Star Spirit World: Heroes' Triumphant Return

『Eh? I don't want to.』

 The legend of the savior Shia. At the beginning, "TAKE 2" was carried out by Yue with great caution. Because Shia looked at me with eyes like <●> <●>.

 Immediately after being summoned, Shia emerged from the fading light with Doryukken out and on guard, a sight truly worthy of the beginning of a legend.

 There is no room for complacency or gaps. The fearless smile on his face is as if he is saying, "Bring it on, I'm up to the challenge!" It's truly picturesque.

 Not only Myuu, but Yuuka and the others also cheered, "Oh, how cool!". The soldiers who had turned into spectators were naturally excited as well.

 And that was the response he got right after Lewis politely asked him to save the world. He was blunt. He answered immediately, without even a hint of worry.

"...Shia, no matter where you cut it, the result would be the same, right?"

"N-No, that's not true! The context! The intention! This is important!"

 Yue's dirty look pierced Shia. Shia shook her bunny ears wildly.

 I was disillusioned. I'm not yet at the point where I'm saying I'm giving up being a fan of the Savior, but there were a few soldiers who looked like they were about to wake up from a dream.

"Calm down, you guys. What Shia-dono said back then was perfectly reasonable. This refusal is a sign of her sincerity and kindness."

 Eric does a nice job of preventing the noise and upset from spreading.

「Well, that's true. If he had agreed to it so quickly, I would have cursed him, saying, "Damn you, early stage Amanogawa!"」

"That is considered an insult in Hajime's mind..."

 Shizuku muttered with a complicated expression, while Shia wiped away the cold sweat from her face.

"Oh, that was close. If Hajime-san had told me something like that, I would have been so shocked I would have been bedridden for a week."

"Is 'Early Amanogawa' really that shocking!?"

"That's understandable. Even I can't even feel good about that. It's normal to feel depressed..."

 Those words were strong enough to cause mental damage to the masochistic dragon who was used to being punished for insults. Wasn't that already a kind of "curse speech"? Shizuku's expression twitched as she thought this.

"Kouki, that's good. I'm glad you can now call me 'initial'."

"Kouki-kun, you did your best... As a childhood friend, I'm happy."

"...Haha, I can just picture Amanogawa-kun's exquisitely subtle expression in my mind."

 Just as Suzu said, Kouki in the other world had a strange expression on his face due to the hero's intuition. It felt like he had been bad mouthed. But he couldn't argue because it was his own fault... he felt a sense of unease. The hero was truly fearsome.

 And, even as they were having this exchange, the footage of the past continued, and Shia's true intentions were revealed.

 That is,

"My life doesn't just belong to me"

 I have a family, and they care about me, so I thought, what would happen if I didn't care about them?

『--- I must protect my life as my top priority.』

 For the sake of all those who loved Shia Hauria, Shia Hauria decided to prioritize. She would abandon you all for her own sake.

 Yes, he declares this with a look that shows absolutely no guilt or regret.

"Myuu~~! As expected, Shia-oneechan is kind!"

"Fufufu... you are a kind person."

 With an expression as if she had stuffed her cheeks with an incredibly sweet snack, Mew's words and those of Lewis from the past overlapped.

"That's true... It would have been to our advantage in the negotiations if you hadn't made such a firm statement."

"My my, but Liliana-san, that's Shia-san's good point, isn't it? Always straightforward. To the point where it feels good."

 When Lemia narrowed her eyes, Liliana also nodded with a smile that seemed to radiate, "Yes, that's true." In contrast, Aiko looked somehow depressed.

"Uuh, that's true. For just a moment, I thought that it would be better if I pretended to cooperate... I'm so depressed. I've been poisoned by Lily-san..."

"Aiko-san? What does that mean? Hey, please look over here for a second. Hey!"

 That must mean the influence of the sly princess, who gives off a glimpse of her nasty vibe, like "Manipulating the masses is easy!" or "Just as planned!"

 Or so Hajime and the others thought, but they wanted to focus on the past footage right now so they ignored it. As Liliana approached Aiko, Remia admonished her with a troubled look on her face, saying, "Ah, my dear."

 And above all,

"Once I make a promise, I have to keep it. I'm betting my pride and that of my family on it."

 I can't lie. I can't make promises I don't intend to keep.

 Because that's what my loved one said to protect me and my family.

 Hearing Shia's implied words, he felt a ticklish sensation as if a soft spot in his heart had been touched, and that was all he could think about.


"Hehe, as Hajime-san's wife I can't do anything carelessly. Yes."

 Hajime and Yue were probably remembering the first time they entered Fair Bergen and negotiated with the elders.

 The two of them both lovingly pet Shia's bunny ears, who were shaking them back and forth as if a little embarrassed.

 Kaori and others had also seen the past during their trip to Tortus, and Yuuka and others had only heard the stories, so their faces were warmed by the sight of the three of them standing close together.

"I guess something happened between you two and Shia-dono."

 At the time, Eric and the others only understood those words literally. They were simply words of sincerity.

 However, looking at him now, it's easy to see that those words were based on experience.

"Yes. Shia's clan was originally the weakest race and was looked down upon even by her own kind. And Shia herself was weak, and was rejected by her homeland because of her uniqueness."

"After a lot of things happened, in the end the whole family was sentenced to be executed..."

"What, Shia-dono? The whole clan? That's ridiculous..."

"I can't even imagine that Shia-sama was weak..."

"You're kidding me? I mean, what? You were persecuted?"

 Eric, Lewis and Phil were all stunned, and without a word, Greg's eyes were wide with shock as well.

 It wasn't a very loud voice, but the soldiers nearby must have heard it. They too looked at each other in confusion.

 He cannot hide his shock at the unimaginable past of this invincible hero, who even blows away gods.

 Meanwhile, the past footage continued, and finally the Celestial Beings' attack began.

 A video of Lewis from the past reaching out to help Shea, only for Shea to dodge it, plays on screen. Nana and the others burst out in laughter at Lewis' face that says "Eh? Are you kidding me?"

"It's true. And, the ones who saved Shia and her family were Master and Yue at that time."

"Hajime-kun and his group also had their own objectives, and they needed Shia and the others for that. Their interests coincide. However, the elders said they would prepare a replacement for the Hauria tribe."

"I see… so that's what Nagumo-dono chose. He'll go with Shia and her family. Because he promised."

"You chose one tribe over the side with greater power and authority… you chose good faith over rational judgment, Nagumo-dono."

 Tio and Kaori nodded together with smiles.

 I don't know the details, but I do know that this was probably the true beginning of those three.

"But, but... hmm, I can't believe it."

"Certainly, it's hard to imagine given Shia's superhuman behavior right now."

"No, that's not it. On the contrary, I agree that he was weak. Didn't you see that in the past footage just now? He was asking for help."

――He was hit with an elbow, struck by electricity, kicked, and then sent flying by a horde of monsters.

 That's what Shia was talking about. Her meeting with Hajime. Even though they knew about it, even Tio and the others would instinctively look at Hajime with an "Wow" look no matter how many times they heard it.

「It is an unacceptable act towards a woman who is asking for help. Judging from that beastly behavior, the 'person who asked for help' was undoubtedly Nagumo-dono. To think that a man like that would keep his promise…」

"Oh no, that's it."

 Tio couldn't help but comment.

 Kaori gave a wry smile. She glanced at Tio next to her. Surely His Majesty Eric would never have imagined that such a beautiful woman in front of him would be pile bunkered in the buttocks, and even worse, that as an aftereffect (?) she would have turned into a weak-assed dragon.

 Of course, she doesn't proactively talk about such abnormal truths. Even if she didn't, the exhibitionist dragon in her heart would probably be exposed anyway. Because she has no intention of hiding it from him.

 While Kaori was thinking about such things,

"So, perhaps Shia-sama's strength is... so that she can accompany the two of you?"

 Lewis asked with half certainty. As she looked at Hajime, Shia, and Yue standing side by side, the scene was very "natural."

「Fufu, isn't it amazing? A child from a clan that can't even kill insects and is even frightened of small animals, with only the thought of "I want to be with the two people I love", stepped into countless battlefields while crying, got up no matter how many times he was covered in dirt, and finally became a hero who even defeated a god.」

 Tio puffed out her chest with a look of pride as if it were her own achievement.

 There was another murmur among the soldiers. The past Shia was carrying Dahlia in her arms, protecting her from the attack of the Celestials.

 The crowd cheered, "This is the beginning of a legend!" It must have felt like watching the hero and heroine meet.

 The soldiers who were within hearing distance were distracted by both the image and what was being said, and their eyes and heads were moving back and forth in a panic.

"Ah, Shia-sama. That's how you came running to me back then, wasn't it?"

"Eh, yeah, it's fine. But more importantly, Dahlia, your expression seems a bit sloppy..."

"Oh, how embarrassing! What a pathetic response from me! If I could go back in time, I'd slap myself in the face."

"I think that's a normal reaction."

"No, Yue-sama! If I do it now, I can immediately bow as soon as I wake up and explain the situation with a smile!!"

"No, that's even scarier."

 Surely, he would have kept his distance from such a Dahlia. No matter how much of a Shia she was.

"O-oi, Dahlia. Is it okay? It is certainly a valuable opportunity to see the footage from back then, but... wouldn't it be better to hear about Shia-dono's past rather than just knowing it?"

"Oh, it's okay, Eric. I already know."

"What?! When and where?!"

"Ah, now that I think about it, we spoke a little. On the first night of my summoning when I stayed at the royal palace. While I was waiting for Hajime-san to pick me up, you came over to make me tea a few times."

"Huh?! I didn't receive such a report from Dahlia!"

 Eric looks at Lewis and the others. Lewis, Greg, and Phil all shook their heads. They all stared at Dahlia. She was still a "daughter of a duke" at the time. Her consciousness and code of conduct!

 Dahlia quickly looked away.

"It's really disrespectful to report on the hero's private life."

 It was a very private matter, and we only spoke briefly over tea. Shia was still wary, so we didn't talk in detail about her family or friends.

 So that must be a legitimate reason.

 If Shia found out that I was reporting every single thing we talked about, she would definitely never talk about it again.

 But, if that was the case, Dahlia would have said so and firmly kept her mouth shut. She wouldn't have looked away like this. So Eric gave her a dirty look.

"What do you really think?"

"...Even I have a desire to possess others."

 It's not something that particularly relates to the national interest, it's just a story about a hero that only I know. How sweet!

 What's the matter? It's fine! What are you complaining about? Dahlia glared back at him as if to say this, appearing angry for the sake of it.

"But even so, you're the only one who knows about Shia-dono's past... That's not fair!"

"That's unfair... so childish. Didn't I just say that you've grown up?"

"That's that, and this is this!"

 Eric and Dahlia glared at each other.

 It was a pointless fight that reminded me of childhood. Lewis rubbed his brow, Phil chuckled, and Greg looked back at the image in the past as if he had lost interest.

 And then, in that video of the past, we see Shia desperately trying to avoid a fight, and the celestials not listening, and even looking down on her as an inferior life form...

"This is so unfair!"

 The first to cheer were Hajime, Myuu, Ryuutaro, Atsushi, and Noboru. As expected, for those who knew romance, "going straight and hitting a right straight" was exciting.

 The celestial being flies away like a pinball.

 While the soldiers were stunned and speechless, a giant iron ball appeared in the air and was launched into the air as if it were some kind of joke.

 Then, he saw it easily enter the speed of sound, break through the clouds, and send pale blue-white shock waves shooting out in all directions.

"There's a hole in the sky..."

"O-boss, a celestial being has fallen from the sky!"

"Who's the boss? Call me Captain..."

 The Tennins are a race with extraordinary power. They are truly the "Apostles of God" in this world. Only a first-class human can fight. Only an ultra-first-class human can have a chance of victory. They are such a threat.

 It was like flying insects falling apart.

 The voices of the soldiers trembled at the unbelievable sight. Among them, there were probably some who were seeing Shia's battles for the first time. No, most of them were probably the same.

 In my heart, which was once filled with admiration and curiosity, I could feel a sense of awe being born.

"I understand~~"

 They were Yuka, Nana, and Taeko.

 No, to begin with. I don't know how many tens of tons it weighs, but what's the point of shooting a mass of compressed metal up to the clouds by itself? It broke through the white membrane on the way, right? That means it exceeded the speed of sound, right? It just seems odd if you think about it, right? The look on his face is like, "Look, the laws of physics are doing their job!"

『How annoying!!』

 The surviving celestials unleashed flames and lightning that covered the sky, but with that single word, they were all wiped out with a single blow from the war hammer.

"That's ridiculous!?"

"That's ridiculous!?"

 Tenjin-san's voice overlapped with the voices of the soldiers.

"That's right isn't it~"

 This time Aiko and Liliana joined in. They had distant looks on their faces. They were wondering why the sound barrier was broken so quickly. They didn't understand how a shock wave could be sent out just by swinging their sword.

"Wait! That's a bad move!"

"That's right! Shia has the title of 'This bug rabbit can't be stabbed with a blade, seriously!'"

 Myuu and Kaori, who were watching the battle with bated breath, shouted without thinking.

 The Celestials attempted close combat with their swords wrapped in light. Even without the ability to see into the future, it was clear what would happen, and a cry of "Ahh" escaped.

 As expected,

-- Clang

 A sound that should never come from the human body came out.




 The soldiers were all wide-eyed, along with the Tennins. They couldn't comprehend it any more. What on earth are they looking at? They all tilted their heads and stared blankly up at the sky.

"You guys! Throw away your understanding!"

"Sakagami's right! If you start thinking too deeply about it... you'll be consumed!"

"You just have to accept it as that kind of creature."

 Ryutaro and Atsushi also join in. With the same clear expression as Nana and the others, Noboru even begins to exude the vibe of a cult leader.

「...Hajime-san, Hajime-san. I feel like I'm being treated like the Abyss Lord. Please say something!」

"......Sorry, Shia. I can't say anything."


 Even though you are his husband, you have no objection when your wife is treated like something difficult to describe!? He grabbed her by the collar and shook her. Next, he looked at Yue but...

"...I'm sorry, Shia."

 Yue quietly looked away.

「Why?! I'm a completely normal person! With effort and determination, anyone can do it――」

"...the technique of fusing magical power and energy--"

"It's the ultimate fighting technique."

 I can't compromise on the name I worked so hard on. Take good care of it! That was the silent pressure. Very Hauria.

"...The moment she mastered the Ultimate Battle Rabbit Technique, aah, Shia had finally become an existence beyond reason."

"What do you mean!?"

 What I mean is that it's strange that effort and determination managed to achieve something that couldn't have been achieved through effort and determination alone.

 After all, it wasn't like Shia had spent half her life immersed in both magical power and energy, training like a certain director.

 Meanwhile the film continues.

 A double lariat breaks both of their necks at the same time! They use their corpses as a barrier! A Yakuza kicked the solar plexus!

 This is violence! Overwhelming violence! As expected, violence solves 90% of the problems in this world! A Hauria-like scene that exemplified this unfolded――


"Let's fly all the way to the moon!! That's it!!"

 The final blow. Into the brilliant light of the round moon, a figure flew at incredible speed and vanished.

 The only one left behind was Shia, who was standing there tapping her war hammer on her shoulder.

 With the moon at her back, Shia's figure standing in the center looked surreal. The moonlight backlit her, making her look like the silhouette of a rabbit floating in the moonlight.


 Who had muttered that? In the silent, dead room, the voice of their inner thoughts spread with uncanny clarity.

 Without a word of denial, the soldiers simply looked up to the sky. They were trembling slightly, perhaps out of emotion or fear. Either way, the shock of witnessing the legend was enough to take away the freedom of their bodies and minds.

"It's decided. It's the most perfect thing ever! Daddy! Can you take a picture please?!"

"I understand. I'll put it in a clear file."

"If possible, I'd also like an acrylic keychain and stand!"

"My arms are sore!"

"What are you trying to turn into merchandise?!"

"Of course. I can't leave you here, you're so perfectly good looking and beautiful!"

"...I understand how you feel. That much is obvious. Shia, you're so cool."

"Huh? Is that so?"

 The past footage ended. Naturally, everyone's attention was focused on Shia.

 When Shia fidgeted at Yue's words and looked around at the surroundings, Kaori and the others, and Yuuka and the others were also nodding in agreement.

 Regardless of the incomprehensible absurdity, cool is cool. There's no denying that.

 This is especially true given the resolute attitude he maintained from start to finish.

 Dahlia was also looking at me longingly. Even though she didn't understand the terminology of the other world, she seemed to have guessed that there must be something that had been cut out from the current scene. As expected of a maid. She was different from Eric and the soldiers who had "?" floating above their heads!

"Next! Let's move on to the next one!"

"You're so cuteeee?"

"Ngh, stop pinching my cheeks, Hajime-san and Yue-san!"

 You could have handled it properly, right? Even if you were thrown out into a strange place all by yourself, you could have continued to be a worthy wife to Hajime and a worthy friend to Yue, right?

 Shea had agreed to visit the place where it all began in order to convey that message, but she seemed to become embarrassed by the genuine praise. To cover it up, she pointed in the direction of the royal capital.

 Her cheeks were flushed, her bunny ears were swinging back and forth, and her bunny tail was flapping, but she couldn't hide her inner joy and embarrassment at all.

 Hajime and the others weren't the only ones who were thinking, "Cute..." and looked at her with lukewarm eyes. Some of the soldiers were even holding their noses, their embarrassment was so devastating.

"Umm, Hajime-san. Why don't you go directly to the royal palace?"

 On the way to the royal capital, the magically powered vehicle Breeze moves along the sparsely treed road at a leisurely pace.

 At some point, the train was upgraded to an open-top mode. Moreover, it was towing a passenger car with comfortable-looking leather sofas on both sides.

 Eric and his companions were on horseback in the driver's seat, with soldiers following behind them also on horseback.

"You're going to watch the Udall game anyway, so it'd be better to be outside, right?"

"No, in that case we can just teleport directly to the scene..."

"...What is it, Shia? Do you really want people to see my cool side?"

"No, no, that's not it."

"You've gotten a taste for it, haven't you? You approval-hungry monster."

"...It's sad. Even Shia is one of the monsters that often appear on the internet."

"So please don't tease me you two! It's not like that!"

 Eric was smiling wryly at the exchange between Hajime and the others.

 I had teleported to the area. There was a small hill ahead. If I crossed it I could see the royal capital, and it was right there. The place where Shia and Udal had fought was right there.

 But, if that was the case, it would be fine if they just teleported directly to the scene, so Shia's doubts were valid.

 There was a reason why he didn't teleport directly to the scene, and why he was bringing along the soldiers who would normally be on guard duty at the summoning site.

 Because it was none other than Eric's idea.

 Furthermore, the reason for this was shared by everyone except Shia.

 Led by Myuu in the back seat, Kaori and the others, and then Yuuka and the others sitting in the passenger car, all seemed to be desperately trying to restrain the facial muscles that were about to break out in a grin and were quiet.

"Now that I think about it, Eric said he asked you for a favor, right? Phil was the only one who disappeared right after the teleportation."

"Well, as expected. Phil should have made himself invisible and retreated..."

 "Something's wrong," Shea thought, casting suspicious eyes towards Eric.

 Eric was visibly flustered, and Dahlia looked troubled and said, "You're still as bad at keeping secrets as ever. That's unbecoming of a king."

"Shia-oneechan, stop it already. Since when have you become so suspicious of people?"

"What a monotone complaint!?"

 Looking at the back seat, I heard Remia-san whispering something.

"You weren't like that back then. Go back to the person you were back then."

"Remia-san! What are you making me say!?"

"Oh my my my! Since when have you become so suspicious of others, Shia-san? I'm so sad..."

"Shut up!"

 The rescue from Lemia-san was probably that. The lines must have been a quote from a scene from a daytime drama.

 In the meantime, we arrived at the foot of the hill. All that's left is to climb up. Once we reach the top of the hill, we can get a panoramic view of the royal capital.

 In other words, the distance between them had become such that it was no longer possible to hide it.

 Shia's bunny ears twitched.

"Hmm? What is it? It seems quite noisy."

"Haha, it seems the subordinates I left behind did a good job."

 Shia looked at Eric with a suspicious look. However, Eric himself was looking at Hajime. Even though his expression was like that of a child who had just pulled off a prank, deep gratitude could be seen in his eyes.

"I was a little skeptical when I was told that the best seat was outside the capital, but seeing the past made sense to me. Indeed, the place where we fought with Lord Udal is the best seat."

"I thought it might be better to see it together anyway."

"Yes, I am grateful. I'm sure the people will be happy. It will be a good reward for all the hard work they have put in over the past five years. At the same time, it will also be a good warning. Humans are creatures who... tend to forget even threats."

"That's true. Well, we're grateful to be welcomed here. It's a mutual interest. Don't worry too much about it."

 While Shia was unable to say anything, Hajime and the others arrived at the top of the hill.

 And so, I witnessed the reason why he had purposely teleported to the scene in front of me.





 A cheer so loud it felt like a physical shock had come flying at them, welcoming Shia and Hajime and the others.

 People, people, people. People were everywhere. The highway was crowded with people all the way to the royal capital, and along the way, a large crater was surrounded by a fence, and the area was like a packed stadium.

 Everyone was waving and smiling as they praised Shea who had appeared on top of the hill.

 Shia was stunned and instinctively looked around at Hajime, Eric and the others.

 Then it finally dawned on me. I see.

 The whole reason for switching to open-top mode, for bringing along the guards, and even for Eric and the others to come and pick them up was all for this purpose.

 Phil's disappearance was probably to announce his arrival.


"A welcome parade, is it?"

"Well, that's about it."

 During the trip to Tortus, she had refused Queen Luluaria's request because it was a private matter, so why? Shia tilted her head.

 If they had told Shia beforehand, she would have refused for the same reason, and the other reason was simply because of Hajime and the others' mischievous intentions. Shia seemed to have little awareness of this despite being called the savior.

"...Shia, why don't you just wave your hand for now?"

"Huh? Ah, I see?"

 Yue's gaze was very gentle. Hajime and the others were the same. Their heads were filled with doubts. That's why, upon hearing Yue's words, they reflexively stood up and waved their hands.

 A cheer rang out, three times louder than before. It even felt like the air was trembling.

"Whoaaaa, amazing!"

"It's like a live concert venue!"

"It really feels like my favorite idol is finally making an appearance!"

"I'm sure Dahlia's missionary work has had an impact too... but even so, they're really popular."

 Nana and Taeko involuntarily shook their heads, while Atsushi and Noboru's faces twitched a little from the pressure being exerted by the crowd. They had no idea the crowd was this enthusiastic...

"He challenged God, overturned a decision that should have been absolute, and saved humanity... truly an amazing feat."

"That's right. His stay was short and he probably only had contact with a limited number of people, which is why he became a 'legendary figure' all the more."

"If someone like that is coming your way, it's going to be crazy."

"The people of Tortus feel something similar towards Hajime-san who defeated Ehito. That's how much their hearts were saved."

 Tio, Shizuku, Kaori, and Liliana all sent warm looks at Shia.

 Shia looked back over her shoulder, and Aiko and the others continued.

"I wanted to express my gratitude. I think I wanted an opportunity to express it to him in person."

"Shia-san, you probably only think of it as 'a bit of an adventure'… but you should be proud of it."

"It's just as mom said! Shia-oneechan protected those people over there! She's a hero!"

"That's right. So there's no need to be so surprised. Why don't you be more proud?"

 Hearing Myuu and Yuuka's words, Shia once again looked towards the people who were cheering.

 He just stuck to his beliefs and followed his pride and that of his family. He did what he could, and if it seemed like he couldn't do that, he would have made his own life his number one priority.

 So I didn't think it was a big deal at all.

 He knew he was being called a savior and was being thanked. That was how it was in the village too.

 However, a number of people easily exceeding 10,000 made a grand path to the royal capital, not Hajime, not Yue, not anyone else.From・Minutes・of・I was naturally perplexed by the sight that welcomed me.

 In fact, I can't help thinking it's a bit of an exaggeration, and it makes me feel uneasy.

"Hajime-san also cooperated, and the change in the world was truly thanks to Yue-san and the others, so it's not like it was all due to my power..."

"...But, it was Shia who was thinking about the people of this world. Her feelings of compassion are genuine."

 Yue looked at him with an incredibly gentle gaze. Dahlia and Eric also sent him soft smiles.

"If it weren't for Shia-sama's feelings, the head of the family would not have acted. Your feelings and actions move people's hearts."

"Before, they were only able to interact with a limited number of people, so they may not be aware of it, but... these past five years, even though you were not around, Shia-dono was certainly a source of support for them. Please, accept my gratitude."

"Dahlia, Eric..."

 Breeze slowly started to move and turned her gaze towards Hajime.

"Eric was the one who asked, but I was the one who agreed. Even if this is a nuisance to Shia, well, please forgive me. It's just my selfishness."

"Selfish, huh?"

 My heart still feels unsettled and light-headed. My bunny ears are fluttering back and forth and my expression is blank.

 She waved unconsciously at the people gradually approaching her and looked at Hajime.

 And then, I was taken aback by those words.

"--I wanted to be a hero."

 Those were the words that Sia's mother, Mona, had once said.

 She wants to become a hero who can stand up to all those who try to take away those she holds dear, and protect them all. That is her wish, stronger and braver than anyone else's, despite being born of the weakest race and with the weakest body.

 In their battle against the Empire, Shia and Cam had their wish granted. The Hauria became heroes to their countrymen.

 Hajime clearly remembered Shia's appearance and expression as she reported this in front of Mona's grave.

"Shea became a hero to her compatriots. She fulfilled her mother's wish. But, isn't it only natural for a child to surpass their parents?"

 Hajime had these desires and feelings when he welcomed his daughter Myuu into his family. Surely Mona's feelings were the same.

"You said he was a man with fiery eyes and a heart, but to me, Shia is more amazing. That's because Shia is like the sun. In both eyes and heart."

"Um, Hajime-san. It's a bit embarrassing but... in front of all of you..."

 Shia fidgeted. Without any exaggeration, Shia couldn't help but blush at Hajime's words, which were practically flirting with her.

 Yue and the others were watching. They had huge grins on their faces. Dahlia-san's cheeks were flushed. Eric and the others, as well as the people at the front who had come quite close, were shot in the chest (figuratively) when they saw Shia's embarrassed look.

"A girl with eyes and a heart like the sun exceeded her mother's wishes and not only saved her people, but the entire world. So, surely you want to see her. The figure of the 'hero Shia Hauria' praised by many."


 That was Hajime's selfishness. No, surely it was Yue and the others' selfishness as well.

 I can't say anything more. I can't find the words to express the feelings that well up inside me.

 However, the feeling of something squeezing the depths of my chest was both painful and sweet.

 The bunny ears start flapping at high speed. The tail wags so much that it seems like an afterimage is being generated.

 The crowd was already in front of them. Before they knew it, they were chanting "Hero Shia Hauria" in perfect unison. Not savior or brave, but "hero".

 Surely this was also Hajime's doing, because he and Eric exchanged looks as if their prank had been a success.


 My heart was filled with emotions that I couldn't put into words, and that was all I could mutter.

 The train came to a halt. The cheers of the people gradually died down. In contrast, their eyes lit up and their expressions showed signs of expectation.

 Shia's gaze swept from Hajime to Yue, then to Tio, Kaori, Shizuku, Myuu... and finally to Eric and the others, before looking back at Hajime once more.

 Hajime spoke with a smile, but with strength.

"You are the main character in this story. Shia Hauria is the protagonist."

 Come on, show us your honored family and proud friends.

 The expectations conveyed through words. The modest wishes of warm-hearted family and friends.

 Shia was no longer confused. She tightened her tear ducts that were about to loosen up involuntarily, and stretched her bunny ears out.

 She holds her chest out, looks straight ahead, and her whole body is bathed in a beautiful pale bluish-white glow.

 And so, in the midst of the roaring crowd, he spoke his first words using the increased volume of his physical strengthening.

 The first cry to announce the hero's triumphant return.

"Everyone!! -- I'm back!!!"

 I felt embarrassed so I ended up telling a little joke.



 Once again, a huge cheer rang out, shaking the air.

"Show us! Show us the proof that you have carried the sadness, pain, and confusion, yet continued to work hard to move forward! Show us the image of you all living in a new era!"

 Shea said this in a trembling voice as she jumped onto the bonnet of the car, then started hopping around energetically as she waved her hands.

 That figure was projected onto a giant screen that had appeared in the air without anyone noticing - enlarged and projected using space magic.

 Yue-sama smiled, "Hmph." Hajime and the others gave a thumbs up, saying, "Nice performance!"

 For a moment, there was a murmur at the image that appeared in the void,

"Shia Shia, you're such an idol."

"That's it!"

 Suzu muttered without thinking, and Ryuutaro laughed cheerfully and agreed, because the sight of Shia jumping around, waving her hands and flashing a smile was shining at its best.

 The spirit of "Don't worry about the little things!" spread to the entire audience in an instant.

 After that it was a storm of excitement and joy.

 The enthusiasm of the people seemed not to subside for some time.

 that's why,

"...Hey, Myuu-chan. Isn't there a chance that Shia could take my place? How about Wonderful Shia?"

"Yuka oneechan, do we have to talk about that now?"

 Nobody noticed Yuuka in the back seat secretly trying to pin the blame on the "fourth person".