Calling it Off

Yuyan's Pov

The bed was warm, yet it feels so empty. I opened my eyes without a glimpse of Yanni by my side, I shot up and ran outside to look for Yanni. I looked around the house and saw her cooking, I slowly walk behind her and hugged her. I was afraid that she would leave me without any notice.

"Let go Yuyan, I don't have all day" I was kind of hurt by her harsh word. On our usual day, she would kiss me and make out for a little bit before eating, I let go of her waist after leaving a kiss on her shoulder and sit at the counter watching her toast some bread. After she was done she offered me a plate full of our daily breakfast, as I looked into it it looks darker and unappetizing than our usual breakfast. Yesterday it looks so delicious and colorful, but now, nothing.

"Yanni" I started with a soft voice, I want to fix this but I can't blame her if she wanted to break things with me. I am still hoping she'd forgive me though my mother would be pissed if she knew that I cheated on her "I don't wanna hear it while eating Yuyan, I will lose my appetite" She said cutting me once again.

"Right," I said and lowered my gaze to my food. The scrambled egg was on top of my toasted bread while beside it was two sweet sausages and coffee on the side of the plate. I smiled at it as I remember how I started teaching her to cook. After we ate, she washed the dishes as I called the company that I and Yanni won't be going there to fix some personal matters.

"Talk," She said as she sat across me. I guess she was still tired because she poured all her energy last night "I-I'm sorry" That was the only word that came out of my mouth, I could have sworn I need to write my speech. I heard her hum which means she want me to continue.

"I'll do everything to make you happy Yanni, just don't leave me," I said and lowered my head "I'm not asking for your apology Yuyan, I want you to explain everything, when did it start, why did you do it, and if I wasn't enough-"

"No! Yanni, You ARE enough. It's just that-" I was about to answer but then cut off by a crying Yanni

"Then WHY!?" She said to me, she couldn't handle her emotion again. I quickly got up and gave her a back hug "Babe please calm down first" I hugged her tighter whenever she wanted to push me away.

"you knew my past Yan, why would you still do that," She said almost in a whisper and started tearing up again, I kissed her temple trying to calm her down "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" That was the only thing I kept repeating. Once we settle down on the couch, she slowly composed herself with a hitch in her breath.

"Babe let me explain okay? I got tempted please give me another chance" "How long?" She asked looking into an empty space. I bit my tongue before I speak "almost 7 months now" I heard her sharply inhale "God Yuyan'' A low growl was heard from her as she massaged the bridge of her nose "love please, it wasn't my intention to hurt you" I softly whisper to her, I don't want to add another fuel to a burning fire.

"Then what were your intentions huh? To not get caught and hurt me?"

"No babe-"

"Yuyan, aren't you guilty? or maybe a little disgusted you've been fucking me and then her?"

"You even invited her to make out in your office, Yuyan if you want to cheat on me at least do it at some hotel" I tried to reach for her hand but she avoided my touch "Babe please don't look at me like that" She looked at me with such fear that it's breaking me.

*Ding Dong*

A ring from outside the house interrupted our talk, I looked at Yanni one more time before cursing at whoever person outside. I twisted the knob to see my sister

"Jie! I've come here to ask for some advice, your secretary said Yanni Jie is on a day off" She said and hugged me before she makes herself home. I just tailed her to see Yanni who composed herself.

"Hello, Yanni Jie!" Sharon said and lean down to kiss my fiance's cheeks.

"Hello, big baby" Yanni showed her a tight smile before standing up from the sofa "you two talk about your problem, I'll lay myself down for a bit I feel dizzy" She walk past us but I gently grabbed her wrist "Yanni, Please" I plead.

"Yuyan, talk to her first" and with that, she swayed my grip away from her, I watched her as she went inside our room "Did I interrupt something? I think I visited at the wrong time" Sharon whispered-yell at me.

"Yeah no shit, Sherlock," I said and she rolled her eyes "What do you want from me Xuan?" I said and walk to the counter to our myself a glass of whiskey.

"Oh come on, Yan Jie! I want to tell you about my report my boss got fired by you for being rude. And can you stop drinking it's only 10 am Yanni Jiejie would be mad" I sigh and put down the alcohol? this brat has a load mouth despite her appearance

"Okay, first she's already mad, second and lastly talk about your report and leave" I massaged my temple and sit beside her "okay I lie, I didn't come here for the report. I already passed mine" I looked at her while my brows are knotted with each other. Then what does this brat want?

"Okay, Yan Jiejie calm down a bit. I'm here to ask for some love advice, I know if I said that you would close the door in my face" I think I'm not the right person to give some advice looking at my actions. I'm pretty bad at relationships.

"Look Xuan, I'm not the right person for love, Your Yanni Jiejie is calling off our engagement because of me" I spat the bitter truth to her, and she exaggeratedly gasps "Just don't tell mom and dad yet, please? can you do that?"

I didn't tell her the context but she promised me that she won't tell a soul about it. She didn't get a bit of love advice in the end and just end up leaving.

Before I went to Yanni, I prepare some food for lunch. I cook Shrimp 'n Broccoli Lo Mein, Kung Pao Chicken, Beef Broccoli, and Veggie Fried Rice. I know Yanni wants to maintain her diet so I only cook some moderate food that doesn't have oil.

I knocked at the room and waited for a bit "Yanni, Let's eat. I cooked some food" I opened the door that I thought was locked earlier, I peeked inside and saw Yanni sleeping, I crawl onto the bed beside her "amour wake up, let's eat" I kiss her forehead while slowly poking her cheeks. I heard her groan and slowly opened her eyes

"Come, let's eat?" She lazily got up and left me inside the room, I followed her and sits in front of her. The whole meal was deafening silence "Love, do you want to call off our relationship?"

I asked her before she could even leave the table, I see her nod her head lightly "Yes, Yu Yan, I just can't take it all. Let me think first"

I sigh "okay, I'll let you have some air but please consider us together again. Yanni that's just a one-time thing, I swear" I tried to read her face but there is still no emotion showing.

"I love you, you're free now," I said and got up to do the dishes. I heard her get up and lock herself in the room again. What will I tell my mother if she asked me again? God this is frustrating.

I sat on the couch and turn on the television to watch the stock market. Minutes felt like an hour, not just my body that feels heavy but also my heart. I closed my eyes as the television sound began to fade, my senses were woken up by one and only Yanni who is carrying a big suitcase.

"Where are you going?" I got up and hold her suitcase "you are giving me time to breathe some air. So here I am, doing what we all wanted" I frowned at that statement

"Yeah, I said get some air but that doesn't mean to leave the house," I said raising my voice a little "Don't give me that tone Yuyan" She snatched away the handle of her suitcase "I'm leaving," She said and look away.

"Wait Yanni, I'm sorry. Please, think about leaving for the last time" I begged on my knees. but to no avail, she got into her car and drove off. I blew it off, didn't I?

I fucked up BIG TIME