Imposter RuIng

Sevir sat beside Bailong. For a while, he felt like Bailong would lean into him. He expected it, wanted it. It didn’t happen. The immortal king wrapped a long feather around Bailong’s rib and left to get RuIng.

Silence stretched between them. Sevir felt an urge to speak. He didn’t know what to say. He also didn’t want to force Bailong to speak. It resulted in silence. Anyway, he wouldn’t know what to say. They waited together until the feather, made of light, was enveloped by the ribcage. Light covered the injured parts of Bailong’s lower body, filling them with health.

Bailong’s heart was the first to be healed. There was a major artery ruptured. Thankfully, it hadn’t broken off. How Bailong survived without it was hard to comprehend. It was perhaps the soul bond, pumping strength into Bailong.

“He is determined not to tell you, so I must.”

Sevir shook with the effort not to move away from the deep voice that belonged to Bailong. “Prince Qinglong?”