acting queen

suddenly amar came into the scene and helped her ...

its okay .. you have to take care of your wife .. go to your house back .. he shouted at amar and amar was taken back and send us to some distant place ..

amar .. actually thanks for today ... she said it honestly

amar : what an acting queen you are radhika .. i don't know you can act this much ...

amar .. i know i am sorry but i will never forgot this help .... i am going back .. so please don't disturb me again ...

amar : radhika .... why you cover your love towards me ..

am i covering it .... i clearly mention that i am not suitable for you ... and please leave me alone .. i don't want anyone ... i am here with my baby .....

amar : oh really .. okay .. i will go when your husband come back .....

please amar .... i beg you go back to your home .. don't come here again .. i request you to leave me alone ... i don't need anyone help or their pitiful looks ... i don't need anyone to courage me and fight for me ... i am a sinful person and actually i am a unlucky person in this whole world .... do you think you can love me like before ... actually i am a slut and this is my baby ... do you still love me ....

amar : what would you say if i love you .....

amar are you gone crazy ... my brother sold me to a brothel house .. and you still want me .. already my body and my soul was in pain .. and you still want me ...

amar : i already said you that i didnt love your body ... i only love your happiness... i cannot tell you why i love you ... i cannot measure how much i love you ... i can say that my love for you is pure as mother's love for a child ...

don't dare to say that amar .... you know who i am ... i am not wanting you to be with me because i am also made bad luck to many people .. so please leave me before ...

i was sobbing .. my pain is not for i became a slut .. but my actual pain is leaving amar .. i cannot hold amar because i am a bad luck and my life is sinful li7fe7 and i shared bed with many people ... i don't want amar to have me as his partner .. he is my first love and last love ..... for every human love is like a antidote to cure loneliness . but am i have right to love why did you made me into this ... from childhood i gave every thing i had to you and i didn't ask anything from you ... you know for your studies i didnt ate for three days along and went to work in a factory to work ... but what about your gratitude ... do you want money ... i work for you for my life time as a slave but why you turn me like this .... you know pain from a sibling is more painful than any thing .... i am not cursing you but i am not willing to accept you in my life .. because of you i lost my life .. i lost my love ... you are the actual culprit for my life ... you are actual a sinful person not i am .... with this thoughts i went to home without looking back ... i dont know whether amar followed me or not ... i am not in a mood to know what he was doing ..