Common holiday short story: Myuu & Remia's case

""""No, you already have a child!!!""""

 The voices of tsukkomi echoed through the dining room in a perfect harmony.

 In a sense, it could be said that the students have become accustomed to the Nagumo family's various affairs.

 Not only did they clearly not look alike, but considering his age, it seemed unlikely that he was Hajime's biological son, but no one bothered to mention that.

 Like an urban legend, the fate of those who were unscrupulously involved with the Nagumo family is being whispered about...

 They are already a group that is out of line with common sense. I feel like anything can happen. In that case, it goes without saying that they would not actively step on landmines. I don't really want to give you any real experience.

 However, as long as you don't get too involved, they are a very interesting group that will add color to your university life.

 This was the latest ``happening'' at our university, where more and more cases of people's hearts coming out in perfect harmony as a result of their attention.

 Quiet topicWhatever it is,.

 This is Myuu's first university. Of course, I'm not used to it. She was taken aback by the attention and tsukkomi from so many older brothers and sisters, and let out a voice of surprise, "Huh?"

 As if he had done something wrong, he hugged Hajime to his chest and looked up at Hajime with a hint of anxiety.

"Don't worry about it. Everyone wants to be a comedian."

"That's right. It's just a normal effort."

 I wonder if there is such a thing, and my heart is full of tsukkomi again.

"More than that...did you come?"

 While holding Myuu in his lap, Hajime showed a gentle smile――from the eyes of the students around him, it was the expression of a father who was mad at his daughter. Zawa.

"Hehehe, you're here~"

 Myuu hugs me tightly again. Hajime's expression became more and more relaxed, and she stroked his emerald blonde hair with her gentle hands.

 Although they don't look alike at all, the sight and atmosphere is definitely that of a father and daughter.

 It was so picturesque that the students, who were overwhelmed by a storm of confusion and doubts, all cried out, ``Oh, oh...'' without any meaning to it.

"Ahaha, it's Myuu-chan. You said you would meet me at my house after the closing ceremony."

"You couldn't wait, could you?"

"Hehe, isn't it cute?"

"I had the evening all to myself."

 As Shia said, Hajime and the others were planning to go home after this. He was supposed to meet up with Myuu there.

 Kaori and Shizuku's mouths curled into smiles, and Liliana's eyebrows knitted into a figure eight, looking a little apologetic.

"...Myuu, you didn't come alone, right? What about Remia?"

"Myu? Come to think of it... it's gone! The moment I saw this building, I felt Dad's presence and dashed away!"

 It seems he left his mom behind.

 Naturally, Remia has never been to university either. The campus of our university is vast. You can easily get lost.

"I mean, I know you're here often, right? I haven't heard from you."

"It's a simple deduction, Mr. Papason."

"What do you mean, Mums?"

 Myuu, who was about to jump off her dad's lap and go pick up her mom, stretched out her index finger and spoke with a smug look on her face.

"It's lunchtime now. And I'm sure Lily-onee-chan would like to experience the school cafeteria. Ah, Lily-onee-chan, it's been a while! I'm so happy to see you! Take your time!"

 Greet your sister firmly even in the middle of the conversation. "I'm happy to meet you too, Myuu-chan," he said, giving Liliana a high five with a smile on her face. She makes a complete turn and confronts her father with the results of her deduction.

"In other words, at this hour, dads will be somewhere in the three large dining rooms!"

"I see. But why is this cafeteria here?"

"Huh, that's a stupid question, Papason-kun. You should just investigate everything! That's it!!"

"My child is a genius!"

 No, that's the only thing you have to do! Or rather, your parents are idiots! Once again, the people around me share the same sentiments.

 While Yue and the others were enjoying the parent-child skit, for some reason the area around the entrance to the dining room became noisy. The surrounding students who were paying attention to Hajime and his friends started to make noise.

"But wasn't it difficult just to get to the dining room? The grounds are so large after all."

"It was actually fun! I got to look around the university while looking for my dads!"

"I see. That would be great."

"Myu! Besides, I didn't really get lost. There were a lot of kind guys who showed me the way!"

"What did you say?"

 What do you mean. The answer came from behind Hajime and the others.

"Thank you everyone for your kindness. Thanks to you, I was able to find my husband."

"No, no, that's it! It's nothing like this!"

"It's an honor to be of help!"

"In fact, I was bored so I'm glad I could accompany you."

"Oh my, hehe."

 The soft atmosphere and voice gently stimulate the eardrums.

 Ah, I see... Hajime looked back with a satisfied expression. As expected, there was Remia, a gentle beauty who could calm down even those on the verge of violence in just a few minutes.

 A fluffy chiffon skirt that matches the mood, simple sandals, and a sleeveless shirt. Her hair is tied into a single braid and falls down over her shoulders.

 It goes without saying that her narrow waist and the bulge of her chest that jut out so viciously are eye-catching, but more than that, she has the feeling of a mature woman with plenty of room to spare, or rather, a married woman. It's amazing.

 Remia had always had that kind of atmosphere, and that was one of her charms, but ever since she had a frank exchange with Hajime on the day of the graduation party, it seemed that this tendency had become even stronger.

 Is that why? There are about 20 male students around Remia who are all excited and excited, but it seems like none of them approached him with some kind of ulterior motive, but rather with a kind of admiration. It looks like In fact, he seemed shy and politely asked, "Is there anything else you need?"

 However, it is natural to say that kindness is not the only thing.

"Damn. Who is this husband who has such a beautiful wife and such a cute daughter?"

"You're good at Japanese, but... you're from overseas, aren't you? I'm sure you're one of the professors, aren't you?"

"I'll make fun of you as much as I can during the lecture."

 I hear a mumbled voice. Apparently, he hadn't even mentioned Hajime's name. That would lead to such a misunderstanding.

 There seems to be a mixture of jealousy and a desire to see which lucky bastard is the one who accompanied him until the end. later...

"...I don't know what it is. Even though it's our first time meeting, I just feel like I want this person to smile."

"I understand."

``Be happy forever with your daughter.''

"We can't let you try to harm this parent and child. We have to protect them."

 It seems like there are people who are captivated by it in a different way, whether it's the way they look at precious people or the way they look at sacred things.

 Apparently, some of the voluntary knights had gathered to avoid attracting unwanted insects and getting into trouble.

"...As expected of Remia. A magical woman."

"I read about Sumire's mother-in-law's manga. Isn't this kind of situation called a reverse-harbor state?"

"I feel like that's a little different...but wouldn't it be more similar to a group of fans who flock to Hollywood actresses?"

"It certainly feels like that. Well then, shall we tentatively call them 'Remia Guys'?"

"Shia, Remia-san definitely doesn't like that. But... she's clearly stated that she has a daughter and came looking for her husband, but this is it. As expected of Remia-san."

 Even though he knew she was a married woman with a child, his attraction still remained undiminished. Certainly, as Yue said, it is demonic in a sense. Myuu's ``character'' part is definitely inherited from Remia.

"Well then, everyone, please excuse me."

 bow your head politelyheelKibisuThe Remia Guys (tentative name) look at Remia with a sad look on their faces as she returns, and immediately begin looking for them with hawk-like eyes, asking, ``Where and who is my master?''

 And you will be made to understand. A cruel reality.

"Mom, over here!"

"Oh my, what about Myuu? Don't leave mommy behind?"

 Wait, wait, I'm next to my daughter... and my eyes widen.

 The students in the cafeteria can clearly feel their feelings. She covered her eyes, looked up at the sky, was stunned because she couldn't accept the reality, and turned her eyes towards Hajime as if she was seeing something terrifying.

 In the midst of the deepening confusion, Remia remained in a relaxed atmosphere and smiled at him with a desolate smile.

"Hajime-san, I'm sorry. Myuu I came♪"

 At the end, he lets out a little mischief and laughs out loud.

 I had a vision of many people being shot through the heart. The hearts of some Remia Guys are also shot through in a bad way.

 It was understandable that an adult with such status and honor as a university professor would have such a wonderful wife. If I try my best, I can even dream that someday...

 But what is it? What on earth is the reality in front of me? ?

 I'm shocked. Some of them have eyes like dead fish, or their knees buckle at the cruelty of the world...

 However, the most common ones are those who raise the flames of jealousy.

"Damn it! Why the hell is that guy?!"

"Something is wrong. Something is going crazy. Since when did the world become so strange? Isn't the luck value too biased? Someone please debug it..."

"Mitometa kunai! Mitometa kunai!!"

"Request for disclosure is excellent! This time, I'll burn you down socially - Damn it, I can't connect to the internet after all! Is it protection!? Favoritism!? I bet you've even added a goddess to your harem."

 I can't say that you are not wrong. The Goddess of the Treasure Tree is probably sneezing in the ``miniature garden.''

 "Yes, disband! It would be fine as long as the two of you are happy," said the knights, and no one came out to attack them. Some of the people who lamented the injustice of this world were calmed down in the cafeteria. I'm leaving behind.

 Some of the students in the cafeteria looked at him with sympathy, but also looked forward to seeing him.

"It's a chaotic scene, this time it's a chaotic scene."

"Be a secret child! Be a secret child!"

"Mistress VS legal wife - Fai"

 A group of men whispering their wishes. Are some of the girls also in real daytime dramas? It's so muddy! ? He casually casts his eyes filled with curiosity.

 Of course, such expectations will not be met.

"Ah, Remia-san, please take my seat."

"Lily-san, are you okay?"

"Myuu-chan would probably like to be by her mom and dad's side."

"Ufufu, thank you.Then I will indulge you without hesitation, okay?"

 Liliana smiled and offered her seat next to Hajime, and Remia sat down quietly.

"Myuu. Which lap would you like to sit on, Mom or Dad?"

"Um... Daddy!"

"Oh no, it was taken."

 Remia looks at Myuu, who is happy being held by Hajime, with eyes full of love.

 Yue asked Remia and Myuu with a smile that exuded intimacy.

"...Myuu, Remia, is it lunch yet?"

"Yeah, not yet. I thought about it after I got home, but Myuu didn't hear that if I didn't go soon, my dad and the others would come back."

"…I would have opened the gate if you had contacted me."

"I wanted to come with you, Mom!"

"...Hehe, I can't help it."

 Remia and Myuu's responses also oozed the same amount of familiarity. It's exactly the same with Kaori and the others.

"Then why don't you just eat here?"

"That's right. Myuu-chan was also interested in the university cafeteria, right?"

"Huh, I was waiting for those words."

"By the way, Miu-chan, I recommend the whipped sandwich. The fluffy dough and creamy aftertaste are exquisite!"

 The moment Shia mentioned the recommendation, Myuu's stomach made a cute sound. It seems that the content, which resembles a food report, has irritated his stomach.

 It was a rather big claim, so Myuu seemed a little embarrassed. I blushed slightly and put my hands on my stomach to hide it.

 That figure was so adorable that Yue and the others all looked at each other with expressions. The expression on his face oozes compassion and the atmosphere is warm.

 That was enough.

"...We're completely family."

"I knew that, though."

 There was no such thing as a shambles. In fact, the atmosphere was so good that it made me cry... that kind of atmosphere spread through the dining room.

 Whether it was resignation, dismay, or admiration for the Nagumo family, who could never find a chance, sighs that even they themselves probably didn't understand leaked out from here and there.

 That said, he teases me with topics on a regular basis.

 This is why I can't stop observing the Nagumo family! Continue to pay attention! There seem to be many people with a similar atmosphere.

 Are we aware that we are becoming something of a specialty of our university?

 Hajime stood up, sensing the surrounding atmosphere but ignoring it.

"Then I'll buy some."

"...Hmm, please go."

 At the same time, Remia also stood up, and Hajime somehow guessed it and put down Myuu, who was holding him.

 It seems like it was the right answer. Myuu reached out to Mom and Dad. She naturally took one hand at a time, and the three of them, with Myuu in the middle, walked towards the counter.

 Menus with large photos are lined up on the counter, similar to a food court. Myuu jumps up and down in excitement, looking at her with sparkling eyes.

 Naturally, Hajime and Remia raised and lowered their arms to help them jump.

"Hmm, the picture is so good that it looks like something you'd see in a commercial."

 There was no one, not only Yue and the others, but also among the surrounding students, who could deny Shia's words as she looked back.

"...Don't worry. We'll be there soon. Thanks to Shizuku's bold declaration, it will be easier to be accepted by those around you."

"Please don't talk about that…"

"Wow, I'm starting to feel jealous too..."

"Lily, considering your age, let's hold back a little longer, okay?...I think I'll forget about it once I start working again."

"Please don't say that, Kaori. Even I can't do that!"

 Very doubtful. This was the unanimous opinion of Yue and the others.

 While this was going on, Hajime and his friends returned. But why? Myuu looks strangely depressed.

 On the tray is what looks like delicious pasta and hot sandwiches...

"The whipped sandwich was sold out..."

 That was the first thing Myuu said when she returned to her seat.

 A voice leaked out from Shia, "Ah." Since it's popular, it always runs out fairly quickly. She looks embarrassed and says that she forgot that and got her hopes up.

 Among the students around me, there were a few who looked at their plates with surprised expressions. It's empty. The whipped sandwich that was there a while ago is now sitting neatly in my stomach. Even though it wasn't particularly bad, I felt guilty and rolled my eyes.

"You should come eat again next time. I'll take it home if you want."


 She nods and climbs onto her father's lap again. I pick up the hot sandwich filled with cheese and ham that I bought instead.

 It looked delicious enough...but my mouth and stomach were probably completely prepared to accept the whipped cream. It's a very strange expression.

 That was then.

"Hey, Nagumo"


 From the back of the dining room, four very well-built bastards came--not just some tough-looking friends.

 They are Ikeda from the boxing club, Aoki and Gotanda from the judo club, and Kousaka from the kendo club.

"Wow, the number of beautiful women has increased again--are you sure it's Remia-san and Myuu-chan?"

"Ah, now that I think about it, I've shown you the picture before, but this was the first time we met."

 At the time of the social gathering, or even after that, Ikeda and the others only knew her face because she showed him her family photos and a large collection of photos of her beloved daughter stored in separate special folders.

 I've already had lunch with Yue and the others many times at university, so I don't get too nervous when I see Remia.

 However, they all stiffened when they saw Myuu, who was looking at them curiously from Hajime's lap. Her face suddenly tightened.

 In other words, his already scary face has become a face that says, ``Damn it, I'm going to knock you over!''

"Oh, hey, what are we going to do? He's a little boy!"

"Nagumo said that she wouldn't be scared if she was my daughter..."

"Damn, bad timing. I was practicing how to greet Myuu-chan in case I was introduced to her someday...but my face turned out so strong from the surprise attack."

"What is the correct way to approach you?"

 The four strong-looking men form a circle in an instant and secretly begin consulting.

 Hajime was about to introduce Remia and Myuu when they turned away, but he couldn't help but smile as he understood Ikeda's feelings. Yue and the others had similar expressions.

 On the other hand, the students around them often saw Ikeda and his friends together with Hajime and his friends, so it seemed that almost no one was worried about them being involved. In fact, it seems that there are still people who are suspicious of the relationship between Ya○za's young head and his henchmen.

 However, it seems that there are many people in that area who are worried that Myuu will get scared and cry. The entire dining room had a somewhat tense atmosphere.

 It could be said that he was the first to break that atmosphere. It was Myuu.

"Ah, whipped sandwich..."


 It must have been visible through the gap in the circle. She murmured as Myuu seemed to be saying this without thinking.

 Ikeda looks back. In one hand, he was certainly holding two whipped sandwiches wrapped in plastic wrap.

 Myuu was staring at him, and Ikeda was looking back and forth at his hand over and over again.

 Gotanda and his friends nudged Ikeda on the back, saying, "Ha, is this a chance!?"

 Ikeda looked back over his shoulder, widened his eyes, and gave a slightly suspicious look to his friends who were conveying something to him. Immediately after that, his eyes widened wide as if to say, "I saw that!" Acknowledge.

 It was just scary.

 Among the students who didn't know Ikeda and his friends very well, tension ran through them as they shouted, ``This is terrible, the harem guys are being killed♪ Or rather, they're being killed!?'' and ``Are you going to report them?''

 Meanwhile, Ikeda took a step forward, his face looking like an ashura from stress, and his body pumping up too much, probably because he was strengthening himself.

 The students, who were seated near the Nagumo family, couldn't help but let out a "hi!" and threw their heads back under the terrible feeling of intimidation.

"H-Nice to meet you. My name is Ikeda. I've been hearing from Nagumo for a while. It's an honor to meet you! Y-If you don't mind, please take this."

 Ikeda-kun bowed to Remia, changed the first person to "boku," then got down on one knee and handed out the whipped sandwich as if he were offering an offering to the queen.

 She must have tried her best to keep her voice gentle. Although he was trembling and congested, it looked as if he was furious at the unbearable humiliation.

"Oh, thank you for your kind greeting. My name is Remia. This is my daughter Myuu. My husband always takes care of me."

 Remia stands up and bows politely in return. There was no trace of agitation, and the wave of a relaxed atmosphere eased Ikeda's anger (misunderstanding).

 The surrounding students had a vision of a red aura of anger colliding with a white aura of healing. I can hear whispers like, ``Are you a saint?''

"See, Myuu? Shall I say hello to daddy's friends?"

"Ha, I was captivated by the amount of whipped cream that seemed to overflow!"

 Myuu shakes off the charm of whipped cream and returns to her senses. She jumped off Hajime's lap and headed in front of Ikeda and the others.

"Nice to meet you! Myuu is Myuu! Nice to meet you! Nano!"

 Myuu is full of energy and doesn't show the slightest sign of fear as she greets him with both hands in the air.

 Myuu's innocent aura was added to Remia's warm aura, and Ikeda and the others' Asura-like auras were completely wiped away this time. It looked like this to the students around me.

 This mother and daughter can do it! They looked at me with astonishment.

 Naturally, Ikeda and his friends were also stunned. Her mouth was open and she was looking at Myuu as if looking at someone she couldn't believe.

"Uh, uh, please?"

"Yes! Nice to meet you! Ikeda-onii-san!"

 Myuu's sparkling eyes also turned towards Gotanda and the others. What is your name? It's obvious that she's listening.

 Gotanda and his friends are upset. Never before had such a small girl looked so directly at me. Even if it does, it's only if you're too scared to avert your gaze. After that, it was a chicken race to see who could get the security buzzer to go off first or who could retreat first.

 So, I managed to introduce myself while feeling flustered.

 Then, when Myuu called him ``brother'', he looked like he was deeply moved.

"You're not scared of us, are you?"

 Ikeda asked again, as if to confirm, or perhaps doubt whether this was really real.

 Myuu tilted her head. She looks directly into Ikeda's eyes.

"Are you scared? Why?"

"I don't know why… Look, your body is huge and you look evil…"

 Before I knew it, the dining room had become quiet. Everyone was holding their breath as they watched the exchange between the giant, strong-looking man who was still on one knee, and the little girl.

 Meanwhile, Myuu blinked her eyes at Ikeda, then glanced at Gotanda and the others, and seemed to be thinking a little.

"You know, Ikeda-nii-san. Really scary people are afraid of their eyes."

"Eh? Eyes?"

 That's what I said. She had a gentle smile on her face.

 His expression was so mature and yet kind that it took my breath away.

 Ikeda and the others' eyes were fixed on Myuu. An average elementary school student would have burst into tears, but Myuu took it head on as if it were normal.

"No matter how smiling you are, no matter how pretty your face is, people who are thinking bad things have scary eyes. Myuu knows that."

 So, let's take a step forward. Ikeda's short, hedgehog-like hair was caressed with small, soft hands.

"Ikeda-nii-san and his friends have the kind eyes of a kind person. That's why they're not scary at all, are they?"

 Ikeda's eyes widened even further. Gotanda and his friends were so shocked that they stopped breathing.

 The students around me also had expressions on their faces as if they had just seen something very sacred.

 In the atmosphere where time seemed to have stopped, Hajime broke the silence with an incredibly smug look on his face.

"What do you think? Isn't my child the best child?"

 When I talked about Myuu to Ikeda and his friends, they looked at me like I was an idiot, but was it really an exaggeration? When asked this question, Ikeda and his friends suddenly regained their senses.

"Ah, ah, no...yeah. You're a good girl. Much better than I imagined."

 She seemed embarrassed to be being stroked by a small child, but she strongly agreed.

"I see. If you understand, please leave that whipped sandwich for my child."

"Ooh, daddy! Don't let your friends cheer you on!"

 The surrounding students thought.

 I admire Myuu's ability to see right through people and her common sense, and I can't believe she's still in the lower grades of elementary school. In some ways she is outside the norm, she is.

 And at the same time, in that sense, I thought, ``this parent has this child''... but I have to withdraw my thoughts. My daughter is such a good girl, but you're such a bastard! ! and.

 I didn't realize that Myuu was saying that it was OK to cheer as long as it was someone other than a friend (specifically, if it was an enemy).

 In a sense, the impression that ``this parent has this child'' is very correct.

"Ah, well, that was my intention from the beginning, so I don't mind."

 With a wry smile, the obedient and kind Ikeda-kun offers Myuu a whipped sandwich wrapped in plastic wrap.

 By the way, Mr. Ikeda was unable to come to the cafeteria at lunchtime, but he still wanted to eat it, so he dashed over to buy it before noon and stored it in a small floral-patterned cooler bag that he had purposely prepared. It may have been something that happened.

 I have such a sweet tooth that I love the school cafeteria's whipped sandwiches.

 Of course, Myuu didn't know about the situation, but she somehow guessed that he loved whipped sandwiches, so she naturally refrained. good child.

"But...Ikeda-onii-san, you were looking forward to it..."

 Not only Ikeda and the others, but also everyone around him narrowed their eyes as if they were impressed by what a good boy he was.

"It's okay, don't hold back. I can eat you anytime, right? Here you go."

"That's right, there's no need to hold back. What belongs to Ikeda and the others belongs to Myuu. What belongs to Myuu belongs to Myuu."

 Hajime was pierced by stares from all over, as if telling him to shut up already. Furthermore, those gazes included those of Yue and the others, who were mixed with astonishment.

 Myuu is also aware of the tendency of fathers to get out of control when it comes to their daughter, so she passes by easily. And Gotanda and his friends,

"Oh, hey. Is there anything we can give you too?"

"Damn, if something like this were to happen, I should have kept one or two of Ame-chan on hand."

"Ah, I had vinegar kelp! --No, I don't have this."

 When I saw them arguing, I smiled. Apparently, I thought people would be happy if I didn't hold back.

 However, I don't like having it all to myself.

"Well then, Ikeda-niisan."

"Oh, okay. Here, feel free to accept it--"

"Half strain! Nano!"

"Huh? Half?...Well, there are definitely two, but I don't-"

 Even while Ikeda was saying something, Myuu took the whipped sandwich from his hand, carefully peeled off the plastic wrap, picked up only one of the sets, and returned the other one to Ikeda.

"Delicious food tastes better when eaten with someone else!"


 Myuu's innocent and bright smile exploded like the sun. Ikeda, who was hit at close range, instinctively retreats. Hajime's dad presses his heart. The older sisters and older brothers around me covered their noses with one hand.

 Ikeda-kun doesn't have the will to go against him or think of any objections, and just stretches out his hand, as if he's being manipulated.

 Myuu looked at me and signaled, "S-no!" She snaps along.


 Her cheeks were bright red, her eyes were squeezed shut, and her little feet were pattering. Myuu writhes in agony at the deliciousness beyond her imagination.

 Enjoy it thoroughly and take a moment. Myuu didn't seem to mind that the whipped cream that had been packed into her bread dough to form a large oval overflowed and formed a white beard around her mouth.

"It's delicious! Thank you, Ikeda-niisan!"

 He looked genuinely happy and had a big smile on his face.

"""What, you're just an angel..."""

 From a corner of the dining room, I could hear murmurings. Without a doubt, he spoke for the hearts of everyone present here. Because, without exception, all the older brothers and sisters had relaxed expressions on their faces, as if to say, ``I'm actually happier now.''

"Myuu, that was great. Thank you, Mr. Ikeda and everyone."

"...No, I feel like I'm thanking you for something. Yeah, this is delicious after all, Myuu-chan."


 Remia thanks Myuu while wiping her mouth. She said, ``I don't want to share it with my mom, either.'' The mother and daughter laugh and say, ``Oh, it's really delicious,'' but there's something about her that makes her so precious that she doesn't make fun of Remia Guys (tentative name).

 Yue and the others are also watching this situation with compassion.

 The inside of the dining room itself seemed to be filled with a happy atmosphere.

 Then, while everyone was at peace,


"Nagumo... Myuu-chan, you're such a good girl..."

"I'm sorry. I'll apologize first."

"Huh? Apologize? What-"

 Hajime turned to Ikeda and the others once again and apologized.

"Starting tomorrow, I'll be buying all the whipped sandwiches for Myuu, so I don't think I'll be able to eat any for a while. I'm really sorry."


 Naturally, Ikeda and his friends looked at Myuu and Remia with smiles on their faces, and the students around them, who seemed to have completely cleared up their misunderstandings about Ikeda and his friends, awkwardly looked at Hajime with smiles still on their faces.

 Hajime declared with a big smile.

"But it's no problem! Because it's all for this angel smile!"

 Yue and the others are putting their fingers on their temples as if trying to hold back their headaches...

 It made me feel like those words were even more serious.

 So, Ikeda and the students around him, or even the professors, administrators, and even the cafeteria staff who seemed to be there, finally couldn't stand it anymore...

""""You should shut up now!""""

 It was a loud, well-articulated tsukkomi.

 Those at the scene later spoke.

 The sense of unity I felt at that moment was amazing. She said it felt as if the hearts of humanity had come together to stand against a common enemy, the Demon King.

 After lunch at the university.

 Even though the sky hasn't turned orange yet, it's almost evening time.

 A small, high-speed boat was moving in the middle of the ocean, several tens of kilometers offshore from the beach closest to the Nagumo family.

 The three passengers who were separating the wind and waves were Hajime, Myuu, and Remia.

"Myuu, aren't you tired?"

"I'm not tired at all! I can fight for 24 hours!"

"Please don't talk like that like some kind of company slave."

 Myuu, who was standing proudly with her arms crossed at the bow of the boat, looked over her shoulder and gave me a thumbs up. She certainly seems to have a lot of energy left in her.

"What about Remia? He seemed quite excited, which is unusual."

"It's been a while since I've been to the sea...but it's okay."

 Remia lowers her eyes, looking a little embarrassed, as if she's aware of it. The sight of her sitting with her legs together on the edge of her boat, one hand holding her emerald blonde hair as it plays in the wind, is quite picturesque.

 Now, why are the three of us running in the middle of the ocean like this?

"I'm from the sea race, after all. So I guess I miss the sea after all... It's too bad. I'm so busy that I can't really take you there."

"No, no, please don't worry about it. As soon as you have time like this, you will go out."

"I'm happy to go on a date with my mom and dad like my sisters!!"

"I see... it would be nice if you were happy."

 Yes, this was also a date in a sense. On the sidelines, there are family outings.

 Originally, after Myuu's closing ceremony was over, the parents and children were planning to go out together, as a reward for spending the first semester at their first elementary school.

 Specifically, swimming at the beach closest to the Nagumo family.

 When they were in Tortoise, they were a mother and daughter from the sea people who played with the sea every day. She will definitely miss her. It had been a while since she had been to the sea, and even Remia seemed excited, which was unusual.

"It was amazing. Should I describe it as an underwater dance? Real Mermaid caused a bit of a stir."

"It's embarrassing..."

 Remia presses her slightly stained cheeks with both hands.

 Thanks to the artifact, they only look like humans, but their true identity as sea people has not disappeared.

 Its underwater swimming elegance, dive time and simple speed. Of course, all of this is surprising.

 It was as if, on Earth, it was a combination of all the skills of Olympic-class synchronized swimmers and competitive swimmers.

 What's more, since Lemire jumps out of the water and somersaults like a gymnast, it's common for people to witness Lemire swimming, even if they're not diving or just relaxing on the beach. That's why I end up doing it.

 Then they got curious and came to look into the water, where they saw a beautiful woman swimming as if dancing.

 What's more, they also witness a beautiful girl who is also an incredibly good swimmer, and sea creatures that gather around them as if they want to play with them.

 It is truly a real mermaid.

"Mommy's swimming is amazing. And she's so beautiful. I don't feel like I can catch up to her at all."

"Oh, it's okay, Myuu. You'll be able to do it as soon as you grow up a little more."

 Is that so? Myuu tilted her head. It seems that her mother's swimming skills are still at a level that her daughter can't even touch.

"Well, it was actually amazing. I was so mesmerized by it that I almost fell behind in trying to prevent theft."

"Well, even you..."

 Lemire plays with a strand of her hair and rubs her plump thighs together as her husband and daughter praise her for letting go.

 Hajime somehow managed to avert his gaze. Because I can't let a "man" appear in front of her daughter.

"Oh, and there's that."


"If possible, that swimsuit should be prohibited anywhere other than family members are present."


 Maybe she was looking forward to the plan to go to the beach even more than Myuu.

 Lemire was very bold today. As if to show how excited my heart is.

 It's a black bikini. Moreover, it seems to challenge the limits of cloth area. Hey, you're paying that price based on the amount of cloth! ? He's the type of person that makes you roll your eyes.

 Needless to say, when she came out of the changing room next to the beach, the sight of her voluptuous body and bold swimsuit made time stop for everyone around her.

 ``What do you think?'' Remia asked with a shy look, but she looked at him expectantly, as if wanting to be praised.I see, she was definitely a magical sea woman.

 If there was a mermaid like this, even the strongest sailors would be staggered.

 If the person next to me had a wary look on her face and said, ``Myuu will protect mommy!''daughterMewAlthough I was a little taken aback, I immediately started showing signs of being ``that kind of person'' and keeping those around me in check.husbandHajimeIf it weren't for him, there would have been a swarm of charmed people.

 This was an incident that made it clear that when Remia, who was always devoted to being a ``mother'' and always taking a step back to stand up for Yue and the others, acted like a ``woman'' in her own field, she seriously became like this.

"...When we went to look at swimsuits, I just suggested it as a joke, but I never thought I'd actually choose it...I feel like I've seen how serious mom is."

 Myuu, who was wearing a swimsuit appropriate for her age---a cute one-piece type, looked a little far away.

"Ah, oh my, were you kidding, Myuu? Dad said he would definitely be happy, so I tried my best, Mom..."

 I'm embarrassed to have taken it so seriously...'' Remia said, pulling the hood of her hoodie over her eyes and becoming smaller.

 Papa Hajime and Myuu's eyes met. We felt the same way. So cute...

"Honestly. By the way...were you really glad you didn't take a nearby inn?"

 Hajime thinks that Remia's sense of shame won't last any longer, and tries to change the topic.

 Actually, even though I'm staying overnight, I haven't made any reservations for accommodation. If things continue like this, in some cases the area will look like camping. It's also a very special place.

"That's fine. In fact, that's fine."

"I see. Well, the environment and materials are ready, so you can do whatever you want."

"Myu! Thank you, Papa!"

 Remia looked at Hajime with a slightly worried look while removing the heat from her face.

"Hajime-san, aren't you forcing yourself?"

 Remia asked Hajime, looking at Hajime's face, if he was able to take a break even though he had finally gotten out of his hectic schedule, making time for each member of his family and taking care of his daughter's requests.

 Besides, Hajime scratched his cheek, looking somewhat embarrassed.

"It's okay. In fact, I feel like I'm even recovering. Is it because I've been so busy that I haven't had time to interact with them? I don't's a little embarrassing, but I'm starving for time with Remia and the others, or even if it's just a little bit together. It's like I can't stop feeling like I want to spend time with you."

 It was an extremely rare expression of emotion. Remia widened her eyes a little, then gave her a big smile, and Myuu let out a loud huff and jumped into her father's chest.

"Dad, were you lonely?"

"Hmm, well, I guess so."

"Hehehe, I can't help it. Myuu will stay by my side for my lonely father."

 The mature expression that seemed inappropriate for his age, which he briefly showed at the cafeteria, reappeared with a little more enthusiasm.

 A girl's heart is mixed in with the overwhelming love a daughter has for her father.

 If such an expression had been shown in the dining room, I'm sure Hajime would have been very confused, new suspicions would have arisen, and he would have been exposed to extremely cold stares...

 In fact, this prediction has already come true.

"What about Myu? Don't bother dad too much, okay?"

"Are you okay? You have to be careful in front of people!"

"That's fine, but..."

"No, it's not good, is it?"

"It was a little dangerous in the cafeteria. Let's be careful, okay?"


"No, I don't think so."

 Remia also raised her hips and sat down next to Shanari and Hajime.

 By the way, it was a little dangerous in the cafeteria when we were talking about our plans for the afternoon.

 Yue and the others will take over guiding Liliana, while Myuu and Remia go to the beach to play as originally planned.

 Actually, just going to the beach wasn't the only purpose of this outing. Rather, the main thing was different...

 Regarding the main thing, Myuu had inadvertently made a ``snuggling remark''. So, of course, Yue and the others were curious and asked a lot of questions.

--H-It's a secret. What I do as a dad

--Well, I do a lot of things in places where no one is around. I can't say more than that!

--It's all my first time, but... I'll do my best while having my dad teach me!

 Myuu, desperately trying to mislead, makes a rash of statements that could cause such misunderstandings.

 The air in the dining room was freezing. Needless to say, Hajime's father was suspected.

 Ikeda and his friends who ended up having lunch together asked Myuu, who believed in Hajime but remained silent.

--By the way, Myu-chan. Do you have any dreams for the future?

--Daddy's wife!

 All the more so since the answer that resonated in no time and the atmosphere at that time brilliantly supported the suspicion.

 Thanks to Yue and Remia's follow-up with a smiley atmosphere, most of the misunderstandings were resolved, but... there must have been a suspicion that it might not be the smiley outlook of a young child.

 I'm a little scared about the next time I go to university. I understand Shizuku's feelings...Hajime looked far away as Myuu and Remia were nestled together by a mother and daughter who were strong enemies in a sense.

 And there.

"Oh, dad. Around here?"

"Oh? Oh, yeah."

 The compass needle in one hand was spinning. I didn't go crazy, I arrived at my destination.

 However, there is nothing around. Still in the middle of the ocean.

"It was a boat trip with a break, but was it enough?"

"Yes. It was a pleasant sea breeze."

"I want to start working quickly!"

 Myuu's eyes are shining with excitement. Even Yue and the others can't wait to find out their secret "purpose". The reason why she was playing on the beach for less than two hours was because Myuu prioritized her rather than enjoying the sea for the first time in a while.

 Smiling at the girl's evasive behavior, Hajime put a necklace around the two of them just in case - an artifact that was equipped with a pressure-resistant defense barrier, a light source, and a beacon function.

"Okay, then let's go."

 Press the button on the boat's engine. Immediately, a number of small transparent panels rose from the bottom of the boat with a crunching sound, covering the entire boat like fish scales.

 The sealed boat sinks as if it were inside a crystal.

 It was a small submersible with a transformation function. Their true destination was the ocean floor, where even the sea people could not survive.

 After diving deep enough to need a light, the ocean floor finally came into view. You can also see large cracks there.

 It's not an ocean trench. It was a crack that looked like a gaping scar.

"Maybe Daddy opened it?"

"Ah. It feels like a secret passage, doesn't it?"

"Myu!! It's so romantic!"

"Yes, it's romantic."

"Hehe, Hajime-san is enjoying it too, isn't he?"

"That's exciting. I'm sure there's no man who wouldn't be excited by the invitation that Myuu said, right?"

 While exchanging such words, we passed through the area, which was only possible because we were using a small submersible, and continued to dive further.

 After passing through the crack...

"Fwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Mom! Look! That!"

"Yeah, that's amazing..."

"I'm glad that they were surprised. It was worth the effort to use the submersible instead of moving at the gate."

 There was a scene of a foolish father showing his true colors, who would do anything for his daughter.

 In other words, an underwater forest.

 At the bottom of the huge dome-shaped space filled with seawater, there was a hemispherical dome, and inside that dome, we could see lush greenery and a spring. Of course, it's not filled with seawater.

 The hemispherical barrier that blocks the space is itself a light source, and the entire space is bright enough. The water pressure seems to be different between outside and inside the crack, and a wide variety of sea fish are swimming around.

 By following along the bottom of the hemispherical barrier, the small submersible passed through without any resistance. There was no inflow of the surrounding seawater.

"I used the Melusine Undersea Ruins as a reference. I created a space using infinite magic, leveled the ground, and transplanted miniature garden plants. There are also plants that filter seawater and turn it into fresh water, so you don't have to worry about water. do not have"

 Myuu anchors the submersible on the sandy beach and descends directly onto the green area of ​​the ocean floor. "Oh, oh," he said, trembling with emotion.

"Um, Hajime-san. Are you really pushing yourself too hard? I don't think you're at the level where you should prepare a little."

"No, it's not a big deal. I just used the Hour Crystal to complete it for about three days."

"That's a big deal!"

"Please join the divine spirits as well – I asked them, and they gladly obliged."

"Now, with the orders..."

"Dad will become invincible for his daughter's request. Isn't that so?"

"The person you are, ugh."

 Remia looks like she's enduring a headache. At a later date, she decided, she would also have to express her gratitude to all the divine spirits.

 Now, that being said, what did Myuu want to do by creating such an exaggerated space?

"Dad! Thank you! We can create the best 'secret base' here!!"

 Myuu turned around, spread her arms, and thanked her with a big smile.

 Yes, it's a "secret base".

 Children, or even adults, can't help but get excited when they hear about it. A secret hideout that only we know about. A place you've always dreamed of.

 This was one of the things Myuu wanted to do with her dad during this summer vacation.

 Normally, I would have made a small DIY hut in my garden, pitched a small tent in the attic, or even made a tree house in some amazing places, but this place is still of a genie quality.

 They changed the topography, transplanted nature, and created a place within the natural barrier that ordinary people cannot overcome: Mother Sea.

 I just want my daughter to be happy.

 ...It's definitely not the result of him being carried away by his daughter's alluring invitation to build a secret base and going out of control. perhaps.

 To his overjoyed daughter, Hajime's dad looked very satisfied and smiled back saying, "It's okay." and,

"But, Myuu. The real thing starts here. Dad just prepared the environment. You understand, right?"

"I know the score"

 Hajime handed over an unusually shaped "treasure vault" to Myuu who nodded with a mysterious expression.

 It's a square box. It looks like a normal wooden box. However, Myuu looked strangely moved.

"I-Are you okay, Daddy?"

"It's fine. Everything was prepared for Myuu. Show me your creative spirit!"

"Daddy, I love you so much!!"

 Myuu lets out a loud roar as she places the wooden box (just the appearance) on the ground. I'm really excited.

 Dad also has a very nice smile. Mama Remia can't keep up. He just put his hand on her cheek with a troubled expression on his face.

 While Remia's mom and Hajime's dad were watching, Myuu took out the material from the box――the New Treasure Warehouse artifact "Chest".

 All block-shaped materials! Also, there are pickaxes, shovels, and axes with designs that look like pixel art!

"Ah, Myuu. Equip this when you work."

"Myu? Gloves?"

"Ah, it's a 'transformation glove' that incorporates an AI voice recognition function. It can also manipulate images to a certain extent. With it, you can attach and disassemble materials. Of course, they are all in block form."

"It's the best."

 You probably get it now.

 Yes, what is the secret collaborative work between parents and children that will take place here from today?

"Dad, Mom! Let's build a hideout right away! With this real microphone set!"

 Minecraft. This is a huge hit game that is enjoyed all over the world, and in some cases is even used as a teaching material for making things.

 I want to build a secret base with my own hands and surprise Yue and the others. However, this is a real craft system created by a demon god for her beloved daughter, who was worried about her inability to build.

 While playing a real game with Myuu, I thought, ``Maybe this could work?'' and implemented it in reality.

"Ah, yes, Daddy."

"Oh, what?"

 Myuu looked over her shoulder as she began to lead the way, carrying an ax and saying that they would start by cutting down trees and creating a plaza.

"Can I submit what I made here as a free summer project?"

"It's no good because it uses fantasy as its principle. It's a straight forward approach to homework... but, well, you can just do it as you see fit."

"Let's do it properly, okay? You think so too, right?"

""Oh, yes""

 The father and daughter averted their gaze at the strange power of Remia's mother holding the pickaxe and quickly got to work.