Stronger Than Him

Ch 5: Stronger Than Him

Alexander Romano's POV

14 years is a long time almost, 1 and a half decades and when I think that it's been that long since I saw my piccolos (baby), I am almost in tears, keyword, Almost, but I won't waste my tears on that matter I miss them very much. I know I sent them to the orphanage, but I thought when the Russian's problem will get solved, I will get them back, but I couldn't. I didn't have the heart to see them, and I didn't get the opportunity to, I couldn't face them, but I needed them too, not just for the family but the business.

the whole situation was getting tense day by day and it was leading towards a big war in which only the leader would survive but I wanted to survive very badly so I proposed a deal to the Russian mafia leader, giving them Adina's marriage with his eldest son, the heir, Ivan Petrov. but sadly, this problem took too many lives and time, around 4 years. and one of those lives was my wife, Alexa Romano.

after a collective decision, we decided it was time to get the triplets back because they were needed now especially Adina to seal the deal and not have any more bloodshed between the two mafias but luck wasn't on our side, when we reached the orphanage to get them back we saw that the owner of the orphanage has already given them away to another family and we couldn't get them as we didn't know who they were as it was not recorded for some fucking reason. it was very frustrating for me because if before Adina turns 18, I couldn't show her to the Russian leader and on their 18th birthday, they don't get married, the deal would get broken but since it has many years still, he said to give details about her every year but now all that is ruined.

I care about Adina; I truly do but she is a girl and girls are weak and I don't want my family to be weak because weak die in our world, so the best option was to give her away in the form of a marriage alliance. I want Alessio and Amir back also because as they are boys, they could protect the family and make it strong, so I don't have to take all the burden. I don't want to be called out that because of a girl, we couldn't handle our mafia, as we were too soft to take a decision that could potentially impact my life too. I didn't want to die just because I didn't want to send my girl child in a forced marriage, I won't be like those soft-hearted bitches, when I didn't even want a girl child and now if she is here, I should use her for my profit at full potential otherwise it's a waste of an asset and I won't be condoled to it.

"Dad we are late for the meeting," my son Antonio said while fixing his coat waiting for me as I was going to reply to him, my phone rang. I saw the number it was a New York number so I was confused as to why they would call me, but still, I accepted their call and heard " hello is this, Alexander Romano?" I replied, "who asking that question", he replied " sir, this is Seb Grande, head Police of the New York Police station", I was confused about why they would call me so I asked " what do you need, I am a busy man, make it quick" the next word he said made a smile on my face because I could seal the deal now.

"Sir your children, the triplet has no adult to look after them as of the moment as their stepfather died in the car accident so would you like to take their custody, or we can send them to another foster care"

I quickly replied to them "yes I like would take them in, when can I take them" he replied " you can take them now, they are at the school currently so you can go to their school New High in southern New York" I said ok and hung up the call then turn to Antonio and said "cancel the meeting we are going to get triplets back" when I said that I could see the shock on his face, I just left him there and called my pilot to get the plane ready. I came back inside the house and said to him "let's go" to which he just nods.


I and my son are currently in the car reaching the school which I don't remember the name of but anyway who cares.

When we reached the school, we exited the car and went to the principal's office directly without giving anyone a second glance. As we reached the office, I just opened the door without knocking and went inside and said "I am Alexander Romano, and I am here to take the triplets with me. as I am their legal guardian now" he just nods at me looking scared and called the triplets here.

After waiting for 20 minutes, I ask him "what's taking so long" angrily, the principal just looks at me and says " they must have headphones on their ears so they didn't know to wait a few minutes until they will be here" the way he said that he must have known them for a long time to know what they were doing and I somewhat feel a little jealous of that I don't know why because I don't even care about them. Just as he finished speaking the door was kicked open by three students which must have been triplets.

After they sat down, I saw that both the boys follow Adina which I am shocked about because girls should follow men. As they enter, they checked their surroundings and when their eyes saw us their eyes showed hatred which made my heart clench, but I didn't show it on my face. They sat on the chairs waiting for their principal to speak as they were receiving pity from the principal Adina looked at one of her brothers and nodded to which he then speaks more like yells angrily " spit it out we didn't do anything according to us and you are giving us the face we hate to spit the fucking out" to which we both flinched.

The principal then said, " I'm sorry triplets your father" he got cut off by the other boy saying " foster father" after hearing that I and my son smirked because we thought they still see me as their father figure.

Oh, how wrong they were

Hearing the news when they didn't give a reaction shocked us because we thought at least Adina would cry but no she didn't. After he said they are going to come live with us to which they were again not surprised, I was also not surprised too because I saw the hatred in their eyes so they who we were. When he said they are going to come live with us the only reaction I saw was the second boy's playfulness was gone to anger which made me guilty and sad because I could see that they hate us.

When his reaction changed, I thought I should speak so I said: "Hi Piccola (baby), I am your father Alexander Romano, and this is your brother Antonio Romano, and we are going back to Italy together." I said that I saw Adina chuckle darkly which wasn't the reaction I was thinking while her twins smirked as they knew what she was going to say. Then she said " I guess we have to say the line we said 14 years ago brothers" in a very cold and emotionless tone that we didn't expect from her so we both flinched and we were confused at what she was saying while they both nodded at her so she continues " our family died 14 years ago so whoever you get the hell lost" after hearing that I was guilty, sad, hurt because she my daughter was saying these words to me. but whatever happens, she has to come home because the main day of the deal is very soon, and I don't want to die for breaking the deal.

I remember her saying these words to the caretaker 14 years ago which was like I was stabbed in my heart but after now hearing that directly in the same line 14 years after I can say it hurts more but then I remember I just want her till she turned 18 so I can make her marry Ivan so I could make the contract successfully. So, I have 6 months to make my relationship better with her so I can make her marry him or I have to force her which wouldn't be difficult because girls are weak and I am her father, she has to listen to me or I have another method to make her respect me.

but he didn't know she was stronger than him


hey guys, the next chapter is uploaded, hope you guys liked it.


That's all...

see you in the next chapter

XOXO Kripa
