Our Empire

Ch 2: Our Empire

Adina's POV

Ever felt like you are going deep inside the darkness, but you are also enjoying every second of it? That's what I feel daily, dark all over but now it's like without it, I wouldn't feel myself. like there is somebody else in my body. I am Nyctophilia and I am proud of it. most people are scared of darkness, but I feel like it's my home, my safe space, my personality, my sanctuary, my refuge.

now, some of you might think I am depressed, no I am not, that is also a thing about society that the person who loves dark themes or feelings is depressed or traumatized. I agree I have my fair share of traumas that we will not talk about right now, but I will not call myself depressed because I have my triplet still with me and they are the only thing that is keeping me from falling into depression. you can say that, if they weren't here, I would have been in depression or worse died a long time ago, they are my hope.


ah, my twin, they are a pain in the ass, but they are also someone I would take a bullet for without any hesitation, and I know it goes the same for both of them too. I guess that's what brothers are for you.


I was still thinking about darkness when someone screamed in my ear "Adina" I blankly looked at my side without even flinching and saw a blank-faced Alessio but with worried eyes. I looked at him and said "what happened Al "

he replied " you were not responding to us, we got worried about what happened is everything ok " that's what I love about him even though on the outside he may look like a rude person but on the inside, he loves me and Amir to the core. Alessio is usually cold to everyone, but his soft side is only shown to us.

Smiling a little at him I said " I am ok was just lost in thoughts " I looked around our table see a chair empty, I looked at it confused then turn to Alessio. he must have seen my confusion and " he went to get our lunch" slightly nodding at him, I went back to my phone going through my email and saw some work unfinished, so I started doing it.

you see me and my twins have high IQs. mine being 198, Al being 189 and Amir being 190. As I and my triplet have high IQs, we did our degrees earlier than other people. whether it be high school, college, or master's. all three of us have multiple degrees because we wanted to excel in as many fields as we could, which would help in our legal business.

throughout our whole life, we have been homeschooled or you can say we prefer online education because it was easier to get into that and give as many exams as possible at an early age than coming to physical educational property. I and my triplet were 8 years old when we finished High school and were 11 when we finished college because I wanted to master, I also went to university which I finished at the age of 14.

I have done bachelor in business management, computer science, fashion and medicine. Master in business management and computer science. Alessio has done bachelor's in mechanical engineering, medicine, theatre and law. and lastly, Amir has done bachelor's in Business, medicine and music. we made sure that all of us did a degree in medicine because in our world anyone could get hurt anytime, so to be able to save other people, we all did a degree in medicine and surgeries.

from seeing my and my brother's education qualifications, you can tell that we like being in control, by control I mean having vast knowledge so that we can help ourselves in case of crises in both the legal and illegal world. that was also the reason why we three learned cultures and languages in our free time or as a minor subject so that we would know about who we are interacting with, and people won't talk in front of us in different languages and we felt like morons. I and my triplets started our first business when we were 10 years old, just after we finished our bachelor's degrees. we started one small company named Knight and Co. which is now the main branch of our company. our company Knight and Co now at the world top, and you can see Knight's products in every part of the city. we have some sister companies with the branding of AAA, many people don't know that we are the ones who made that company. it is our backup company if anything happens to our main branch.

we produce a variety of products in these companies, most are divided on our personalities, as I personally like technical gadgets a lot, I spend a lot of time making things. some of them are in the market too like phones, pods, laptops, chips, pcs etc all under K-Tech. Alessio is a huge cars fans and all the mechanical parts related to it. That's why he made K-Car. he makes the latest cars with high-tech instalments in them, his cars are sold for more than 10 billion per piece which is why they are made in a limited stalk. he also has 51 per cent shares in some of the biggest car brands except ours like Bugatti. Ferrari, Lamborghini and Rolls Royles which is also the reason he gets the cars a year before they are launched in the market. Amir is very into Korean pop culture and labels. when he got to know about the k idol culture, he wanted to apply for himself but because of our conditions and our life, he couldn't so he decided to open his label, named as K-Labels, and since all work involved quite a lot travelling, he decided to open K-Airlines. and that's how adding a few companies like K-fashion, K-travels etc., and taking them together made Knight and Co. our Empire

Because of the variety of our products, we dominate the business and legal world. it has made us the youngest Trillionaires yet not a single soul knows our faces except our friends. since we are underage and didn't want some people to know about our age and name, we used different names till the time we reveal our names. I choose the name Eleonora Knight, Alessio chooses Augustus Knight and Amir chooses Adonis Knight. The world knows that we are siblings, but they don't know that we are Triplets, or that we are underaged. the names we choose were our middle names which our birth family didn't give us, we gave them ourselves, so these aren't mentioned in any certificate making it a ghost for the world.

anyways as I finished reading all my important emails the bell rang stating that the next period has started so I put my phone in my pocket and stand up waiting for my triplet as they catch up to me, we started to exit the hall as all the attention to us, you could say we are the bad girl and bad boy of the school. we only fight when someone provokes us or someone bullies other people. after I broke some people's arms no one spoke against us till then

when we stand outside the class we looked at each other then I said " whose turn is it " Amir said " last time you did it let me do it please Al I know it's your turn " he said trying to do puppy dog eyes which he did fail but anyways Alessio replied with fake disgust chuckling " go ahead just don't do that face again" at that I chuckled, Amir turned to me and playfully glared at me to which I just showed him my tongue.

just as Amir turned to the door, I turned my face back to blank and straighten my shoulder as Amir kicked the door open, we were late and there stood our teacher glaring at us and saying " what are doing in my class late Mr. and Ms. knight " to which Amir replied, " we are flying, what the hell do you think we are doing, we are entering the class" when he said that teacher was almost turned red with anger and students were laughing. Mrs. ample then said " detention to three of you, get out of my class and go to the principal's office "

now that wasn't an issue as the principal was our friend because we visit there almost every day, but the issue was that she thinks she can spit her disgusting saliva on my triplet and thought we would respectfully leave the class without saying or doing anything against it. now she has crossed the line. I looked at Alessio to see he was already looking at me I then nodded at him. Alessio then stood forward in front of the teacher towering over her. he was already looking intimidating but when he towered over her, she started shaking in fear. he then said icy tone "who do you think you are to speak to us like that and spit your fucking saliva on us " at this point Mrs Ample was turning white with fear and everybody in the room was scared for her.

I looked at Amir just to see him smirking at Alessio, so I started moving forward making the attention go towards me from my triplet and Mrs Ample because I don't speak in the school a lot so when I speak it's mostly threat. I placed my hand on Al's shoulder instantly calming him down. I then took another step forward making her step back and said: " speak with respect and we respect you back but if the tone is wrong who knows what that might cost you, maybe a limb, bones, nails, who knows." I said the last words as a whisper in her ears so no one except her could listen to it with a tone colder than Alessio when she shook her up and down, nodding very quickly. I turn to my triplet and nod at them leaving the class.

after a few seconds, both of them came out of the class stood by my side Sio on my right and Amir on my left and me in the middle. when we were walking to the principal's office I asked Amir " are you ok? do you want to wash your face? you should wash your face her bacteria must be on your face go-go " Alessio just smile looking at me and Amir started laughing and said " I am ok Ad, I love that you care so much about me and yes I want to wash my face so let's go the restroom" I sigh in relief after hearing that and said "let's go and Sio you should also wash your face you were so close to face " Al just smile and me and nodded. as they both went to the restroom, I went into the ladies' one, also wanting to wash my face. after a few minutes, we met outside and started going toward the principal's office.

I opened it and Amir said " hello Ricci my buddy how are you? of course you are fine we graced you with our presence " Ricci just laughed at us and said " yes I am fine so triplets what did you do this time" Al replied "Mrs Ample gave us the detention for being 10 minutes late and while shouting at us she fucking spit at us" Ricci replied with "no worries I will just give you a pass for the detention since it was only for 10 minutes but please be on time for next time and the spit part I am also a victim of that so I apologies on her behalf for that" I then said " ok then Ricci we have some work to do so we are leaving the school don't let that affect our attendance " he then replied with " ok kid have a good day " Ricci knows that we have already graduated that's why he doesn't pressure us into anything and knows that we just came because we want to experience physical education institutions.

we then exited the room Alessio looked at me and said " what work do we have " I then said " nothing I just want to watch horror movies with you both at the mansion" both of them smile at me and nodded and we exited the school in our vehicles.

That's what we did the rest of the day Netflix and Chill and cuddled with each other while sleeping in the movie room itself. it was a normal day for us, but we didn't it was the calm before a fucking tsunami.


hey guys, the next chapter is uploaded, hope you guys liked it.

anyways... that's all...

see you in the next one...

xoxo Kripa