
CH 14: Reasons

Adina's POV

It's been exactly 1 hour since phase one started. I and my Triplet major strategy are to collect secrets because they make the other party vulnerable. I know that if somebody pays close attention to how we destroy somebody, they can understand our first step which is collecting secrets. collecting secrets is a part that anyone and everyone do, everyone has some kind of dirt on someone, and we are just the type of person who has that dirt on every person. Secrets are something that can make the most fearless person fearful for example, we can get fearful too if our secrets get into the hands-on anyone but thars the things the person who collects secrets as a hobby and passion knows perfectly how to hide their own, and for our benefit, we have mastered that art.

In the underworld, men are too cocky for their good that's why sometimes females have to put them in their places. Like they don't even know that they are being ruled by a female and her brothers. Underworld men think that women are weak and our biological are part of those men unfortunately they are top of the list in that. They think that women are weak and are only able to do household work. They don't even that if it wasn't for women to give them birth, they wouldn't even see the daylight the next day. They also don't know that a woman is leading both the Legal and illegal world. yes, it's true I own more shares than Alessio and Amir but not because I wanted it, they said that I should have it, making me the main head of the Knight Empire and in the illegal world, all three of us are heads.

If we wanted, we could destroy the Italian and Greek mafia very easily, but it won't be called revenge or called Commanders of Death's revenge because we are known to torture the person, we loathe both mentally and physically.

The physical part comes after we are done with our mental torture. We make them incapable of forming a plan against us. We make their ally turn their back against them so that they are alone. I know for some people it may be gruesome because they are our biological family, but those people don't know what the biological have done to us.

we want to end/ kill the Italian mafia family because of two reasons:

Italians want to sell me or wanted to kill me at birth. They abandoned us because of their thinking, they just wanted a sympathetic fucking reason for their actions, so they made a whole scheme of giving us away for protection but in reality, they never wanted a girl/ me. Alexander only wants the triplets so he could make the Russians their ally. Alexander doesn't care about the triplets. He just sees them as allies and mafia men not as his daughter and sons.

Italians are also power-hungry that's why they want to kill the Commanders of Death. They just pretend to be loyal to them but instead, they hate them. Italians want to kill them. They don't know that we know about their plan to kill us, but we won't let them.

Anyways after finding Alexander's girlfriend and her daughter, we found out that Alexander wants to introduce them to us today. What a great day right? Our bio brothers don't know about them so it's a surprise for them. We also found out that Brittney (Alexander's girlfriend) is making fraud in the Romano business.

She is selling the information to Greeks and other people who give her money. This is the secret of Brittney, I didn't want to involve her in this mafia mess but because she is a median between both of our rival mafias, she has to take some damage. She can be called substitute damage, but her damage will also be seen in how she behaves with me and my triplets.

I have found a total number of three secrets this time. One is Alexander, the second is Brittney and the third is Matteo. His secret doesn't matter to me or my triplets, but it does play a big role in their lives. You see Alexander is homophobic, so he hates other communities and doesn't know that his son is gay.

I am not going to use this secret because this is something personal about a person's sexuality and I am no one to comment on it. So far Matteo has been good to us, so we won't be doing anything to him right now. There is another secret to it that I won't be revealing, it will come when the time is right.

Currently, I and my triplets are on our way to the cafeteria of this school. We came back after 2 hours, and it was lunchtime, so we directly are going to the cafeteria. We are walking in our signature way, as we reached outside the cafeteria Alessio kicked the door open which made everyone quiet and watch us.

We were going toward the end of the hall where an empty table was, but Matteo came in front of us and told us

"You guys are sitting with us"

We weren't in the mood to argue because we were hungry, so we just nodded and followed him towards the table. Which includes the bad boys and girls of this school. There were 4 boys and 2 girls at the table including Matteo and Marco.

We sat down with them. I turn my head toward everyone in the cafeteria and saw that everybody was still looking at us and was not eating their lunch. I got irritated so I banged my hand on the table very hard which made everyone flinch in the cafeteria except my triplets. Amir just rubbed my back and Alessio just glared at everybody.

I said to Al

"Alessio, can you get me cold coffee and some pasta"

Seeing me Am also said

"For me get me lasagna and coke"

He just nods and stands up to get our food. As he was going, I said to him

"Get something for yourself also otherwise I won't eat"

He just chuckled and spoke

Ok mam

I turn back toward everybody at the table and saw everybody staring at me and my triplets with a shocked faces. I and Amir just raised our brows at them. Which they found creepy because of the sync. At this point, we don't even try it always happens.

I wasn't in the mood to talk so I said, Amir

"Can you do the talking; my throat is dry"

He turns to me with a worried face and spoke

"Are you ok"

I just nodded at him and turn my gaze back to my phone. Started working on the algorithms so that I can make my software more protective.

(A/N: Bold letters meaning they are talking in their mind, so for others, they aren't talking)

Someone on the table cleared his throat so I looked at him. I saw it was a brunette-haired boy. He spoke

"Hey, my name is Alex, I'm Matteo and Marco's best friend"

I nodded at him, and Amir replied

" Hi, I'm Amir, she is Adina and that was Alessio, our triplet who just went to bring our lunch"

He nodded back and spoke

"She doesn't talk. I haven't heard her"

Before I could reply, Mr Hernandez spoke whose name I still don't know. If I wanted to know I can get it, but I wasn't in the mood.

" She talks, just talks less"

Everybody at the table was shocked to hear him. Marco asked him

"How did you know"

He simply replied

"I was her seatmate in the first class"

He just nods at him. After that Alessio comes back with our food. I pecked his cheek and started to drink my cold coffee and eat my pasta in between.

Al then turned to them and spoke

"Introduce yourself, you know who we are, and we don't"

Everybody at the table was embarrassed that they didn't introduce themselves yet.

Matteo took the duty to introduce them and said pointing at them

" Triplets these are my best friend AKA bad boy/girl group of this school.

This is Alex, he introduced himself, he is the funny one

This is Nicolas, he is the cold one in the group

This is Valentina, she is Nic's sister

And lastly Eva, she is the idgaf type of girl

And including me and Marco.

My throat was good now, so I said

"Cool. You already know our names and about our personality, you will get it in a day or two"

Everybody at the table was shocked to hear my voice. I have a British accent to my voice; I don't know how I got it as I live in New York but anyway I like it.

I know who they are after hearing their names. Nicolas is The Spanish Mafia Heir, and Valentina is his sister. Alex is American Mafia Heir, and the last person Eva is the assassin who is in the top 10 list. Her assassin's name is Angel of Death. I have done one work with her when it was a collective mission, and I wasn't a commander of death then. She still couldn't tell I was a girl.

Everybody went back to what they were doing before we come occasionally talking to us. Am and Alex we're taking a lot. I can see that he got somebody like himself except Javier. I and Al are a serious type of triplet, and he is the fun one among us so his getting friends Like himself made me very delighted.

Our moment of happiness was interrupted by the sound of heels. Suddenly everyone went silent and the only sound coming was the sound of heels. I still didn't turn to see who it is because I most probably know who it is. Suddenly I felt cold liquid running down my face from my hair. I knew what she committed, and I was now angry.

I can see that my triplets were angry and other people at the table were still shocked. I heard a voice that almost made my ears bleed

"Who do think you are whore to sit at your boyfriend's table"

Al was about to reply to her, but I stopped him signalling I will do it. I stand up making the chair I was seating on fall with the force I put on. I was livid right now because I liked that outfit very much.

I turned to her, and my suspicions were correct it is Brianna (Alexander's girlfriend's daughter). Alexander didn't know that her soon-to-be stepdaughter had slept with his sons. What a shame. I scanned her from the top to bottom, she was wearing a tube top that barely covered her boobs and a short shirt that was also the same situation barely covering.

She has almost done every surgery possible for her face by the looks of it. I am not against plastic surgery because you do you. I am no one to comment on it but it should still look presentable not like plastic dolls.

I asked her in a very threatening tone

"Who is your boyfriend"

She flinched and for some moments I saw fear in her eyes, but she recovered and spoke

"Matteo is my boyfriend hoe, so stay away from him"

I darkly chuckled after hearing her answer. Everybody at the table shivered at that including barbie. I then said to her

"Do you even know who am I"

She just scoffed at me and spoke

"Who cares who you are, I want you out of this table because it's not for you loos-"

She couldn't complete her sentence because I did a roundabout kick on her head making her fall down very harshly. Everybody in the cafeteria gasped at that. Brianna screamed and started crying holding her nose. She was about to scream when I squat down at her high and held her hair which made her scream more and then I said

"He is my brother and next time do your research darling before behaving or next time you won't even get away from just a broken nose"

She was just scared and nodded at me; I could see fear in her eyes, so I let go of her. I saw that my dress was drenched in whatever she poured on me, so I turned to Al and Am and spoke

"Let's go I want to change"

They had proud looks on their face which made my heart warm. I turned to everybody else in the cafeteria to see some recording me and others were looking at me scared and mouths wide open. I said to them

"Shows over"

After that, we left the cafeteria. I was still angry because I couldn't eat my lunch and I have to change clothes now. I think Al and Am understood that because Al removed the sweater he was wearing over his top and gave it to me and spoke

"Go wear it then we can go eat outside, who cares about classes anyway"

I smiled at him and took his sweater and went to the lady's restroom.

After that, we went to eat at our restaurant, which we have in Italy. It goes by K. Restaurants. We went toward the VIP area and ate our lunch. Rest of the day we just spend at the Main Mansion. I found out Selena was spending her day at the spa and doing her nails. I tell you she loves to keep her nails in check, she changes them every 2 weeks. Sometimes even less of them that. she has been a little distant lately, hope she's ok

It was about time the school should have ended so we went to our cars and started going toward the biological house. When we entered the mansion, we saw that the twins have arrived because their car was in the garage. We exited our cars and entered the mansion.

When we entered, we expected to see nobody but there was everybody in this family in the living room waiting for us. As we entered, they saw us, and Alexander said to us in an angry way

"Where were you guys, why did you skip your school"

Al replied to him in a bored tone

"Out and we didn't attend it because we got bored"

Alexander got angrier at his reply he turned to me and again started speaking in an angry tone

"Why were you fighting during the lunch break? Girls shouldn't fight, and you skipped your classes. You are grounded with your triplets"

Am got furious at his reply because he hates gender discrimination. So, he said to him

"She didn't start the fight and she will fight if she wants to, and you are nobody in our lives to ground us. So shut the fuck up"

Again, each person in the room was shocked to hear him because I guess nobody speaks like that to Alexander and they are also sexist. I then said to alexander

" You can't control me, or my triplets so get that in your head before talking to us and you can't ground us because we simply don't give a fuck about you or your rules"

With that, we left the living room. Just as we were about to walk down the stairs. The sperm donor suddenly says

"Wait, my guests are coming tonight for dinner so dress nicely"

We just nodded at him. We know who is coming for the dinner and it will be quite a surprise for the bio brothers it sure will be a lot of drama.

Alessio and Amir both started laughing after we reached the room seeing them, I also started laughing. After sobering up Al said

"Tonight, we are going to see some drama"

I and Amir laughed at that then I said

"I wish we had popcorn for that"

They agreed with me. I know one thing for sure I would do anything for their smiles. Even if I have to kill someone or get killed. I would do it happily if I got to see them smile. I will only do it for two people in this world which are my triplets.


hey, guys so the next chapter is uploaded. hope you like it.

Anyways... That's all

See you in the next chapter

XOXO Kripa