Phase 1 Ends

CH 18: Phase 1 Ends

Adina's POV

Here we are sitting in shock after hearing what Selena just said processing her words. She said Alexa Romano is alive. Our so-called egg donor is alive.

After processing the information, I then ask her

"How and where is she?"

Selena then turns to me and replies

"She wasn't ambushed at all; she planned that ambush to look like she was killed so she can fake her death. She wanted to leave Alexander because he became abusive to her. She wanted revenge on him, so she went back to her family British Mafia and is now planning to destroy him"

I knew that she was the British Mafia's daughter. She was the only girl in her family so that made her important there. They would do anything for them. As far as my knowledge Alexander doesn't know that Alexa was a famous Assassin 'Red eye'.

She was famous for her red eye contact which she wore on her missions. She was at some point one of the few ruthless assassins. Alexa decided to conceal her red eye side from Alexander because it was a contract marriage and they didn't love each other according to me and she never trusted him with that information and whatever mother she was, I have respect for that in that matter because she never let him know about her identity.

Selena continued

"British mafia cared for her a lot, they put her in the marriage because they thought she would find love but when they got to know he was being abusive towards her they made her fake her death and come back."

After she said that it makes sense how she is alive. If she is alive, then it could be a problem because Alexa hates me, and I am living there currently so she is going to kill me first. I sighed, another enemy.

British Mafia's relations with the Commander of Death are good, they respect us, and we respect them back. British mafia is right behind the French mafia, making them in 6th position. If we eliminate Italians, they will come in the top 5.

Till last month Greeks were in 6th position but suddenly all their shipment was stolen which made them drop their place from 6th to 10th. I know they would be very angry about that thing. I don't know how their shipment had a problem because that never happened before, but I don't care.

It just made us change our plans a little. First, we wanted to bring them into the top 5 pyramids but now it's not possible unless we destroy more mafias which we won't do because they didn't do anything to us. So now we will bring them more down in the line they can't do anything back to us. We will destroy the Greek mafia more. For Greeks our plan is easy, we won't have any major problems because they are already below the mafia pyramid meaning they have fewer resources. Our main target right now is Alexander's mafia which is Italian.

Italians have a lot of enemies, sometimes even more than they could handle. Like they think the British mafia is their ally, but the British are planning to destroy Italians. Greeks also hate Italians and if the Russian deal won't be successful, which it won't because I ain't marrying Ivan, then Russia will also be an enemy. Spanish is not their enemies, but I know that if they ask for an alliance between them to fight us, the Spanish will back out because of our fear.

And of course, Even after having so many enemies and bad alliances. They want to try and kill Commanders Of Death. The people who control their lives. their lives are in our hands, and they don't like that. If we put a bounty on Italian, they wouldn't last 1 week before they are dead because they are too cocky for their good and our bounty can make any mafia a lot rich and it's not that, our bounty comes with a favour. the winning person could have one favour from us and in our world, favour is a huge thing that we should not take lightly.

They tend to believe more in men leading the world than equality meanwhile the British mafia is controlled by Alexa, so they have equalitarian between genders, so they are stronger than them. Italians may be in 3rd place in the pyramid, but the British are mentally stronger than them. They plan very good strategies. I have a feeling that something is about to happen, so I and my triplets are going towards the biological mansion. Even though we don't like coming here, we have to so they don't suspect us for anything before our plan after what I did with their shares, I think they will suspect us now.

As we entered the mansion, we saw that it was very silent. We entered the living seeing everybody sitting in their designated seats, but this time Alexander was sitting on the side and at the head table an old man was sitting. After realising who he is, I and my triplets decided to stay here rather going outside for dining which was our original plan.

We went towards our seat which was at the other end of the table away from everybody. I sat on the other head seat of the table and Alessio sat on my right and Amir sat on my left. I stare right into the eye of our grandfather. He didn't do anything yet, so he still has my respect because I have heard about him. He is a great man who respects the opposite gender as an equal. I don't know how Alexander turns out to be his son but whatever.

Me and Stefan Romano I, grandfather is still in the state competition. I know that everybody is looking between us to see who would win it. I am very competitive, so I am not going to lose to him. I raised my brow at him, indicating how much more he what's to continue it, to which his face then turns into a full grin. Which made everybody shocked at the table meaning he doesn't smile often, I guess.

I still stare at him with a raised brow waiting for him to speak. After him looking at me lovingly he then said

" My Farfalla" (butterfly)

After he said that to me, I still looked at him but looking into his eyes I knew, that he knew who he was. So, I said

"Hello grandfather"

Everybody at the table was shocked to hear my reply because not only did I remember him, but I called him with respect which I didn't do with Alexander. Grandfather just stand up from his place and came towards me pulling me in a full bear hug. I hugged him back, I remember him, he was there all the time, when bios sent us away, he was out of the country working so he didn't have a say in it.

I heard him say

"I missed you"

I replied back

"I missed you too"

Our moment was ruined when Amir said

"Let's go, Al, he doesn't remember us, he only wants Ad"

He said whining and fake crying. Al agreed with him but got shushed when Grandfather hugged the crap out of them also. I turn to see that everybody at the table was jealous to see us connecting and hugging grandpa. I guess grandpa doesn't bond with them.

After our little bonding session, Grandpa went to his seat, and we also sat down. Maids served our food, and we ate the food a little happy because Grandpa is my favourite person in this family except for my triplets.

As we were eating Alexander has to ruin every moment, so he then said

"Why did you beat Marco up Amir, and for what because he put a little bruise on Adina"

After hearing that grandpa's voice boomed in the room saying in his scary voice

"What did you just say"

Alexander was now scared but not only he, but Marco was also shivering in his seat. Waiting to be punished and lectured.

Grandpa was about to scream at him when I said

"Calm down old man, he already got quite a beating for what he did, so I don't think a lecture or more beating would do anything."

He calms down after hearing me and Marco visibly relaxed. I continued directing this to Alexander

" And you, keep your, son, on a leach because this time I stopped my brother and grandfather to beat the absolute shit out of him, but if it happened again, I will be the one who will make his ticket to hell"

Everybody at the table was shocked by hearing my reply except grandpa and my triplets. They were still angry about what happened because both of them have bent a full metal spoon 90 degrees and Grandpa was looking at me proudly.

I know that Grandpa doesn't like Alexander because after his marriage he changed a lot. He also knows that the Italian mafia would fall if he remained the leader. Even though he has passed his leadership to Antonio, it didn't make any difference because Antonio is full of Alexander Romano's carbon copy.

So, Grandpa will be the one taking the lead back of the Italian mafia after we kill them off. It's in his hand what he wants to do with them. We will not kill him because we love him, and he is the only family member that will live after the Italian massacre.

We will leave our cousins and uncles/aunts because according to our knowledge Alexander has broken a relationship with every of his brother after he tried to kill his one brother. All his brothers broke his ties with the family.

Even though they broke his ties with the family, he was already given the Italian mafia before the ties were broken so they couldn't take that back and the Italian mafia was also one of the reasons for this breakup.

Now we don't have to kill them because they simply don't care about Alexander or his children.

According to my knowledge, the last time they were combined was our birthday, which was 1 month before they sent us away. They only came here to meet me and my triplets because I was the only girl in the family. It also means that they will come to meet us. This means more drama and fights but this time between them and I and my triplets will watch.

After eating dinner everybody went to their respective rooms, we dragged grandpa with us because we wanted to talk to him.

That's what we did with grandpa talked, laughed and watched movies together in my room. Grandpa is only a chill teddy bear with us but with them, he is a stone-cold person.

A little bit like me, I am very soft with my triplets and loved ones but with others, I am a cold-hearted bitch. I hate showing emotions to other people than my triplets or other few people so put a blank or emotionless face always.

Grandpa left towards his room as it was midnight. But both my triplets stayed with wanted to sleep with me.

I was about to say something to Alessio when I got a message, I checked it it was from Lee. So, I read it. It spoke

"Alexander wants to now marry you to Ivan next month at the Mafia ball"

After reading this my eyes widen, I said to my triplets

"Alexander changed the date of marriage to next month at the Annual Mafia Ball"

Hearing me their eyes also widen. This only means one thing. I looked into their eyes and nodded saying

"Phase 2 will start tomorrow"


hope you liked the chapter.

Anyways... That's all...

See you in the next chapter

XOXO Kripa