Master was back now, he came back too soon, will he be okay? he was now getting dressed for an event, the rest of us were dressed in all black, jeans, boots and a leather jacket while he was dressed in black boots, black baggy jeans with a turtle neck sweater.

He drove his car alone, while the rest of us had two to one car, we followed behind him for close to an hour, we all agreed never to bring up the girl again.

As for that woman, she's just in the dungeon with the silver burning her skin as he heals constantly.

We reached a large building with tight security, the building looked like a parking lot for cars. Master had brought out a card? it looked red and the security checked it for a while before asking him something and looking our way.

He nodded and told the others to let down the barricades, and we drove in,

'Follow me closely'

Master said in the mind link.

Over the next few minutes we drove in circles till he looked as if he was driving at a wall, I horned, but he kept going, I expected a crash but he just got swallowed in, and we went through next, on the other side laid a parking lot twice as big, there were a lot of people here, most of them wearing masks and the others didn't wear, the whole place felt like a different dimension, like a nether realm, everything looked destroyed yet in place, and in the middle of the building laid an arena.

We parked the car and came out, he watched us as we walked forward, his eyes were blood red.

I knew he was bloodthirsty, but now that he's angry and grieving, this place is the best place for him. Finally, in front of him, we bow, and walk towards the arena, wait, why we're we heading to the arena?

Most of the wolves we walked by just stopped and stared, it's obvious we were different, but because they couldn't guess we were lycans, all they felt was a stronger presence, that was, until master just threw the guy watching over the entrance to the arena.

'He needs a place to cool off.'


I throw the wolf in front of me into the arena and walk into it,

'stay here' I say to them in the mind link,

I'm here to find more of those that killed my family, and Bella, and get some steam off.

The whole arena went quiet as I walked to the centre with the two shifted wolves fighting, I didn't look around, I just walked forward, the emotions I've kept piled up wanted out, I just wanted to kill, and kill, and flow in river of blood I can create.

"who is that?"

"where did he come from?"

"Does he want to die?"

"haha sixth and fifth will tear him to shreds."

"who wants to bet on the outcome??"

more and more murmurs turned to whispers, then to voices, and before I knew it, I was standing in front of the two wolves, with the whole crowd shouting for me to die.

I didn't want to waste my time here, what I want, I fade from their sights because of my high agility and speed and appear behind them..

"is blood".

they wants to turn but I grabbed their spine, and tore it out, right from the back of the neck, to their tail, they howled in pain, as they started to change back, their bones not having a base, went badly as blood poured from their spineless body to my feet, I drop their spine and remove my jacket.

" more." I said, the crowd was silent, before an uproar occurred, each with their own chants and questions of doubt that I didn't bother to listen to.

Soon three doors opened with three wolves walking forward, they looked at the ones on the floor and back at me, I started walking towards them and kick the head of one of the wolves out of my way.

This angered them even more, good, anger is good.


"ughhh, where is brother?" I ask very uninterestedly in all this, why did I have to come to watch fights between rogues and prideful wolves.

"Miss, he's with the Alpha" my maid and guard, wendy said.

I start off walking faster, I wanted to go back home, I hated this place, but they always bring me here every time, using some useless reasons.

I push open the door to the room they were in, this room was the highest one in the building, with a view of everything happening in the arena and around it, meaning the people here. Since this place was in a building, then it can't be an open place with only the arena and spectators but special rooms for important people.

"Ah, my dear, what is it?" my father, Zain, leader of the hailblood pack.

"Dad, I want to leave here," I say pouting my lips cause it always works.

"come here child," he says and I walk to him,

"you know why I bring you here don't you?" he asks and I nod.

"training and magic without experience will-"

"will bring death to even the best of us." I finish up his saying because I've heard it so many times now.

"yes, my child. We would go, but something interesting has come up" he says as he looks down at the arena, although it's quite a distance, with wolves eyes, it's hardly any struggle.

There was a guy down there, around him laid two disfigured spineless wolves, the blood painted the ground, and he looked like he enjoyed every second of it.

Three wolves came out and he smiled, not a cute one but one filled with anger and bloodlust, he kicked the head of one of the wolves blocking his way and walked towards them as the three started their match.

The three were the fourth, third, and second, they are strong, and the second is only second to brother, wait, I look around me, brother wasn't here.

"dad, where's brother?" I ask him and he smiles.

He was actually down there? Nothing has made him come out to fight before since no one could be the second except him, he always stayed here overseeing the matches.

"he said, he felt it." dad says

"huh? felt what?" I ask

he turns to me,

"The presence of a beast".

I got shocked before getting myself in order, and looking back at the man, he walked calmly even when his expression and eyes screamed something else, I could feel his anger from his eyes, why do I feel this way? it's like I'm burning, my heart was beating faster and i couldn't take my eyes off him.

The reached the wolf that was forth and forth tried to bite his head off but he ducked and grabbed his throat and was about to rip it off when third came pouncing at him.

Third collided and it raised dust around them for a bit and the crowd, everyone went silent, and the dust cleared, all that was left, was this guy, with a wolf in both hands, one to the ground and the other lifted up by the throat.

'just how? is he so strong'

this thought, I could swear passed through everyone's mind.

then we heard a crack, with a lot of whines and sounds of shrieks coming from the two wolves,

" W-what?! He's crushing their necks???" I speak out forgetting dad was beside me...

how can he be that strong?

I was so preoccupied with him that I didn't even see his expression, he was smiling now but more evil looking.

In that split second that I took my eyes off him, he got thrown to the wall of the arena, I was so surprised that I looked well and saw second where the man previously stood.

The man walked off the collision and looked at second, this time he wasn't smiling, instead he walked forward, and his eyes glowed, one side turned stayed red and the other tuned golden. I didn't know why but that felt very familiar.

Second didn't move, he just stayed there, but he was shaking, it was visible, even from here. The man walked and didn't stop until he reached second, he lifted his hand to seconds snout and opened it, and the next few moments were gory as fuck.

He ripped out his tongue, before holding seconds snout and slamming him to the ground, he ripped his arms out, then his legs, then the tail, before slamming his hands into seconds chest and removing his wolf heart and throwing it away.

The crowd and I stayed quiet, even dad was shocked, could brother fight second in human form alone? This guy was a monster, but why did I feel this way towards him, dad said that how he knew that mom was his mate was just a look, just that moment their eyes met.

it seemed stupid but I wanted to try it, if I didn't I wouldn't be okay after knowing it could have been.

I let out my presence to him, I directed it carefully, so others couldn't feel me here, but he-

He just looked up at me, we locked eyes, he really is my-


"brother, dad we have to stop the match!!!" I hold onto dad and try to get his attention.

he looks at me,

"you know we can't do that, and that man, we need to eliminate him." he says.

"no dad, he's mine-" I stop, dad raises a brow, what did I just say.