The trike docked at the designated docking area, and Kaylin released the bubble to prepare the crew for exit.
“Get your badges ready to show the security droids,” Kaylin told the others.
They came to a touch-screen pad near a pentagonal door, and Kaylin typed in a code.
“Code is N377A,” she told them.
The door opened in a jagged split, and they stepped through, met by the mechanical hum of spherical objects. Each had digital screens built in. Everyone dug their badges from their pockets and waved them over the screen.
Access granted, the screens read, and the droids scattered.
A man with medium brown skin and almond-shaped eyes approached.
“Greetings,” he said. “I’m Dr. Amos Moses. I’m the osteopath here.”
“Dannon Higgins,” Dannon introduced himself. “I’m a robotics engineer. This is my wife Alayna; she’s an astrophysicist and intergalactic relations student.”
Dr. Moses’ face lost a hue of color.
“Pleased to meet you all,” Dr. Moses said. “If you don’t mind my asking, what was their reason for sending an intergalactic relations student?”
“To hopefully communicate with any natives,” Alayna answered.
“There are no…” Dr. Moses started.
Bekah joined in, and said. “Oh, yeah! There was a creature who looked like a human, and one with bright blue--I’d say turquoise--skin.”
“And who are you?” Dr. Moses demanded.
“The neuropsychologist, Bekah Greenberg,” came the reply. “This is my husband, the therapist, Judah.”
Dr. Moses gave a curt nod, and said, “If you go down the main tunnel, and left at the first entrance, you’ll find the tunnel with the living quarters. If you take the first right in the main tunnel, you’ll find the hospital.”
Dannon and Judah started toward the trike.
“Don’t EVER mention what you saw out there,” Dr. Moses warned.