life without you ...

life without you is a hell ...

i know what i am doing ... sorry amar ... sorry .... i am doing this for your sake ...

another side amar ..

i know he has to be up to that ...i am sorry radhika ... for not finding you ... i am sorry not protecting you.. i am sorry for every thing you suffer ... i became like this because of searching for you ... you know radhika ... my life is rock when i want to pass through that ... your smile always distracts me ... radhika .. why i love you is i don't know reason ... love doesn't need reasons or some other causes .. it is a moment whom we want to live our through out life ... you will slowly understand radhika ... i will never give you for any pain .... today on wards she is my baby ... whether you accept or not .. lets start our new life radhika ... lets start with our baby .... love you radhika .. love you for my life time ...

later i came to home ..... latha was at my entrance ...

latha : where are you radha ... i am eagerly waiting for vidya .. give vidya to me ... look how pale your face is ...? she was worried about my health and vidya ..

i feel really great but seeing their eyes i didnt want to create trouble to them ... so i didn't say about my problems and i lied to them that i went to see for some work ...

latha aunt was really depressed by my words ...

latha : radha .. i know how difficult to raise a child ... leave vidya to me ... i will take care of her ... you don't worry about me ...

i am sorry aunt for troubling you. i am happy to have your presence ... thanks for your care aunt ...

latha : radha ... i said i am your mom ... so no problem .. i will take you as my daughter and this princess as my god grand daughter ... you are my gifted child ...

i am elated to hear her words ..... we went in ....

latha : radha .... i brought you food ... today i prepared some rice for you ...

thanks aunt but you didnt work hard for us ....

latha : i didnt make for you .. i also made for my family ... you include our family ..

later she took vidya and went out ...

hari came in while latha mom went away ...

hello hari .... what comes to come here ...

hari : sister ... i came here for you sister ... you went outside for work right ...

yeah ... but i didn't find suitable job ...

hari : sister ... i told mill owner that from tomorrow on wards you are going for work and also brother was setting a business .... i think you will help him ...

how can i help him hari ...

krishna wants to give work for all jobless one by giving food .. according to him .. he will discuss it with you later ..

ok hari ... i prepared some sweets for you ... let you taste it and give to your brother krishna .....

hari : okay sister .... let me taste it ....

wow sister you are amazing and your cooking is awesome ... i like this sweets ...i don't want to share those to him ...

hari ... i will prepare some more .... and go along with your work ... is7 every thing okay with your work ...

hari : yes sister .. it was fine .... sister ...can i ask you some thing ...

what was that hari ...

hari : can i know about vidya's father ,..?

i was in a deep thought .....