The Confession

Song Xinran's Pov

I have never seen the couple for a week straight now, maybe they are busy? I was hoping to see Yanni though, too bad she's already taken. If given a chance I would like her to be my girlfriend but given that I'm shy and insecure I won't stand a chance with her Fiance.

I wanted to be a free spirit for tonight so I happen to enter a newly opened club hoping to see the engaged woman there. I laugh at the thought of her meeting me because she's home with her future wife, maybe even cuddling "Ouch" I hear someone say, I happen to collide with the new employee at the YY Inc. Should I befriend her?

She said her name is Sharon, I think she was nervous earlier that she stutter some words. I find her cute though when she excused herself I exited the club and went to the park near the river. Maybe I liked being in a quiet place more than some loud closed room. When I am walking along the path I saw someone that I found very familiar. She's crying.

I studied her face more and got shocked when I saw someone I least expected to see "Miss Dai Yanni?" I asked her, and she looked at me with teary eyes "I didn't expect you to be here, Do you mind if I sit beside you?" I asked her, and she just nodded whipping her tears and sniffling.

"Do you mind if I ask you what's wrong?" I broke the silence, I looked at her and then looked at the river in front of us, It was freezing yet here we are sitting on a cold bench "I broke things with Yuyan" I got shocked by what she stated, how come? They were so perfect "I didn't let her explain her side" She continued, I was confused not knowing the context of her story, I hesitantly rubbed her back in circles trying to calm her down.

"I may not know the thing between the two of you but I know you can get through that," I said watching her as another tear fell from her perfect white skin "I-we can get some food to catch up, only if you like of course," I said to her, I want to be close to her and help her get over her fiance. This might be my chance.

"Sure, thank you for accompanying me. Here's my number, call me if you're free" She said and got up. That was quicker than I anticipated. I held my hand over my left chest as my heart keep pounding just by looking at her calling card.

I got back home with a grin on my face "Someone's happy" My father said "I got shot by cupid" I said and giggled "Well good for you, wash up and sleep because tomorrow is a long they as someone ordered a bunch of event flower form YY Inc. again" I nodded and does as her father says.

It's a good day.

Yuyan's Pov

I woke up with a hangover nothing new except the whole house was spotless, I looked at every corner of the house to look for some trash and bottles of alcohol. The last thing I remember last night was a bunch of young students offering me a free shot, clinging to me like crazy. I walk to the kitchen to look for some aspirin and cook myself some breakfast. Every day I cook two servings of breakfast for me and Yanni but since Yanni isn't here anymore no one touched the plate.

I cooked some masked potatoes, bacon, poached egg, and lastly orange juice on the side "Hmm! Someone's getting healthy" I looked at my sister who just got out of her room "You look like shit, what happened to you?" I asked her and she glared at me, what the heck did I do wrong?

"Well, your supposed shit, happens to me," She said, and waving her hands in the air, I snickered "Thank you for taking care of me these past weeks, I'll get to work now. So, you don't have to worry about me" I confirm with her, I do need to separate my personal life from work. After we ate I told her to get ready and we'll both go to work.

I called my secretary first while waiting for my sister "Hey, I want you to order everyone a cup of coffee with a doughnut as for my apology for being irresponsible last week also, spread the word that I'll be back today" I said and before she could even reply I cut the line. I exhale and change my clothing into a more formal one.

When I got there all the board directors were lined up and bowing. I walk inside the lift and pressed the highest floor. I got out and saw that the floor is in a great atmosphere with their coffee and doughnut as a morning snack. They all greeted me with a smile and then bow.

I finally felt the feeling of my chair again, I cracked my fingers and began to check my emails before typing a reply to each and every one of them. I got a call from my secretary that I have a meeting with the event directors and finance directors for the coming anniversary of my company which is also my birthday.

"State your concerns," I said as I walk to my designated position "Ms. Yu, There isn't any concern regarding our financial budget but we would like to arrange with you the theme and your preferred design," Yvonne Wang my creative director said, I nod and think should I repeat my theme last year?

"I want it to be minimalist yet look fancy, I don't want anything too colorful, or maybe just repeat the design last year I won't mind. But, if you have any suggestions talk to me now" I said describing my preference, back then Yanni is the one who always takes care of this matter.

"Okay then, here have a look at some of the themes I came up with" She handed me a folder with a few designs in it and stand up in front to present her ideas "As you can see, The first one is the minimalist once you described earlier but we can adjust it all so don't worry. Flipping into the next page you can see an orange theme corporate, this design wasn't too colorful in the eyes and considered pleasant and appealing to the guests" I said and nodded studying the design.

"Next is the vintage style, This style is almost a replica of the early 70s' if you would like, we can make it less dull as it looks changing the dried flowers with fresh ones" This theme is dull and too old I don't like this, I said to myself "Lastly, we have the masquerade theme. We let the guests enjoy being mysterious while having an eventful night dealing with the partnership" She said and on cue, the lights turn back on. I analyzed the choices again before deciding.

"Let's go with the number 2, The masquerade is a little off to me, knowing that there might be danger happening. 1 is also a great choice but the guests might not like it because it is too similar to last year" I said and handed back the folder.

"If that is all you are all dismissed," I said and got up from my seat, my secretary is tailing me telling me my schedule. I looked at her when she mentioned the models "Say, Joey, is it possible to talk to the models today? After I meet with all the investors of course," I asked my secretary "Yes, of course, miss Yu, I'll call them right away and update you" She said and walked out of my office.

After a long tiring day of talking with the investors, my sister come to my office to pester me again "What do you want now?" I asked her my attention still on the screen "Don't be mean is, I'm here to wait for the models" She excitedly squeak "And why would you want to meet them?"

"Don't you know that they were a famous band back then? together with Yanni Jie duh" She said and rolled her eyes at me, can't you believe this brat? "Miss Yu, the models are here," My secretary said "Let them in and please bring them some sweets up here," I said and pushed back down the button from the telephone.

When they entered my office I stand up and greeted them followed by my sister's shriek "Sorry about her, by the way, this is my sister Sharon Wang-Yu a big fan of yours" I said and introduced Sharon to them. My sister hugged each one of them and took a selfie with them "Sorry about the late notice, please take a sit" I pointed at the newly bought sofa.

"No, it's okay all of us are free anyway," Lingzi said, I remembered that she is the most serious one among the group "So while having the sweets let's talk about why I called you here" The three of them nodded munching on their snacks.

"Actually, I want you to attend a runway in the coming company anniversary next week" Their eyes widened with that but I didn't want them to have comments yet so I continued what I was saying "I want you, girls, to do the opening runway for the other models wearing the clothes that my company provided. Just right after that, I would like to invite you guys to a dinner party, you will most likely meet some other opportunity you can get internationally" I said to them.

I think I ruined them. All of their jaws dropped even after I finished talking, I cleared my throat to snap them back to reality "W-wow, We will gladly accept that. Your offer is actually a big opportunity already" Lingzi said, still couldn't believe what she heard. The other two just nodded, and I smiled at them "I am glad you guys liked it, well then see you there yeah? My secretary will send the details" I said and waited for them to go home before working back to work again.

Let's take things slow and steady.

Dai Yanni's Pov

Another empty day, I haven't been doing something recently. All I did was wake up at 1 in the afternoon, eat, stare at the sky until the sun sets, and then sleep again. The routine was broken when my phone keep buzzing, I looked at it and saw the group chat I had with 172 Girls.

"Oh My Fucking God, Yanni why aren't you at your company earlier? You won't believe what happened" Keni messaged, I got nervous maybe Yuyan fired them because of me.

"Did Yuyan fire you guys?" I asked right away

"What? Fired, it's the opposite actually" Zihan replied to my message, If they are not fired, then what?

"She offered us to do the opening runway for her company anniversary! Not just that she also invited us to the dinner party full of people with big names!" Keni typed, even in her texts you can feel how excited she is. I just remembered about the party, if they didn't mention it I wouldn't have remembered.

"I was very shocked, to be honest, I thought when she called us she will say something like an emergency," Zihan said again, I let them continue to boast about their upcoming event.

"Oh by the way, where were you?" Lingzi asked me, I don't know what to reason out to them but I just chose to say that "I am on a business trip" and couldn't attend the party, Yuyan's Birthday.

"Oh, I gotta go. Talk to you guys later" I excused myself from them and lay down on my bed, a moment later my phone rang again, and saw an unknown number. This isn't Yuyan, right? I answered the phone by saying a slow hello.

"Uhm, hi this is Xinran. Are you busy?" I sigh in relief when I heard someone else's voice, I wasn't ready to face Yuyan, not yet.

"Oh yeah, I am free right now. Do you want to meet up now?" I asked her, I want to at least tell her what happened and why I pour my emotions that night

"No need to go out I just need to tell you something" I heard her inhale on the other end of the line "I just want to say that I love you very much, I don't know anything that happen between you and your fiance but I want to take this chance to tell you how I feel these 3 years" I was surprised at the sudden confession and couldn't utter a word.

"No need to reciprocate my feelings, I just want to tell you how I truly feel and if it's not a bother I would like to ask you for a date now and then. If you are feeling uncomfortable with the date just consider it a friendly one" I am still processing what she said I was about to answer her after it all sunken down in my mind but she already cut the line.

I sigh and looked at the unknown number that just called me. 4 mins and 48 seconds. I smiled and stored her number on my phone.

Let's take things slow and steady.

Someone Else's Pov

"Hello Inspector, It's me," Someone from the other line said just as I picked up the call.

"I just want to check in if you are doing well, how are you?" She asked, I sigh this client of mine is being impatient again.

"Hello, I am actually doing quite alright. The job you paid is also doing great" I said stirring my tea.

"Wow, if that is so, I won't bother you. You are quite busy, aren't you? Adios Inspector" And then hung the call. This job is making me go nuts, I need to kill the target as soon as possible.


New Characters:

New Characters:

Cai Zhuoyi

• YuYan's Secretary

• Hardworking and Diligent

• Mostly outgoing

• YuYan's Secretary• Hardworking and Diligent • Mostly outgoing

Wang Qing (Yvonne)

• Creative Director of YY Inc.

• In charge of Events and Co-Designer of the Clothing line

• Artistic and Optimistic