Therapy Session

Billie Bob Taylor

"Have you told Pa everything?" I looked down to Evelyn. Even though I did not approve of Benedito's methods, I knew the truth of how his other life had come to be. If Evelyn was to mention anything to Clyde, even though he loved Benedito, Evelyn was his daughter.

She shook her head and looked out to the water, "I know Pa and I know myself. I ain't a complete saint. Plus I've been gone for so long. Y'all been living happily together, suddenly I come back and all hell breaks loose. It won't be right."

I nodded in understanding and let out a massive sigh. I took off my hat, ran my fingers through my choppy hair then put my hat back on. "What did you tell him?"

"That I threw all my money into research and it blew up in my face. He knows about Gerald but I spared out a lot of the details," she gave me a sad smile, "I'm sorry if I've made things awkward for you and Benedito."