brother please leave me ....

she opened diary and started to read it again where she stopped yesterday.

( he came closer and asked me for a trail. i was speechless at that time he is my brother and i am his little sister from childhood he never loved me ... i accepted that . he never shown affection or responsibility... accepted that. but how can he behave like this.... my heart was roaring with pain. this scoundrel ... i had to teach him a lesson .... so that i want to accept him. i was crying and went in ... for final i asked him for rescue... but he obligated it ..

radhika : brother please leave me ... i am your sister...

vinay : buti came to brothel house and now you are sold to me .. come on this will make you satisfy and you will have more experience....

radhika : stop spouting nonsense.... i know you never loved me but i didnt accept this... i never dare to hurt you ... please brother stop it ....

vinay : i am your costumer satisfy me first and no more comments.... i will give you pleasure...

radhika: no brother please ..... no you are doing some thing that was none done ever to their sister....

vinay : shut up you idiot ... come on tore your dress first ... he kept hid hands on my chest ... i slapped him .... with anger . he was furious and pushed me to bed... i dropped in bed and he lifted my dress and started doing it ... i said brother you can't do this to me ... was paining ... brother please leave me.... i will do nothing to you ... please ... i shouted .... but he exerting his force more and more on ... already last day night my body parts were weakened and he was using extra pressure to my private parts .... i cannot sound a single word ... i fell unconscious and he smiled that he won a game. my tears almost make pillow wet. to this cruel world ... i became a toy... he tidied his clothes and went away.... i laid on bed and afer some time a girl came to my room and she showed some courtesy on me and gave my clothes. and she helped me to clear my clothes... i was crying and taking bath ... really i was more painful than anything ... i want to commit suicide ... but i had no option because .... my death will never give me any satisfaction that i did any thing good . so i had to do some thing before i die ... for that i had to live ... by clearing this thought i came to conscious and took bath. after coming out from bath ... that girl cleaned my room and was looking for me... i said her to sit ... but she refused.... i asked her name she said that her name was lakshmi ...

lakshmi : sister ... i brought you food here ...

radhika : i am so sorry that i cannot eat this food.

lakshmi : sister .. this business is always dirty.... why you came here...? she questioned me ...

radhika : i was sold by my own brother ...

lakshmi said what in surprise ....what are you saying sister ... ?she was speechless at that moment ...

radhika : that was a long story but i will tell you while eating .. like wise i told my story .... she was surprised by listening my every obstacle and almost got tears ...

lakshmi : so sorry sister .. but i hope you will have good days ....

radhika : my good days ... i am suppressed that word ...

lakshmi : sister .. i know a person who comes here regularly ... i think he took you with high price....

radhika : what are you going to say lakshmi ...

lakshmi : by words i listened that a man who was a regular costumer to here ... came to know you and wanted you ....

radhika : so i need to go to him right ...?

lakshmi : sis ... this was good for you to escape.... actually they will send girls for a call and later they will sell for time limit ... that sir had taken you for some time limit i think ..

radhika : what are you saying lakshmi ..... i didnt understand ...

lakshmi : mam .... they will enjoy you for every day and you had to be their wife for days or months .. so that they will take a contract with him and sent people like you ...

radhika : i think i had to face that man every day ...

lakshmi : sis .. this time he came with a best proposal .. he needed a young face with first time they found you as good ...

radhika : i already had two times ...

lakshmi : dont say it out sister. this will harm you .. be pretend as it was your first time and go to him after that take some time for him to believe you and later you escape from him... as you are sold so he come back and he will explain it to them .. by that you will be saved ..

radhika : thanks lakshmi ... i will follow this and i will meet you after that ...

lakshmi : no sister .... i am not doing any more here ... by today i am ending my work ...

radhika : ok good lets enjoy our meal .... she said and took a bite from her plate and kept that bite to her teeth .... they both ate the food and lakshmi went away ... )by reading that diary she holded the hanky and started to wipe her tears ..... she was wiping and tears were flowing like a river ... now she courage herself and take a stern decision ...