We has started fighting these wolves, they were numerous but their individual strength wasn't anything to worry about. Master told us to kill them all, leaving none alive except the two that were behind them,

One of the wolves growl and jumps at me only for me to duck and stab my hand into his chest, ripping his still beating heart out and throwing the corpse to one of the wolves running at me.

it stumbled and quickly regains its composure, before letting out something that looked like spears, made from ice, I start chanting a spell to create a shield to protect me from it, the wolf let it go, as it flew towards me wanting to make me into a kebab.

a couple inches from my body, a light transparent shield appeared, tanking all the ice spears, the spell worked too, it feels weird, being a witch and lycan but I could get used to it.

I turned to look at the others to see they were fairing well, none of us had turned to our lycan form, master advised us against it, and thus battle would've been ended so quickly.

"WHERE IS SHE?!!!" A shout erupted from the younger one of the two men.

The amount of bloodlust and killing intent produced during those few seconds, he turned to his wolf form and started it's sprint towards master, I sidestepped to block his path before master said,

"Let him pass." it didn't take a genius to know that master wanted to play with him, I went back to my position and continued to conjure up fire and lightening spells, attacking the wolves that weren't organised from the outburst of their leader.

The wolf had passed etching closer and closer until it opened its snout releasing a fire beam towards him, he didn't stand up, neither did he let go of the woman, It all felt too easy to be true.

The monster didn't give it a break, running right behind its attack so that if he manages to block or avoid it, he can pounce on him and rip his head off.

Then something happened,

the beam had connected with an almost invisible Shield, stunning everyone here, he'd never done that before, the wolf had recovered from it and released short burns of flames at him before leaping forward to put him down.

Master dodged to the right and delivered an uppercut from his right side, and slammed his foot on the wolf's head, before squating down to look at him, now he was frowning.


'insane, how can he be so strong?!'

beneath his feet I was, I couldn't move and my flames couldn't be used or I would burn myself alive.

he bent down to me, the smile he had on had gone now,

"I will give you a choice, join me or die here with the rest of the bugs you brought." his voice was smooth but spat with poison.

I can't forgive him, no, I can never forgive him, why my daughter!?, why my family!!!

"You want to know why?" he said with disgust.

Standing straight he turns towards the fight going on below,

"One of you, bring that old bastard here." he says waving his hand.

'That old man knows something, and he kept quiet, when I get out of this I'll deal with him, stop your attack!' I say in the mind link with the remaining wolves that were alive.

"What, Let me go you fucking brutes, do you not know who I am!" Peter kept cursing them out.

I turned back and look at him, how could this useless excuse of a wolf give birth to her, the most courageous woman I've ever met.

They knelt him down and the big one between the four, stood behind him while the female stood beside me, the other two men stood behind the man called Damien.

"Do you know me?" he asked, Peter looked at him in contempt, he dragged on a bit until he was slapped from behind by the big guy.

He set his body back up and set his head facing Damien,

"I don't like to repeat myself, hence, every second you refuse to speak, I break a bone in her body." he says to him,

I try to reach out but the woman beside me held me in place, just what were these guys, they smelled like wolves yet not wolves, the only one with a certain scent of a wolf is Damien, the probable leader of them all.

I looked at Peter immediately, I already didn't like him and now he still didn't want to say a word despite his own daughters life on the line.

He sighs,

"Kid, you really don't know what you're messing with."

Damien breaks her finger, and she screams out loud, making me feel a bit of the pain through our bond, I didn't know whether to be worried, angry or relieved now that I know she isn't dead inside.

"Dammit Peter tell him what he wants to know"

"shut your mouth, boy. The forces at play here isn't something you can just poke at and think you can leave unscathed." he said, confusing myself and everyone else here from the expression on their faces.

Damien looked at him for a while, before walking down the stairs, Peter, and I were forced to follow as he held onto her fair, dragging her like a rag doll, he reached the end of the stairs and turned right, walking towards a place that smelled of blood, urine and rotten flesh, I cover my nose as we reached the place, it was made entirely of silver, or at least was what it looked like, we walked into the place only to get hit by the disgusting scent that plagued the outside, I looked around only to see two women, or what looked like a woman and an actual woman.

Her face was bashed in, disfigured and wildly, she could still breathe, the other was passed out, she looked familiar yet I couldn't pinpoint it.

they had us chained to the walls and Peter was put in a cell, tied down to a chair, she looked around and so did I, what exactly is this place and who is this guy?

"Who, are you?" I ask him, and he turns to me.

"Let us hope your mate loves you just the same as she did your daughter."

At the mention of my daughter, I'm once again forced to go through a dark place in my thoughts, how I could never hold her again, how I could never see the smile she radiated, how someone could be so cold-hearted to kill a child.

I see him walking towards her and raises her head to look at me,

"you lost your daughter, now its your mates turn, before I enjoy myself, if there's anything you want to say, I suggest you say it now." he said before letting her head go and picking up a machete and a plier.

he stops in front of me before looking me in the eyes, he dropped the matches and plier,

"I wonder,"

"what?" I ask.

"How would it feel to forget your mate and child?"

"what do you-" I stop, and absorb what he just said, no, it can't be.

he walks back to her, and touched her forehead, almost immediately she started shaking, a faint light enveloped her head before dissipating after a minute of her shaking, she stopped and raised her head up, looking at him then around her, she was confused like she never knew what was happening, then somehow, she looked at him,

"N-no way, how? you're meant to be dead" she said as she tried moving but winced at her broken finger.

She was still my mate but, now she didnt even know who I was, and with the way things are, she couldn't even be bothered with that right now, but all that went through my mind, all the time we've been together, four years t

Peter spoke out from the cell, that son of a bitch,3

4tfvve"YOU, PETER, SHUT THE FUCK UP BEwuFORE I RIP YOU APART." I throw that threat knowing fuesxfhlly well that it's empty.

"dad? what are you...who's that?" she says before turning to me, our bond was still there, and my mark on her too, so even if she forgot me, the mate bond, an tell." he said.

"my mate? no, how did he get all three of uxfus, even the mate I never met?" she says not looking away from me.

"You're all pretty lively n5dow, I take it yoveu all would like to share death together, but first, " he turns to me.

"tell her about your daughter." an evil smile appeared.

She looked at herself, then at me, and then him,

"what does he mean? it's the first time I'm seeing you, how could I have a pup with you?" she says, and I sigh, what if he erases her memory yet again?

"WHERE IS SHE?!" she started screaming, assuming the worst, which was the right answer.

He walked to me and stabbed his hand through my chest, my bones breaking and shifting sideways as his hands gripped my heart.

"this is touching and all, tell me why you attacked me" he said looking at her,

"the longer you refuse to speak, the more I will clench my hands, till his hearts mashed up, as you can see from his face, I'm really not that patient to be soft, so in the next three seconds, he's dead, then your father and you will live here while I go exterminate your pack, or better yet, make them mine." he said as he held it tighter, my whole body went into shock, I couldn't even understand why there's someone like this that no one knew about, nor how he knows Peter and her.


Master now held the wolf that wanted to burn him in the heart, how did he make her forget him and even that child?

"Stop stop it please." she screamed out loud in fear, you could smell it.

master was looking at her in disgust, nothing in his right mind could let him stop this, no, its impossible to stop this.

"tell me what I want to know."

"it's dad, dad told me to kill you, he arranged it as a secret mission through me so no one could know." she said before crying her eyes out, it made me wonder, was the mate bond that strong? do I have a mate?

he pulled his hands out of the man's chest and walked towards her, his heart was still in his chest so it means he's still useful to master.

"Now," he looked towards Peter,

"your turn to start talking".

He brought out his phone and called someone,

"cain, send me a vial of vampire blood." he said,

"yes sir, right now?" the man behind the phone asked calmly,

"yes, be quick about it, I'll leave the phone on to trace me." he said before throwing the phone to rollo and stopped in front of the girl.

"let's hope your father loves you as much as you think he does".

her face horrified, she looks at the corner of her eye into the cell of her father, unsure of what would happen next.


It didn't take long for cain to send me my vial, after a few minutes he sent a vial that was semi-transparent with red blood inside.

I open the girls mouth forcefully and pour the vial inside, if even I'm forced to create a hybrid, I'll just put it down.

"Now, old man, you better start talking, and like before, every second, means a piece of her body will be permanently removed, be careful what you do, I will know you're lying." I say to him and step back to pick up my machete and carving knife, as gruesome as it will get, I will do everything in my power to find out who I am, and why everyone wants me dead.