Chapter 2

"Brother Kyo!" Rai exclaimed when he saw him walk into the kitchen. He engulfed Kyo in a bear hug and Kyo could swear that he heard something crack.

Rai is a muscle pig. He loves to work out and the result was a really fit and drool-worthy body with six packs that made every guy jealous and every girl want to drop her pants. Above that was a gorgeous face that stole hearts. Lucious wavy dark hair, bright doe eyes that could go from cute to seductive in a heartbeat, surrounded by long dark lashes. A cute button nose and thin pink lips which he had the habit of biting so they were mostly red. The edges of his face were slightly sharp, showing the makings of a hot man and depending on his expression, a cutie you can never say no to.

"Ah, little Rai. Did you miss me that much?" He teased while ruffling Rai's hair. The boy was adorable, unlike his gloomy brother.

"You wish. I'm just happy you're leaving soon" Rai replied, pulling away. He didn't like it when people messed up his hair but it was a happy occasion so he didn’t scowl as he usually does. Kyo immediately took back what he thought of Rai being adorable.

"You know why?" Rai asked, playfully wiggling his brows. "I get to spend time with your brother" he added in a whisper.

Kyo couldn't help but laugh. They all knew that Rai had a massive crush on Kota and has been trying to get Kota to notice him since he moved to the States three years ago. Well, Kota has, but not in the way they want. "You have to be careful though. He's still uh... in a rut"

Rai's smile went wider. "Well, I just have to try harder then. I'm going to spend a month alone with him" He raised his arms, flexed his muscles and gave a sexy look. "Think he can resist me?"

Kyo laughed and placed a hand on Rai's shoulder in a reassuring manner. "No way. I have faith in you kid. If anyone can bring my little brother back, it's you". He leaned closer and whispered; "He's definitely attracted to you. Said so himself. Better make your move within this month"

Rai's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it. "Really?" He whispered back. Kyo nodded firmly.

"Hands off my boyfriend, little brother" Ren said as he walked into the kitchen and hugged Kyo from behind, pecking him on the neck. Kyo's body immediately melted against Ren's.

Ren is younger than Kyo by 3 years. They've been together since Ren started college in Tokyo. Sure their relationship had been rocky and they kept going on and off but everything had been resolved.

"Eww I don't want your old boyfriend," Rai said, scrunching his nose. "The one I want is upstairs"

Kyo kicked him on the knee. "Who are you calling old!"

"Ouch Brother Kyo!" Rai yelped, rubbing his knee. "I was just kidding!"

"Never call him old," Ren said, laughing at his brother's misery.

Unlike Rai, Ren didn't like working out but he started to work on his arms the first day Kyo told him he liked arm muscles and he likes when Ren hugs him to sleep. Makes him feel secure. Rai teases him to no end but he didn't care. As long as it made his baby happy.

Ren was a few inches taller than Rai and the genes of pure masculine beauty ran in the family because Ren was no less handsome than his younger brother. Ashy blonde locks were swept back, revealing his dazzling beauty. Dark monolid eyes that could get people's hearts racing in excitement with a single glance, a straight nose and thin lips. Were Rai likes to bite, the older preferred licking to keep them moist but Kyo knew it was all a ruse to seduce him and it works every time.

Kota could hear everything from the stairwell. The laughter, the teasing. His expression was foul. Why do they get to be happy when he's not? Why does he feel like shit even after three whole years since the breakup? Why does he have to feel angry all the time? Why couldn't he move on? Why won't the pain go away?

Sometimes, he'd dream that he was back in Tokyo. In that damned University where his own friends ganged up on him and beat the living shit out of him. Sometimes the pain felt too real that he'd wake up crying, drenched in his sweat. Even though he wasn't in Tokyo anymore, he hated going outside because he always felt eyes on him everywhere, flashing him cold disgusting looks. Sometimes he'd think they were whispering; 'There he is... the criminal'

"Have you guys had breakfast yet?" He heard Kyo ask.

"Yeah we had cereal" Ren replied. "But I've got room for whatever you're gonna make"

"Awww" Kyo cooed, nuzzling his nose against Ren's like a cute cat.

"Ugh, guys cut it out!" He heard Rai say. "You're gonna make me puke"

"Wait," Kyo said as he suddenly thought of something. "What cereal did you eat?"

"I had rice crispies," Ren said.

"I had Oreo O's. Why?" Rai asked.

Kota's expression went dark. He immediately stormed into the kitchen. "You ate my Oreos?! That was the last one!" he yelled, going right up to Rai.

Rai paled as Kota stormed over to him, looking even more furious than he did when he saw them at the doorstep.

"You ate my fucking Oreos?! No one eats my Oreos!" Kota shouted in his face.

"C-Calm down. I-I didn't know" Rai stuttered.

Kota's glare intensified and his nose flared. He looked like he wanted to wring his neck. "I don't fucking care" he seethed. "You can't just walk into someone's house and eat whatever you fucking want!"

Kota looked scary and intimidating but Rai swallowed his initial fear and spoke in the calmest way; "I'm sorry. I'll buy you another one"

"Don't bother!" Kota spat.

"Kota stop!" Kyo shouted but Kota ignored him. He gave Rai a final glare then turned and stormed away.

"He's getting worse," Ren said when Kota was out of earshot.