"No, he's mine-" wait, what did I just say.

"What do-"

"dad please just stop the match." I say grabbing his arm.

The crowd suddenly cheered and we both looked,

"it's already too late, my child."

Brother was coming out of one of the entrances, in his human form, he was very prideful, worst of it all in this arena which he controlled but I felt it, he can't beat him, in fact, brother might die.

Their match started and brother walked, then blasted off towards him with an unbelievable speed about to deliver a blow to his head but the man stepped back before delivering an overhead kick to brothers jaw, this threw him off balance.

He got up and the man took the initiative this time, he jumped off the ground and was about to deliver a punch from above at a tremendous speed, and brother dodges, the dust that rise from that strike alone was more than that of the fight he had before.

The dust cleared and brother and the man were just standing there, the strike was visible on the ground, his strike created craters...

Brother sped straight towards the man and threw a punch, and it connected, he looked taken aback but immediately recovered, he started throwing punches and kicks to the man, but he just stood, neither dodging nor defending brothers attacks, then brother landed his last hit on the mans jaw.

The man looks down at brother the spits out some blood, then looks at brother, his eyes glowed again just like with second and somehow, I knew he was going to kill brother.

I wasn't thinking, I just prayed we were actually mated if not I could die too.

I punch the glass in front of me, before father could react I had already jumped out of the glass and he screamed out my name in the middle of the chants in this whole arena, the only ones that heard him were my maid, and -

' I'm free falling for someone who doesn't even know I'm here, Shit!!'


I felt something drawing my attention, I have already gotten my anger down a little, I wanted to destroy this guy like I did to the other one before but I heard glass smash, and it distracted me from activating it.

Somehow, I didn't feel good, I looked towards where I heard the glass smash and see someone falling, a girl? she looked like the one that had drawn my attention before.

Should I let her die? it's close to 20 feet, she wouldn't die if she landed well but with the way that she's falling, she's definitely going to die.

I sigh, why do I feel like this towards her, like I'm tied to her.

I want to let her die, it's too much of a bother to have someone like that alive, I look back at the one in front of me, just a little bit of mind play and he's like this...even at that, he keeps looking towards the girl, even when he can't move, they do have the same white hair, are they siblings?...

she's 10 feet off the ground now.

I start walking towards the spot I guessed she would fall, looking at her now, the attraction to her was more than before, she looked really afraid yet, she jumped out of that height? was it to save him from me?

I stretch out my hand and put some strength into my back to get ready for gravity and her weight, I caught her.

surprisingly she wasn't heavy but, I think I sunk into the ground a bit.

Now she was in my arms, her scent, her face, when she opened her eyes and saw me, all of that got etched into my soul and my wolf and I knew, this thing, I didn't like it.

I stood there, the attraction was there, she looks down, I let her down and walk away, I've already made myself known too much here-

Something zoomed past me, it looked like Zoey? I turn to see Rollo holding the white haired boy that I wanted to kill and the other three just standing behind me. I smile, seems they've become accustomed to their roles...then all that's left is me to put them to work.

" You," the white hair boy said,

"why did you kill them?" he asked, and I look around, wasn't this place an arena for life and death matches?...

"relieves stress " I say and continue walking away.

Soon enough the entrances were blocked by guys in black suits, and at the entrance to where I came in from, a white haired man walked out, he looked reasonably alike to the two behind me.

He walked towards me before looking back at the ones behind me and then the other two,

"Thank you, for sparing my son, and" he says before looking at the girl,

"my daughter. Your mate, I presume".

I turn back to look at her, so that's what it was, our eyes met and she looks down once again.

I look back at the man in front of me and nod before walking away,

" Where are you going to!!?!" the white haired boy called out.

I'm really getting annoyed with him, I was just about to turn back to look at him when rollo appeared in front of him and held him from his jaw and lifted him up, Everyone in the arena turned silent.

"silence in front of master." was all it took from rollo.

I sigh.

The old man and the girl were looking at me now, of course, judging from everything, they're an aggressive bunch, the only reason they've not done anything yet is because I'm her mate.

"let him go" I say and rollo releases his grip.

I turn to the man,

"What do you want from me?" I ask him.

"Follow us, we're inviting you to the pack." he says.

"I'm not interested," I say to him,

"then take a look around as you get to know, my daughter, your mate." there he goes again with this mate word, is this something normal? to do everything for your mate.

"we ride alone," I say to him and he nods, we all went back to the cars and got in, the whole arena continued their matches and I, was driving behind the cars of these people.

I didn't even know why I agreed, and that girl, she feels the true attraction, while I can't reciprocate those exact feelings. it's better to find a way to leave her.

After what seemed to be an hour of non stop driving, we drove into an estate, with high fences and walls. The gates to the estate was about 11 feet tall, the estate looked well managed and the buildings even better.

We drove past some that were training in combat and others using abilities, it seems some had contracts here.

Some of the cars had divided and went on to different routes, while the only one that remained was the one of the man and his children.

I can hold the man and his son hostage if the situation gets bad, wait, why didn't I include the girl? what's wrong with me?

The car in front took a right and turned into a mansion the same size if not bigger than mine, then they exited and I did too. The girl kept staring at me and when I looked she would put her head down, I looked around this place, there wasn't anything remotely bad about it, although we'll developed, aren't they weak or did I get stronger?

I closed the door and walked forward, if I accept her as my mate, they do not expect me to stay here, do they? or do they want to use her to tie me down after seeing me fight? I can't put a pin on it, but something feels wrong.

" What are your names." I say to them, as I walked towards them, they could hear me so no need shouting or waiting till I'm there to ask.

"My son, Zacharias, My daughter, Mirabelle and I, Zain. This is the hailblood pack." the man, Zain said.

"Damien." I say before turning back,

"Rollo" pointing at the big one.

"Zoey" the smallest one

"David" the smartest.

"John" versatile.

I turn back to zain, only to see the girl, mirabelle, starting down at zoey, I wanted to smile, she had a death wish. Back to zoey, I'll have to deal with her not telling me about her magic.

She walks towards me and grabs my arm, then looks up at me, what is she playing at? I look at her father and he just shakes his head with a smile before looking forward and walking.

I wanted to get her off, but oddly, it felt okay and that's why I didn't like this, this feeling.

As we walked up the stairs, the door opened, and I looked at it, and there she was, the last one to be with her, the one who harmed her, who killed her.

"ahh Victoria, you won't believe it." she left my side and rushed to hers.

"What is it???" she asks and turns towards me, and froze, no, everyone did.

I could feel it myself, apart from my anger and bloodlust, the four behind me lost control of theirs too, it seems, a lot of people, are going to die here today.

"Y-you. H-how are you here?!!"