Hello Father

Ch 17: Hello Father

Alexander's POV

It is currently 1 in the afternoon, and I am sitting in my office on the third floor, thinking about some matters. I don't usually do the work nowadays. After giving the mafia to Antonio, I didn't help in any matters related to it as that's what my dad did to me but it was somewhat different in my case, but we'll not discuss that.

I am still thinking of what to do with the triplets. They have crossed the barrier of disrespect and are very intolerable. Especially Adina, why can't she understand that that's not how ladies should behave? She has to be ladylike to be a good wife to Ivan otherwise all my plans will fail, and I don't want them to get failed because of a bratty girl.

Ivan is a great mafia man; he knows how to treat women in the mafia which is one of the reasons I selected him because I know that he would keep Adina online even though His father is not my favourite but I am considering making him my ally by arranging a marriage so that there won't be bloodshed.

I am still thinking of what to do with Adina because as far as I have seen that the triplets do whatever Adina says. So she is the so-called leader in them which I think is absurd because she is a girl.

When Adina put the knife on my neck, I was terrified because no one has put a knife on my neck in my whole life and here a little girl was putting it. The way she threatens me, I was scared but after some time I got so angry that I decided with Russian leader Elijah Petrov that they will get married at Mafia Ball 2021.

Which is 1 month away from today, basically in July. I wanted to get rid of Adina fast because once she is out of the house, I can control Amir and Alessio. I have seen that they have muscle so they can take great advantage of my mafia.

Antonio supported me in every decision. He never liked the triplets, when I asked him why he just said Adina is a weakness and Both Alessio and Amir are not trained in the mafia so they will be bad at it even though they get taught now. I agree with him on this. They are both weak but compared to Adina, they are better than her. she is not fit for the mafia at all.

I can guarantee that she doesn't even know how to do simple pushups but rather than doing an extreme hardcore mafia workout. So getting rid of her is the best option.

I thought I loved her but when I saw how disrespectful and not ladylike, she was, all my love for her vanished. Now she is only a business deal for me. I wouldn't care if she dies there.

I was still in my office thinking about all these things when my phone rang. I checked to see who it is, my hand got sweaty because it was the father. My father Stefan Romano is one scary man who still scares me.

After our mother's death, he became a closed-off person who rarely smiles but still wants full respect. He was very happy when he got to know we were expecting a girl because girls are not common in our family and Adina is the first girl born in 3 generations.

That is why I'm scared because he doesn't think girls are weak. After all, our mother was a top assassin, so he always thinks of them as equal which I think is ludicrous because my wife Alexa who was ambushed 2 years after the triplets were sent away, was a weakling.

She always stayed behind me not doing anything. If she was doing something it would be shopping or being a slut, she is. She wasn't strong as my mother. So being with her my thinking of girls also changed. When she died, I was glad because my family didn't have any weaknesses.

When I sent the triplets away my father was so angry with me that I thought he would kill me. He shot me in my leg, both of them because I was in the hospital for 1.5 months. So, I am scared of what will happen when he got to know that I put her in business dealings and was about to marry her off in a month.

Anyways nevertheless I picked the phone up and put it on my phone and spoke

"Hello father"

He said to me in an angry calm voice

" When we're you going to tell me, my granddaughter and sons are back"

I gulped not knowing what to say, I then said to him

"I wanted them to settle first before inviting everyone here"

He then said

"No one is coming except me; I am on the plane and I'm about to arrive in 3 hours. I expect you all to be there in time"

He didn't wait for my reply and hung up the phone. I texted Matteo to bring the triplets back home with them right now because I have to present Adina's goods in front of her father.

Time Skip

(When the twins get home)

I went downstairs expecting to see triplets and twins but all I see was a very badly bruised Marco and Matteo holding him. I rushed towards them seeing as the triplets weren't with them. I hope they are not kidnapped, that would have ruined my plans.

When I reached the I asked them

"What happens"

Matteo replied

"Marco put a bruise on Adina, which Amir didn't like very much so he beat Marco up"

I was shocked to hear that. They beat him so bad just because he put a minor bruise on her, I don't how many times I have put a bruise on Alexa. Those boys don't know how to put a girl on a leash.

I just said to

"Got bandage up, your grandfather is coming so be presentable"

Their eyes widen after hearing that, you see every child in our family is scared of him. Every brother and their children are scared of him. The only person who can calm him down was Adina when she was small, and my mother Eleonora, but I don't know about her now because she has been a disrespectful bitch since she came back, and her mother is dead.

So, my father might also hate her, which is a plus point for me because then I can tell him about the alliance without having any problem.

Now, all we have to do is wait for both father and Triplets and hope I don't have any bruises and wounds after he leaves because whenever he arrives here, every time I have been hit by him no matter what age.


Hey guys, the next chapter is uploaded. hope you liked it.

Anyways... That's all...

See you in the next chapter

XOXO Kripa