Celestial Spirit World: This is the true evolution

In the face of the unstoppable enthusiasm, Aiko put on a professional face and showed her skilled technique. "The emotions are still high, but the calming effect is exquisite."

 Otherwise, the crowd would have gathered. With royalty in attendance, this would have been impossible. That was how great their enthusiasm for Shia was――or rather, their "idol power".

"It looks like they might be able to start a Hero Cult♪"

"There are so many people bowing and worshiping it!"

"Kaori-san and Aiko-san, why do you look so happy?"

 Although their behavior has improved, the atmosphere is still hot and bothered.

 As the crowd of people slowly parted like Moses parting the sea, towards a large crater surrounded by a fence, Shia was still smiling and waving her hand.

 My cheeks are starting to twitch.

 Why? Because what Kaori and Aiko said wasn't an exaggeration or anything.

"S-Shia-oneechan. There are babies being displayed everywhere. Their mothers and fathers are yelling with horrible expressions, asking them to give them a name..."

"Eh? What did you say? It's me."

 Hajime and the others thought, "There's no way he can't hear, even though he calls himself Hell Bunny Ear Ear..." but they understood the feeling of having a convenient sudden hearing loss, so they ignored it. It's something that comes with being a hero after all.

"Wow... it's amazing. Shia-chi~, from cute girls to beautiful older sisters, they're all looking for a chance~"

"The 'hug me' calls are a little scary."

 Nana and Taeko reported this while laughing out loud.

 "Please don't say that, I'm trying not to look at the particularly enthusiastic group of women who are making such fierce appeals!" Shia protested, swinging her rabbit tail wildly.

"Is this also the Dahlia effect?"

"I'm really curious about what it was like when he was preaching."

"From the looks of it, it looks like that rumor has really spread like crazy."

 Atsushi, Noboru, and Ryutaro all had grimaces. Even the men around the group of women were a bit taken aback. That was how serious they were.

"The voices celebrating the Saint's return are just as loud as the voices praising Shia Shia. The fact that those two have "returned together" is something else, isn't it?"

 It's wonderfully speculative, and it fires people's imaginations to the point of entering the realm of conjecture.

 In fact, there were many voices and expressions saying, "As expected, the two of you are..." The group of women all looked convinced.

 Suzu looked at Dahlia with a wry smile, and Dahlia, who had been returning a loving smile to the people, suddenly turned bright red in the face.

"I am sorry, Shia-sama... my feelings for Shia-sama have driven them crazy. If you are going to blame them, then please blame me!"

"Can you please stop saying it out loud?! And staring at me with watery eyes is also prohibited!"

 See, that's why Dahlia is like that, KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!

"Hh, wow, that's amazing. That's a high-pitched voice."

"No, Shizuku. This is already a 'scream that could be an incident'…Remia, are you okay?"

"Huh? What is it?"

 Lemia's mother quickly covered her daughter's ears with both hands to protect them, but her eardrums became a sacrifice in her place. She was feeling a bit dizzy.

 Of course, it goes without saying that Shia, who had the best hearing, sustained the most damage. With her incredible reflexes, she folded her bunny ears and avoided a direct hit, but her fur still stood on end.

 Even Hajime blinked and said, "Whoa, oh~". At this point it could be called a sonic weapon.

 The men around me were looking around because they were probably wondering, "Huh? I suddenly couldn't hear anything. Why?"

 Kaori secretly cast a recovery magic.

 Meanwhile, a group of women were hoping for a chance with the hero.

"That's what I thought! They're in love with each other!"

"Look at those women around them! They are all members of Shia-sama's harem!"

"Wait, but there are men here too..."

"Who is that man?! Wasn't there only one good man serving Shia-sama?!"

"They must be the servants! It must be so! It must be so!"

"A servant... that's a good idea! If I can serve without being a mistress, that might be a breakthrough! Someday Shia-sama's eyes will be caught by my faithful devotion..."

 Such a voice resonates.

 Heroes love women... they say, but Shia in this world seems to be believed to be the epitome of that. At least, by a certain part of the female community.

 Even those who were skeptical are starting to see their perceptions begin to tip...

「There! That's not true! I'm Hajime-san's wife! There's no chance!」

 Unable to bear it any longer, Shia pointed her finger at the group of women and appealed loudly.

 It was a bad move.

"Ah, I fainted."

 Hajime gave a wry smile while showing understanding, "Well, if your favorite person calls out to you directly, it's not just going to limit you, it's going to surpass your limits."

 "I don't understand!" Shia screamed in her mind.

"Aiko-san, can you prescribe a stronger "Soul Calming" for me?"

"You have to follow the dosage instructions!"

"I don't think you've ever thought about that! I mean, seriously, why do you look so happy?"

"It's lonely being alone."

"It gives off an emotional vibe, but it doesn't make any sense!"

 The more "respected friends" there are, the better. For mental health. That's what it means. Just look at Kaori and Aiko's smiling faces.

 Liliana lowered her eyes and muttered, "I'm sorry... the people of my world..." The Goddess Cult and the Angel Cult were organizations that no one could stop at this point.

"...Shia, don't just stare at Dahlia--"

"Yue-san. If you get carried away now I'll slap you. With level X."

 Yue leaned forward and tried to link arms with Shia, but she turned dark and sat back in her seat. She clung to Hajime's arm to reassure him that she was his wife after all.

 So, don't hit me? Yue-san, you know that? If Shia is currently at level X, she can leave a handprint on Azantium with just a half-hearted slap.

 I know that when Hajime saw the thing, dented like clay, he got serious... I know... I know...

"Hey, hey, Nagumo. Aren't you moving forward a bit too slowly? Let's quickly replay the past."

 Suddenly, or rather as if she could no longer bear it, Yuka leaned out from the back seat.

 *Oooooh* a loud cheer spread throughout the room. That must have been the reason why Yuuka's face was strangely red.

"It's about ten meters away. Someone might jump out. Drive safely, that's important."

"Don't say things that don't suit you!"

"Isn't that terrible?"

 Hajime probably knew why Yuuka said such a thing. A slightly mischievous aura was coming out of her expression.

"More importantly, don't lean forward too much. Your skirt is too short."

"I, I, I know!"

"Your chest is open too - it's going to spill."

"That's sexual harassment!"

 Yuuka slapped Hajime's shoulder with a bright red face. She covered her chest with her other hand.

 As some of the crowd trembled in time with their gestures, expressions, and the pounding vibrations, a loud cheer of "Ohhhhh" erupted.

 As expected, the destructive power of the "Holy Miniskirt Maid" seems to be tremendous. Who is the woman who is allowed to wear such an indecent -- no, not lewd -- but wonderful costume!? He seems to be very curious.

"Well, I guess I should change clothes after all…Nagumo, let's temporarily evacuate to the miniature garden!"

"Adamantly refusing"


 The shivering was boosted by embarrassment and finally turned into a warm embrace. Hajime didn't answer Yuuka, but looked over his shoulder and gave a thumbs up to Nana and Taeko with a straight face.

"Miyazaki, Sugawara. Let me say it again. You have good taste."

 In response, Nana and Taeko made serious faces and pushed their hair back.

"Well yeah? Look forward to it, Nagumo-cchi."

"Twelve outfits. Okay? I've prepared twelve happy and embarrassing outfits for this trip. Haha."

 Yuuka glared sharply, however, immediately returned to her seat shakily. Looking embarrassed. No, maybe happily.

"Nagumo-dono, how about around there?"

 Eric, who was looking at Hajime and the others with a wry smile, pointed from his horse.

 We had just left the crowded road. There was a huge crater surrounded by a fence, and from there a circular opening stretched out about a hundred meters.

 They must have mobilized soldiers from the royal capital. The soldiers formed a crowd to stop the spectators, forming a beautiful circle.

 From the sky, it looks likeArenaColiseumIt may look like this.

 Phil was on the right side of the open space, waving. There were a lot of soldiers gathered there, some of them looked like aristocrats. There seemed to be high-quality chairs and drinks prepared.

 That's where Eric was pointing.

"There's no need to refuse. Although, being bombarded with greetings is a bit troubling."

"It'll be fine. I told him in advance. I told Phil to make sure of it too."

"I appreciate your consideration. Well, if you're replaying the past, you probably won't have time for that."

"Haha, definitely."

 Amidst the never-ending cheers, Hajime turned his attention to Shia.

"Uh, that's enough. Since I've come this far, I'll be a hero to the end!"


 Shia had clearly read the suggestion to go in the opposite direction and shrugged her shoulders.

 Shia once again bounced energetically on the bonnet and called out to the crowd. Her imposing figure was indeed worthy of a hero.

 The cheers naturally grew louder as Shia and the Saint made a detour to pass in front of them, and the Saviors waved with warm smiles. Many were moved to tears.

 And so, after getting their proper fan service(?), Shia and the others received greetings from the leaders that were really light-hearted, but also made to feel a deep respect,

"Well then, Yue. I'm counting on you."

"...If I mess up in front of so many people, I'll die of embarrassment. I'll risk my life and show you a perfect recovery!"

"No, you're immortal..."

 Finally, the main event of today's Heroes' Triumph Parade began.

 Yue was enveloped in a golden aura.

 Eric spoke loudly to the roaring crowd.

"Everyone, listen! We will now be unveiling a glimpse of the mysteries of another world! Look carefully! The legendary battle that unfolded on that day, at that time, in this very place! And let us once again engrave in our hearts! The meaning of divine punishment! The heroes who faced it! Our new way of life!"

 Eric's voice resounded with dignity thanks to the improved Breeze's loudspeaker function. Eric was a little surprised at Hajime's consideration, but he nodded.

 At that moment when the audience fell silent in confusion, Yue who had been concentrating let out a resounding finger snap, "Here!!"

 As expected of Yue-sama. This time it was spot on. The world seemed to fade slightly, and transparent thunderclouds appeared overhead. The scene from the past overlapped with reality.

 As the roar and noise spread again, someone shouted, "It's... God! It's the Divine Spirit of the Thundercloud!"

 Without anyone noticing, my gaze turned towards the top of the hill.

 There was a handsome man with his upper body naked and wearing something like a hakama underneath. Sparks were shooting out from his entire body and he was floating majestically in the air.

 The audience gasps and turns pale at the divine power that can be felt even through the image. Others, almost unconsciously and instantly, drop to their knees and bow their heads.

"Udal-san... he really is a god."

「Shizuku-chan, are you aware that you're saying some pretty cruel things?」

"My my, I'm going to cry. She seems to be a surprisingly sensitive person."

 Kaori and Remia gave a wry smile at Shizuku's comment that seemed to slip out of her mouth.

 But, they probably understood his feelings, as Tio and the others had the same expression on their faces.

 Slime Udal had no dignity whatsoever, and although his Soare was so strong that it didn't stand out, he was also basically a crazy Shiasky.

 She often acts as a stopper for Soare, but that's not because it's common sense. About 80% of the time, it's because she finds Soare clinging to Shia to be an eyesore.

 He was often seen proudly offering to be of help to Shia, only to become depressed when she quickly refused. Remia and the others had seen Udal sitting cross-legged at the base of the Treasure Tree, and Soare yelling "Serves you right!" at him on several occasions.

 It's no wonder that Udal's divine power has been forgotten.

"Umm, Yue-san. There was an important scene where my Steiff-tan was blown away..."

"…Hm, I know. But the people in the royal capital don't really understand the situation here, right? And even though it's footage from the past, it's still scary to have lightning suddenly rain down on us."

"Ah, that's true."

 Not all of the spectators were likely outside the Royal Capital. From their perspective, they were probably still surprised by the sudden appearance of the thunderclouds.

 There may be people who are traumatized by that day. In that case, it would be good to start from the moment Shia and Udal met.

 Yue's consideration made Shia smile. It was a consideration that made up for the "failed timing of the clipping" incident earlier. Eric and the others looked at her with gratitude.

"You have come, child of another world."

 Udal's dignified voice resounded. Just hearing it made the people tremble. "Wow, what a majestic man..." Ryutaro and the others exclaimed in surprise, while Nana and the others looked at him with a disappointing gaze, saying, "He was still just a normal handsome guy at this time..." A god-like Udal was quite rare.

 However, if Udal were here, he would be disheartened and think, "Huh... my evaluation is too low...?" and would likely find himself hugging his knees at the base of the Treasure Tree once again, but his evaluation would likely be corrected to some extent. 

"He is a god after all. The parade of visions of death really scared the crap out of me."

 Right after Shia said that with a bitter expression on her face.

『Forgive me.』

 Contrary to his extremely sad expression, he easily delivered a lethal attack――

 The spectators only saw a flash of lightning in the void. An afterimage of a distorted pentagram-like light burned into their eyes, and at the same time, they also felt as if Shia's body from the past had blurred slightly.

 The dry "bang" that rumbles a beat later is surely a clap of thunder.

 When I came to, I found Udal standing a short distance away from where he had been earlier.

 He had no idea what had happened. He tilted his head in confusion at the sight of Shia, who was breathing slightly irregularly and dripping with cold sweat, and the light and sound he had felt.

 I never would have imagined that.

 In what could only be described as an instant, an attack and defense had easily exceeded ten rounds.

"Did you see it?"

"There's no way I could see it!"

"No, no, I can't do this, I can't do this!!"

 In response to Hajime's confirmation, the boys, Nana, Taeko, and Suzu shook their heads vigorously.

"Myuu, I could only see the first lightning spear..."

"Eh!? Myuu has that… Ah, my my, when did this child get here?"

 For a moment, Lemia panicked, wondering if her child had also entered the bug realm like Shia, but when she saw that Myuu was wearing sunglasses, she understood.

 He must have used the Perception Enhancement feature. Wearing sunglasses and standing with his arms folded, he exuded a strange sense of strength. That must be the reason for Lemia's indescribable expression.

 In any case, even with the help of the artifacts, it would have been tough if they hadn't predicted it and kept a close eye from the beginning, so it was an impressive preparation.

"Isn't that truly lightning fast? Of course it's impossible."

"Unless it's in Angel mode. Unlike a railgun, it's not like you can predict what the gun will do just by looking at the direction it's pointed."

"Moving in all directions at the speed of a railgun... I see. This kind of absurdity is truly godlike."

"Shizuku, if you strengthen it with sublimation magic, you might be able to see it."

"What do you think? Let's give it a try."

 It seemed that no one had been able to see the current attack and defense properly. Shizuku was motivated by Liliana's suggestion. If there was a buff, then maybe...

 That is what lightning speed really is. It is literally an incomparable speed. It is something that humans cannot even comprehend; it is truly in the realm of the gods.

"However, it seems that Shia-sama managed to overcome it splendidly."

"No no, Dahlia-san. I couldn't keep up with you at the time either. I was just moving forward after catching a glimpse of the future just a moment ago."

"Future vision, huh? An incredible ability worthy of a hero."

 Dahlia and Eric are impressed, but the audience, who don't know the details, are left confused.

 He stares curiously at the completely disconnected conversation between Shia and Udal.

"Hey, Yue-san. If it's going to be that offense and defense from now on, there's not much point in watching it..."

 Yuuka had a troubled look on her face as she looked around the surrounding important figures and the audience where the awkward atmosphere was created.

 Yue nodded.

"...Nn, there's no need to say that everyone, Yuuka. Yue Channel can do anything from resolution adjustment to mosaic editing, cut-outs to adaptation. Of course, double-speed and slow-motion videos are also her forte!"

"No, embellishment is not good."

 Yue easily ignored Yuuka's retort and stopped the past footage just before Shia made her defiant statement, then rewrote it to just after the battle began. A murmur arose as the footage was played back in time.

"...Restart! Yue Channel is also capable of dealing with lightning speed!"

"Who is this appealing to?"

 Ignoring Hajime's retort, this time the video started playing at a speed that even an ordinary person could see.

 Udal fired a lightning spear, then transformed into a ray of lightning and circled around to Shia's back. He instantly returned to his human form and struck Shia in the back with a chop to pierce her heart.

 Screams could be heard from all around. As Shia dodged the attack, a cry of relief leaked out.

 However, just like Shia at that time, there was no time to catch her breath.

 Lightning-fast movement and attacks assailed Shia from all sides. The look of complete lack of composure on Shia's face as she desperately tried to dodge conveyed an incredible sense of tension.

 This is the incarnation of thunder. A natural threat with a will of its own.

"Child of another world. Please do not struggle."

 Even in slow-motion playback where it was visible to the naked eye, the offensive and defensive battle lasted only a few seconds. However, the moment it ended, everyone let out a huge sigh. Without realizing it, they had been holding their breath.

 Those were such intense seconds.

"Honestly, I underestimated him. I was told that the apostle of God was at the same level as the Tennin-san. It was regrettable carelessness."

"...Hm. It's great that you can reflect on your actions!"

 Despite receiving words of praise from Yue, Shia's expression was bitter and embarrassed.

 On the other hand, it also means that if they have not reflected on their actions, they will make a mistake and need to be scolded.

"Well, at that time we were just starting to get used to the peaceful life in Japan. That applies to all of us. I think the saying that complacency is the greatest enemy is very apt."

"...If it were you, Nagumo, how would you have responded?"

 Yuuka asked with interest. The fact that the question wasn't "Were you able to handle it?" showed that she had great confidence that Hajime wouldn't lose. Yue and Kaori, no, Nana, Taeko and even Suzu were grinning.

"What about me? That's right. First... no, Myuu."


"What do you think I would do?"

 Myuu looked strangely good in her sunglasses, and she pushed them aside with her fingertips as she looked at her dad. Even with that gesture, she looked just like an actor in a movie.

 Surely it wasn't the result of her thinking, "Now that Myuu has received sunglasses, I can't lose to the Abyss Lord! I have to study angles and poses that look good!"

 If Papa found out that the rival in Mew's heart was the Lord of the Abyss... he would definitely go and do something unreasonable to the lord.

 While Yuuka and the others tilted their heads and asked "Why Miu-chan?", Miu showed signs of thinking for a bit. After a pause, she stylishly removed her sunglasses and spoke her answer with a serious expression.

"The moment I heard that it was the Divine Spirit of Thunderclouds, I thought, what is the point? I'll create equipment that electricity can't penetrate. Then I'll appeal to the god that it won't work, provoke his pride and narrow his field of vision, then I'll sneakily send out a Crossvelt or something to close the space. Then I'll put a barrier around myself and bomb the inside of the double barrier until the Divine Spirit dies!"

"That's a good answer. I'll give you a thumbs up."

"Wooooow, Nano!"

 Miu-chan jumps up and down in joy.

 Ryuutaro and the others were shocked and said, "The Nagumo family's gifted education is crazy..." Even Eric and the other senior leaders had expressions like, "Oh no, what's with this little girl, she's scary..."

"By the way, what if it was Mew? What would you do if you were attacked by an opponent you couldn't defeat?"

"I'll call Dad or one of my sisters!"

"What if you can't call me and Yue and the others?"

"Run away!"

"What if you can't escape?"


"What if we can't negotiate?"

"Take the hostage!"

"What if there are no hostages?"

"Buy time with lies and bluffs!"

"What if everything fails and we have no choice but to fight?"

 Myuu answered Papa's question immediately.

 The expressions of the people around them were becoming more and more withdrawn with 「Whoa」 and Remia mama was making an expression like 「I don't know what kind of expression I should make at a time like this」, while the second round was about to begin in the past footage.

 No words can be spoken, no persuasion is possible. God simply announces the decision.

 In that case, there is no choice.

 With one swing of Doryukken, Shia laughed fearlessly.

 Hearing Papa's question, Myuu also let out a fearless smile.

"If I have no choice but to fight, I will fight. I will definitely win the right to live."

"If we have no choice but to fight, then we will fight. Myuu will never give up until the very end."

 A pale blue-white torrent that shook the atmosphere surged into the sky.

 Myuu looked up at Shia with sparkling eyes.

"What's the point of a divine spirit? I'm the wife of a god-slayer, you know?"

"It doesn't matter who the other person is. After all, Myuu is papa's daughter."

 The past Shia becomes the enemy before us.

 Miu asked her papa as if to try it out.

 He loudly declared his firm resolve.

"I'll make you a yippee! That's it!!"

「I don't give a damn about losing with dignity! Even if it's embarrassing, I'm going to survive!」

 Only those who were extremely close by could hear Myuu's reply. However, those who were close by, without exception, saw the same glow in the child as Shia.

 A strong heart that nothing, not even God, could ever break.

 Ryuutaro and others once again smiled and said "Nagumo family's gifted education is crazy..." while Eric and the other senior leaders were muttering "Oh my, what is with this little girl...she's cool..."

 Hajime ruffled Myuu's head.

"A hundred percent. No, even more than that."

"Hmm, well, well, well~♪"

 Her smug face was extremely cute. Unable to help it, Shia, Kaori, Shizuku and the others all started stroking Myuu.

"Umm, Shia-sama. Could it be that Shia-sama's world is a land of carnage..."

"That's not true. It's just that the Nagumo family is easily thrown into scenes of carnage."

 Either way, it seems Shuraba is loved. Dahlia stomped away, clenching her fists in both hands.

 …Why has Dahlia regained her enthusiasm after hearing what I just said?

 Shia was very curious about it, but she couldn't bring herself to ask about it. Before she could ask,

"By the way, Shia-dono. Actually, I've been wondering about this for a long time---"

"Shia-sama, may I ask you something? Actually, there's something I've been wondering about--"

"Hey, Shia. Tell me."

"...Shia, can I have a moment?"

 For some reason, Eric, Dahlia, Hajime, and Yue all started asking questions.

 The questions were so perfectly matched that I wondered if they had planned it together.

"What do you mean, 'I'll make you a yawning bunny?'"


 With perfect timing, an extra-large bolt of lightning splattered the past Shia.

 It was like something from Shia's mind, and Shizuku and the others burst out laughing.

"Th, that's, well... no, you can kind of understand that, right!? Especially Hajime-san and Yue-san!"

"Huh? No... I have no idea."

"Don't lie to me you idiot!!"

 "They all have the same confused look on their faces!" Shia thought as she turned bright red and groaned "Uh huh".

 In the past footage, Shea had survived an unavoidable massive lightning attack, and had now reached Level V, blowing Udal away.

 Everyone gasped except those within earshot of our conversation. The sight of a god, a personification of thunder, being hit head-on by a giant hammer was so shocking.

 Of course. Who could hit a bolt of lightning? Who would even think of hitting it?

 Why can you touch lightning in the first place?

 The psychological impact was

『Guh. How stupid. A simple blow would hurt me.』

 If God himself was shocked, it would be even more shocking to ordinary humans.

"I'm sorry, Shia-dono. It seems I shouldn't have asked that."

"Please forgive me, Shia-sama. I will never ask you again..."

"No, wait a minute! There's no such important reason! In fact, it's embarrassing and difficult to bring it up!"

 Eric and Dahlia's noble attitude instead drove Shia into a corner. Hajime and Yue were grinning as they watched the footage from the past.

 The people within earshot were fidgety, saying, "If you're going to say something, say it quickly! I can't concentrate on the past footage because it's bothering me!"

 Kaori, Shizuku, Liliana and Aiko were whispering to each other with wry smiles.

"Hajime-kun and Yue, they've been messing around with Shia quite a bit ever since they came to this world haven't they?"

"I wonder if people are excited because it's a world where Shia is praised?"

"Is it a kind of reverse family boasting?"

「Or rather, to me it seems like they are trying to show that they are the "special" heroes of Shia Hauria.」

"Fufu, isn't it heartwarming?"

 Right after Lemia said that and smiled,

"Explode! Shatter! It's here!!"

 The past Shia, who had once again received an unavoidable extra-large lightning attack, still emerged unscathed and closed in on Udal.

 At the same time, the real Shia's face turned red and she began giving an ascetic explanation.

"So, you see? UssaUsa is my own cute, rabbit-like way of saying the phrase "I'll beat you up"… or is that it?"

"Yes, yes, so?"

「And so!? Eh, um, so… that is… in other words… uuh, it means that you're cute! Is there anything wrong with thinking up catchphrases and being conscious of cuteness!?」

 Shia-chan looked a bit annoyed, with an expression like that of a comedian who was being forced to explain the humor of their material. She was a little teary-eyed, probably because of embarrassment.

 Therefore, Hajime and Yue gave a thumbs up with big grins.

"No, not at all. It's the coolest and cutest catchphrase ever."

"...Hm. Please continue to use it."

"Ah, yeah. Well, I think it's kind of cute! This is the high sense of style of the other world!"

"Yes, it's perfect! I'm really impressed with this Dahlia."

"Stop it already... Stop it..."

 Shia suddenly covered her face with both hands and crouched down. Her bunny ears and tail were floppy.

 The people nearby who could see Shia's spirit being "exploded! Shattered!" were of the same mind. In other words, they all thought, "Indeed, she is perfectly cute."

 What's really busy is that Shia's fierce battle continues in the sky.

 You don't want to miss either of them, and their heads look just like the bobblehead dolls that are often found as souvenirs.

"N-no... it's no good... it makes me emotional."

"Cool Shia-sama and cute Shia-sama... I didn't realize the mental strain of looking at them both at the same time was this..."

"No, don't faint! You'll never get a chance like this again!"

"Think of this as your final resting place! Prepare yourself!"

"You can only be a true fan if you can withstand Shia-sama's wave-like attacks!!"

 It looks like they're fighting a life-or-death struggle in their own way, but they seem to be having a great time, so that's great.

 Even the Hell Bunny Ear (self-proclaimed) felt resentful at this moment. Shia desperately ignored the voices coming from the surroundings.

 The past Shia also ignored Udal's attack. It was a "half-transition". It was a dangerous technique that placed the user in a space with a phase shift, but in return it was an unfair technique that nullified all influences of reality.

 And then, the second impact. The Udal clones were all blown away at once, and one of them got grabbed by the leg and turned into an impromptu hammer.

"Hey, hey, catch the thunder!"

"I know what you mean, Sakagami."

"I understand the principle. It's probably soul magic, right? But that's not the point, you know?"

 Seeing the three boys' tensed faces, Suzu nodded with her arms crossed.

"For some unknown reason, an enemy that can't be attacked just keeps reaching out... it's like a horror movie where if you get caught, it's the end."

"That's right."

 The only one who agreed was Yue. She was very sentimental about it.

 He must be remembering the fight that happened in the ice cavern. I don't know how many times I screamed "Stop it!" in my head. But this kid just wouldn't stop. How could he endure the space blast like that? Why was he coming at me with a fearless smile on his face? It was really scary...

 Kaori comforted the shivering Yue by stroking her, "That's right. I watched, so I understand."

 Those feelings must have been growing in Udal at that moment. His expression was becoming more and more human. He looked a little tense, and more like he was about to stomp his feet in frustration at something he couldn't understand...

"Well, if you can get rid of it with "willpower", that's the kind of face you'd end up with."

 Yuuka muttered with a half-laugh, and everyone nodded in unison.

"Hmmmm, this is a sign that he's serious!"

 Myuu-chan, you got it right. It seems you can now read the mood on the battlefield.

 Udal, who had been shaken by his first proper attack since his birth from humans, even though they were difficult to understand, suddenly changed his attitude.

 Destroy the pitiful beings with as little suffering as possible. Execute divine punishment.

 Although he looked down on her, in a sense, he was on an equal footing. He had clearly defined Shia as his "enemy."

"...Hm, that was fast."

 Yue panicked and further slowed down her regeneration speed. That was how incredible Udal's speed was when he was serious.

 There were no cheers from the audience, who had been holding their breath and captivated to begin with, but the noise was still quite loud.

 Even that finally comes to a halt.

 Instead, there is a continuous boom of thunder. How extraordinary, the never-ending roar of thunder.

"So now he's added skill to his attacks, which previously relied on specs. This is going to be troublesome."

"Hit and run tactics? Even though he's a god, he's using such a reliable strategy."

 Hajime's mutter and Ryuutaro's growling thoughts were drowned out.

 By now, Udal's human form was almost impossible to see. He was just a blur between the flashes of lightning, but he was almost like lightning itself. The lightning, which ran in all directions, left an afterimage of light with Shia at the center.

 The image that was burned into their retina was produced in dozens more before it disappeared, and to the human's eyes it looked like a flower of lightning was blooming in the air.

 Shia's counterattacks almost vanished. She is forced to go on the defensive.

 From the outside, it looked like complete bludgeoning. That's how he was driven into that state in an instant.

 The constant thunder and flashes of lightning awaken a fundamental fear in people, causing them to flinch whether they want to or not.


 Myuu's shout was joined by the screams of the crowd.

 The past Shia had been knocked down to the ground.

 The area a little ways from the giant crater was also just as it was back then. The countless smaller craters were also all surrounded by fences and kept a certain distance from the spectators, but the sheer force of the event caused people to retreat like ripples, making way for more space.

 Yue thought it would be hard to see the ground battle so she deployed an extra-large display in the air, at the same time that the past Shia spat out blood.

 Seeing that, Yuuka and others' eyes widened.

"Just kidding... I think this is the first time I've seen Shia vomit blood since the battle at the Demon Castle..."

"I forgot. Shia was also human..."

"Thank goodness. The blood is still red, right?"

"Want to have a little discussion about your perception of me?"

 Yuuka, Nana and Taeko all shook their heads at Shia's dirty look.

 At the very least, that joke seemed to have made the pale faces of Eric, Dahlia, the surrounding leaders, and the audience look a little better.

 Udal's fierce attack resumed. Shia was still on the defensive.

"To pull out Shia's 'Steel Cloth'... you've done it."

 While admiring Udal, Tio glanced at Hajime and Yue.

 The crowd began to let out cries of distress. The battlefield had shifted to the side of the giant crater, so more people were now being watched up close.

 From their perspective, it would not be an exaggeration to describe the scene as "horrific" or "horrific."

 The beautiful girl was gritting her teeth, blood was splattering everywhere, and even though she was covered in wounds all over her body, she continued to be beaten so badly.

 He appears to be getting more and more hurt and worn down with each passing moment.

 And yet he still doesn't fall.

 What was that for? The audience near the outer wall in particular must have felt it more strongly, as people from the past appeared next to them, or overlapping with them.

 Everyone had a sorrowful expression on their face, and tears flowed as they watched their savior.

 I felt exactly the same way.

"Stop it already... Stop it!"

 Someone shouted. They couldn't watch. Even though they knew it was in the past, they couldn't help but shout. More and more people were looking away.

"Don't look away! Look carefully! This is the king's command!"

 Eric encourages us. There's no point if we don't look. We can't allow people to look away.

 His voice was full of dignity, yet it trembled slightly, and the audience, realizing the King's intentions, turned their gaze back at him with tensed eyes.

 It was such a heart-wrenching sight for those who saw it.

 If that was the case, then Hajime and Yue would be even more so. Perhaps they might even show irritation towards Udal, Tio thought, but...

"...Hajime, what are your thoughts?"

"Shi, Shia is scary."


 He didn't appear to be in any particular discomfort, in fact he looked quite tense.

 Eric and the others, as well as Dahlia, had been watching the scene with clenched lips, but upon hearing his comment, they couldn't help but look away in surprise, saying "Eh?"

"Well, you… just take a look. That Shia guy… he's been watching me the whole time."

 Hajime pointed his finger.

 Hearing that, I focused my attention on the gaze of the past Shia, who was on her guard.

 He just stared, staring. Observing through the gaps in his guarded arms... like a hunter stalking his prey from the shadows. His pupils dilated?

"Yes, it's true. He has the same eyes as when he was assessing my lightning speed... It's scary, isn't it? He can't possibly understand, but his gaze follows me wherever I go..."


"Your fighting spirit isn't broken even in the slightest. What an observing gaze. Even after being beaten so badly. It's scary."


"Now that I think about it, Shia-oneechan's thing is still at Level V? It's scary..."

"Myu, even Myu-chan..."

"So, you're purposely getting attacked? What the heck, that's scary..."

「Yuka-san, shouldn't you be taking a step back so obviously? I will get hurt too!」

 Kaori and the others looked at me with a "Really?" It was common knowledge that I had done an RTA in the battle against the illusion in the ice and snow cave.

 Don't hesitate! Don't waver! Just hit it!!

 Even though she had been thoroughly pointed out about her past trauma, her wounded heart, and her feelings of guilt, she put on an overwhelming performance that perfectly embodied all three of those elements. At this point, Shia's heart is stronger than Azantium, right? It can't be helped.

"What's wrong with you all? I thought it through properly and chose to defend myself."

 Naturally, they had taken into consideration the possibility of other beings of the same level attacking.

 He also wanted to regain his fighting instincts, which had become dull due to his habit of living in peaceful Japan and being away from actual combat.

 and more than anything.

「After all, I am Hajime-san's wife! I have always wondered what I would do if I couldn't withstand the lightning speed that my husband unleashes, so this was a good opportunity!」

"This lady is scary."

"...I know I should say this, but Shia's love is quite heavy, too."

"I mean, isn't it a bit off?"

「As expected of the Hauria?」

"No matter what I do, my thoughts are turning away from combat..."

 Praise me! Praise me! I did my best! The rabbit bride was giving me a big smile, and Hajime-san stroked her with slightly trembling hands.

"Well, well, nothing beats getting stronger, you know?"

"…Hajime, is your voice shaking?"

 The more he fights, the more he evolves, making him a true god of war. A child of battle.

 Therefore, the time has come.

 Adaptation complete!

 Eric and the others from the past were screaming. They were crying out in pain as Shia was about to be killed.

 This brings even more despair to the audience...

『Don't call me by my first name! Desu!!』

"I declare once again that I will never do it again!"

 Watching Shia's battle once again, His Majesty Eric declared with a pale face and strength. Just like Hajime, he trembled a little, thinking about how reckless he had been back then.

 The crowd roared again as the right straight counter landed perfectly.

 From then on it was all one-sided.

"Ohhhhh, hitman style! So cool!"

 Like a whip that bursts the airLeft FistJabHowever, he saw through Udal's lightning-fast movement and caught him with precision. And if he stopped moving even for a second, his right fist instantly exploded with a thunderous sound like a cannonball.

 Even though it was in such bad shape, the scratches disappeared in an instant.

 A kick that smashes into the heavens blows the god's head away.

 In the end it was a backdrop.

 His fighting power completely surpassed that of a god.

"This is the true evolved form...!!"


 Finally, even Dahlia declared him inhuman, and Shia was shocked.

 However, Dahlia's spontaneous comment was probably right on target for Hajime and the others. They nodded deeply in agreement, thinking it was a strange way to put it.

"I see. So there were evolved beings in Tortus too. I thought Shia-san was the only one who was special… but perhaps there are others who have the qualities to become evolved beings? As a princess, I am curious. When I return home, I must investigate and go deep into the Sea of ​​Trees!"

"Could it be that... Director Dime is also an evolved form of Earth? Yes, I have to report this to Magdaneth when I get back too!"

"Lily-san and Taeko-san, you didn't really mean that, did you?"

 They were probably joking. That may be so, Shia thought. The two of them looked surprisingly serious.

 Putting that aside, the comments about the bug known as Shia didn't end there.

"You see, Myuu, I love Shia-oneechan but... I don't think it's right to settle everything with 'spirit'."

"B, but, look! Willpower alone isn't enough――"

"'I've gotten used to it' is pretty terrible too. In many ways."

"No matter what attack you use, after a while they'll just respond with, 'I'm used to it!'... It must be hopeless for the enemy."

"It's still okay because he's a god. If this was a warrior who had been training for decades…"

"S-Shia-san. Even if you find a fighter, please stop dueling them! At the very least, kill them instantly! Getting used to it is... too cruel..."

 After hearing what Yuuka, Atsushi, Noboru and Ryutaro had said, Shia's eyes finally rolled back as if to say, "Do you really think it's about me?"

 But it is not surprising that I have such an impression.

"But the worst thing is that this Shia-san isn't serious yet, right?"

"It's just as Ai-chan said. 'I still have five transformations left'... after all."

"Oh, I've reached Level VII. At the moment Lord Udal was enthusiastic, thinking, "At least I can carry out my mission!"

"""This is terrible"""

 "In the end, the royal capital will be spared!" Eric and the others, who should have been saved by Udal who had returned his target to its original state, couldn't help but mutter this, such was the unreasonableness of the violence.

 A flying fist. An invisible force is hitting Udal hard.

 And so it was settled.

"You can't escape from the forest rabbit!"

 The blood-red war hammer was swung down at the same time as the death sentence was pronounced.

 Screams rose from the crowd. Many of them now knew why the giant crater had been created.

 The scene unfolded as if the ground had erupted.

 Eventually, the dust cleared and Shia appeared. At her feet was the remains of Udal, who had been turned into slime due to the extensive damage he had sustained.

"I am against violence! Let's discuss this peacefully!"

 Hajime and the others were surely not the only ones who thought, "That's not something to say while trampling on a god..." because many of the spectators had expressions like, "O-oh..."

 The mythical battle had come to an end. But there were no cheers. Ah, can I give it to you? There was more confusion.

 Shia had a look on her face that said, "Ah, what? Did I do something?"

 The people of this world respect the divine spirits, so they probably wouldn't cheer openly and would show their respect for Udal's battle... but still, she thought they'd react in a more cheerful manner... and seemed a little awkward.


"Oh, and your Majesty. This is the fourth time you've called me by my first name, isn't it?"

 The past Shia glared at the top of the hill. King Eric suddenly looked at Yue. However, Yue-sama was unnaturally still looking at the top of the hill and didn't seem to notice!

 Well then, first of all, you must explain yourself!

"Nagumo-dono, please forgive me. I received my due. Because of Shia-dono's violence. …It started with a body blow that dug deep into my body. It was such a shock that I couldn't even breathe. I don't even remember how many times I was slapped. Even now I sometimes dream about it…"


 The past Shia began to sway towards the top of the hill. Her eyes were wide open.

 Despite repeatedly asking him to stop, he continued to be called by his first name, which finally put an end to his patience.

"I, I want to run away, King! I really want to run away!"

"Myuu, it's too late now. This is in the past..."

 He was simply scarier than God. Eric turned away and tried to run away, and Shia chased after him at full speed, like something out of a horror movie.

"Yu, Yue-sama, Yue-samaah. If this continues, a video of His Majesty's punishment will be broadcast. Please, can you turn off the video?"

 Lewis, a desperate cry. He is a very capable right-hand man to the King.

"...Huh? What did you say?"


 Eric let out a voiceless scream. Lewis, Greg, and Phil held their heads with expressions like "It's all over! The king's dignity is over!", while Dahlia shrugged her shoulders and said "You got what you deserved."

 The spectators were confused and said, "Eh? Eh?" as they chased after Shia who was making a dash for it――

"Everyone, you all saw it! The legendary battle! The efforts of our heroes! And the power of the Holy Realm!"

 His Majesty Eric, a desperate appeal! The audience came back to their senses in shock. Their gazes reflexively turned towards the real His Majesty.

"We have been saved! However, we must not forget that this divine punishment is what humanity deserves! This salvation is a one-time stroke of good fortune! The Lord Hero will never smile upon those who repeat their mistakes! We must protect the new era with our own will and hearts!!"

 With Hajime's support, the king's words reached the royal capital clearly.

 The bewildered feelings of the spectators were cleared away after a moment. There was mercy after all. It was probably because Yue had erased the gigantic midair display. The hearts that had been stunned by the shocking spectacle in so many ways were beginning to regain a definite warmth.

 Naturally, then, the response to the King's words was--



 With such a powerful roar,

--The hero, Shia Hauria! The hero, Shia Hauria!!

 The voice was filled with gratitude and praise for the hero.

 Everyone was looking towards His Majesty Eric and Hajime. They were certainly praising the fierce battle that was depicted in myths.

 So Eric was deeply relieved.

 On top of the hill, Shia had caught up with me and landed a body blow on me, and I couldn't bear to see her bending my body and flying away like a pigeon. She couldn't see me... right? I thought to myself with a hint of unease.

 By the way,

"Yes, erase it."

"...I didn't like being called by my first name, so I wanted to see the punishment scene. It's not my fault."

「I see. That's certainly true. Ah, he got slapped again and spun in the air…」

"Wow, it's like a combo in a fighting game..."

"I can't get down to the ground..."

"Oh, wow. You're like a human juggler."

 Hajime and the others were looking straight at the top of the hill.

 The dignity that His Majesty Eric was trying so hard to project seemed to waver a little.