another brothel house

vidya looked at her surroundings and saw no one there . but who kept this hanky. she thought that nithya was observing her and kept that hanky. so she wiped her tears and went for dinner. that by who silently looking at vidya was seen that image and asked nithya what was that ...

nithya : hey akshay i dont know about that but she was reading a book and every time she read that book getting emotional

akshay : what was that book ...?he asked in a surprise..

nithya : i tried to take it but vidya holds it tight when she was in sleep.

akshay : ok ....

nithya : why you left that hanky there ...? she asked in curiosity ...

akshay : would you include in my business....

nithya : what i would say no to you ...?

akshay : sister stop making fun on me ... i am interested in her... you know her kindness is some thing i liked . her bravery is extra ordinary ... and her speaking skills are amazing . totally there is no flaw in her ... so i found interest in her ..

nithya : you better propose her first then ...

akshay : sister i like to see her but i didnt loved her yet ...

nithya : oh really .. then i will introduce her to you and you will make friend ...

akshay : i dont need her friendship ..

nithya : what nithya asked in amuse. then what you want ...

akshay : i only need to see her smile ... he said unconsciously ...

nithya laughs and says brother it was love .. i read many books related to this topic and i found that you fell in love with her ...

akshay : whatever you think about our relation is never mind to me ..

nithya : then what do you need... oh sorry .. i know answer ... her smile right ... but you cannot give her smile ...

akshay : why ... is some thing wrong with her ...

nithya : nothing she was good but after her mother death she stopped smiling ... she only give a curve on her lips .. i never saw her laugh brightly...

akshay : that was the thing i need... he checked his watch that it was time for meal so he asked nithya to get her for meal .. nithya said ok and went in .. at that time vidya came out and looked at nithya ..

vidya : nithya ... i am tired and i am not eatng today ..

nithya : hello madam .. are you okay .. if you didnt eat now ... you will fell unconscious tomorrow.

vidya smiled when she heard about unconscious ... nithya kept a bread packet by seeing her eyes that she cried by reading again that diary...

nithya : vidya madam ... you cried again right ....? she questioned...

vidya : i will never say lie but i cried for a reason ...

nithya : what was that ...?

vidya : i am reading about a girl who was betrayed by world ...

nithya : so i think that girl relates to you .. right .. she questioned back ..

vidya : not exactly but i want now is to read my notes given by lecturer today ..

nithya : ok then read it but dont cry ...she gave a look at her .... viidya smiled and nithya left that place.

vidya opened that book and saw the papers were in dark in white life.... this paper is my mom life and this letters are her tears .. mom literally you faced much but how i related to you and uncle family ... i want to know this for this i had to be strong to read more .. mom .. you are best .. she gave a curve in her lips ad looked at the diary ...

( i was ready to go to that person and wanted to escape .... at that same time that woman came inside and looked at me with disgusting feeling.

that woman : hey dont get ready take good rest .. your person cancelled his chance and evening you are going to another brothel house...

radhika : another brothel house ....

that woman : yes ... do you get what i mean to say ... there you will have fun with many big shots and people were super rich .... you will enjoy that treasure now. she looked at her with astonishing eyes that she had seen some gems on floor.

i said okay to her wish and went to bed... i was thinking about my brother .. i want to take revenge but how can i take revenge on him .... some one has to help me ... now ... but how ..i decided and i had no idea and got ready for evening .. they were parceling me to another place. i am feeling nervous inside and got into the van .... due to my anticipation with in two hours they reached destination. they wecolme me to home ... that was called so called home but it was really a brothel house.. it smell strong with lady eating pan masala in her mouth ..which was a nicotine product and her mouth was covered with red paint in her mouth.

she said to some one from inside and some one came out ...she called him who was beside me as brother .... he also greeted her back as sister and she saw me and her expression changed ..

that woman : brother ... this time you bring a beautiful woman again ... what do i do ...?

that so called brother asked me to get in and chatted some time with her and went away.

some one helped me to take a room.... the room was so dim and it seems like i am getting into hell. and the wall has no colors but there were some blood drops on her bed . the other woman saw that and said to me that minutes back a costumer came here... i looked at her and kept an expression less face . from childhood i hated dirt but now i wanted to live in dirt ... god must be crazy to give me this horrible life and i smiled at my self because my life was already dead meat... now they were sucking my meat and blood. she helped me to change blankets and i got pretty well room and a ward robe.... i opened it .. it has so may condom packets and some another elements i never saw in my life.. in another side there were some dresses... i took a dress and went to wash room .. that room was not only dirt but it was smelling .. man's urine smell was that .. i was almost vomit by looking at . i took my clothes and tied that cloth to cover my nose and mouth .. it almost took half an hour to clean it .... at that time some one entered into my room.