Celestial World: Nightmare Again

Naturally, I should say.

 It was the day after a portion of the audience had clearly witnessed the "Majesty Eric's Punishment Incident", and the rumors about Shia's harem had been amplified with the addition of "suspected men-haters who would become violent just by having their names called".

 It was still early in the morning, and Hajime and his party were enjoying their flight after leaving the Balted Kingdom.

 It's a really good day for flying. The sky is clear.

"My King. Are you getting used to it now?"

 Tio in black dragon mode turned her head and looked diagonally behind her.

"Ah, ah, no problem! Your concern is much appreciated!"

"Even so, it's really amazing. Our wyverns have all been strengthened to the same level as Dahlia's wyverns... No, this is enough... are they even better than that?"

"Haha, these children also listen to what Klarus-sama has to say, and I wondered what was going on when they all bowed their heads the moment they saw you, but...yeah, they are truly the "King of Dragons "!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

『Fufu, why is master looking so smug?』

 In fact, today Tio's size had changed to about twice its usual size.

 This was so that eight people would be riding on its back: Hajime, Yue, Kaori, Shizuku, Remia, Aiko, Liliana, and Yuuka. Coupled with that, the impact was even more impressive than usual.

 Following behind the black dragon at the front were the flying dragons of Balted Kingdom.

 Besides Eric, Lewis, and Phil, Greg and his royal guards, as well as several important officers and aides, were also riding.

 The flying dragons were currently displaying speed and endurance that was far beyond their natural abilities.

 It was Tio's blessing. It granted all the flying dragons a temporary super strengthening and continuous recovery, while at the same time aiding their flight by controlling the air currents in the surrounding area.

 At the beginning of the departure, Eric and the others were all pale from the sheer speed, and were leaning forward like motorbike racers. ...To put it bluntly, they were clinging on without any shame or dignity.

 It's probably true that he's used to riding now since he rides normally.

 on the other hand,

"Ryuutarou-kun! Nana-chan and the others too. It's dangerous if you get too excited!"


"Look, look, Kaoricchi! This girl is super cute!"

"You've been well trained. It's on loan from the Beast Kingdom, right? I wonder if I could try it out? Hehe. I'm sure you can handle a whip with ease."

 Ryuutaro and his friends were riding on the flying dragon that they had been given and were greatly enjoying the sightseeing(?) experience of riding a dragon through the skies of another world.

 The boys seem to have already got the hang of controlling them, and the dragons, perhaps pleased to be able to fly more freely than usual, are performing acrobatic maneuvers repeatedly.

 Nana and Taeko aren't as reckless as the boys, but their riding style is still nerve-wracking to watch from the sidelines.

 Suzu must be... regretting saying that she wanted to ride with her boyfriend, looking a little embarrassed. She had been silent for a while now. I couldn't see her expression though, since she was completely nestled in Ryuutaro's arms.

 Incidentally, the reason why Ryuutaro and the others didn't ride on Tio's back was because they wanted to ride a flying dragon individually, but they somehow felt hesitant.

 From Tio's point of view, she wouldn't mind if it was someone Hajime recognized as a comrade, but this was something like a tacit understanding shared between former classmates.

 But why is Yuka the only one riding it?

 Of course, Yue and Kaori were getting impatient with "Yuka who was looking at them wanting to ride with them" so they dragged her on board.

"Heyyy, Nagumo! Watch me with my splendid handling of the reins!"

"Atsushi! Do it now! Here!!"

"Yes, I'll do it! Look closely! This is the real thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Leaf Drop!?"


 Atsushi fell like a leaf. Even Hiryuu, who is known for his coolness, seemed annoyed by his reckless handling of the reins. He was thrown off. And he was spat on.

 Eric and the others' eyes widened in shock while Hajime burst out laughing, "Nice try!"

"No no, this is no time to laugh. I'm the one who's going to revive him!"

 Kaori spread her wings with a look that seemed to say, "I knew it would end up like this." She was probably planning to go and help him. Atsushi could probably land on his own using magic, but there was always a chance. Seeing my friend explode like a tomato was a horrible sight, and I didn't want to go out of my way to see it during a fun trip.

 Or so I thought,

"Oh, it looks like there's no need for Kaori to go."

 Shizuku stopped him. Peering down, Liliana and Aiko had worried looks on their faces, but it didn't seem like they were worried about Atsushi.

"Wow, another impressive run... Dahlia, are you okay?"

"Myu-chan is...ah, she's fine. She seems to be having fun as usual."

 With a deep bass sound that reverberated deep in one's stomach, a large motorbike was hurtling down the magical sky road as it plummeted.

 The rider was, of course, Shia. Dahlia was riding behind her, and even from the sidelines, she could see she was desperately clinging on. She couldn't even make a sound.

 Conversely, Mew, who was being held in front of her, was letting out a scream like she was enjoying a roller coaster, "Kyaaaaaa♪".

 Magical light spilled out from Atsushi. He seemed to be frantically preparing to land, but Steiff caught up with him before he could activate his magic.

 Shia grabbed Atsushi by the collar as if snatching him from the side. His legs were dangling in the air. He was clearly being strangled. "Guuuuuuhh~" he could be heard screaming.

 Seeing this, Nana and the others burst out laughing. Eric and the others looked grimacing at the otherworldly people's boldness (?), saying, "No, that's not funny at all."

"Really, Myuu-chan has a lot of nerve."

 Liliana was impressed. Even she would have screamed at that descent. Lemia put her hand on her cheek and said with a troubled smile.

"Since he knows what is truly scary, most things probably don't scare him."

"I'm not sure how to respond..."

 The fear of being separated from family, the fear of people who exploit their kind, the fear of having something precious taken away, etc.

 It's not a scary thing for a child to know. The experiences she has accumulated are no laughing matter... Liliana's expression became indescribable.


"That's it!"

"Uuh, Shia-sama. You're too violent... Be more gentle..."

 Atsushi was roughly tossed towards Hiryu. Hiryu let out a groan that sounded like he had no choice, but he caught it firmly with his back. "Guh," another dirty voice could be heard leaking out.

 Understanding that they might be left behind if they overdid it, Ryuutaro, Nana and the others became a little more calm.

 By the way, Dahlia's voice was extremely sexy when she was weak, and her lines were a little suspicious, so the royal guard knights flying nearby all turned to look at her.

 Dahlia was hugging Shia tightly. Seen from the side, it seemed that she had something just as impressive as Shia's, which was squashed and spilling out to the side.

 The Royal Knights are all gentlemen, so I quickly looked away. Although I was a little jealous.

"Hajime-san! Tio-san! Eric-san and the others should be getting used to it, so shouldn't we increase our speed soon?"

"Are you serious?"

 That's what His Majesty Eric said. Please tell me it's a lie... The looks on Lewis' face also said it all.

"It's quite a distance to the Leted Demon Kingdom... Ah, but I guess we can just teleport there. In that case, we can enjoy a bit more of a sightseeing flight until the time comes."

 Although he wanted to retort, "Was that thing Ryuutaro and the others doing a sightseeing flight?", Eric quickly interjected before Hajime and the others could continue their conversation.

 Not only Shia, but Hajime and the others too,new・Time・Age・of・Currently・the law of nature・direction・We want people to be aware of this.

"Shia-dono. It's not a demonic kingdom, it's a 'democratic country'. Please don't get that wrong."

"Oh, that's right! Sorry!"

 Eric shook his head gently as She apologized in shock.

"Now that I think of it, that's what he said. Did he abolish the monarchy and change it to a parliamentary system? He'd do something drastic."

"Changing a nation's system is not easy. In fact, His Majesty the former Demon King is still serving as its head, isn't he?"

 Hajime was gazing into space as if remembering something, and Liliana looked interested, to which Eric nodded.

 After seeing Shia vs. Udal yesterday, Hajime and his friends entered the royal capital while being treated to various hospitality. They looked around the capital, saw Shia's condition while they were at the royal palace in the past, and were invited to a dinner party in the evening, enjoying themselves to the fullest, but...

 In fact, during the tour we were given various explanations about the changes that have come with the new era.

 For example, regarding the division of roles among the three countries.

 The story goes that the Balted Kingdom is mainly involved in agriculture, the Sinted Beast Kingdom is involved in the training and lending of capable animals such as flying dragons, and the Reded Democratic Country is mainly involved in the research and development of clean technology to replace spiritual arts, and they all cooperate closely with each other.

 In a world without spiritual elements, the research and development of alternative technologies is essential.

 The Kingdom of Balted established a new "National Technology Research Institute", and that was why Lewis introduced himself as "Director" of the institute, but for the kingdom it was merely an additional element. The Beast Kingdom was the same in this respect.

 However, the Lette Demon Kingdom is different. It is a country made up of people with superior spiritual powers. The strongest of them is the Demon King, and everything was founded around spiritual techniques.

 Therefore, in this new era, the country's structure had to be fundamentally changed.

"There was no one else but Arogan-dono. He may have lost the title of 'Strongest', but he was always a person with a lot of charisma. In the Demon Kingdom, where everyone was at a loss due to the disappearance of their spiritual elements, there was no one better than him as a leader."

"He apparently wanted to leave national politics and devote himself to researching clean technology."

 Lewis adds with a wry smile.

 Formerly the nation's strongest magician, now a prime minister and researcher, his position is similar to Arogan's, as he too is a researcher.

 Perhaps that's why his slightly bitter smile seemed to be imbued with a great deal of sympathy.

"Is it because the Demon King no longer exists that you made it 'Minshukoku'?"

 Miu had heard the explanation yesterday, but it was still a bit difficult for her to fully understand such a complicated story while enjoying sightseeing.

 Even so, seeing Myuu trying her best to understand, both Eric and Lewis looked at her with appreciative eyes――only Lewis nodded.

…Because Shia was holding him, his small head was completely sandwiched between her impressive twin hills, but the gentlemanly Lewis didn't react at all.

 Eric immediately fixed his gaze straight ahead and clenched his mouth into a straight line, so I'd have to explain it for him.

 Dahlia, who seemed drunk, was leaning her face against Shia's back, but her sharp gaze was directed at her through the gaps in her hair that was fluttering in the wind...

"Myu-sama, that is correct. To go into a bit more detail, the standard for choosing a demon lord was not lineage but ability. However, that standard can no longer be used. Therefore, the decision will be made through discussion among capable people selected by the people themselves. After much discussion, it was decided that we should make this a country like that."

"I see! Thank you for explaining it to me once again! Nano!"

"Fufu, you're welcome. Myuu-sama is very intelligent."

 Myuu bowed politely and expressed her thanks with a big smile.

 Lewis's expression is melting. Not in a weird way, but it's like he's awakened to his fatherly instincts. There were signs of this when we were sightseeing yesterday.

 Suddenly, Hajime's eyes met. "Isn't my daughter the best?" he said, clearly expressing his doting fatherly feelings. Lewis nodded deeply. She muttered in a low voice, "I've started to want to start a family myself," to which Eric responded with an unconscious "Eh, seriously?!"

 Lewis, in fact, was not very good with women. He had status, honor, and an excellent personality. He also had top-class looks.

 Of course it's not that he's not popular, how many times have they almost created a fait accompli, or a knife fight has broken out in a place that has nothing to do with him, and each time he's rushed to resolve it...

 Shea was the first woman he had ever desired. Now that he had given up on her, he had even gone so far as to say that he intended to dedicate his life to national politics and research, which even surprised Eric.

 In a way, the way she forcibly awakens paternal and maternal instincts in older men, or even women, could be said to be demonic. Miu-chan, you're a scary girl.

 A digressionAnyway.

 Perhaps because the topic of Arogan came up, Nana and Taeko, who had been listening to the conversation with serious expressions, suddenly started trembling.

「Wait, this is bad. When I remember the vision I had yesterday…fu, fuji. I'm not sure I won't burst out laughing when I actually meet Arogan-san!」

"Ai-chan! I might not be able to endure it either, so please help me out if necessary."

「No, please bear with that! It is extremely rude to laugh in the face of the head of a country!」

 If he was talking about something, it was of course a part of the sightseeing tour called "Observing Shia's Time at the Royal Palace". It was the scene where the clone Arogan he'd created using spiritual magic had approached Shia and been blown to pieces.

"Wow, that was awesome!"

"The sight of a handsome man who believed he couldn't be rejected being blown away without question, was a feast! Shia-san! It was a good drink! Thanks!"

"N-no, it's nothing... I refused, but he tried to touch me, so I just fought back..."

 Apparently this was Nana and the others' favorite scene. Suzu, who had somehow managed to endure the acrobatic flight by killing her heart, seemed to have recovered and looked at Shia with a chuckle.

"I can't believe that you managed to break the wall yourself and escape before being pushed against it…ShiaShia, everything you do is really bold."

「In the end, Arogan-san was saved, but that punch was so powerful that it would have blown away an ordinary person. That ruthlessness is as expected of Shia-san. It's mind-blowing.」

「I-it can't be helped! Not only was he trying to touch me, it even seemed like he was trying to kiss me. I did give him a proper warning! If he still goes ahead with it, then I have no choice but to kill him――and blow him away.」

 "You were just about to say we had no choice but to kill him, weren't you?" Eric and the others turned pale.

"Oh, so you were planning to kill me after all?"

 Shizuku decided to check. They didn't ask because they were scared! Eric and the others thought, but the words that followed from Yue and Kaori were even more frightening.

"...Hmm, isn't that obvious?"

"Whether it was natural or not, back then Arogan-san had absolute confidence in himself and seemed to believe that there was no woman he couldn't seduce if he approached her, so I guess it can't be helped since we couldn't communicate with each other?"

"Well, if he had actually done something to Shia, I would have had to force him to change his personality. Rather, it's a relief that he was blown away by Shia."

 Doesn't that mean they were implicitly torturing him? Or rather, aren't you all taking life too lightly? The surrounding royal guards and important men all turned pale as they thought this.

"That's a misunderstanding! In fact, the person in question is safe――"

"But Shia-san, you didn't realize that Arogan-san was an alter ego, did you?"

"Shia-chan, you clearly had a look on your face like 'I've done it!'"

 Shia quickly averted her gaze in response to Aiko and Nana's retort.

 It wasn't intentional, but it may have been reckless.

 She got angry and did it without thinking. She has no regrets or remorse! That's just like Shia's straightforwardness! Hajime and the others applauded.

"Th-that aside, Shia-sama was incredibly cute while waiting for the head of the family in the room!"

 Sensing the awkward atmosphere among the royal knights and the important men, Dahlia changed the subject. However, there was no lie in what she said. She didn't care about her groggy state at all. She sat up with a jerk, clenched her hands into fists, her eyes sparkling.

"Eh? What is it, Dahlia? I thought you were living a normal life..."

"Well, it was certainly amazingly cute."

"...Hmmm. I'd even say it was murderous. I almost ascended to heaven."

"Myu! She was so cute! She was flapping her legs on the bed, puffing out her cheeks, hugging her pillow tightly and saying, 'Sniff. Doesn't everyone mind if I come home late?' with tears in their eyes---"

"Waaaaah, stop, stop! I say!!"

 Dahlia's plan was a success. Hajime and Eric looked at her with lukewarm eyes. They were warm and fuzzy. The royal guards and the important people didn't understand what was going on, but they could probably imagine it from just snippets of the conversation. They had a smile on their faces.

 In truth, Shia was extremely adorable when she stayed up all night waiting for Hajime to pick her up.

 At first, I sat in a chair by the window and hummed, "Come quickly ♪ Come quickly ♪ Hajime-san ♪" while looking at the moon.

 However, as soon as Dahlia brought the tea, her face instantly became clear.

 After they talked for a bit and Dahlia left, she buried her head in his arms on the table and muttered, "It's Hajime-san. Your Shia is here."

 When it was well past midnight, she must have become worried that she was too late to be picked up, as she paced back and forth in front of the window nervously, muttering to herself, "I-I wonder if everyone has forgotten about me...no, no, that can't be..."

 Dahlia asked again, and just as Slime Udal regained consciousness, he had regained consciousness and was confidently continuing his conversation with the two of them.

 However, after that he ends up doing exactly what Mew said.

"Haha, you're all alone in a different world. It's only natural to feel anxious."

"And you know there's a way to come and pick you up right away. But there's no one there to pick you up. It makes me feel uneasy."

"Kaori-san and Shizuku-san, could you please stop looking at me like you're looking at a child who managed to stay home alone at home?"

 Bunny ears say as much as words. The way they hang down is surely a sign of embarrassment.

"But, both during your conversation with Dahlia and after Udal woke up, you were always thinking about what you were talking about. I was really impressed."

"Remia-san! That's right! I wanted you to praise me for that!"

 As expected of Lemia-san! She gives me the words I want when I want them! Long live the totally positive Lemia-san!!" said Shia with a big grin.

"At that time, Shia-sama was still wary of you. You were acting so openly that I didn't notice you at all."

"Ahaha, well, Udal-san was unexpectedly strong."

 It must have felt like cold water had been poured onto his head, which was starting to become drowsy from the peace of mind.

 The reason he had Slime Udal in the same room was to keep an eye on him (though he didn't mention that he was fully prepared to take him hostage if necessary, since he was treated as a hero anyway), and he was also extremely careful with his conversations with Dahlia.

 Only talk about things that are okay to talk about, and be careful not to give out any battle-related information.

 So when he talked about his past or about Hajime and the others, he was extremely abstract. He didn't even mention their proper names. He just talked about what kind of people they were and what he liked about them.

"...Hmm, hello everyone. I'm Yue, 'the most beautiful person in the world'."

 Yue stood up and puffed out her chest with an incredibly smug look on her face. With one hand on her waist and the other she brushed her hair back. To finish off, she didn't forget to slightly open her eyes and look at Kaori. She grinned.

 Kaori's forehead stiffened.

"I'm glad, Yue. Shia thinks so. Ah, sorry. Maybe I should have called you 'the person who's been lounging around at home lately'! Maybe!"

"...ugh!? Ah, it's already, uh, different from that time."

"Huh? I guess it hasn't changed much even now."

"...Hmph. Kaori's the kind of person who's always creeping up behind you with a smile when you notice!"

"That's not true! It's "someone who always has a lovely smile and is always there for me"! Don't change it without permission!"

"Fufu, but Kaori? You said that sometimes your smile scares you, you know? Your smile is very powerful, right?"

"...That's right. That's what you said, wasn't it? You dodged the question yesterday, hey, Shia? What does that mean? Maybe? Why do you think my smile is so powerful?"

 Her head spun around and her broad smile was directed towards Shia, who quickly looked away.

 That's the way it is...Hajime and the others thought.

"I, I'm looking forward to it!"

 The beloved Shia-sama was drenched in cold sweat, so was he planning to come to her rescue? Dahlia was drawn to his loud voice and everyone's attention was drawn to her.

「I have yet to see Shizuku-sama's "inner self is the most innocent in the family" side!」

"You don't need to know!"

「I would also like to see Liliana-sama's "merciless assassin's face"!」

"Shia-san, Shia-san. Yesterday, I thoroughly explained to you what work is, so you won't use words like "merciless" anymore, right?"

"I would also like to know more about Aiko-sama, who is "too serious and sometimes very troublesome"!"

"...At that time, we were still in a teacher-student relationship, so there were conflicts. It's not that I have a particularly troublesome personality... I was sometimes annoyed by people when I was a student, but... I'm not some troublesome woman..."

"I haven't even felt Remia-sama and Myuu-sama's 'devilish nature' yet!"

"Mama, was Myuu 'devilish'? Or rather what do you mean by 'devilish'?"

"My my, ufufu. Shia-san is a real problem. You don't need to worry about Myuu yet, you know?"

 Huh? That's strange? Dahlia-san, weren't you trying to follow me? Shia broke out into a cold sweat as she looked straight ahead.

 I feel a lot of gazes on me...

"...Isn't that just plain insulting?"

 Yue tilted her head and said.

"No no, I did talk about the good points too! You traitor Dahlia! You're just making excerpts to manipulate people's impressions!"

"Please forgive me, Shia-sama. I absolutely had no intention of getting even a little revenge on you for your reckless running no matter how many times I begged you to go easy on me."

"I'm at a loss for words."

 The maid who loved Shia-sama unexpectedly rebelled while making her usual fist pose.

 Shia was known for her completely different personality when she got behind the wheel. In fact, she was racing through the sky even faster and more vigorously than Ryuutaro and his companions' acrobatic flight, so it's no wonder that even the mild-mannered Dahlia felt resentful.

"Hey, hey, Shia-chan! What about me? How would you describe myself?"

"Oh, is that Nana?"

 Of course, she hadn't even mentioned her companions. Nana suddenly had a thought and asked curiously about their impressions. Ryutaro and the others seemed equally interested.

 Shia showed signs of thinking for a bit...

"Um, well... something like 'someone who calls people ___cchi'?"

"Hmm?! Don't you think your impression of me is too weak?!"

"Okay then, whoever looks the most like a gal!"

"It's just appearances! Uwaaaahn, Shia-chan has no interest in me!"

"Th-That's not true! I was just asked so suddenly that I couldn't find the words!"

 Seeing Nana lamenting and Shia making excuses, Ryuutaro and the others quieted their mouths. There was no need to go and hurt yourself. There were surely some things in this world that shouldn't be listened to...

"Well, the way Shia talked about us certainly wasn't bad."

『That's right. I was repeatedly called a really unfortunate beauty, but, well. It was a beautiful sight.』

 He spoke with pride, laughing as he remembered and jokingly described his character, his voice exuding a hint of affection.

 She didn't reveal any important information, but when she talked about her family, she looked very happy and excited.

"Dahlia...that's really unfair."


 The atmosphere at the midnight tea party was so wonderful that Eric was envious. Udal even made the effort to not ask for information about those who could potentially become enemies of God.

"Well, because I was being careful, I ended up not telling her that she was Hajime-san's wife at that time, and even after that I kept missing opportunities to talk like I was cursed."

 Shia gave a wry smile. In fact, she had tried to say it several times, but each time something got in the way and she'd failed to say it... that was what she could see in her past vision.

"After all, this world is a world of girls' work. The world's will leaves possibilities open---"

"Lily-san~~n, please come back~~. I can't really show you the expression on my face when I'm daydreaming~~"

 Aside from Aiko patting Liliana on the cheek, Nana and the others sent sympathetic looks at Eric and the others. If they could have given him the final push a little sooner, he wouldn't have had to endure this for five years...

"I believe it was too late anyway. Their hearts had already been stolen during the first battle with the Heavenly Beings. Eric and the others would not have given up until the Head of the Family actually appeared."

"Dahlia, can you stop being so blunt?"

 The twitching of his cheeks was an implicit affirmation. Lewis and the others were also smiling wryly.

 For some reason, it felt like the Royal Knights were looking at him with lukewarm looks.

 Some important figures have picked up on the idea and are saying things like, "We hope that His Majesty will take this opportunity to seriously resolve the issue of succession," and "He has already carefully selected potential fiancées. We hope that he will make a decision as soon as he returns to Japan."

 No, are they telling me? Because their eyes are so sharp. You can't escape now, you know? I'm not going to let you get away, you know? It's obvious that they're saying that.

 It seemed that as soon as Hajime and the others left for the next world, His Majesty Eric's single life would come to an end.

 Eric looked at Lewis and the others with a pitiful expression. His childhood friends looked away in perfect sync.

"Surprisingly, or rather, considering your status, Dahlia seems like a good fit for the role--"

"Shia-sama, you're joking."

"Can you stop being so blunt?"

 Dahlia-san's serious face suddenly appeared over her shoulder. Shia was shocked. Is it really that bad? Look, His Majesty Eric's face looks even more pathetic...

"It's not that I dislike Eric. Until the possibility of being summoned as a hero arose, he was certainly one of the candidates for my fiancé."

 She is the highest-ranking woman dedicated to the hero, or, to put it bluntly, a honey trap. Therefore, she was removed as a candidate for the queen, but it would not be surprising if Dahlia's status made her the first candidate to be nominated.

 Rather, their relationship as childhood friends was likely with an eye toward the future of the royal and ducal families.

"Eric and the others also seemed to be aware of me in the past."

"Details on that!"

"Can we stop talking about the past?"

 It seemed that Eric and the others had spent their youth revolving around Dahlia. Nana, Taeko, Suzu, and, as expected, Liliana leaned forward with great interest.

 Not only Eric, but Greg and Phil were also a little flustered, but Lewis, perhaps feeling sorry for him, pushed his pince-nez up as he answered for them.

"Dahlia has always been a girl who puts herself above all else as a public figure, so the carefree feelings typical of adolescence have gradually calmed down. However, she remains a precious childhood friend."

"I always have things to do. I have already decided how I want to live in the future."

 Although Nana and the others were unhappy that Eric and the others' stories about their youth were dismissed so easily, they were impressed by Dahlia's firm way of speaking and dignified demeanor, saying "Wow, she's really cool..."

 However, Kaori and the others noticed that Dahlia's gaze turned to Hajime for an instant as she made the declaration.

 Kaori and the others suddenly turned their gazes and stared at Hajime...

"Oh, that reminds me! Hey, Sonobe, what's wrong? You haven't said anything this whole time."


 Hajime thought it was a good opportunity to ask Yuuka who hadn't taken part in the conversation at all while pretending not to notice.

"N-nothing really..."

 Yuka turned away with a pout. She looked really unhappy. No, her cheeks were slightly red?

 Kaori sighed and shrugged her shoulders. Oh well.

「Hajime-kun, that's not right. Even though Yuuka-chan put in so much effort and dressed up so sexy, she's just completely ignoring him.」

"W-wait a second Kaori! I don't really――No, wait. Did you just say 'naughty'?"

 The answer came from the flying dragon flying next to them. Atsushi and Noboru snorted at Yuuka who looked extremely disappointed.

"Sonobe, you're trying too hard. No matter how you look at it, that outfit is sexy."

"It's so tight"

"B-but, Nana and Taeko look good together! And they went to the trouble of preparing it for me!"

 "Twelve outfits." Taeko's words were true.

 Last night at the dinner party, she was persuaded to wear a casual dress that would kill a virgin, and today she was wearing a tight skirt, garter belt, fishnet stockings, and a thin blouse on top. And, as if to say, "This is important," everything was tight-fitting.

 She's dressed like a sexy female teacher you'd see in an erotic game!

"What do you think? A sexy female teacher-style outfit that looks like something you'd see in an erotic game!"

 It was exactly the concept. Yuuka looked betrayed and said "Eh, Nana...?"

 Most likely, they were persuaded by the latest trend or some such, using someone's "preference" as if it were a secret weapon.

 Since it's just "style", it certainly looks less like a suit.

"Isn't it the best? What do you think, boys?"

 Taeko asked with a grin on her face and an air of self-praise for a job well done.

 Of course, Ryutaro made no comment. His small-minded girlfriend was staring up at him.

 The royal guards were looking in the opposite direction. They looked as if they were on guard against their surroundings. However, everyone knew. Some of the knights had been glancing at them the whole time.

"Umm, Yuuka oneechan. Last night, Nana oneechan and Taeko oneechan made me wear what was called a see-through night battle outfit?…and on top of that, I had cat ears on me…"

"Myu-chan!? Don't tell me, did you see me trying it on!?"

"...Where exactly are you going?"


 A child's innocent questions, sometimes Gae Bolg.

 I can't say that there wasn't a special sense of excitement during the trip. Normally I would have rejected something, but with my close friend's eloquence I thought "maybe it's okay?" and accepted it.

 Yuka looked down at herself once more. Her blouse was clinging unnaturally to her skin, revealing the lines of her body. In fact, she could even see the hollow of her belly button. The buttons on her chest looked like they were about to pop off at any moment. Her skirt was so tight that the shape of her butt was completely visible. It was also so short that if she wasn't careful, her insides would be visible.

 I see. No matter how much it reduces the suit-like feel, this is not something I would wear as everyday wear.

"Hh, Nagumo! In the miniature garden――"

"Absolutely not."

"Hh?! Whyyyy?"

"Don't make me say it, it's embarrassing."

"Wh-what do you mean?!"

 Yuuka was warmly touching Hajime's back. Hajime never looked back, however, he looked like he was having a really good time. Following on from yesterday, it felt like the distance between them had somehow gotten closer.

『W, why? Master, since I started working I have often shown myself wearing a suit, right? There have been times when I have shown myself in a similar outfit to Yuuka now, right!? Your reaction is different from when I was there!』

 It seemed like Tio-san was shocked. It was obvious. At that time, she was cut off with a blunt, "Please, don't go out dressed like such a slut. Get changed quickly."

『What is the difference between me and Yuuka?! We are both erotic――』

"Shame or not?"

『Kah? …That's…a blind spot…then...』

"Wha, what is it? Do you like me when I'm embarrassed? You idiot Nagumo! That's mean."

 Is this also a kind of travel excitement?

 Yue and the others were looking at her with lukewarm eyes as if they were looking at a difficult child. Maybe it was because they could see that Yuuka was trying her best in various ways, but it also felt like their acceptance of her had deepened.

 Even now, Yuuka and the royal guards were leaning forward and slapping Hajime's back, making their buttocks stick out. Shizuku and Remia casually changed their seating positions between them.

 The crack of her ass was more clearly visible. In fact, the outline of her underwear was visible, so she must have thought she had to protect it.

"-, that's enough! ...…Shizuku, Remia-san, thanks."

"What do you mean?"

"Ufufu, what do you mean?"

 Perhaps noticing this, Yuuka-chan quietly sat upright right behind Hajime. It seemed she was done with changing clothes.

 A smiling Taeko had thrown something like a long white cardigan at her. That may have been one reason, but the main reason was probably because she had some feelings for Hajime for not letting her get changed.

"Hey, Suzu. That outfit and that cardigan make it look even more like a white coat..."

"Ryu-kun? Do you like me? Are you interested in the nurse?"

 The conversation between Ryutaro and Suzu was so quiet that it was swept away by the wind.

 Therefore, Yuuka didn't notice the clever trap set by Nana & Taeko which seemed to say, "All of our costumes are two-tiered so there are no openings!"

 Hajime gave a thumbs up to Nana and Taeko with a friendly smile. The two of them also returned the thumbs up with professional looks on their faces.

"Ah, sorry to bother you while you're busy, but can I interrupt you for a moment? It's almost time."

"Oh, it's that time already?"

 Perhaps sensing that some of the royal knights were excited by Yuuka's additional equipment, Eric, who was checking the angle of the sun, called out to them.

 In fact, I have already sent my itinerary to the Democratic Kingdom and the Beast Kingdom in a certain way. I have received a reply, and the Democratic Kingdom has also requested the time and direction of my visit in order to provide better hospitality.

 This sightseeing flight also had to be timed for this purpose.

"Well then, let's teleport away--"

 Hajime was about to say that, but Eric himself stopped him.

「Wait a moment, before that, I would like to suggest that we meet the king of the Sinted Beast Kingdom――Gruelle-sama. It's not like we're going to continue talking about family, but since we were talking about Tio-sama, I guess.」

"Family head, everyone. By all means, let's do so! It is worth seeing Shia-sama resolutely defiantly confront the Beast King who preaches rational judgment."

『Huh! About me? I'm interested!』

 Dahlia also pushed forward with both hands clenched into fists. Tio's voice became lively.

 Shia muttered, "Oh, now that you mention it." It seemed she hadn't been particularly conscious of it.

"...Shia in the Celestial Spirit World is 50% more handsome, so be sure to check him out. There's no way you'd miss him."

「Really, ever since coming to the Celestial Spirit World, Yue has become like a model listener who never misses her favorite person's stream, right?」

"…Stop it, Kaori. It's embarrassing."

 Yue blushed a little, and Shia also looked embarrassed. Her bunny ears swayed back and forth.

"You can't help but see this, can you?"

 No one objected to Hajime's confirmation.

『But I refuse! It's true!』

 Suzu deployed a large-scale barrier, which served as a foothold in the air, allowing the dragons to rest their wings as they watched the past footage.

 The former Beast King, Gruell, does not treat King Eric like an immature child, and instead abandons the Demon King's Kingdom, which is under attack by Oros, arguing that it would be most rational and beneficial for both parties to take action himself.

 And so, faced with the outstretched hand, Shia didn't deny his idea, however, she shouted it out loud.


 Ryutaro, Atsushi and Noboru couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

 Shizuku muttered "I guess so" with a chuckle, followed by Yue and Kaori who had been quietly watching the exchange and showed expressions of understanding.

"...It was a natural result. To Shia, a 'dragon-man' isn't like this."

"That's right. At first, it was a brave red dragon, and its human form somewhat resembled Adol-san..."

"I felt the gap even more. He was saying things that Adol-sama would never say."

 Tortus is also currently in the process of building a new era. In that sense, the situation is similar to that of the Celestial Spirit World.

 Naturally, Liliana had more contact with Tio's grandfather Adol than Hajime and the others. That's why she probably felt that way even more.

 Hajime and the others seemed to think the same and nodded deeply.

"If Adol-dono is a true sage, then this Beast King seems like a 'sly' person."

"Ha, Hajime-kun! In front of everyone!"

"No, Aiko-dono. Don't worry about it. I thought the same of him back then too."

 Eric gave a wry smile. Hajime's words were spot on. At least for the people of Balted.

"I just can't like that sort of thing."

 An emotional argument echoed, as if to say, "To hell with rationality."

 Though it was supposed to be an emotional argument, Shia's words about Tio were powerful. An overwhelming strength that blew away both the rationality and reason that Gruelle was preaching.

 My family is loyal, and willing to risk their lives for what is right, even if it means making a stupid choice.

 A guardian that everyone acknowledges, she is always great, noble, and noble, and the sight of her back as she prepares to become someone's shield is the most beautiful.

"To me, that's what a 'dragon-man' is."

--Even though he's a dragon-man just like her... what a state he's in.

 The past Shia, staring straight at Gruelle with a piercing gaze, seemed to be expressing those inner thoughts.

 Surely Gruelle could hear it at the time too. He was being compared to someone he didn't even know and looked down upon.

 Normally, he would be angry and find it rude, but he didn't seem uncomfortable or even argue.

 Can not.

 He was overwhelmed by Shia's words, which were merely an expression of pride for her family.

 Finally, as if he had remembered his calling, he left some advice befitting a "diviner", and feeling embarrassed at himself for having spoken such a thing, Shia and the others left Gruelle, who was motionless, no, surely unable to move.

 The previous image disappears.

"I'm glad for you, Nano. Tio-oneechan ♪"

"My my, are you embarrassed, Tio-san? You seem to be shaking a bit though."

 Myuu and Remia sent teasing, gentle looks at Tio, who had her head bowed and was trembling.

『W-me… me-』

"Hey, what's up?"

"Wha, what's wrong, Tio-san? What I said was something that everyone was thinking, it wasn't anything particularly good――"

"That's not possibleeeeee!!"

 A roar of joy shook the air. Hiryuu and the others flinched as if they had received a command.

『It's not just about boasting about her family! Shia has made the dragon people of another world proud of the "dragon people race"!』

 Although it seemed like Shia was proud of herself as an individual, in reality, her words were words of pride for the "dragon-people" race itself.

 After the legendary battle, the honor of the Dragon-Man race was certainly restored. However, they were still remembered in history as an "evil being" for a much longer time, which meant that they had felt remorse for a much longer time.

 That's why it seemed he was really happy that another race was able to explain to their kindred from another world "what dragon people are" and make them proud.

 In fact, it was much more than being praised as an individual named "Tio Klarus."

"And what's more, I am the one who should be a proud example of a dragon race!"

"Eh, that's obvious isn't it? To me, no, to us, Tio-san is the most 'proud dragon man' even more than Adol-san and the others."

 Shia's confused look, as if she was preaching common sense, was the end of it.

 Moreover, even though they usually called him a pervert or a shame, at times like this Hajime and the others would unanimously nod and say "That's true" with a smile.

"Something like this, something like this would make me want to jump for joy!!"

"What's a happy jump--Whoooa?!"


「Hey, Tio-san!? Where are you going――Hey, hurry up!?」

 Teio-san's wings seemed to be tingling with emotion and joy as she disappeared into the distance with a whoosh.

"Shia-onee chan! Please chase after the black dragon in front of us!"

"Eh!? Myuu-sama, Dahlia is certain that you will come back if she waits――"

"! Ha, I understand! Full throttle!!"

"P-please waiteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~!!"

 Steiff-tan was gone like the wind. The sound of the engine was heard as the accelerator was revved up and a cry of joy was heard. Incidentally, Dahlia-san's head was thrown back due to the sudden acceleration. Shia's arms around his waist were filled with desperation. As if she was holding on to him as a lifeline.

"Oh, oh? Wait a sec!"

"Ryu, Ryu-kun?! Why are you taking off?! Shouldn't you just wait?! I won't be able to catch up with you anyway!"

"No! I didn't—"

 GRUOOOOOOON!! Countless roars rose up. The flying dragons' eyes sharpened sharply. It was as if they were responding to the roar of the "Dragon King" that reverberated from far away.

"N-no! Have the flying dragons been influenced by this?!"

"Kah, Aiko-dono! Please help these children calm down――Ah"

 Aiko-dono isn't here. Or rather, everyone who can use soul magic is far away in the sky.

 So the result was inevitable.

 The flying dragons flexed their bodies and gathered their power.

 Eric and Lewis looked at each other. They were turning pale.

"Y-Everyone! Grab meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~!!"


 Follow the Dragon King! Don't fall behind!

 With such spirit, the flying dragons all took off at the fastest speed, using all their strength!

 The nightmare from five years ago is back. Back then, they were in a carriage pulled by Steiff, but now they're on top of a rampaging, super-strengthened flying dragon. Moreover, since Tio is far away, there's no airflow support! A violent wind attacks them! The fear is even greater!

 It was only natural, considering how fast it was moving and even Ryuutaro and the others had to cling on in a panic.

 In the clear blue sky, the screams of the Balted forces continued to echo forever.

 Needless to say, many villagers and caravan members looked up in surprise at the shriek that came faintly from the sky, "What is this?!"

 Later, a large number of reports arrived from people claiming that it might be a bad omen of some kind, and Eric and the others were left scratching their heads over the excuses they were given... but that's a story for another time.