Eventful Dinner

CH 15: Eventful Dinner

Adina's POV

It's been 3-4 hours since we got informed of the so-called guests that are coming here. After making fun of them for a few moments I got a thought. I called my triplets and spoke

"Didn't I break Brianna's nose today"

They were silent for a moment then again burst out laughing. Am then said

"Ohh I am excited to see how she will make a scene about it during the dinner, I'm 100% sure that Alexander will take her side"

I cringed at that thought. That girl has a very high pitch on her voice that sounds like nails scratching on a chalkboard, no offence to any other person, but she is a bitch and I just can't wait for this day to end, I know there will drama today and I'm a little excited about it too but living here for few days has taught me something, surprising I know right this place taught me something, it taught me that everything there is going to be drama in this house and these people will bring more each day and never get tired of it but I'm getting pretty sick of it in only a few days as it always revolves around my clothes which, to be honest, is fucked up.

Anyways right I and my triplets are in Al's room as always. He is the eldest among us his room is our common room. I was laying down on the bed because I was tired of all work, and driving I did. Amir was on his laptop doing some work for I think his label. Alessio was lying beside me working on his laptop. Right now, I am only free because I just finished today's work.

We were all lost in our thoughts when there was a knock on the door Al said

"Come in"

Inside came Lorenzo, he was nervous and rubbing his hands on the back of his head. He then said

"Uh, dad said that you guys should get ready, the guest will be coming in 1.5 hours"

We nodded at him, and he then left.

I stretched myself after I sat up on the bed. I was still a little tired so I thought I would drink some caffeine after I go downstairs, don't wanna miss the show.

Am then said with a questionable gaze

"Let's get ready then, Adina are you choosing our clothes"

I just shake my head at him and spoke

"Naa you guys do it today I am still tired, and I need some caffeine to work. Besides, you guys have great fashion sense"

They just nodded at me, and Al suddenly put his hand on my forehead. I looked at him weirdly with a what gaze.

He then nodded and spoke

"You don't have a fever, it must have been the work pressure, you are constantly working for two days so no work tomorrow."

I was about to argue with him but Am cut him off

"He is right Ad you should rest for a day"

I sighed knowing I can't win this argument and nodded at them. I then said

"Let's get ready"

I went to my room to see what I can wear for this fancy dinner. I again decided to wear an all-black outfit.

I wore an all-black pantsuit with a stylish bra underneath. I then did a smoky eye look with a silver shimmer to match my necklace and rings. To end it all I paired them with my YSl black heel. I am also wearing my snake necklace and rings which I and my triplets always wear. Overall, I look badass and now I feel back because I am about waste such beautiful clothing on these people.

My tattoos were on display, so I just put foundation on them. Not wanting anyone to see it. I have quite a few tattoos. I like getting tattoos, the same goes for my Triplets.

After I got ready, I went to Am's room because he most of the time needed my help with clothing. As I entered the room, I was shocked, everywhere clothes were thrown, and Amir was inside his closet throwing more of them. I went towards him and spoke

"Get out of there and pick these clothes up, I'll choose your outfit"

He smiled at me and kissed my cheeks and went to pick up the clothes he had thrown in his room.

After a few minutes, I choose some decent clothes, so I put them on the rack and went to check up on Al. As I entered the room, I saw him putting on his chains and ring. He was ready, I'm not surprised his fashion sense is very nice too.

He was wearing a black turtleneck and khaki colour pants with it. On top of it was a plain black blazer. He was wearing a Gucci belt and shoes with it. His necklace gave the all-black upper half some shades. And the rings suit him. He was also wearing the snake necklace and rings.

I then said to him

"Looking great, come on let's check on Am."

He nodded a compliment back at me.

We went to Am's room, this time to see him wearing his shoes. The outfit he was wearing was a light brown Pantsuit with a white turtleneck, a Gucci belt and shoes that match Al. And some rings and necklaces. And of course, he was also wearing the snake necklace and rings.

Al was surprised to see Am looking this good, so he turned to me and said, "You choose his clothes right" I then said "Yaa when I entered his room half an hour ago, he was throwing clothes everywhere not knowing what to wear so I had to "Al snickered at ...

Al was surprised to see Am looking this good, so he turned to me and said

"You choose his clothes right"

I then said

"Yaa when I entered his room half an hour ago, he was throwing clothes everywhere not knowing what to wear so I had to"

Al snickered at that meanwhile Am was pouting.

We always wear snake necklaces and rings because of two reasons. Firstly, it's our favourite reptile and secondly, I have put a tracker, mic and video cams on these things. It is a K. Tech product. I wanted to make these so we could contact each other if the other person is in trouble. No human eye can see any of those things on the rings or necklace.

No human eye can see any of those things on the rings or necklace

After we got ready, we started going toward the dining hall. It's been above 1.5 hours which Lorenzo gave us. Do we care about that, no we don't.

Anyways we have reached the Dining room gate. Since both Al and Am got their turns today, it was my turn, so I kicked the door open. Everything got silent and we started walking in our signature way. When we reached the dining room, we saw everybody looking at us. Some admired, some were angry, and some were disgusted. Admiring one was Lorenzo and Matteo, angry one was Alexander, Antonio and Marco, disgust was you guessed it our soon-to-be stepmother and daughter duo.

We just ignored them and sat in our designated seats. As we sat down Alexander spoke up

"What the hell do you think you are wearing Adina, go change your clothes"

I turned to look at him and sighed. We have had our clothes argument around 6-7 times since we came here, and it's been only 2 days. They still don't understand. I just ignored Alexander and called a maid, she arrived and spoke

"Yes, miss Adina"

I said to her

" Get me a cold coffee, please"

She looked shocked that I used please but nodded at me and went to make it. Looks like they don't respect their staff in this household.

Everybody at the table was still silenced because I still didn't reply to Alexander back. Seeing I have ignored him he got angrier and started screaming at me


I don't care about the screaming part because that's a daily thing, I guess they didn't learn when I took their shares, it seems I have to do something big to them but in the last sentence he woke Kali up. I was angry, very angry. Who gave him the right to take my triplet away from me? I can see Alessio, and Amir was also very angry because as much as I didn't like getting separated, they also didn't. since Spade Knight couldn't control them, it's time for Kali to control them now. I gave them a chance and they didn't deserve Spade Knight but looks like they are A Dog's tail, now only Kali can do it, she will cut down the whole damn dog if it doesn't obey.

I then said to my triplets

"He woke my kali side up and I am angry"

My triplet's eyes widen at that. The kali side of me is the gruesome side. Which kills anyone in front of my way. I take deep breaths to calm myself down and stand up making the chair I was sitting on fall. Everyone in the room was waiting for my response.

I took the knife that was in front of me and slowly started walking toward Alexander. I could see the fear in every single person's eyes. When I was in front of Alexander. I replied to him in a low deadly voice swirling the knife on my tips.

"You want my respect Alexander, so earn it. Nobody in this fucking mansion had earned our respect so get that in your thick skull that world doesn't revolve around you. If you die today, I and my triplets won't have an ounce of sadness for you."

His eyes widened at my statement showing fear in them, he was about to speak when I cut him off saying

"And about the dress, I can wear whatever the hell I want. If I want to come naked I will, you are in no fucking position to question me. Lastly who the fuck gave you the right to ground us? If it's about the guardian thing, then listen to me very clearly. In London, the legal age for a child living on his own is 16 years so we can go there and live on our own. and looks like last time's call didn't matter to you much, should I call and take the whole goddamn company from you, if not, be a good little pet and obey your master because this master knows when to cut people off when they start to get on my nerve "

He was now scared because of me. I was still swirling the knife in between my hands and suddenly I stop swirling it and put it on his neck. Everybody in this room gasped except my triplets. They were angry at him but we're enjoying the drama. I then again did to Alexander

"Next time behave otherwise you won't have the voice to demand us anymore. Understand"

He shakingly nodded at me, I glared at him and spoke

"Verbal answer"

He then said


I then left him there and went towards my seat and sat down. Everybody in the room was still looking at me. I saw that Alexander was ashamed of himself because a girl made him submit and stutter.

Both my triplets were eating popcorn, and I didn't know where they got it. I also took some and started eating. Seeing that everybody was still looking at me I raised my brow at them. They immediately looked away. Then Alexander cleared his throat and spoke

"The guests that I wanted to introduce to you are my girlfriend and her daughter. We married last week so they are going to stay with us from now on."

Ok, that was a little shocking for us. Everybody's eyes widen at that. Ours too, we thought they didn't marry yet but anyway, makes our plan easy. Everybody at the table was now looking at Brittney and Briana. Seeing that everybody was looking at them, they introduced themselves in their chirpy voice which made my ears bleed

"Hi, I'm your new stepmother Brittney Draco Romano and this is my daughter Brianna Draco Romano"

Everybody in the room cringed at her voice. Suddenly I saw Marco and Matteo's eyes widen. I smirked at that because he realised he had fucked his stepsister before and the other multiple boys in the school.

The Mother-daughter duo was wearing a very revealing outfit that didn't cover their private parts much to everyone's comfort. Their face was caked up with makeup and Brianna tried her very best to reconstruct her nose so that nobody can tell it was broken but everybody can tell.

Suddenly Brianna spoke

"Daddy, Adina broke my nose at school. When I was asking for her help. She hit me"

Suddenly everyone looked at me waiting for me to reply. Seeing that I wasn't paying attention to them. I was still eating popcorn and drinking my coffee. Alexander then said

"Why did you do that to your sister Adina"

I looked at Matteo and Marco, to see their reaction. I saw both of them were looking shocked at Brianna's words. The matter was about to speak when Al cut him off saying

"First of all, she ain't our sister. second of all, she was the one who started the fight and third of all, check the footage of the lunch period to see what happen nice job believing your so-called daughter's words"

I can tell Alexander didn't want this argument to continue so he dropped the topic. After that, it was normal eating. Everybody at the table was either talking with one another or using their appliances. My, I and triplets were just either eating the food or using my phone.

After eating our dinner, I and my triplets just left the room. Not want more drama and that something coming from me because I love drama. We just went to our rooms to sleep because we were tired.

I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I wore my nightwear and lay on my bed. I was about to sleep when I got a message from Lee that

"Got some more secrets"


Hey guys, so the next chapter is uploaded. Hope you enjoyed it.

Anyways... That's all...

See you guys in the next chapter

XOXO Kripa