I'll Take Care of You

Sharon Wang-Yu's Pov

I thought if my sister go back and focus all her attention on work the outcome would be satisfactory, but I guessed wrong. I am right here standing behind her watching her yell and curse at the workers, She's grinding her ass off the whole week for this coming event. She can't even remember that it's her birthday, who on Earth would forget their own birthday?

"You! I told you that move that further back! Can't you hear me? Should I yell at the top of my lungs?" She yelled massaging her temple, if I disturb her now I think she'll eat me alive. The workers scurried away from her moving the table where she pointed earlier "Ugh these idiots" I heard her mumble and write something on the paper she was holding.

I lightly tap her shoulders with my finger and she looked at me frowning ready to bomb the whole event hall "What!?" I put my hand up like a criminal getting caught in whatever I'm doing, she sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose "I'm sorry, What can I do to you?" She said a little calmer than earlier.

"I think you should take a break for a bit Jiejie, Let Yvonne take care of this," I said handing her the iced coffee that probably tastes water now since I'd been holding it for quite a long time waiting for a perfect moment to give it to her, It took me a 1 hour and a half to find that perfect moment.

"I can't, the celebration is tonight yet the venue is still a mess" I tilted my head scanning a very perfect setup behind her, what the hell? Is this what she called messed up? "I-I think you are exaggerating Yan Jie. It's already perfect!" I tried to ease her mind but it didn't work "Oh my gosh, It's ugly isn't it? I should call the florist to change the flowers" Oh heaven give me more strength to go on and tolerate this madness.

I snatched away her phone and put it away in my back pocket "You will not change the flowers last minute Jiejie. It will be too sudden for the owner" I said thinking of the girl I met a few days back. I still haven't visited her shop because I've been stressing out over Yan Jiejie "You should really eat Jiejie, take a break for a bit" I pleaded again, Mom and Dad are worried about her health.

"I don't have to rest Sharon, please. I'll eat as soon as I finish this" She refused me again, since when did Jiejie have a proper meal? "Yuyan Jiejie, listen to me, It's supposed to be your birthday today. Shouldn't you be enjoying instead of yelling at your poor worker? Mom and Dad will be here tonight, they'll probably ask you a ton of questions, so please" I gave her my puppy eye. 'please work please work please work' I prayed that she would buy what I'm doing this time. She loves cute girls there is no way she'll refuse me again.

"Ugh, if you weren't as cute as a burst of sunshine I would've yelled at you" Yes! She bought it! I hugged her and dragged her away from the venue. We were here at the empty cafeteria since most of the people are either having their day off or grinding inside the venue to have a raise for this month.

"Have you heard that mom and dad would like to adopt someone my age?" I started off the conversation, she raised her brows at me "Please tell me you are kidding" She said and ordered something at the kiosk machine "Why would I even joke about it? They'll ask you tonight if you approve or not" I moved her away from the machine and order my meal.

"Oh God, please tell them I don't want another brat" I looked at her exaggerating being offended "How dare you, call me a brat" I gasp and put my hand over my mouth "I didn't call you a brat though, you called yourself a brat don't twist my words," She said and walk away sitting at the table.

"Just tell them no. I don't have any more time to be dealing with someone new" She said and opened her phone while waiting for our food "You love me too much to be your only sibling right?" I teased her and maybe fluttered myself with her possible answers.

"You interpret my answer way too deep than it should be" My grinding face turned upside down within a second, great, way to go anticipation of a non-sarcastic answer, Sharon. I faced palm myself "You are a jerk Yan Jiejie," I said and on cue, the foods are here. I looked over her plate and saw the whole steamed corn again. I sigh, why is she even eating if she only wants one piece of food? I don't even know if that can give her energy until the event starts.

"You need to eat more than just corn Jiejie," I said and put some veggies on her plate, I know she'll refuse if I gave her some meat "Geez, you act older than me," She said and shove the broccoli inside her mouth, I actually just hate veggie that's why I pretended to be feeding her like that since then.

"How are things?" I asked breaking the silence again "hmm, Just alright" She has no idea what question I asked didn't she "Not about work... You and Yanni Jiejie. You haven't been looking for her or talking about her, Jiejie please open up to us. You know mom, dad, and I will always support you, right?" I said to her, she stopped eating her corn and looked down at her colorless plate.

"I actually want to give up on her, I cheated on her Sharon. I cannot fix it anymore, she didn't even want to hear me out" I was out of words due to shock, Yuyan Jieije cheated? with whom?

"Tell me, what am I supposed to do in a time like this?" She looked into my eyes with so much despair and sadness, I bit my lip trying to avoid her soulful eyes.

"I-I don't know too" I whispered loud enough for her to hear "I'll do something sooner or later Sharon, so please don't tell mom and dad?" She didn't command me instead she asked me. I was surprised that she lowered her pride to ask me this simple request. I can only nod as she continues to bite her corn little by little.

We went back to the venue as if nothing happened. Yuyan Jiejie isn't yelling anymore instead she becomes calmer, which is more concerning than her usual short-tempered self. I excused myself from her and said that I'll be home to prepare myself for the party together with mom and dad.

Tonight, I wish Yuyan Jiejie enjoy her birthday even without the love of her life.

Dai Yanni's Pov

Today is the day, Yuyan's birthday. I don't know what to do! Should I visit her at the annual celebration? I picked up my phone to scroll and saw her newsfeed have a mountain of greetings, I saw some posts of personnel inside the company and saw Yuyan's picture. I was supposed to be the facilitator there but things happened.

I scrolled further down and saw a glimpse of the theme this year. Orange, is my favorite color. She remembered. Without my knowledge, I dialed someone's phone number "Hello?" She answered, "Uhm, Hello?" She repeated, I was snapped out of my thought and looked at the caller's ID. I sigh "Hi Xinran, This is Yanni. Can I drop by your shop? Are you busy?" I asked, I think I'll just send her some flowers anonymously.

"Yeah, sure. We just finished a big order from YY Inc." She mentioned the company I used to work at "Thank you, I'll be there in 5" I said and hung up, not wanting to prolong the call. I got up and redo my makeup.

I walk to the shop since it was nearby our area "Ranran?" I entered the shop to see nothing. I rang the bell at the desk and within a second she walked out of the back door "Hey, sorry for the wait. What flower would you like today?" She asked me. Should I send her our usual flower with a greeting card?

"Carnation, A bouquet of Carnation would be nice to send to Yuyan" I blabber to her, and she giggled at me "Sure, I'll get back with your order" She went inside again leaving me all alone here. I took a seat on the small chair and began talking to the flowers "Hello there, beautiful. Are you doing well?"

I smiled at the flower as if I were talking to a person, maybe I am really going nuts. I smelled the Poet's Jasmine and patted its petals "you smell so good, do you really give romance and good luck?" I asked it as if the flower can answer.

"Yes, many people that came here have lovers now" I got startled when Xinran talked, handling e my bouquet of Carnation "Thank you," I said looking at the pastel-colored flowers "You know so much about flowers, huh?" She asked me and got back at the counter preparing some paper and pen.

"Yeah, I used to study flowers as my hobbit," I said and got up from the chair walking at the counter "So, would you like to write yourself or you'd like me to do it for you?"

"I'll do it myself thank you," I said. Upon opening the pen I couldn't write anything, I just stared at the blank paper until I naturally put down a formal greeting 'Happy Birthday YuYan, May Luck and Wealth come your way' I stared at it for a bit longer, this is lame. I don't know if she'll even read this when a hundred more people will send her flowers with the same greetings.

"You won't put your name there?" I looked at Xinran. I could only shake my head and smile "Uhm, can you send it? I can pay for the delivery too" I said rummaging through my small pouch "Don't worry about it, there are still some last flowers to be delivered there" She said refusing the money.

"But Uhm, are you free today? Would you like some coffee? I mean you don't need to if you are busy" I smiled at her, there is no harm in accepting it right? "Sure, We can have some coffee" Her eyes lit up, and clapped her hands "Okay, I'll be done packing these in 5" She left and went to the back door again. Maybe it won't be bad to start again, right?

Liu Lingzi's Pov

We were getting ready for the event. We are currently backstage, Yuyan gave each one of us a room where we can change our clothing. They provided us with everything from food to shoes even our jewelry and our makeup artist. It's just sad that Yanni isn't here with us.


My phone buzzed at the message. I looked at it and saw that Yanni texted.

"Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't make it tonight," She said, maybe she's still busy on that business trip she mentioned the other day.

"Don't worry Yanni as long as you are safe there" I replied, but why didn't Yuyan mention that Yanni won't make it today? I shrugged my thoughts when Yanni texted again.

"Thank you, I hope that the event there will be a success. Oh before I forgot, please greet Yuyan a happy birthday. Please update me, I need to go now enjoy!" She said, Oh so It's Yuyan's birthday today but it doesn't make sense that Yanni isn't here. She's supposed to be here celebrating with her lover.

"Okay, We will greet her and update you" I put down my phone after I informed my two members who are just next door.

"Ladies and Gentlemen our first-ever group ambassador opening our runway event. Wearing our newly launched sportswear" I heard the Yuyan as a host said "Give a big round of applause to Miss Liu Lingzi, Miss Zeng Keni, and Miss Jin Zihan" That was our cue to rock this runway with our clothing.

Wearing our newly launched sportswear" I heard the Yuyan as a host said "Give a big round of applause to Miss Liu Lingzi, Miss Zeng Keni, and Miss Jin Zihan" That was our cue to rock this runway with our clothing

Loud applause greeted us followed by a hundred shutters of cameras. Thanks to Yuyan, we started loving this feeling. The modeling used to be so dull and lifeless until she gave us the opportunity to shine on our own.

After the runway event, we walk back to our room "That was so much fun. It felt like there is so much adrenaline injected in me" Keni said, Zihan giggled, agreeing at what my lover stated "Yeah, it's so fun. We definitely should sign a contract at YY Inc. like forever!" Keni said again jumping her excitement away from her body.

"Remind me about that, I'll sign a contract with her after the Miss China thingy," Zihan said to us, this is the first time she looks so energetic "Yeah, I'll tell Yanni and Yuyan about this news. Let's change into our evening gown first" I said and wave them goodbye before entering our rooms.

I saw a big box on the sofa maybe this is the evening gown Yuyan's Secretary has been telling us. I opened it and saw a letter

'to madam Liu,

This is to show our deepest gratitude to you for attending our event.

I hope you enjoy this evening.

-Sincèrement Yu Yan CEO of YY Inc'

I took a picture of it first before changing and retouching my makeup. I sent it to the group chat of 172 girls, Keni and Zihan also sent theirs as a return to my text. When we got back to the venue, we went inside the lobby. It was totally different a week before, It has a very fancy vibe now, YY Inc is no joke.

We went to the event hall where the main event is going to start. We saw Yuyan on the stage. When the hall is almost full, the light dimmed only lighting up the stage. Her speech is starting now, I looked over at my member who is still in awe.

But there is something off with Yuyan, she is a bit paler than earlier. She stands a the center and inhales.

"Hello everyone, Thank you for attending this important event of the company. Thank you to those who greeted me with a happy birthday. I want to thank Mom and Dad who even flew here to celebrate with me and my sister" She said pointing at the couple near the stage and her sister waving enthusiastically to her. I pulled out my phone and record her regards and sent it to our group chat.

"I know many of you might have heard about my health from my sister, please don't worry about me because as long as I have the strength to go on, I will fulfill my duty here as the boss my workers can look up to. I won't make this long, I hope you enjoy your dinner and have fun" She said and return the microphone to the personnel in charge of the music.

I was about to stop the recording when a big gasp from the crowd was heard. I looked at the stage and saw Yuyan collapse on the floor. I didn't know that the video was sent capturing her collapsing Yanni might be worried, but that isn't important for now.

Medical personnel put her on stretchers and left "Hello guys, Uhm please do continue having fun. She will be back later, She hasn't eaten properly in months so maybe she was just hungry" Her sister said and then followed her unconscious sister.

I looked at the girl that was talking on her phone, she was talking loudly so it was hard to ignore "I don't want any clip of Miss Yu collapsing tonight to be in any media, do you hear me?" Shit, I sent the clip to our group chat "I swear to a hundred Gods if it spreads, I will sue them" She said and ended the call. Shit, there is nothing I can do now.

Take care of yourself, Yuyan.

Dai Meng's Pov

I went back and forth from my station to the hospital. I was told that I'll handle the news of Yuyan's Collapsing in the middle of her company Celebration "Diamond! Make sure my daughter's news won't spread through the internet, especially on some tv stations.

Mr. Yu commanded me "Yes sir, you can count on me," I said and immediately dialed my team to refuse any news that includes Yuyan as the context. The party was continued by her parent, they host it till midnight and then ended it just past 2 in the morning.

I was with Sharon the whole evening waiting for Yuyan to gain consciousness "Hey why don't you take a nap for a bit?" I patted Sharon since this room was a private suite she can rest on the sofa bed "No, I'm good here" She said and lay down the upper part of her body on Yuyan's bed.

"Okay, but if your back hurts, the bed is always a choice" I reminded her. My phone rang just as I was about to go out "I'll take this" I said and showed her the phone, she only nodded and closed her eyes. I walk out of the room to answer the call from my team.

"Miss Meng, The Socials are clean and all the video that was uploaded has been deleted immediately," They updated me "How about private telecommunications?" I asked them, It was hard to remove if it was private since we will be needing permission "Uhm, about that Miss Meng, besides that it was hard to track it isn't our part to meddle about the private affairs" It made my blood boil with their chosen word 'meddle'.

"Call their supervisor! Tell them that I want to talk to them about this topic. I wasn't meddling in this matter because this is also my personal business! I want you to connect them now, I don't care if they are sleeping!" I spat every word with anger "But-" "I said I want to talk to them now!" I cut them off not wanting another excuse.

I huff in anger after I talk to them, they said that it will take 3-4 hours to make a move to the intel. I walk back to the room and saw Sharon on the Sofa bed, I smiled. So she got tired of sitting, after all. I walk closer to Yuyan and sit in the chair Sharon slept in earlier.

"I'm sorry Yanzi, half of this is my fault. If I didn't fall in love with you, you wouldn't be suffering like this" I said stroking her hair. I sigh and got up, it's my time to go home and take care of things. I looked at Yuyan once again "I'll take care of you."

I promise that I'll protect you from anything that could hurt you because I love you Yuyan.

Dai Yanni's Pov

10 in the evening, I looked at the watch on my wrist. We are walking now at the park where she first saw me crying. This place near the river is so memorable. After we had some coffee, she offered me to watch some movies at the theatre after that we went and have our dinner at some local shop that ended up here.

"Taking a stroll at a time like this is peaceful," I said and took a seat on the grass, I patted the space beside me for her to sit "Hmm, this is nice. Us having a stroll having a date" She said and shot up after she realized what she said "I mean, friendly date. It was nice having a friendly date once in a while" I giggled while she covered her face.

"It's okay to say it like that Xinran, I don't mind," I said and looked at the half-moon, Yuyan's under-ear tattoo is like that too. I snapped out of my trance when she laugh softly "Thank you, for acknowledging my feelings" She said "I want to move on, but I don't want it to be fast Xinran. I don't want it to look like I'm just using you to rebound my feelings" I clarify to her.

"I understand, don't worry I'm willing to wait. I already waited for 3 years, what is a few more months compared to years" She said shaking her head. My phone never received a message since they sent their nightgown.

"It's quite late now, let's end the day here?" She said to me. I hummed and stretch "Thank you for accompanying me Ranran," I said and hugged her before I entered my apartment my phone received a video. It was Yuyan doing her speech, the volume of her voice is a bit low and unsteady. I squinted and looked if there is something wrong with her because her voice is shaky and her lips paled close to going white.

I am walking inside the elevator while watching the video Lingzi sent. My eyes widen when the video capture Yuyan collapsing on the side of the stage. I repeatedly pressed the open button of the door and run toward the nearest exit gasping for air "This can't be" I feel so weak, I cannot process what was happening, and dialed Lingzi's number.

"Thank goodness, you finally call back!" She immediately filled in some details "I actually noticed her out of state before we even start the runway event" Sha said to me, I am supporting myself with the wall nearby as I listen to the devastating news. Yuyan either forgets to eat or refuses to eat, maybe that is the reason she burns herself out "Which hospital is she?"

"I thought you were out for a business trip? Yanni it's okay, she's with her sister" I almost forget my excuse for not attending her special day "I-I just want to make sure she's okay" I said holding my tears back. She was suffering while here I am enjoying my time moving on from her. I should've listened to her back then.

"Yanni? are you still there? Don't worry we'll visit her tomorrow" She said to me, I sniffled back my tear "I'm going back home tomorrow, I need to tell you guys something too," I said, I need to explain our situation to them. I can't lie anymore, Lingzi is sharp enough to know what's going on.

"Okay, just rest assured Yanni. She'll be fine" She then hung up the call, and I forced myself to walk back to my room and watch the video again. I opened the group chat and saw the video disappear and then I remember her Diamond sure moves fast, what am I even doing? I thought to myself. That should be me who is beside her.

That should be me taking care of her.