or car when Hajime was there, it seemed like she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity.

 By the way, Liliana will be staying over from today until tomorrow (planned to stay over from the beginning)inspectiondateIt seems like there are other places I would like to go.

"Also, I would like to inspect sports-related, academic-related, and entertainment-related areas, so please let me know."

"Ah, yes...I wonder if this is really a date."

 Hajime scratched his head with an indescribable expression as the princess clenched her fists with both hands and looked at her with sparkling eyes full of expectations.

 After that, Hajime and his friends were found inside a burger-type fast food restaurant that was set up near a railway-related exhibition hall.

 The time was a little after noon. It's lunch.

"Hmm, Earth's technological capabilities are amazing after all."

 The princess looks very happy as she stuffs her mouth with the Dove Cheeseburger.

 It is unclear whether this praise refers to the railway system and operating methods that he learned about, or to the fast food restaurant's equipment and efficient staff.

 Judging from the fact that when ordering, young craftsmen peered into the kitchen as if they were trying to steal techniques from their masters, I'm sure it was both.

 How greedy are you for knowledge and technology?

"...Well, as long as Lily is having fun, anything is fine."

"? It's really fun."

 A bright, genuine smile once again.

 It's not like I didn't feel like Hajime ignored him half the time, but I couldn't say anything when he gave me such a smile in return.

 that's why,

"That's good."

 He smiled back, wiping the ketchup from the corner of his lips with his fingers.

 The princess usually eats sandwiches, or rather, that's all she eats while she's working, so it's not like she's not used to eating with her hands.

 However, there are not many opportunities to eat commercially available mass-produced food. Unlike the size-adjusted ones at the Royal Palace, the Japanese burger seems to be a little too big for Liliana's small mouth.

 No matter what I do, the sauce ends up sticking to the corner of my mouth, even if I try to bite into it with my mouth wide open, which could get Hellina mad at me.

 Despite this, it started to gulp again from the wiped edge. Mokyumokyu.

 As expected, there was ketchup at the corner of his mouth. Stick your chin out and do the wipe-your-wipe pose.

"what are you doing"

"Mmm, mm, mm!"

 Liliana is a workaholic, but once she leaves her position as a princess and is left alone with her beloved, it seems that she becomes a spoiled child.

 Please wipe it! Come on, hurry! , he urges me in a very cheerful manner.

 Of course, Hajime had a slightly troubled smile on his face, but he gently cleaned her as she had requested.

 Liliana narrowed her eyes with satisfaction again and bit into the burger without seeming to care about manners.

 Under the table, his legs were flapping, showing his good mood.

 If she didn't have to carry such a big burden, such as the country or even the world, if she wasn't forced to be an adult, perhaps the girl named Liliana would have been the kind of person who would be able to care for the people she loved without hesitation.

 Seeing Liliana in such a good mood, the eyes of those around her were once again filled with smiles.

 Or perhaps they are not even lovers, and even though there is no obvious blood relation between them, they seem to have a brother-sister relationship.

"Still, it was amazing."


``Even during the ride experience and driving simulation, he was able to push the kids away.''


 Some elementary schools may already be on summer vacation. Even though it was a weekday, there were quite a lot of families there.

 Children's eyes lit up when they saw the steam locomotive, and they gathered in front of the simulation and in front of the staff providing information and guidance.

 Liliana confidently blends in without feeling the slightest bit of embarrassment. In fact, I'm in the front row! she almost said.

 Needless to say, Hajime's position was the same as the parents who were looking at their children with smiles behind them.

 But that was only for a short time.

"I've probably never been asked for an explanation with such force."


 Liliana drinks a cola while making an artificial slurping sound. Her gaze is directed outward.

 He seemed to think he was a little too excited himself.

 In fact, the guy in charge who was asked the first question looked like he was about to cry at the barrage of Gatling-like questions, and the kids around him looked dumbfounded and looked like, "What, who is this blonde girl?!" was.

"In the end, the explanation staff was called in to help, and it was already a study session… wait, wasn't that already a discussion?"

``Predict the problems with railway planning in developing countries where public transportation is almost non-existent...The thought simulation that added various conditions was very helpful.As expected, it is important to know everything from the history of railways.'' They are experts."

"You're saying this with a straight face, but it's because you received complaints from other families, right? Please give me an explanation that my child can understand."

 Everyone who works at the exhibition hall is probably a genuine railway geek. It seems that they temporarily forgot their duties in front of a foreign lady who asked a lot of questions with a serious face...

 Behind them, a scene unfolding that would make the leaders of each country faint if they saw the demon god bowing to the parents and saying, ``I'm very sorry for my child.''

 On the other hand, I think I was able to get a satisfactory answer. When Liliana returned, her face was very shiny.

``Well, the kids were able to see serious discussions between railway officials, and even though they didn't understand the content, they were like, ``Hey, let's have some fun!'' ``It seems like you thought so.''

 A serious adult is always cool to a child. Especially if it's an expert.

 From the perspective of children who love trains, it seems that they were happy to see that side of the show, rather than just being given a smiley explanation for children, and on the contrary, it seemed to be well received.

 However, that's just a result.

"...I'm kind of sorry. I can't help myself when I think Tortoise's future is at stake."

 The fries are delicious...I can't stop eating them...Lilliana hums the fries like a squirrel and reflects on herself. I'm sure I'm reflecting on it...

 Hajime had an indescribable expression.

 It was a date with no sex appeal or anything, as Hajime just ignored it. It was really a sightseeing tour for children and their guardians, or should I say a real sightseeing tour for the princess and her attendants.

"W-what are you going to do this afternoon?"

 Oh my gosh, McDonald's mustard is divine! ? Liliana looks like she's enjoying the nage*to and tries to change the topic in a misleading manner.

 I shrugged my shoulders at that,

"I wanted to actually see the various sports, academic facilities, and entertainment facilities. I think it would be a good idea to show Yue and the others around our university tomorrow, but..."

 Hajime summarized the plan he had been reconsidering in the morning in his head.

 By the way, if you take a quick look at Nage*to, Liliana smiles as if he has my will. Add plenty of mustard and enjoy!

 Hajime took a bite and his expression turned light.

 that? Isn't their relationship like brother and sister? No matter how you look at it, it's the face of a girl in love... No, but no matter how you look at it, it looks like a middle school student... No way, that guy...

 I ignored the atmosphere that seemed to be filled with suspicions among the people around me.

"I think sports are entertainment, but inside Lily, it's different, isn't it?"

"I agree"

"Is this also part of the new city plan?"

"Yes! The Empire has an arena, and I heard they also hold world-class tournaments. I was wondering if there would be something in the new royal capital as well."

 Liliana has a strong sense of rivalry. She probably wants to bring in a new breeze to the royal capital, perhaps because she's lost to the empire.

 That's what I was thinking, but I guess you could call her a princess who carries a country on her shoulders at such a young age. It seems that his thoughts were even deeper.

"The rest is like a proxy war. You could call it an official way to relieve stress."

"...Ah, I see. Sports is the former, and entertainment is the latter. It certainly seems useful in this age of multi-species coexistence."

"Yes. As reconstruction and development progresses, there will be more leeway. Having more leeway makes us think about unnecessary things. In most cases, that creates conflict."

 The unity in the mythical decisive battle supported the current spirit of affirmation of coexistence. However, that buff effect doesn't last forever. Regardless of race, country, or nobility of birth, the sense of unity that comes from entrusting one's life to each other will eventually become a memory.

 Even now, there are so many skirmishes that the Kuzeri Knight Commander is sick.

 The coexistence of species that up until now had not only had little interaction but had been enemies. It is from now on that the difficulties will really begin to emerge.

 Until now, we are at the dawn of a new era. It wasn't even a transition period.

 The truly difficult times, the times when we must persevere, are coming...

 Liliana was sure of that.

 That's why.

"The arena is not bad. However, if there is death or injury, it can lead to resentment and become a source of conflict. Some people may say that is a good thing, but... It would be good to have something to compete with.In fact, I think it will be essential in the future."

"Indeed, the significance of the Olympics is world peace."

"That's a great idea!"

 I'm sure this is the final model for the sports competition I'd like to bring to Tortoise, the world-famous sports festival that takes place once every four years, as I was told before.

 Liliana smiles with deep admiration. It was her beautiful smile as a princess.

 I could see that the people around me, who were somehow paying attention, were looking at me in amazement.

 The smile from before that could even be called innocent, the smile of a maiden in love, and something beautiful as well.strength Shitata The princess's smile makes you feel the shade...

 It seems that an increasing number of people are attracted to the charm that this gap brings.

"We are different races and have very different characteristics, so we can't just use Earth's competitions as they are, but…"

"It certainly seems difficult. But that's why it's likely to be interesting. Also, I'm sure it will help settle disputes between races, or even among members of the same race, in a healthy way."

"That's right! However, as you said, it's only at the level of helping. Therefore, I hope we can provide many other fun things."

 Tortoise isn't without its entertainment either. The neutral city of Furen even has an aquarium.

 However, it cannot be compared with that of Earth.

"While fostering a culture of serious competition that puts prestige between countries and regions at stake, it would also be useful in an era of coexistence to create facilities where the general public can drop by and have fun, and places where people can interact regardless of race."

"The merchants over there are also strong and sturdy. If the country takes the initiative and shows that ``this kind of thing exists,'' I think they will all come up with even newer entertainment."

"That's right! That's also a competition. There's no shortage of competitions that don't involve bloodshed that people can get excited about."

"I'm sure."

"By the way, Adol-dono has been making suggestions like, ``Wouldn't it be fun to have a flying race with interference, where Ryuuman and jockey team up?''

"A case where an unexpected person was the most excited"

 While Hajime was surprised by the proposal from such an unexpected person, he was itching to say, "What's with that race full of romance? Isn't it a little fun?" I thought I'd like to ride Tio and participate. With the two of them now, it would probably end in a slander.

 In any case, he must have thought that Hajime's interested look made him sympathize with the plan. Liliana's expression becomes happy.

"It's a lot of work. Interests will also be involved. Political exchanges with each country will also be difficult. Are you okay?"

"It'll be okay, I'm sure. I believe that no matter what happens, we can work together in the end. Because..."

 Place your hands on your chest as if hugging something important.

"The race has nothing to do with the feeling of 'fun'."

"...Ah, that's right."

 What she is hugging is surely the world that Liliana loves. And perhaps it is the determination of a kind princess to fill the world with ``fun'' as it enters a transitional period of coexistence.

 Hajime stares at Liliana dazzlingly.

 ...Ah, this is definitely a sweetheart. Men also look at women not as younger sisters. Something about this makes me tickle. What's with that sweet atmosphere?A kind of atmosphere begins to drift inside the store. There were a few people who got up from their seats as if they couldn't be seen and ran away.

 Hajime shrugged his shoulders, ignoring the surrounding situation as usual.

"In any case, it looks like we won't be able to move here for the time being."


"No, no, don't apologize. I really respect that aspect of Lily. In fact, it's because of Lily that I wanted to reciprocate your feelings at that time."


 I love you. Please make it yours. Ah, but I can't go with you! The most important thing is the country! sorry!

 Immediately after a passionate confession, a confession that gives the illusion that the person to whom he confessed has dumped him. This is one of the lines Liliana says when she tells Hajime about her feelings.

 No wonder Hajime was confused, "Huh? Hmm, huh? What did I just convey to you?"

 However, if she was a child who threw everything away and said, ``I don't care about my homeland! I live in love!'', Hajime wouldn't have accepted her either.

"At that time, you were prepared to say goodbye for the rest of your life, right?"

"...I agree"

 As a princess, Liliana has a habit of always assuming the worst. She must have assumed that after Hajime and his friends returned to their original world, she would never be able to see them again.

 In the worst case scenario, she was prepared to live with only the memories of being tied to Hajime in her heart.

 On the other hand, it was also a confession that I wanted you to love me even if it was only for a short time when I returned home.

 It's a very healthy and sincere thought. And it was a confession that showed her unusually strong heart and will for a 14-year-old girl.

 It resonates in everyone's heart to varying degrees.

"That's why Yue and the others recognized him. I also respected him as a human being, and I felt like I wanted to respond and support him."

"...Hehe, it was worth the effort."

 Liliana's cheeks turn red as she wastelessly ties a paper straw bag into a beautiful bow.

 Hajime placed his hand on Liliana's fidgeting hand.

"I've calmed down a lot. I'll be able to help you more from now on, so don't hesitate to let me know. We've made sure the gate is always deployed and the communication equipment is ready."

"Yes, I will rely on you to the fullest! My…hehe, husband♪"

 There was a buzz around me. Huh...husband? and.

 I was careful not to make the content of the conversation too loud for those around me, but perhaps because of her happiness, Liliana's last words were quite loud and seemed to be audible.

 In other words, is she old enough to get married regardless of her looks? In that case, isn't that guy a lolicon guy? There's also an atmosphere like that. They also looked at me as if they were envious of young wives.

``For now, for today...inspectiondateI have to do it? "

"I will create perfect materials before the regular summit meeting next month!"

 As expected, the atmosphere inside the store was becoming uncomfortable, so Hajime concluded his conversation and got up from his seat while escorting Liliana.

 Even as they were cleaning up the tray, they were receiving curious glances, and Liliana, who was more used to being noticed than Hajime and the others in a sense, asked without seeming concerned.

"Where are you taking me next?"

 Liliana jumped and grabbed one of Hajime's arms.

 Hajime understood Liliana's intention from the conversation earlier and told her the specific destination.


"Would you like to take the train again?"

 Liliana seemed to like the train, and rather than asking a question, she expressed her hope with anticipation, saying, "You're going, right?"

 Hajime answered with a smile.

"I absolutely hate it."


 Although there is a reason why it takes too much time to travel.

 I don't want to tell you the real reason.

 After all, I saw it on the train on the way there.

 He said he wanted to experience the subway, so even though he knew it would be a detour, he took the subway, and for a moment, it really was a moment.

 Maybe it's just my imagination, or maybe Hajime's dynamic vision has just temporarily weakened!

 I thought I saw a rabbit ear at the back of the slightly wide space that suddenly opened.

"I don't want to see something scary on my date."

"Hajime-san is afraid!? What on earth is there in Japan's subways!?"

"I don't want to be sure. At least for today."

 I'll definitely confirm this later, but today is Liliana's day.

 They once again disobeyed Hajime's orders and finally entered the subway world.spreadHabikoIt may have started...

 Hajime couldn't bear to spend his time harboring unnecessary worries like that.

"Huh, so you first went to the sports university where Suzu-chan and Ryutaro-kun are?"

 It was around noon the next day. The location is the cafeteria of the university that Hajime and his friends attend.

 There, Yue and Shia, Shizuku and Kaori, Hajime and Liliana were gathered around the school cafeteria.

 Many of the lectures had already finished in the first semester, so Yue and Shia showed Liliana around the university from the beginning, with Shizuku and Kaori joining in from time to time.

 Now it's yesterday inspection date I was just having a conversation with him over dinner.

"Yes, that's right. I heard that it would be difficult to watch various sports games because of the time constraints."

"It's not a professional event, and it's not a competition, but the University of Physical Education gathers all kinds of competitions, right? The facilities and practices are probably authentic, so I thought it would be quite useful."

 Apparently, if you want to see a professional match, it would be a good idea to buy tickets another day and go together.

 Shizuku asked with interest while nodding at that.

"How was Suzu and Ryutaro? We've been in touch quite often...but are they actually getting along well? They're suddenly living together..."

"Are you a mom?"

"I'll cut you."

 Shizuku flickers the knife she was cutting the chicken with. Hajime pressed his lips together in a straight line, as any pillow could easily cut through iron.

 Liliana answered with a wry smile instead.

"We were still good friends as always. ...You could call it a bit of a mischievous spirit, but I secretly went to see you as a surprise..."


 Not only Shizuku but also Yue and the others tilted their heads to the side as Liliana seemed to be speaking a bit, or rather, her cheeks were slightly flushed.

``Even though it's a public place like a university, the two of you are having a pretty close bond behind the scenes...''

"Ah, ah, that's it..."

 Shizuku seems uncomfortable. Shia and Kaori smile bitterly. Yue was impressed for some reason and said, "Wow, Suzume. I'll do it."

 Of course, Hajime and Liliana were also uncomfortable.

 I know that it was Hajime and Liliana's fault for searching for their whereabouts using a compass and going without making an appointment.

 But why in such an unpopular place? While thinking this, I happened to take a peek from the wall, and there it was! That's the atmosphere.

 Speaking of the awkwardness when our eyes meet each other and we go, "'Ah...'".

"I immediately told her not to disturb her and said, ``Relax!'' But Suzu pretended as if nothing had happened, so we agreed as well.It was even more awkward.''

"I guess"

"For the sake of the honor of both of us, I have to say that I didn't do it."

"I don't need that information!"

 delicacy! Hajime was struck by Shizuku's gaze and meekly gulped the oolong tea.

 As if to change the atmosphere, Shia raised her voice slightly and asked him to continue.

"Well, after watching various sports practices... why did you go to horse racing again?"

"I heard about Ryujin's flying race. I thought it might be helpful. There was a local horse race that was doing it."

"...Hmm, Hajime, you're a bad person. Trying to turn the dragon race race into a state-sanctioned gambling... and being the source of a huge vested interest... hehehe."

"Will you please stop asking people what's wrong with you?"

 Yue-san has a bad look on her face. Liliana gave her a wry smile.

"Well, it would be more helpful for public safety to have it done in public than to have profiteering and violence become a constant gamble behind the scenes."

 Incidentally, at the Tortoise Summit, which is held regularly, there has recently been a heated debate about whether a new currency should be minted to unify the world before the era of coexistence begins in earnest.

 Even if that happens, there seems to be speculation that a system like horse racing could play a role in the circulation of new money.

"By the way"

 While receiving an apology sandwich from Yue, Hajime talked about what happened during the horse race tour.

"Great clear weather Taisei I ran into Mr.

"...Hinata's father?"

"Oh, the moment our eyes met, she froze and said, 'Ah...'. She was probably skipping work."

 He is a genuine horse racing junkie who even comes to compete in local horse races.

 No, or maybe the schedule for the central race is known and my wife'sChikageNearbyDid he run away to the countryside thinking that San and Hiharu-chan would stop him?

"After hearing our purpose, he told us a lot of details in order to keep us quiet. Mr. Oharu when he talked about horse racing was just like Mr. Hajime when he talked about artifacts and subculture."

"Please stop it. The look in his eyes when I told him that it might be a good idea to build a racetrack in another world was terrible. Especially, please create a race where the horse race girls can play an active role!"

"Certainly, there was a lot of enthusiasm...I was a little scared. I was pushed forward and was forced to take my word even though it was only a verbal promise."

"That's true. He's like, 'I'll give you any amount of money, or take me to another world!', and he's like, he's indiscriminate when it comes to doing what he likes."

"...Hmm? Isn't that the same for Hajime?"

"That's right, Hajime-san."

"Yes, it's Hajime-kun."

"What? It's not just Hajime."


 Hajime turned away and began to carry each corn that came with the hamburger set meal to his mouth with his chopsticks. I don't need stunned looks.

"...So? After that, we played at an amusement facility, and ended up enjoying a super public bath."

"Yes! It was very interesting because there were so many different types of entertainment that you could easily enjoy.However, I think super public baths are great from a public health perspective, but...I was very, very embarrassed."

 After all, Yue and the others couldn't help but laugh as they thought it was typical of Liliana, as the impression was still based on an inspection perspective. At the same time, the way she fidgets and blushes makes me smile.

 By the way, Liliana wore a bikini-type swimsuit for the first time in her life at the super public bath.

 In the first place, Liliana has never worn a swimsuit in front of a large number of ordinary people.

 She must have tried her best to go on an adventure because she wanted Hajime to find her even a little more attractive.

 Still, it didn't feel racy, it was a cute type with frills and ribbons, so I guess you could say it was modest, or rather annoying.

 I wanted Hajime to see me, but I was embarrassed and embarrassed to be among so many people. She was stuck on Hajime's back from beginning to end, unable to even look up.

 Hajime also smiled at this.

"That's great, I'd like to see Lily in a bikini too."

"Well, Kaori, what would you do...?"

"That's right. It's rare. Let's all go to the beach next time."

"Even Shizuku… But that sounds like fun!"

"If I remember correctly, you're going to stay for a week after the trip, right? There seem to be plenty of opportunities. I think I'll go on a little adventure this year, too."

"...Shia, stop it. If you wear the swimsuit that Shia, who is already overly exposed, wears that adventure...I don't want to see my family arrested."

"Who is the public molester?"

 Yue and the others are so excited. Liliana was also smiling. Although they are not students, they seem to enjoy spending time together in the school building.

 Now, of course, this is a cafeteria and is used by many other students.

 So, Shizuku seems to be doing her best to fix things, but the truth is that the topic of her ``declaration to have a child'' hasn't ended yet.

 Even if that wasn't the case, Hajime and the others were already attracting a lot of attention.

 Among those usual members.

 What would happen if there was an unfamiliar foreign girl, a beautiful girl who looked like she was in middle school?

"This time it's a beautiful blonde middle school girl? That's a crime! What are the Japanese police doing?"

"Damn, every time I try to report, the radio waves go off. Every time, I wonder if God is protecting me."

"Wait, maybe that girl will be there next year?"

"I should think that's the worst thing for a woman to do, but somehow my heart is pounding all the time. I think I should call him Demon King."

 It's a subject of uproar regardless of gender.

 So, that's it. Today, more bombs will be added to such a place.

 Because it can't be helped. Today is the last Friday in July. It's the closing ceremony day!

"Ah, there you are! Dad!"

 An adorable girl who calls out to me.

 The students in the cafeteria all looked at me with the agility and unity of trained soldiers!

 Implicitly, their hearts became one.

 You must be kidding? Going? That's where we're headed after all! ?

 That's very correct.


"Daddy! Hehe, I'm here♪"

 As expected, the beautiful young girl jumped in front of the same man.

 The hearts of the students were one after all.

""""No, you already have a child!!!""""