First Day

CH 12: First Day

Adina's POV

I didn't let Alexander reply and left the room with my triplets towards the garage. We made Lee transport 3 of our favourite cars of us to the garage so we don't have to use Biological's cars.

The three cars were:

1st - Alessio's Bugatti

2nd- My Ferrari

3rd- Amir's Lamborghini

As you can tell we love sports cars. We love the adrenaline it gives us when we ride it at full speed. Anyways, when we reached our cars, I turned to them and spoke

" I have already put the address of the school in the GPS, and we will make an entrance."

I ended it with a wink. They both chuckled and shakes their head at me entering their cars and I did the same. I rolled down the window and spoke

"Let's race"

Amir is always excited about the race, so he instantly turned to me and nodded his head saying yes. Alessio also noted his head. I turned to a guard who was drooling over our cars. I can understand that If I saw anybody with this beauty I also might drool. I called the guard to me and spoke

"We are going to race to give us a count"

He nods at me and counts down. We started our vehicles and exited the mansion on the count of three mansions. We knew the biological was also there and we were so drooling over our cars but also angry about the commotion which went down inside.

Anyways as the race started Adrenaline rushed into my veins. I also love racing for the feeling it gives. I turn the window down on my side and let the wind come inside the car. I saw that Amir was in the first, I was in the middle and Alessio was in the last. I saw on the GPS that traffic was ahead. So, I drifted my car to the other side of the road and started driving backwards. Both my triplets also knew about the traffic and this technique. So, they also did this. Now three sports cars were racing backwards on the other side of the road.

But this time the Ferrari was on the top, Lamborghini was in the middle and Bugatti was the last. It was the last turn before school came. So, I turned my turbo. Yeah, I and Al modified all our cars with Fingerprint scanners, Automatic control, Artificial Intelligence and facial recognition. So, if other than a recognised person tried the car then it shuts down itself, Cool right Al came up with that idea.

When I turned the turbo, I saw that they were surprised by that because their eyes widen then Al smirked, and he also turned the turbo and surpassed Am. I smirked at them and packed the car in the school's parking lot making a lot of sounds and seeing my car everybody turned to us. After I parked Al parked and right behind him Am came. They also packed their cars by reviving the engine once making everybody turn to us. We were sitting in our car not leaving because it was still early for the class to start. Al then said

"Lol the person who was the most excited lost the race"

I knew he was smirking, and teasing Am, j also joined in it.

Yeah, what happened Am, you were reasonable. Excited about it"

Hearing me Al burst out laughing. You see this is the side of Al that no one except us sees. And this is the side I love about him. Anyways Am was whining. He spoke

"I didn't know turbo was allowed otherwise I would have won"

We just laughed at him, and he also joined the laughter. After our laughter toned down, I saw that all the girls were trying to make their boobs look big by pushing their tops and showing their asses by pulling their skirts. Whereas the boys were glaring at our cars with envy and jealousy.

Amir was the first one to exit his car, as he exited the girls started showing their private parts more. Amir turned to Alessio and nodded, then Al opens his car door and exited in style and stood beside him after seeing him girls started asking for their names and phone number whereas the boys were looking at them with envy and jealousy Al then turn to my car and

Amir and Alessio then turn to my car and come to my car door. I opened my door and gave my hand to Amir to pull me up, which he did easily. After seeing me everybody was shocked because as always, I was looking stunning. Anyways, the roles changed the boys were looking at me with lust and licking with lips and girls were glaring at me, some were envious. Both Al and Am were glaring at every boy looking at ignoring every girl because this happens everywhere, and I will fight them if they get out of hand and trend tried to touch them.

We stand in our favourite position, which was Al on the right, me in the centre and Is on the left. We were all wearing blank faces, radiating a powerful aura and we were walking in sync like always. As we entered the school campus everybody gave us space to walk through and drool over us. We went to the principal's office and entered it without kicking it. I know shocking but we want to see the atmosphere before doing anything.

As we entered, we saw the principal sitting on the chair signing some documents. After hearing us coming he turned to us and asks

"Who are you"

Amir replied to him

"The new students"

The principal whose name I just read was Rahul Jonas said back to him

"Ok what are your names"

Al then said

"Alessio Knight, Adina Knight and Amir Knight"

He types our names on his computer and after a few moments turns to us and says

"There are no names in the system like that"

I then replied to him

"Add a Romano at the end of it"

After hearing our surname, he turned paled and typed quickly. Seeing our name in the system now he printed our timetable and gave us our locker key and number.

We were about to go when I turned to him and said to him in a cold tone

" Remove Romano from our name. Keep it till Knight. and don't be on our ass whenever we leave this campus because you don't want anyone knowing about your debts towards Knight empire do you"

After hearing me he pales more and was shocked as well and nods quickly. We exited the office. We already knew our timetable because I hacked into the system to keep us three together and to know the blueprint of this building. You don't know what happens where.

We then started walking towards our first class which was AP Calculus. I don't know why we are taking these classes because we have done them in our childhood. We are seniors in this school. Everybody's attention was still on us. After reaching the classroom I turned to Am and nodded. He got the message and kicked the door open. We were 5 minutes late because of the principal, whatever who cares.

As We disturbed the class, the teacher turned to us and was shocked to see us. She was an old lady minimum in her 40s with white hair. She was not in school-appropriate clothes that a teacher should wear to say least by the looks, she was checking out Al and Am. Both of them were disgusted by what I can see. When her eyes turned to me, she glared at me, and I returned with 10x the intensity which scared her a lot.

After recovering she glared at us and spoke

"Who are you and why are you disturbing my class"

Alessio was angry at her tone, so he said to her angrily

"Control your tone while talking to us"

She flinched at that with everybody in the class. She recovered herself and said again

"I can talk however I want and who are you"

Amir then said to her in a cold tone

" We are your new students, and you will control your tone while talking to us and we shouldn't have to repeat this the third time, or you won't like it"

She was now scared to talk to us. My guesses after reading our name in her register. She then turned to us with fear in her eyes and spoke

" In-in-introduce yourself"

Everybody now wanted to know our names because the teacher was stuttering.

Al said to the class while pointing at both of us

"Alessio Knight, Adina Knight and Amir Knight"

After hearing our name, she nods at us, and we went back to sitting at the last. Al and am sat together and I sat on the vacant seat at their front. Everybody gasped after I say there. I already knew why I signed predicting I was their so-called bad boy's seat. Anyways after a glare from me, everybody turned to their business. same business, different campus

Halfway through the class, the door burst open from someone. I don't care because I was using my phone and my triplets were also doing that. So technical we didn't care who came. We heard the teacher's voice saying

"Glad you could join us, Mr Hernandez"

Then I heard a cold voice saying

"Go back to teaching"

I still didn't move my head from my phone to look at the so-called Mr Hernandez and I honestly didn't care. After some time, someone said

"You are sitting on my seat"

I just ignored him. I don't think anybody has heard my voice in the room except my triplets. So, I stayed quiet. I think he got angry, so banged my table wanting me to flinch, which didn't happen because I simply didn't care. Al and Amir were about to speak when I said to them

"Let me handle it"

They said OK to me and then I replied

" I don't see a name tag on this table"

hearing my voice, I heard that his breath hitched. And others in the class gasped hearing my voice. I think they thought I was mute. I smirked at them. I was still facing my phone mailing some important documents after finishing my work, I turned to look at him. And his breath hitched again, looks like he is seeing a gorgeous girl for the first time.

He was very handsome I must say but not my type, with his sharp cheekbones, petite nose and most importantly his blueish grey eyes and silky straight hair, he looks like a typical bad boy of a series or something, Basic to be honest. He was also having a blank face but was a little shocked at how I looked. I know he is handsome, but I won't tell him that. I can see he is checking me out. He was wearing clothes matching mine all black. As I saw he was still checking me out I said to him

"Done checking me out"

He snapped out of it and replied to me

"Not yet"

I rolled my eyes at him and was about to reply when the teacher whose name I still don't know said

" Mr Hernandez, sit down with Ms Knight and let us continue with our class"

He huffed and sat down beside me. I turned my gaze back to my phone, was now back to work. I could see that Hernandez was still looking at me. His stare was always on me from the moment he sat down.

In between the work, I got a call from Javier. I frowned but still answers


"Hey Ad"

"What's up Jav"

"Wanted to tell you that we will be joining your school tomorrow and we need you three at the Main Mansion right now"

His voice was a little excited, so I asked him

"What happened"

"You guys come here I will tell you"

With that, he hangs upon. The audacity of this boy seriously. I was confused about why he wanted us to be there by nevertheless telepathing my triplets

"We need to go, Jav called saying he wants us at the main mansion."

Amir was confused so he asked

"Did he tell me what it was about?"

I shake my head at him. Al then said

"Let's go then"

With that, we stand up in sync as always and exit the room with everybody staring at us and the teacher shouting at us. We just ignored them and went to our car.

I again pulled my window down and smirkingly said

"Wanna race again"


hope you guys liked the chapter.

anyways... that's all...

see you in the next one

XOXO Kripa