
ch:1 Lost their Light

Third person's POV

17 years ago...

Alexa Romano was sitting on the couch watching some show as she was on her lost month of being pregnant, trying to pass her time, wanting her last set of sons to get out of her. she only got to know about having sons as the daughter was hidden behind her brothers, that's why neither she nor her husband or other sons knew about this. Alexander was in his office that was in their mansion, he liked staying home doing work rather than working in the office. all the other sons were in different activities by themselves or with their nanny. Romano's parents didn't take care of their children, even a fly knew that they didn't care about anyone but themselves

Alexa didn't even want to get married to Alexander in the first place, but she didn't have any choice. Alexa and Alexander don't have love in their marriage even after so many years of being married, they are just tolerating each other or spending their time somewhere else. Alexa has thought about not having more children, but a drunken mistake got her pregnant again. the Romano mansion had silence in it as everyone was busy and it usually had silence, when a scream broke out, scaring everyone in there. Alexander and his sons came running towards the sound of cream with guns in their hands, well only Alexander, Antonio and Lorenzo had guns with them, the other two sons were hiding in their room. as Alexander reached his wife, he saw that her water broke, he quickly ran and took her to the hospital wing of their mansion. after a few painful hours, Alexa gave birth to Alessio Romano, just as he came out of her mother, the next son started coming out, and soon Amir Romano was born. everyone thought that Alexa was done giving birth, when another scream broke out of her, scaring everyone. doctors and nurses came toward her to check what has happened, and that's when they found out about the third offspring.

and there was born the first girl in the Romano family in three generations, Adina Romano. everyone in the room was overjoyed seeing her except a few people, who had disgust written on all of their faces seeing a girl born into their family. all the cousins, grandparents, and sons, were in the room. throughout the process Alexa was screaming a lot at Alexander for making her pregnant, he got very angry in between but stopped himself before saying anything as she was giving birth, he thought to teach her the lesson later, for disrespecting him in front of the medical staff.

one person saw those people who had disgust on their faces while looking at Adina, he had a feeling that something bad could happen, he just wished that his feeling was wrong.

ohh how correct he was...

everything was going on smoothly for the outside world, but people didn't know about the inside. the only-born girl was verbally Abused by her mother whenever she had the chance, Adina didn't know her mistake and felt jealous when Alexa was loving towards her brothers, but Adina didn't know that Alexa only pretended to love her sons in front of her. behind her back, she was just as bad to her triplet as she was to her, making three of them, not love or respect her. yet Alexa didn't know that triplets had a bond stronger than superglue, they weren't any cracks in them because of Alexa's discriminatory behaviour.

It was until they were 3 years old, that all hell broke loose...

14 years ago...

Alexander, Alexa, their 2 eldest sons and twins are here sitting in his office on the third floor in deadly silence. they are here to discuss the threats on his youngest children that they are getting from the Russian mafia.

Russian mafia and the Italian mafia are both enemies for almost 2 generations. And now Russians are giving threats to the youngest children of the Romano family, so their father came up with a solution which was to drop them off in an orphanage, but he still has to tell his family.

"So, dad what happened why did you call us all here," said the eldest Romano Antonio, to which his dad replied

"I have decided to drop off the triplets to an orphanage and before you all question me this is for their safety and my decision is final" in a cold tone but there was no pain hidden behind it. After hearing alexander's decision everybody in the room screamed "WHAT" except Alexa.

Lorenzo said, " what the hell even are you saying are you hearing yourself you want us to abandon our sibling because of the Russian threat are you - "

he was cut off by his father " listen here boy I will not tolerate disrespect in this household and my decision is final so behave and talk rudely with the triplets today and tomorrow so that they will hate us and don't want to live here. we will drop them off " after he finished talking to everyone in the room burst into tears. there were tears, but nobody knew who had a fake one and who was genuinely sad about their dispersal, that's how the family was, even at a young age, they started to form a facade.

while everyone was claiming to be sad, they heard a knock on the door they knew who it was as only Adina knocks on the door " come in " Alexander said in an icy voice.

the door opened revealing a giggling Adina with her triplet behind her, screaming "papa pick me pick me " but as per her father's plan, he talk rudely to them and said " don't you know I am in a meeting right now Adina, I don't know why I didn't ask my wife to abort you three you three a disgrace to our family, such pathetic weaklings, you disgust me" in a very cold tone that Adina and her triplet got of their father and simultaneously they also got anger in them.

Adina turned to the rest of the family to see no one in her family defending her or her triplet, instead, they are looking at her and her triplet with disgust and hate. As the triplets were looking at them Antonio looked at them at said " we never loved you, we just took care of you because we pitied you and we didn't have any choice but now everyone in this room hated you, especially you Adina " as he finished that sentence the triplets were shocked because Adina was Antonio's dearest sibling.

Adina couldn't take it anymore and tears started to drip from her eyes, but she quickly wiped them off and ran to her room still crying immensely.

Alessio and Amir both saw their triplet run out of the room with tears in their eyes, the boys looked at each other and turned to their family with a harsh glare with hatred in it as hell's deepest core which shocked everyone in the room because they were only 3 years old.

Alessio said to his father in a cold tone " you did a grave mistake there" and left the room with his twin. that was shocking for everyone in the room that, the sweet Alessio just glared at his family and talked to his father in a cold tone.

Meanwhile in Adina's Room

Adina was bawling her eyes out laying on her bed. she didn't stop until her door opened and her triplet entered her room. when his triplet saw her, they jumped on her. Alessio crying on her shoulders while Amir was rubbing her back and saying sweet nothings in her ears. Both the triplet was feeling very hurt seeing their sister, their triplet, and their half-soul crying on their shoulders. three of them are way mature for their age, but no one hasn't noticed that except the triplet themselves. That's why the family was shocked to see their mature side for the first time.

After crying for what seemed like forever but was only a few hours, Adina slept on Alessio's shoulder when Alessio noticed that he lay her down on her bed and covered her with a blanket. Amir just lay next to her caressing her hair while looking at her with sad eyes while Alessio lay on the other side doing the same and they slept like that.


When Adina woke up, she saw her mother packing her and her triplet's clothes, she then looked at her twins to see them peacefully sleeping by her side with dried tear stains on their faces.

she was very smart for her age, so she knew what her mother was doing after yesterday's conversation. She knew they were sending them away or to an orphanage. she then woke her triplet up by pecking all over their faces, and when she saw her triplet waking up she stopped.

Amir first woke up and when he saw Adina he asked her " are you ok now " but she only replied with a nod then he saw his triplet's eyes were cold, there was no usual happiness or spark in her eyes then Alessio woke up but he didn't ask her the question instead he saw that the light in her eyes was gone and it was replaced with a cold look, he was angry at his family because of them her light was gone.

when Adina saw Alessio's anger, she knew why it was so she kissed him on his forehead and said" I am ok" then she said " what I was thinking came true they are sending us away or to an orphanage " both the triplet asked her their sister after hearing that and ask " how did you know that" she replied "I saw Alexa packing our clothes in a suitcase a while ago" both the triplet knew why she did call their mother with her name and agrees with her

Amir then said, "let's get ready and get the hell out of this godamn house then " and Adina said " but don't let anyone know that we already know that we are going to be sent away or to an orphanage "

when they got ready, they meet outside Adina's room and joined their pinky finger and said "Always and Forever "

MEANWHILE in the kitchen

all the family was sitting at the dining table waiting for the youngest to come. everybody was feeling something missing and sad because usually, triplets woke every one of their siblings but this time no one came. as it was silence in the mansion which hasn't been there since the triplets were born. Alexander asked his wife "did you pack their necessities " "ya I did " replied Alexa ignorantly. in reality, she just packed one suitcase with 1 outfit for each triplet, nothing else.

as she finished replying to Alexander, the triplets entered the dining hall but except for their giggling, it was a cold look in their eyes. they didn't greet anyone just sat in their seats and started eating their food. everyone felt a suffocation atmosphere in the dining room even the parents.

when everybody was eating, alexander said " Adina, Alessio and Amir, we are going somewhere so after finishing your food go to the garage " the triplets sneaked a glance at each other and looked at Alessio to reply. he replied with " ok " and continued eating their food.

TIME SKIP (outside the orphanage)

Alexander stopped the car outside the orphanage, he waited a few minutes then looked in the back seat to see his youngest then he spoke: " triplets get out of the car " they get out without anything and weren't shocked to see the orphanage.

"Hello, sir and madam how may I help you " an old lady came toward their parents. Alexander said, " we are here to drop off our 3 children, all the other formalities are already done" "ok then kids do you what to say something to your family last time," said the old lady

triplets looked at each other and then looked at Adina, she then said to the lady " we don't have any family, our family died last night " everyone in the room was astounded to hear the little girl's response except for her triplet because she looked so innocent and was so young, The lady after recovering from the shock said " oh ok then let's get you three to your room then" with that triplets entered the orphanage, leaving Romano's behind still in shock because of the response given by the last night's giggling girl.

that was the night the triplets lost their light.



That's all, see you in the next chapter

XOXO Kripa