The next sets of kids weren't too bad, on the contrary they were doing better than the first battle.

That guy didn't seem that interested in the current fights, just staring at his hands right now. He brought his head back up and looked around, until his eyes locked with mine.

'hm? seems he's found me out.'

He kept looking for a few more seconds before it was broken by the next set of kids fighting, this should be the highest class right?

"Now, for the moment we've been waiting for, Bronze, silver, Gold for the 12th grade, consisting of two vampires and a wolf, two wolves and a hybrid, and one wolf respectively. The wolf fighting alone said, and I quote, those not stronger than me or equal to me have no right being by my side. wow, a feisty one we have here don't we." The referee said with so much zeal to it.

A wolf that prefers to be alone? Even wolves that don't like being around vampires still team up with them if their help is going to make success in whatever they do higher, but this kid, hm? is that?

"Master, thats-"

"Yes, I see it too."


Ha...haha no fucking way, that kid, is like me, An Amarok, I was getting my kind all wrong, thinking we were wargs, wargs were that dark moon girl and her pack, now that I think about it, wargs know how to manipulate silver to any shape they desire, but just like pyromancers, those that control fire, they can still be hurt by fire, and in their case, silver.

The dark matter around him, looked like shadows but tangible, he stood on the stage while waiting for the others to arrive, I felt it, those things in his shadow.

"Seems this fight, is going to be very interesting." I say under my breath.

On the other hand, who was that guy? He's a wolf alright, but he felt oddly familiar even though I've never met him before, so it should be from the old man's memories.

I take a few minutes to sort through them, as I've not had the time to look at it all individually, then I found all I needed to about this guy.

He's a big shot, compared to the other little shots I've dealt with, he's an immortal like myself, and the Alpha of The Asena tribe, a tribe that devotes its entire being to strength, meaning raw power, without contracts.

There's only one person above him, yet that person is shrouded in mystery as the old man has never had a reason, hm, I would say he never had the balls to actually walk up to her or her pack to discuss anything privately.

sigh, he only ever did things he was sure of, taking one step forward and five back, he's the very definition of cautious, but even that can't help him in the face of overwhelming power, as he later found out.


I turn my head to look at this match up with renewed interest, to see from another just how good our kind is.


Standing on this stage now, everything doesn't seem like I can control it, but the little I can control, my body, these shadows, my power; I will show them all what it means to be a dedcendant of the Amarok.

The vampire sisters, cassie and Kate were with the wolf boy, Adam in bronze class; then the two wolves, James and David were teamed up with the hybrid, Elijah, while I, Damon, am alone.

Remembering how I came about being alone, I was in class when I heard that was going to be paired with another wolf and a vampire, they were both beneath me in strength and skills, yet because the wolf had a contract, she thought she stood a chance against me, which I gladly gave her the opportunity to use, but she failed, even with the vampire involved, hence my statement that led me standing here about to face six enemies alone. I sigh, I only have two shadows, I have to make every hit and movement count before my mind can't handle it anymore.



A water bullet shot past my face, almost hitting me straight in the head but I dodged, I noticed something at the corner of my eye and I jump backwards before summoning one of the shadows to fight, while I round up on the enemy.

it was the the two vampires, meaning the wolf preferred to stay the distance to shoot me down, and I frown, that also means that these two are adept in close combat.

one of the vampires was occupied with the shadow when the other came up behind me and immediately tried to grab my neck, only for me to get down and knock them over, letting them fall, I immediately break their ankles by stomping on it and look to identify them, this was one of the vampire sisters, Kate, this gives me an-


I get down on the ground, dodging the water bullet aimed at my head. I pick her up by the hair and turn to her sister who was still occupied with the shadow.

About to snap her neck when I hear a clap from behind me, the girl in my hands disappeared and what was left is a rock, I turn to see the hybrid, with the girl in his hands and I frown again.

This guy is on a different level of his own, being a hybrid with a contract was rare, as the chances of a contract staying on you after you died was near zero, but here is one, of the very rare exceptions.

"Ah, sorry, but you see, we need her..." he says with a smile, the smile wasn't friendly, no, it was anything but friendly.


"clap, clap"

a bullet was supposed to be lodged directly into my chest but I was immediately saved by the last shadow, who caught the bullet and dissolved it into himself and disappeared just as quick.

I turned to see something truly shocking, I wasn't where i was, in fact I was a couple steps away from where I was but that wasn't the shocking part, Adam, who was the distant shooter, was now behind him, being ripped apart by a wolf.