The days passed smoothly, I had returned back to being a principal and in that time, I've murdered nearly 10 wolves, in these past few days, those wolves just come to annoy me, most of them were scouts, they were killed on sight by the four lycans.

Now that I think about it, I should bring tje rest of the lycans from there over here, they can live and eat, and guard that mansion like their own. Well technically it is theirs if they decide to live there, in truth I decide, and they follow.

I look at my desk, I was finished with the reports on the schools events, a week from now will be an event for the school alone, a tournament of course, consisting of the top three best of each class to battle it out with themselves to achieve the best three of their set.

A total of 18 classes and 6 sets, the classes are divided into bronze, silver and gold, the differences between the three aren't much except the fact that they pay more for certain benefits in the school, like better menu at the cafeteria, better teachers, larger training area, and better resources, apart from that, the three classes don't have a supernatural difference that the school applies. It was unspoken that obviously, the children of richer wolves or vampires have various means to protect themselves, the wolves either having an attendant with them who has a contract or the vampires having a special type of blood in vials they carry around but hidden.

I sigh, there has been alot of things to prepare for and organise, I slouch in my chair, and put my head on my hand and think, my wolf isn't really bothered anymore about our mate, before he and I were trying our best to resist this excuse of a mate bond, but immediately she left, we felt relieved, is it meant to be that way? I heard that other wolves could not bear even a little distance from their mates, so why was I so eager to get rid of her. Maybe another perk of my kind?

Speaking of my kind, I further tried to study whatever I could find about my kind, it seems that my kind are the perfect assassins, the weakest of us can summon a dark mass of matter everywhere which cancels sound, blocks the vision of the target and most especially, instill fear on whoever is caught in it, the highest of us, mostly the alphas, but since my kind doesn't have an alpha, whoever had a more concentrated bloodline, could achieve it, summoning of the dead and souls as companions.

I am not too sure of how such a thing worked but if I could master it, with all the dead bodies in this world, if I were able to raise them to fight in that war, then the situation could be better, though, it still bothers me, how does the other alphas and wolves think that they could fight against the moon Goddess and other ancient wolves like themselves except at full strength with divinity in them? it was like trying to touch the sun from the ground, impossible to begin with.

if I could, I would beat them all up and make them submit to her, but my strength alone isn't enough, even now, someone is watching my movements, I can't go exposing the secrets of the lycans, so what exactly should I do?

"-wait " I said slamming my hand down from remembering something.

There was something I wanted to experiment on, although that black wolf gave me power over the strays, it doesn't necessarily mean I must command them. Whenever I cut theur forehead and my palm to let your blood mix on their head, I use the alphas tone to command them to shift to human form, but what if I didn't have to do nthat?

I thought it would be easier using the tone, and it is, but now that I have eyes on me, I should try a different method to getting more lycans under my rule. I could try the experiment as I wait for the result, if I give a vial of my blood to rollo and the rest and send them to capture a lycan, and do what I did with them to the lycan, all they have to do is communicate with the lycan as it has gained its salinity back and tell it to shift back.

if it worked then, he could sit one place and let them go bring back lycans from different places, the only negative side is losing blood and a large amount of it at that, is very uncomfortable to say the least.

I stand from my chair and arrange whatever is left of the table and walk out of the office,those four should ve waiting at the mansion for me, so I can tell them what to do and expect good results, on the other hand, I should call xain and ask him if he has any witches contract on sale, it should cost a bit but with the amount that aunt j has, it can't even put a dent in her account.

I leave the school, on the road I'm thinking of getting stakes first before going back home, I drive to the restaurant that Bella first took me to. I get the stakes after waiting for 10 plus minutes. I turned to leave when I looked at the spot where she and I argued, where she told me she hated me.

I drove off and continued back to the mansion reaching it in no time, just to see her and two out of the six immortals that rollo and the others fought. I wondered what she was doing here, on her face it seemed she was fully confident in herself, it didn't seem like she came for business.


A few minutes later she's standing in front of me with the two wolves at her back,

"What do you want?" I ask, genuinely curious,

"I want to talk about us." she says, the confidence still evident on her face, what exactly gives her such confidence to stand before me.

"There is no "us"." I say to her, nodging my head for her to leave if that was all.

"Yes there is, no matter how you want to deny it, you can feel it too, that's why you didn't hurt me." she says.

So that's why she was so confident? yes I didn't beat her up, but not because of the mate bond, maybe it was? I don't know, but one things for certain,

"don't talk to me about that, get out of my house, I'm done talking to you." I say to her walking up the stairs.

"yeah, no".

I turn my head slightly to look at her from the corner of my eyes, what does she mean no?

"you can't stop". she added.

I turned to her, Anger and intrigue welling up inside me, she said no to me? and can't stop?

"can't stop what?"


"can't stop what? enlighten me." he asked, I could feel that he was angry, his eyes already turned red, but I know he was just trying to scare me.

"you can't stop talking to me." I say, knowing full well that the mate bond cant be handled, in truth I've been the one wanting to hear his voice, be near him, touch him, but he never contacted me, it was like it never bothered him.

"you have 30 seconds, if you don't give me a good reason, I'm rejecting you." he said and I nodded, finally he was accepti-
