Beginning of the End

Yuyan's Pov

"Miss Yu, the investors are here" My secretary reminds me on the other end of the office phone "I'll be there in a minute please inform them, as well as the board members," I said and cut the call. I walk into the hall as my employees are busy, acting saintly in front of the visitors to be acknowledged.

"This way" My secretary opened the door and all the people I'm expecting is there "Please start the meeting" I commanded as I sit at the center of the very long table. The first to talk was my head employees of every department, saying all the ups and downs of the charts. Next to speak are those who wanted to be a part of my company and invest every dime they have in my company, of course, I wouldn't just accept it all. There is still terms and condition when investing and being a partner here.

Lastly, my investors have a concern regarding the partnership "I would like to inform Miss Yu that our media is still going strong when it comes to spreading news about your product" The head of the media sighed and continued again "some people are getting tired of advertising same product but with different models, they need something new or they will most likely look at the other brand"

I am glad she pointed out that problem "Thank you miss Diameng for pointing it out, our creative director is planning on releasing a new clothing product" I pointed at Yanni since I assigned her as my creative director on the clothing line while I am in the cosmetics "But our product was still under testing. The possibility of releasing it this month is less than 20 percent" I massaged my temple, If we can't solve this as soon as possible the sale this month might go down rapidly.

"Well, in that case, call the most influential band here to be a model or ambassador even better," I said to Yanni, she only nodded and take down important notes "Is that all? If it is, I'll put this meeting to an end" They all agree on ending it so I quickly got up and left the room.

After I got into my office I restudied the sales and charts, soon after Yanni came inside "you became hot-headed back there" She said locking the door and walking behind me to massage me like she always does when she knows I'm tired "do you want to talk to me first?" She asked me and kissed my cheeks.

I sigh and hold her hand, maybe this is the burnout she's always saying "So who's the lucky celebrity you have chosen?" I asked and got up, we walk to the sofa "Hmm, I'm thinking about the 172 girls. I've known them quite a while and their music is a bop" she said 172. I wasn't aware of that group.

"I'll call them after you've calmed down, let's figure this out together okay?" she kissed me and we just cuddled for a couple of minutes before returning to work. Yanni got up after a good couple of minutes "I texted them, I'll meet them up to raise some offer" She said and kiss me goodbye "bye babe, sees you later" I said and waved at her

I also got up and walk to my desk to continue working. Oh, I almost forgot, I need to talk about the advertisement to the head of the media. I dialed my secretary who is just outside of my room "hey could you get miss Dia Meng here?" I informed her and said she'll do it right away. It would be a good idea if she tag miss Xi Ai, to avoid the mistake we did a couple of days ago.

A knock was heard after a good thirty minutes "Come in" I saw her come in with a bouquet of sunflowers in hand, she was wearing rather comfortable clothing than the formal suit she always wears. I looked behind her and didn't see Xi Ai "If you are looking for her, her father called her again about 'the damn hotel' she doesn't want to handle per se"

She gave the sunflower to me and made herself at home on the sofa "So, it's been a while since you called. What's up boss" She said "I want you to drop a new teaser of my product, the model will be here tomorrow my fiance said" Yanni sure moves quickly when it's important.

"oh it's good news that your FIANCE found someone, isn't it lovely? Now I'm curious who is that model" She said but I don't know why she emphasize the word fiance "oh, I forgot to mention it's MODELS, Yanni said she knew 172 girls, so it's easier for her to negotiate" I answered her queries once again. She got up and slowly walk towards me.

I was doing my work until she interrupted me by lifting my chin, I couldn't look her in the eyes as Yanni's picture was just on top of my desk "Hmm, you haven't told your fiance, huh? What a little liar you are Yuyan, are you guilty?" She leaned closer leaving just a little space between us.

"Brake it off then" That's the last sentence she said before kissing me.

Dai Yanni's Pov

"oh my god, how long has it been?" Keni my old band member said, 172 girls consisted of 4 members and one of them was me, I was a singer before Yuyan found me and she offered me to be a creative designer. My salary was tripled as a singer.

"Yeah it's been a long time, my career was getting good actually. How about you guys?" I asked back to Keni. Zeng Keni was the tallest member yet childish, she is very hands-on though "Wow good for you after you left Keni joined a variety show while we both modeled" Lingzi said as she sat down with our coffee. Liu Lingzi is a very serious woman when it comes to things, she doesn't want to do things lazily the total opposite of Keni.

"Oh then that's good, I have some offer to you guys so hear me out, but where is-" Before I could even finish the missing member showed up panting "Sorry I'm late," She said and exhaled and then sits down "How could you be late again Aria?" Lingzi scolded her for being late.

Jin Zihan-Aria in short, she was our sleeping beauty "sorry, I woke up late. The contest was near so I need to stay up late" She explained and take a sip of her iced coffee "What contest?" I asked her, she must have been very busy "Oh yeah, I was a candidate for Miss China," She said again, well with her beauty I'm not surprised.

"Wow, congrats to you. Since you all seem to be busy I'll make it quick" I said and show them the tablet "I would like you three to be our brand ambassador for both cosmetic and clothing lines" I said and flash them a smile, I heard them squeal "I can give you guys a pretty good deal if this wasn't enough" I slide into the next presentation showing them our offer for the first shoot and monthly salary to promote our product.

"Wah, 80,000 yuan just for the first photo shoot? They only do it for 12,000 Yuan for first-timers and if monthly it's 26,000 per month if ambassador" Keni said and it also woke Zihan up "I only get 375,000 yuan annually but we can get 960,000 yuan annually to your company?" Lingzi computed and scribbled in her hands

"wah, this is nice" That's the only word that Zihan said.

"SO? Deal or No Deal?" I asked them "Of course, it's a DEAL!" They all shouted in sync, I smiled at them, geez I thought they'll say no "Is tomorrow a good day to start?" I asked them once again "Hell yeah" Keni agreed without a second thought followed by the two, I texted Yuyan that she can ready the photographers and the prototypes of clothing I made.

"If ya'll agree, I should get going, I think all of you are quite busy" Before I could even get up Keni pulled me back down "nuh-uh sister, we are going shopping today, and text that fiance of yours that's you'll be back later" I just laugh at how outgoing and bold Keni is, I missed this, for the good old day's sake, I decided to agree.

We went to different stores to check their new arrivals and stopped when we got hungry "oh! before we eat do you have any flower shop near?" Jizan asked me and of course, as a good friend, I recommended the Song's Parlor "yeah, I'll lead the way on our way back" after the feist we immediately went to Song's.

"Hello, ranran" I called her and waved at her "my friends would like to buy so flowers," I said and pointed to my tall friends "of course what would you like?" She asked them.

"I'd like a bouquet of wild roses and one stem of black rose," Aria said with a glint of sadness in her eyes "oh, pleasure, pain, and tragic romance" Xinran before muttering the word 'interesting'. All of us looked at Zihan "what's the flower for?" Lingzi asked her Zihan sighed "Lu Keran wants to break up. So here I am letting her go" She said with a soft smile. Lu Keran and Zihan have been dating since our idol days "how come? the both of you are perfect" Keni said and hugged the latter.

"Her parent arranged her with her childhood best friend who just got back from New York," She said, she seems to have accepted it already. That was so said they were so sweet "Keke didn't fight for you?" Keni asked again "what can I do, the girl is also Keran's first love. No one can beat first love" She said showing her genuine smile.

"here you go, anyone else wants some fresh flowers?" Ranran said with a smile "I'll take my usual ranran" I said and she nodded before leaving us again "So do you guys want to see the company? It's nearby" I offered them a quick tour of our company "Sure, That would be awesome" They all agree after I got my flowers we went into our company.

"Woah this is a big ass company, are you sure your lover ain't a player Yanni" I chuckled as I know Yuyan won't be like that, She won't even have time for herself let alone girls "Don't say that Keni, it might jinx," Zihan said laughing and lightly pushing Keni, Lingzi is like a mother scolding her mother "stop that, we are not in some sort of mall," Lingzi said and the two just ignored her nags.

"Oh wait, got get some coffee first. I'll call Yuyan for you guys to meet okay?" I said and signaled my assistant to give them whatever they want and I left them in the lobby. I walk to the elevator and pressed the highest floor. When I got out I asked Yuyan's secretary "Hey, Is Yuyan inside?" I asked her she nodded "Yes miss Dai Yanni, She is still having a meeting with miss Dia Meng," She said and bowed, I smiled at her and I said I'll be going inside. Isn't it strange that they are still having a meeting it was almost 3 hours since I departed here?

I lean at the door to see if I can hear something but none. So, I twisted the knob and see my Fiance and Diamond almost naked, making out on the sofa. Yuyan immediately removed her partner when she saw me and got up

"Yanni, it's not what it looks like-" I cut her off before my tear run down "Get dressed and meet the models in the lobby, I'll go first" I slammed the door before she could even get a hold of me.

What the fuck was that? I really thought Yuyan could never do those things to me. I wiped the uninvited tears on my cheeks. How long is she cheating on me? Is that the reason she's not ready to get married? A ding snapped me out of my thought and before I face my friends, I took a detour to a comfort room first to wash my face and do my make-up to hide the redness.

"oh there you are Yanni, Yuyan said you went down before her," Keni said turning their head in my direction "ah- really? I check the desserts for you guys" I lied to them "So you guys finally met my fiance" I said and chuckled, I don't want my problem to out with my friends, what would they say if they know that Yuyan cheated on me?

"Yeah, now we can see why you love her so much. She's so accommodating and sweet" Lingzi said, I showed a tight smile to them. They were discussing their schedule and the advantage of being an employee here "Well, it was a pleasant visit. We'll get going now" Zihan said and got up picking her flowers up "Yeah, It was good doing business with you guys. Yuyan takes care of Yanni" Lingzi said following Zihan "Yeah bruh, Don't ever hurt our Jiejie" Keni patted Yuyan's shoulder playfully.

Before they can even get out of our sight I initiated to go home with them "I'll meet you back in the house, then talk" I said leaving her and the flowers I'd bought, I walked faster to catch up with my friends and said our goodbyes when we went separate ways

"Yanni, Please I'm sorry give me a second chance" Yuyan kneeled down as soon as she got inside our house "How long?" I asked her nonchalantly. I saw her bit her lips thinking whether to say the truth or lie "few months" I closed my eyes as I tried to swallow the truth.

"For God's sake Yuyan, If I'm not enough you could have just told me" I opened my eye and see her on my foot kissing my heels saying sorry again and again "If you just want sex you could have asked me Yuyan, You know that I'll give it if you asked!" I said bursting into tears.

She got up and tried to wipe the tears on my cheeks but I avoided her touch "Yanni, please- forgive me" She said as she also cry, clinging to my legs.

"Let's break up," I said with no emotion, staring at her blankly.

"No, No, Babe No- please, I-I've made a mistake," She said and hugged me tightly, I tried to remove her but she was not moving even a little bit.

"Let go Yuyan, I'm tired," I said again but she still ignored me "Yes, I know you are tired so let's sleep okay? Okay? Let's sleep first before we talk" She said still hugging me, she walked me into the bed and removed my heels "Let's talk tomorrow, Don't leave, it's dangerous at night" She tucked me in and lay behind me.

She hugs me tightly as if I would try to sneak out and leave her with an empty bed.

"Don't leave" That's the last thing I heard before drifting into my sleep with teary eyes