A few more memories came and went as I looked over them, this guy is associated with the black markets, if I didn't have cain then it would've been impossible to connect with that.

A few months later, he got a message from someone anonymous about my location back then, after smashing his office in surprise and excitement, he walked to his daughters room, and told her to go find me.

I thought about my father, Marcus, is he still alive? did he escape? I've not seen any memory of him escaping or even a word about him so the answer should be no.

Hewalked back to his overturned office and looked around before opening the secret pathway and walking in, now I'm sure that he's still alive.

He walked down it very happy,

"Marcus, It's been a while." he said with his face all twisted with that smile of his.

He was silent, the blood, stench, everything, from his memories if I didn't hear his memories I'd have never thought that there was someone who was so fucking narcissistic and disgusting.

"well, we've found him. Sent someone to hunt him down, but don't worry" he said walking to him and picking up an axe, his mind pictured me as a dog they were going to hunt down and maim.

"He will soon join you".

The man on the wall that was my father, he had not even a single emotion nor life attached to his eyes, not only that, his hands and feet that were bound with the silver, had already burnt out his skin and were just holding on to bones, flies and other bugs flew around him as he was covered in his own blood, and faeces.

He lifted the axe up and said something before he swung for his head,

"Goodbye, Marcus."

The next instant, he had swung and detached the head from the body, then dropping the axe and leaving while thinking of how fast it'll take for his daughter to kill me.

I stopped at that memory, watching him, my father, did he not care anymore, did he not even have even a sliver of hope? nor even try to escape? The lifeless look in his eyes was all it took for me to get the answers I needed and I hated it, how easy it was for the strong to rip off whatever they want from the weak just because they can, a world where I am born privileged yet deprived of any form of it, I stared at his head and sighed, glancing through the rest of his memories, I just copied them and made them into a small ball and pushed it to my mind before coming out of the mind reading.

I withdraw my hands from his head before standing back up and digesting the remaining information he had.

was I supposed to feel sad for the fate of my father and mother? was I supposed to feel angry about what this man had done? who was I to blame on their lack of strength nor intelligence to see such an outcome from their actions?

I want to kill this man, but when I think about what that wolf told me years ago, I will need all the help I can possibly get but that doesn't mean I need his help, he will be much harder to control than her.

I sigh, what sort of situation is this? normally I do not even want to associate with any of the other packs but I need to make them understand just where I stand, ABOVE THEM.

I look at him, and he's sweating, staring at me in shock, and I smile, whoever said I needed respect to make anyone obey me?


A smile appeared on his face after he stood up from dad, what had he seen? was he going to kill us now?

"I don't like it" he says startling me, what did he mean?

"what?" my dad says looking at him in disgust.

"your eyes"

in that moment, he stabs his fingers into his eyes, and scooping them out like they were eggs, he screamed at the top of his lungs my dad.

I stared at him, I couldn't help, my mate had forgotten me, I'm locked in place and waiting for a very painful, and excruciating death by this man.

he flicked his hands to remove some of the fluids and blood on it, then looked at him once more, my dad was still cursing at him and shouting,

Then he looked at him again,

"Is this the lips you used to call her name?"

"wwhat are you-" my dad was about to say when he grabbed his lips and tore them right off his face, removing some part of his nose and gum.

He screamed from the assault, this man wasn't torturing hi. anymore, he was literally removing parts of his body piece by piece, especially important parts, why would-

then it struck me, he just read his entire memories, he knows everything my father knows, his connections, hideouts, secret vaults, secrets that up till now haven't been told to me.

He was really going to kill him,

"Please, Please don't kill-"

"SHUT. UP." He cut me off, turning to me with that insane amount of killing intent directed towards me, I couldn't move, nor speak, no, I couldn't even close my eyes in fear.

He turned back to him and said again,

"And this is the hands you used to touch them." he said grabbing the hands of my father before bending one of them backwards and the other forwards, the twisting them sideways and he started jumping in his seat and shouting, screaming out loud for help, and all I could do was watch and wince at the thoughts of all that even happening to me.

Not long after he had already ripped the fractured hands off the wrist.

He ripped off his ears, nose hair, then his tongue, he just kept linking them to someone or some people, I couldn't understand but I didn't want such a fate to befall me.

he bent down and whispered in his ears which were ripped off but his voice were still audible to me,

"and the worst of all, the brain, you used to think of such a disgusting thing against them."

he stood back up and it was then I noticed someone passed by me, it was the woman, the female wolf that was always by his side.

She gave him a silver knife which he took from her and examined before stabbing it into dad's head, I heard a crack before more screams that didn't make sense and could be classified under screeches.

I wanted to cry, to scream, to beg, but I felt drained, exhausted and worst of all, there were no tears left to cry.

He cut through his skull and gave the knife back, before spreading his head open and putting his hand in the bloody contraption he'd created, ripping out his brain and looking at it in his hands.

until he did the most disrespectful shit I've seen in my life, everything went black.


Master ripped this man's brain out his head and held it in his hands, the slime and blood mixed together made me nauseous, he looked back at the Man and did something I've never heard of in my years of living and even before that.

He slapped this man with his brain.

Bitch slapped him.

The man was dead, but the blatant disrespect on his body was too much to bear.

I hold back a barf and he looks at me and I straighten up,

"Take the rest into the mansion, have them clean up and change their clothes, leave that one with her face smashed in." he says and I nodded, calling rollo and the rest to bring tbem in.

I sigh, is this finally over? or is there something I missed?


After telling Zoey what to do, I leave to go to my room and have a shower, my innate abilities, I only know of seeing the memories of the dead, but that doesn't feel like something I naturally had, did that come from me dying befo re?

I get into the room and shut the door, remembering what my father did, and the memories of what that old man Peter had on my kind, I remove my clothes and walk into the bathroom, and sit in the tub while turning on the water to rush in.


My kind can move stealthily in the shadows, and can travel using void, its like an abyss that's connected using shadows, also in the nighttime, our abilities and strength are doubled allowing us to be able to morph our shadows.

then why didn't Marcus do that?

the death of a loved one is something you cannot get over immediately, especially when it happened just in front of you.

I sigh, turning off the water and just laying there, I close my eyes to comprehend the rest of the memories I took from him.


An hour later

I open my eyes to see the white ceiling, I look around and remember I'm still in the tub.

I sigh, and get out of it, drying my body and walking into the room, I pick out a black hoodie, black sweatpants, black socks and black crocs.

I leave my room glancing at the lamp, remembering Bella, I promised to kill the person that did that to her, and yet for some reason, one of them is alive and the other is going to die.

it doesn't make me feel better but I don't care about that, I walk down the stairs and enter the siting room, and took a seat before turning on the TV and leaving it in my favourite song to play.

A few minutes later someone walks down the stairs, from the scent it wasn't any of my people, so I turn to see her, she walked down the stairs while looking at the whole place before looking at me, she looked down at the floor and stopped where she was.

I stare at her for a few minutes, my wolf and I were in constant turmoil, she is my mate and the one who killed Bella, and this attraction I have towards her is clashing for the hatred I have towards her...


He just looked at me, the look in his eyes, I could tell he really hated me, I look down and stand there, it looked like he was checking me out but wasn't at the same time.

it was the first time that a guy or wolf didn't look at me like I was a trophy or dish.

I felt his eyes weren't on me anymore and I looked up and he was watching something on the TV, I continue to walk down the stairs and pick a seat not far from him but not close to him either and sat there, somehow I felt he wanted to talk to everyone, my father will soon be here, and my brother too if he's recovered, but seeing what he did to the pack leaders of dark moon, I don't want that to happen to dad.

He doesn't even listen to me, and only looks at me in disgust, it's like throwing a knife literally at my heart, I could feel the pain, and my wolf couldn't even say a word when she was next to him, she and I wanted more power, but she had made me pick that witch, because she could sense her power.

What's done is done, I sigh and look at him, he didn't look like he was concentrating on what was showing on the TV. Then I heard footsteps and turn to see the others, dark moons two leaders, and the others that came to my pack, they walked down the stairs, their eyes on him as they walked into the sitting room and took a seat, the others stood behind him.

"Do you know why you all are alive?" His voice hoarse and cold as he looks them both before landing on me.

There was a brief silence before the girl on the other side spoke up,

"You need us for something? important?" she asks.

he nods, and continued,

"As you know, 900+ years from now, the moon Goddess, intends on wiping our races out, I couldn't care less of you all, but my race has almost entirely be wiped out already with myself as the last living one. The rest of you have six immortals in your respective packs but yet they can only live forever like the lycans, but their powers and abilities are still below the lycans, if they cannot fight against lycans, how do you expect to win a war against wolves and creatures on par with our ancestors or even much worse." he pauses

"lycans cannot be controlled, they are mostly savages with an aggressive -" A growl came from the four standing behind my mate, cutting him off.

"I'd watch what you say, because those "savages" are standing right behind me".


"what?!" The three of us said in unison as we looked at them, no wonder their scent was familiar yet unfamiliar, they were lycans.

But how?

"back to what I was saying, lycans alone cannot fight this war, the reason you three are live is simple, starting from today, you all are slaves, slaves to myself and myself alone."

The look on his face held it all, he had no regard for our life, and with lycans working under him, nothing is stopping him through wiping out our packs.

"it's simple, all you guys have to do, is kidnap wolves, humans, washed away witches, and send them here to them" he says pointing his thumb at them and continues,

"you do not have to care about what happens to them, just do it, your monthly quota, is 50, below that and I will come visiting, you all know, nothing good will come out of my visiting any of you."

We all nodded, remembering in each our own different ways of how we met this man.

A man who can control and even turn lycans back to human form, and immortal on top, he was to be feared and even if the other packs decided to hunt him down, we cannot dare to join them, I must warn dad and my brother, they mustn't do anything to annoy him.==e

I look up at him, he seemed to be deep in thoughts before looking at me, I looked away in shock, what was he thinking about?.

"You all are free to leave." he says standing up and walking out of the house,

we look at eachother and back at him, as he walked.

Standing up, I take my leave, walking out of the mansion and leaving through the gates, I took a last glance at him as he walked into that nightmare he called a basement and turn and leave.

I'll convince them and send what he needs as much as I can, I know he hates me now but I'll try my best to change that and if I can't change it then so be it, maybe we're not fated to be together, only chosen.