"Oh? These kids aren't half bad."

"Master?" the young woman beside me calls out, and I turn to see her worried look.

"Well, I am surprised about that too Lorraine, a school where during competitions, they kill eachother to come out on top, only a psychopath would create such a place, but-"

A steady smile crept up on my face as I looked at the kid that's my target today, sorted like a monarch, overlooking the death of that wolf raised a creepy smile on his face.

"-but it's the only true training that's needed."

After killing the wolf, they didn't waste time to look around and immediately headed for the others, I know this school doesn't have any of the important offsprings of the other packs here, but the ones that are here are so highly trained, was it him that trained them to be in such a way, or was it always like this?

They reach the other fighters, the only vampire in that fight had his head ripped off by one of the wolves, a very useless death compared to how the two vampire girls react and act in their battles, Five wolves and two vampires remain.

As the two vampires by his side stopped, he activated his contract and brought about nearly forty earth spikes, launching them at the four wolves as the covers himself in earth armour, only at his neck, base stomach, and vitals.

'a good choice, not too light, not too heavy but a very complete defence, well, until they decide to attach personally'.

The four wolves stopped and two of them immediately activated their contracts and one of them created an ice wall protecting him and his comrade from the spikes as they both took a large leap to the side, the ice wolf activated his contract again, freezing the feet of the vampires as he created two large ice spears, close to seven feet,and started rotating it.

that's when it all turned more interesting, the wolf behind it had used his own contract to cast a fire stream that rotates with the ice spears and they fired it at the vampires catching them off guard, all of this I the span of seconds.

"Just what the hell does he teach these kids? are they really newbies?" Lorraine couldn't help but say out loud as she watched the battle completely sold for it.

if it was left to me, I would sent all of our lesser pack members here, but that would also make the others send theirs, but death, they don't want that, as saddened as I am watching these newbie kids fight with better battle instincts and power than some of the lesser pack members, this is the best way to rise.

The vampires were stuck from the ice holding their feet in place, and the wolf jumps in, using the side of its body that has the rock armor to narrowly defend them. taking the hit both of the rotating ice flamed spears.

The crowd consisting of both the teachers, parents and students, were in ecstacy, as everyone knows that vampires are almost like common commodities, used and dropped depending of their value. So for this kid, to protect two of them, endangering himself on top of that, is a rare sight.

"Master, now looking at the vampires, they seem different? it's like they have a heartbeat." she said, drawing my attention to them,

"...would seem so, that means they were born, not made."

Lorraine here, is an immortal from this sixth generation of immortals, while I am from the fifth and ruled as the pack leader since then, its the first time for an immortal to also be a pack leader, the only other one just like me, is orla, alpha of the wolves that took over the entire viking history, making themselves believe a separate mythology from the moon goddess.

Back to the fight, the wolf took a critical injury as the ice spears pierced his sides, breaking a couple of ribs, as he continues standing. before breaking the ice holding the vampires by creating a shockwave from the earth, and creating a stone spike which the two vampires grab and run towards the two wolves.

it seems they were exhausted, reason being that to use a contract, it doesn't depend on physical abilities but mental capability, to create or bend an element into a desired form is mentally straining especially since we do not have spells to act as a medium for it, so what we imagine is what comes out, causing alot of strain mentally.

They didn't calculate that the wolf would throw itself into harms way to protect the vampires, but now that its done, the vampires reach them and immediately start a game of agility, trying to get into their blindspot and inflicting as much damage as they can before they can react and in about a minute, the two wolves fall.

All that's remaining is the other two, I turn to look at where they were before only to see one had died and the other was mildly injured, running for the wolf that teamed with the two vampires, when they noticed this, instead of running, one of them locked hands together with the other and as a pivot started rotating, gaining more momentum, before letting the other go, and just before the wolf could bite into the neck of their teammate, gaining a win, a kick connected with his head tossing him aside. while on the floor he struggled to get up, and that was all that was needed to get to him and rip his heart out.

"We have our winners!!!" The referee said.

"RAHHHHHH!!!" The crowd went wild, and I turned to look at this man, the principal, as he slowly clapped his hands and a smile plastered on his face, if I didn't know already that he was the one who killed six, I would have been deceived by the illusion of a proud principal he gave off.


Anyhow, this battle was good, no, it was too good for something kids their age could do, I have nothing better to do as long as that man is here, so might as well watch the remaining fights.