Collecting Secrets

CH 13: Collecting Secrets

Alessio's POV

As these words left Ad's mouth, I knew that it would be a short ride. We usually cover the ride which takes 30 minutes in 10-15 minutes. Anyways I set up the location of our Main Mansion.

The main mansion is a place that we bought in almost every country we possibly went to or will have to go to in the future for any business. We thought it would be good to buy a mansion in every country so that we wouldn't have to do it at the last minute but that doesn't mean we have mansions everywhere, we have different types of the property too like a vacation homes, penthouses, two-story building, hotels etc. so we have a different experience while on our stay and these things have increased our assets also which is a great profit.

Amir replied to Adina

"Sure, and turbos are on"

I shake my head at my triplet. He never changes, I know for sure that he won't be using turbo because he will forget about it last minute.

We gave ourselves a countdown and started the race. I was in the first, Am in the middle and Ad in the last. I knew she would be top in the end, but I'll try my best to make it to the top. Anyways here we are again on the other side of the road with backward driving. Adina discovered this trick and after that, she taught us that. So now we are the only few people who can do it.

The ad was now in the middle and Amir was at the last. The main mansion was still 5 minutes far, so I used my first turbo to make some distance between me and Adina because she was getting a lot close to me. Seeing me use turbo Am also used it but Ad still didn't use it. I was now confused why didn't use it till now. She was the last. My confusion turned to shock rapidly because she drifted her car into the alleyway and turned on her first turbo. Is she mad it was a very thin alley that barely fit a car, and she was using a turbo in it?

I tell you this girl can do anything to win. After the alley finished Adina was in the first, I in the middle and Am in the last. I thought to start the second turbo. I did and surpassed Adina. I looked in the rearview and saw that Adina's Ferrari was Skiing from a very narrow path and crossed me, it was still skiing when she used her turbo. As her car was on two tires so turbo took more speed.

I saw the main mansion in front of me I sighed that she won but was glad that I still got second place but that didn't last because I forgot about Am because the minute, I relaxed he used his second turbo and surpasses me a ranked second.

I cursed under my breath at losing the focus on winning. Anyways I got outside the car and went toward Adina and got her outside the car and said with shock in my voice

"Seriously for this normal winning you use alley turbo and skiing with turbo"

She just shrugged at me and put her arm around me. I swear this girl will be my death someday and I will take it happily for her.

Amir was celebrating walking that he at least beat me in the race. I know from the start he knew he couldn't win but when he won against me fair and square that made him very happy. The mischief in her eyes when she said wanna race again was huge, so I knew she wanted to win.

Anyways, when we arrived at the main mansion, we saw every guard straighten after seeing us. We were in our signature format and walking in sync. When we entered the mansion, we saw Lee sitting on the sofa with shorts and nothing on. Half-naked in front of us.

When he saw us, he sat up straight and ask us in confusion

"What are you doing here, shouldn't you be at school right now"

Amid a reply to him

" We should have but Jav said he has something to show us and want us right now, so we come here"

Lee was confused after hearing that. So, it means that Jav has not said anything to anybody about the thing he wants to show us. I then said to them

"Let's go and see what he wants to show"

They all nodded at me, and we all went toward Jav's room. We all straight up barge into his room because he doesn't lock it not of the time. After entering we saw a smiling Jav in front of his laptop. We started walking toward it but when I saw what was I. The laptop I stopped on my stop same as my triplets. Unknowingly a smile forms on my face seeing the thing on the laptop.

"Bloody hell you did a good job"

after these words left Adina's mouth, I came back to reality. It was a video of Alexander with his so-called girlfriend and another proof in his girlfriend is cheating and selling information to the Greek mafia. If it would be a Wattpad mafia story the children would have already killed the girlfriend or told the family, but this is not a happily ever after nor a Wattpad story that we will have those bitches. There will bloodshed in this one, a lot of bloodsheds.

Anyways we will let the girlfriend live because she is selling the information to the Greek Mafia, we want to end both Greek and Italian Mafia so why not make them pawns in our game? Let them try to destroy each other and in the end, we will be the ones who would end this for both of them.

From what the information is written that Alexander's girlfriend is a gold digger, likes to sleep around frequently with other people so a cheater too, and most importantly a traitor.

Her name is Brittney Draco. Her dad was a trusted man of the Greek Mafia but died in an ambush. Looks like Alexander doesn't know her past. She is 55 years old and still is a slut, but we will go into that because it's her choice whatever she does with her body. Wow, the capacity to give and take pleasure. Whatever, after her dad died, she became a Greek Mafia member and is working for them by being Alexander's girlfriend. She is taking their money from them and selling their information to the Greeks.

She has a daughter Brianna, who is a one-night stand product as per the information collected. But was kept so that she could get child support. She is 17 years old and the same as her mother gold digger, cheater and traitor to both sides. Like mother, like daughter.

Alexander and Brittney are dating for 1 year now and she has taken over 10 million. Dollars unknowingly from them. Wow, impressive, she is quick I must say, better than most gold diggers we have come across. in case either they are smart, or Romano is very dumb, and I don't doubt the second one at all.

They want to get married but are waiting for the right time for Alexander to introduce her to the family.

After reading this information, I must say I'm impressed. Jav is not a type of hacker, but he can do pretty well, and Kali AKA Adina is the best hacker in the world. She could have gotten the information, but she was busy with the launch of our new K-tech mobiles She is quite busy finalising every detail of the area. I and Amir are trying our best to help her so it must have slipped her mind to search for their love interest.

I heard Am say " I must say I'm impressed Jav"

See we think the same also. Jav just replied by saying

" I was shocked too after collecting this information, I got it and was so excited to show this to you"

You must be thinking why was I smiling seeing this information? Well it was because

Phrase one has started

collecting secrets

Phrase one has started collecting secrets

Nicolas's POV

"Nic wakes up you have school today"

I heard my mom screaming at me from downstairs to wake up, but I wasn't in the mood to go to school. Nothing happens anyways. The same stares, shouting teacher and fights. Everything is the same. Something in my mind told me to go today so I sat on my bed and replied

"I'm up"

I saw the time it was 7:10, the school starts at 8:00 so I had relatively some time but then if I had time I still won't come on time. What will happen to my bad-boy image then?

Anyways after getting ready, I went downstairs to see my family sitting in the dining room waiting for me

Anyways after getting ready, I went downstairs to see my family sitting in the dining room waiting for me. As I entered my sister said sarcastically

"Look, your highness has arrived"

I rolled my eyes at her and sat down. She is my sister Valentina Hernandez. She is a year younger than me and a total pain in the ass, the bad kind. However, she is, we still love each other a lot. We always stick together for each other in times of help.

In front is my dad, Samuel Hernandez, sitting on his head chair. He is the current leader of the Spanish Mafia. We are currently in first place in the Mafia Pyramid. Above us is the Commander of Death, which no one wants to go against. We have a good relationship with the Commanders of Death, so we don't have to fear them as much. But we know that the Italians have been planning to kill them and replace them. I know that won't happen anytime soon because if we know about their plan then Commanders also know.

Anyways, on his right side is sitting my mom, Isabella Hernandez, she is Donna of the Spanish Mafia. She is very sweet and happy with us but with people other than our family, she is cold-hearted Donna.

And this is me Nicholas Hernandez, heir of the Spanish Mafia. I am training to become the leader of it for a few years now but I will get it when I am 20 years old. Right now, I'm 17 years old and a senior in high school.

As I was eating my breakfast, mom said to me

"Eat faster, you going to be last for your classes"

I just nodded at her and ate more quicker. After that, I went to my garage and directly went to my Black matte Audi. As I reached the school, I saw that everybody was still staring at my car, waiting for me to exit it. As I exit the car all the girls started pulling their shirts and skirts to show their private parts to me. I gave them a disgusted face and went to my gang. It includes the Romano twins, Alex Rodriguez who is the American Mafia heir and also the funny one. We are all the bad boys of the school.

Alex suddenly says

"Did you know about the new students who came today, they came in the latest sports car and gave off the bad boy and bad girl vibes."

That interested me because the last time someone came to this school with bad views, went from there very quickly after seeing three mafia children studying there. Matteo then replied to him

" They are our youngest siblings. The triplets"

We were now shocked because we didn't know about the triplets. I then said to him

" When did you get triplets"

He replied back

"Dad sent them away for protection, they just got back."

I understood him now. In the mafia, some are parents who send their children away for protection. I don't like that because if you can't take care of them and protect them so why do want to produce them? Do protective sex then so you don't send the children away.

After talking, for some time we went to our respective classes. I entered the class and the teacher said

"Glad you could join us, Mr Hernandez"

I won't be this bitch. She always wants to get in my pants and every other male student which is disgusting. I just replied to her

"Go back to teaching"

After that, I went to my seat. As I reached my seat, I saw a girl sitting there. I groaned, thinking she is one of the sluts who want to get in my pants. I also saw that she didn't move her face to see me as I entered the class. She was only furiously typing on her phone. I banged on the table and wanted her to get scared, but she didn't even flinch, so I said

" You are sitting on my seat"

She just ignored me; I saw the two people sitting behind her were about to stand up to help her but stopped in the middle and sat back down. Then I heard her reply

" I don't see a name tag here"

My breath hitched after hearing her voice. It was Something euphonious that automatically gave me juggling in my stomach which never happened. After that, she finally faced me after so long and I saw her my breath hitched this time. I was checking her out shamelessly. She was in a fully black outfit with her minimum to zero makeup and her hair was flowing freely. I was still checking her out and I could tell she wasn't interested in me when I heard her say

"Done checking me out"

I just replied to her cockily

"Not yet"

She rolled her eyes at me and was about to say something, but the teacher interrupted her saying I to sit next to her. She went back to using her phone. Then suddenly her phone rang after the call she and the students behind us stand up and went outside of the class in sync which was creepy yet powerful. They ignored everybody in the class and went to their cars. Which were beauties. this is the first time someone I'm interested in, is not interested in me. it's frustrating, to say the least. I want her yet she doesn't want me.

After some time, the realization hit me they are the triplets that Matteo was talking about. They are their sibling. I thought about them for a while and acknowledged that they were having a powerful aura that wants everybody to submit. All I know about that the teacher called her ms. Knight, which I don't understand because if she is Matteo's younger sibling then they should be Romano.

I just ignored it and concentrated on her perfume scent which was still on the seat. It was lavender-scented but was very minimal. So you have to concentrate on it to recognise it.

Secrets give you the power to control the other person for some moment. It gives you some superiority over others. I have secrets too, one of mine was that if the Italian ask us for an alliance with a mafia, we will not give them because they have plans to go against the Commanders Of Death. This is like asking for the death sentence itself and I don't want it. Even though Matteo and Marco are our friends, I still won't put my family's life at risk for my friendship.

Italians are finding people to ally with because they have two problems on their hands. One is the Greek Mafia and the other is their want to Kill the Commanders Of Death. Every mafia is scared to go against Commanders of Death because they are very quick in eliminating the whole mafia from its root. The last time Ukraine Mafia wanted to kill them and currently, no person in the Ukraine mafia is alive to even rule it. Ukraine went against their order to Stop Human Trafficking so to make a statement they rooted out Ukraine's Mafia.

I have heard that Commanders of Death love finding secrets of people. They love the vulnerability that it gives the other person, they love the Superiority it gives them. That is also one of the reasons no one wants to go against them because they are addicted to secrets like normal people are addicted to alcohol, drugs, sex etc but no they are addicted to secrets. I don't know how they find out the secrets that no one in the person's family even doesn't know but they know.

As I was thinking about Commanders of Death, I noticed that the class has ended so I also left the class. I have been doing many types of research on the Commander Of Death, so see some sort of pattern or something related to their attacks, I know one thing for sure after I researched the Commanders of Death's first phrase to destroy anybody.

Collecting of secrets


Hey guys, the next chapter is uploaded. Hope you liked it.

Anyways...... that's all...

See you guys in the next chapter

XOXO Kripa