"First of all kid, you really do not know what you're messing with" the old man, Peter starts talking.

I sigh,

"look here, old man, three questions." I say to him while using the hilt to scratch my hair.

"what's happening in the South?" I ask him.

"what do you-"

"answer, the damn question." I let off some killing intent.

"lycans and a wolf are slaughtering their way throw regiments there, recently the lycans are acting up but that wolf hasn't been seen."

"WHERE DO YOU THINK HE IS?" I ask as I draw closer to the girl, and put the knife on her face, she's really pretty, I really want to rip her face off, I look away from her, why is all my hate so fixated on women?

"I just told you, I don't know."

"you don't know, yet the moment he disappears, a stranger appears, kills your granddaughter, kidnaps and tortures your daughter and you yourself, happens to know 'this' stanger" I say pointing at myself.

it takes him a while, but even a dumbass can get what that means.

"No, that's impossible."

"Yes, those words again." I say opening his cell and walking to stand in front of him,

"tell me, what exactly, is impossible?" I say to him, yet he looks at me as though he's seeing death.

what exactly does he know?

wait, fuck me sideways... why am I asking all these questions when I can just check them in his head. On the moon Goddess I'm stupid.

I punch him in the jaw, knocking him out in the process, then place my hand on his head and focus, unlike when Michael and Esther died, he's not dead and I'm glad, because it only shows a set amount of time concerning a major turning point in their lives, I've tested this out on lycans I've killed and others.

I could hear that girl screaming but it was barely audible, the scenery changed, now I was in a dark place, beneath be held nothing but darkness, I looked around and saw nothing, for a good minute nothing happened until it changed again, scenes of his life flashing through my eyes, like screens.

It went on and on until I saw that woman again, the one who gave me to Esther and Michael, but she was young, she looked happy, safe, so what caused-

"Mabel dear, how have you been?" this voice, its the old man's.

"oh, it's you. what are you here for?" she asks him with a brow raised, it seems she doesn't trust him.

"no need to be on edge dear, I'm here just to give you an offer which could be the best thing for you." he says to her with a smile that held malice.

"what do you mean?"

"Your kind, although like the rest of us, descendants of the seven nameless and descendants of the true wolf, fenrir, your kind is the only one which is the most powerful by birth although being the last born, but because of your kind not having any interest towards packs or mates, you're a dying breed, not to mention, there aren't even 10 of your kind left."

he says, his smile getting bigger.

"so you go about searching my kind to know such figures, yet what I don't understand is, after all your talk, what do you want from me?!" her eyes getting dark, is that an ability I have? I only have red.

" calm down, Mabel." he says taking a step back before continuing,

"your part in this is? I think you know already, dear Mabel you're the last female of your kind, meaning, either you mate with all the other nine wolves or you stick with your mate. My offer to you is to reject both options" he says revealing his plan, she looks at him, outraged by his useless ploy.

"who I mate with is none of your business, do you think I do not know what you're trying to do? yet something else bothers me so Peter, it's already been 6000 years,

the other packs should have an army, and immortals with them so this continent should be easy to take, why do you all insist on removing our kind from here first?" she asks after calming down, they were in a public place, it wasn't the right time.

"ah, you do not know? Well, you can put it this way, as long as your kind exists, no one can freely rule over this continent as it is bound to your souls, just like the other six continents are bound to the other six kinds. what's more, the alpha of each kind is the supreme rule in his continent, powers increased, zzand authority high. Your kind has none of that yet can rival an alpha, and the only reason your kind was applied to the same curse as us all, is because you all lack the interest in worldly matters that don't affect you." he says, as I start understanding a bit about myself and my origins.

"If there was an alpha above you all, then the power he or she gained would have shook the world as we know it."

he sighs and looks at her closely,

"but if you reject mating with them, and mating with your own mate, then maybe, your kind can leave this continent to us and be free from this wretched world."

She stops and thinks about it, before nodding her head,

"well, I hate to break it to you, first, I'm not mating with anyone them, only mate, and second, the moon Goddess cursed us because in her eyes, the seventh didn't do anything when it landed. it simply stayed alone. the seventh was cursed and the moon Goddess gave us 7000 years as countdown to bring ourselves down to our knees and beg for forgiveness but the pride in you all from the damned humans will not let you kneel." she stops to take breathe before continuing

"there has never been an immortal for my kind, but that does not mean that my child will be, so take your paranoid ass out of here." she said.

His face twitched, obviously one of the three possible outcomes was the one he wanted but didn't have the luxury of enjoying it, the memory faded as scenes of him meeting up with other heirs or small leaders of several places came up, his pack was one which created weapons and tools made of silver, as the pack is the only one with the ability, or more put, the one oppressing every others that can craft tools of silver, ever silver substance or even a coating, is directed to his pack, hence controlling the flow of both silver and its market value.

More and more scenes appeared but they didn't have anything to do with her, it seems he had left her alone since he never heard of her finding her mate, at least not until this; I stop the screen and look into it, he had gathered quite a lot of wolves, they had come walking towards a building, I was confused, were they attacking a group?

Just then something jumped out the window,

"Chase after them, kill them all." this voice, it was Peter, who is he-

I noticed what they were wearing, the woman, she looked exactly like the one at Esther's door, I move the memory quicker, somehow not caring about how I'm even doing it, it got to a part where they had stopped running this time it was just the man, his features look exactly like mine, his eyes were black even under the moon light and the shadow he had held nothing but an abyss, I was so mesmerised by it that I forgot they were fighting, he had already ripped out two wolves throats, before turning to his wolf form, as he fought, a few minutes later a woman came into view, she ran forward in a wobbly way showing the extreme stress she's going through, as soon as she reached there, the man turned to look at her, his eyes turned back to its brown eyes, just before a dagger stabbed into his arms.

he winced in pain and jumped back, looking at the one that stabbed him. Just then someone fired an arrow, it was this son of a bitch, Peter, fired a fucking poisoned arrow at her, the wolf saw it and tried to get to her but with his limb injured he was a second too late.

She fell to the ground clutching on the arrow and he wolf turned back to his human form, towering over her as he looked into her eyes, her skin turning blue and the veins on her body were dark blue, it was the same poison this girl stabbed me in the heart with.

"Mabel no no, don't go," the first time I've heard his voice, it was rough, yet calm and elevated, he really cared about her.


He was so angry, lost and distracted by this that he didn't even notice when Peter came behind him and knocked him out.

There they both laid, my real father and mother, on the ground.

"Find the child, search this entire earth bed if you have to!" Peter ordered.

At this point I was so angry I just stood there in that darkness and the memories infront of me, this Peter does not deserve to live, no, he doesn't even deserve to just die either, at this point death would be a kindness to him. I was so lost in my anger that I didn't even notice that the memories have gone on for a long time.

This time he was in his office, breaking the tables and chairs and book shelves,

"It's been how many fucking years, how can't I find a fucking kid? as long as he's still in this continent, I will find him, but first, to appease this abominable rage." he says as he walked towards a bookshelves that wasn't touched, after doing something, it moves and reveals a path , he walked into it rather quickly before closing it up and then walking deeper inside, at the end was a man chained to the wall in silver, blood all over his body from being skinned and tortured, a drip was stationed beside him that flowed a white like substance, but it shined in the slightest reflection of light, it can't be, silver?

it flowed into his body, he wasn't moving, just how long had they tortured him? why?

"Marcus, Marcus, Marcus, Here we are again, just tell me where I can find the child and ill put an end to your suffering and his, I've already removed the others" he said with a sly smile, wait, did he mean the other of my kind?

There was no answer from the man on the wall, it seems it irritated him more and he picked up a plier and walked forward, his skin was already ripped off and healing very, slowly, he put the pliers into his muscle that held the bone and muscle tight and cut it, the pain had jolted the man, but he didn't look up nor talk. only then did I realise that his whole body was stripped of his skin, his groin was removed and every major tendon and ligament was cut.

Since he's still talking about the child to him, I'll take it that this is my father. Coming to this fact had elevated my anger, what sort of monster does this and enjoys it.

As my anger rose, so did my hatred for this man named Peter, doing all this just to rule over continent zero. From what I know even if he built his pack or business or anything in continent zero, none of my kind would have bothered him because they just won't care.

As if knowing my thoughts he said something that I didn't expect, nor did I see from any of his other memories.

"How far you've fallen, Marcus, to think that the one who's promising enough to have led your kind is in this state, anyways, I'll let you in on something since it looks like you'll die sooner or later, do you really think its just my pack that want to exterminate your kind? of course not, the other packs have already agreed that for a more beneficial stance where all of our kinds can have a truce would be best in your continent, of course it would be good to leave you all alive but come on, only ten left of your kind and yet the ten of you are as strong as an alpha on his own continent, that's too much, and-"

he gets cut off when his phone rings and he sees some name I don't know on it, he scoffs before dropping the plier and walking out.