Character's information

only the Main and Supporting characters are mentioned on this page, the love interest of the main characters will be introduced later on in the book.

Main Characters:

Adina Eleonora Knight / Romano

Age - 17 years

She is the only female born in The Romano family in three generations

She used to be an innocent and bubbly girl but after one night she changed. she is the youngest in the Romano Family.

Now she is the cold and emotionless girl who only shows emotions to her twin brothers and her friends.

She has Eidetic memory

She is the observant one

She is very protective of her triplet

She has heterochromia (her left eye is blue, and her right eye is green)

She is involved in the underworld

Instagram Handle: @_Adina_Knight

Alessio Augustus knight / Romano

Age - 17 years

he is the oldest triplet. he loathes his family who abandoned him and his triplet

He has Eidetic memory

He has IED (anger issues)

He has blue eyes

He is very protective of his triplet, especially Adina

He is involved in the underworld

Instagram Handle: @_Alessio_Knight

Amir Adonis Knight / Romano

Age - 17 years

He is the middle triplet. he also loathes his family for the same reason as Alessio.

He has Eidetic memory

He is the funny and goofy triplet but can be deadly if you hurt his triplet or loved ones

He has green eyes

He is also very protective of his triplet, especially Adina

He is involved in the underworld

Instagram Handle: @_Amir_Knight

Supporting Characters:

Alexander Romano

Age - 54 years

He is the leader of the third-ranked mafia, The Italian Mafia in the world

Alexander Romano

Age - 54 years

He is the leader of the third-ranked mafia, The Italian Mafia in the world. He is very strict with his sons and his only daughter, his Bambina (baby girl). One of the reasons to send his only daughter and his youngest sons away and left them in the orphanage at a such young age was to protect them from the Russian threats, yet there were some other motives too.

(Imagine his eyes are green)

Antonio Romano

Age - 25years

He is the successor of the Italian mafia after his father decides to hand it over to him and thinks he is capable to lead it

Antonio Romano

Age - 25years

He is the successor of the Italian mafia after his father decides to hand it over to him and thinks he is capable to lead it. He is a very strict brother as he has trained the most out of all the brothers. He demands to be respected the most in the family after his father. He wasn't against the decision of sending the triplet away because he knew the reason and understood his parents. He is the emotionless brother and only showed his soft side to his Sorella(sister). he misses his youngest sibling a lot yet doesn't do much to find them.

(imagine his eyes are green)

Lorenzo Romano

Age - 23 years

He is the second oldest brother. He is also emotionless but a little less than Antonio. He is the current second in command of the mafia as his father has given him the position. He only shows his emotions to his family.

He wasn't against his parents when they decided to send triplets away because he knew the reason.

(Image his eyes are blue)

Matteo Romano and Marco Romano

Age - 21 years old

They are seniors at their school

They are the only twins in the family.

Matteo is the calmest person in the family. He tries to cheer his family through his pranks and jokes after his youngest sibling was sent away. He loved to sing and writes songs in his free time. He wasn't aware of the reason why triplets were sent away until he was 15, till then he didn't know the real reason.

Marco is more of the rude one. He always prefers actions before words. He closed off himself after only his sister and youngest brothers were sent away. He is the usual " bad boy" of the school. His talent is fighting which is why his father trained him in 2 different types of defence arts. he wasn't aware of the reason his father was sent away until he was 15, till then he didn't know the real reason.

(Imagine their eyes are green in colour)

Alexa Romano

Age - 52 years

she was the mother of all 7 Romano siblings. She had an arranged marriage with Alexander Romano. she was a former assassin named "Red Eye", because of the red contact lenses she wore during missions. She died 2 years after the triplet was sent away in an ambush at Romano's mansion. (Imagine her eyes are blue)

Triplet's Friends:

Lee De-Luca

17 years old

The first friend the triplets had, he is closest to Adina

Involved in both legal and illegal business with triplets.

Javier King

17 years old

the Second friend had, is closest to Amir

Involved in both Legal and illegal business with triplets.

Selena summers

17 years old

the Third friend had, she is closest to Alessio

Involved in both legal and illegal business with triplets.
