Going Nuts

Someone's Pov

I rang her phone number once again but she isn't answering "Why the hell aren't you answering now? Now that I have news about the target" I sigh and threw my phone onto the couch.

Just milliseconds before it landed someone called me. Gosh, this frustrates me so much "hello miss, I have been calling you" I calmed myself down. She was asking about the target "That is why I've been calling you. She was actually in hospital now, they haven't disclosed the reason" I informed her.

"Thank you" That was the only thing she said before hanging up on me. I looked at my phone unbelievably "gosh, she's rude that she's driving me nuts" I said closing my phone.

"no matter what, I must kill her"

Lingzi's Pov

"You what!?" I shouted at Yanni "I know, I'm sorry. I just can't accept what she did to me" I massaged the bridge of my nose. Did I sign up to be their mother? "But isn't it strange that she still let us work at her company?"