Get the Truck

Billie Bob Taylor

"You gon' have to slow down," I huffed as I rested my hands on my ever widening hips. The distance from Ma's and Pa's house was literally five minutes but today it felt like a mile.

"Billie, you as unfit as that of bull Clyde keep on east camp," Rob laughed with his still annoyingly fit self.

I let out a bitter chuckle before I rolled my eyes. "This is just a temporary problem," I pointed to my stomach with a pout.

He raised his eyebrows as he looked at my stomach, "Knowing and having heard you and Benedito, I don't think so."

My face grew incredibly red before I let out a groan when Danilo with his ridiculously strong legs kicked, almost knocking the air out of me. "I think I'm going to take a break after this experience."

"I give it six months," he snickered.

"I got more resolve than that," I scoffed as we continued the never ending journey. "Why didn't you come with your truck?"